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“THE DECLINE: Sugar production has been on the decline since 2005 dropping from 325,318 metric tonnes in 2004 to 216,358 metric tonnes in 2014. [GuySuCo] LOSS POSITION worsened and climbed significantly from 2009.”
Page 14, Report of Commission of Inquiry, Guyana Sugar Corporation

“GuySuCo worsened its liquidity problems, with the harsh negative impact on field and factory operations, when the Skeldon Sugar Modernization Project (SSMP) came on stream.”
Pages 18-19, Report of Commission of Inquiry, Guyana Sugar Corporation

The PPP pumped GY$10.6BILLION dollars of GuySuCo money into the FAILED Skeldon project while neglecting other estates for years.

From the commencement of the Skeldon project in 2005 when GuySuCo had to initially contribute US$25MILLION from its European Union receivables over a period of 18 months, GuySuCo’s liquidity declined rapidly. As a consequence, GuySuCo became heavily dependent on bank overdrafts, and extended credit periods to maintain the operations of the business. This was the start of the decline of GuySuCo’s financial position leading to its present state of insolvency. The decline in liquidity resulted in a lack of capital investment in GuySuCo’s OTHER ESTATES in fields and factories. This contributed to the marked decrease in cane and sugar production.
Pages 19-20, Report of Commission of Inquiry, Guyana Sugar Corporation

It has been well established and known that GuySuCo’s production costs are comparatively high, with labour costs being the significant component. Yet, between the years 2010 to 2014, when sugar production was declining and GuySuCo’s declared loss increased every year, wages and salaries climbed markedly. Given that backdrop, it is amazing that in 2011, following a job evaluation exercise, salaries and wages were increased with many workers receiving more than 50% increase.
This review raised the annual salaries and wages bill by $1.8BILLION.
Page 26, Report of Commission of Inquiry, Guyana Sugar Corporation

Between 2010 and 2014 employment costs increased by $6.3BILLION, the equivalent of 43%. This was done during a period when GuySuCo was running at a loss. The question of affordability seemed not to matter.
Page 26, Report of Commission of Inquiry, Guyana Sugar Corporation

It was quite surprising to leave that GuySuCo (employer) has over the years 2011-2015 been sending its employees for training at the Trade Union’s college. The annual cost to GuySuCo is estimated at $4,000,000. Man days lost from 2011 to August 2015 totaled 5,890.
The course content included:
• Visits to Cheddi Jagan Research Centre/Thunder in Guyana
• The importance of ideology and Marxism/Leninism as the ideology of the working class
• Capitalism – Imperialism – Globalization
Page 28, Report of Commission of Inquiry, Guyana Sugar Corporation

The Wales Cane farmers expressed interest in leasing additional acreages of cultivation leading to taking over all of GuySuCo’s cultivation at Wales. This should be pursued eagerly by GuySuCo.
Page 30, Report of Commission of Inquiry, Guyana Sugar Corporation



Replies sorted oldest to newest

Incredibly stupid of Guysuco to spend $16M from 2011 to 2015 on workers' training at GAWU College. What were they thinking? Didn't they know that GAWU Training College's curriculum was a modified version of the PPP's Accabre College curriculum? Oh, I just remember that Guysuco Chairman Raj Singh was a PPP crony.


REMINDER: When Raj Singh was appointed Guysuco Executive Chairman, Joey Jagan had asked: 

"What qualifies Mr Singh to be the Chairman of GuySuCo? Is it because he’s been the head of the Association of Concerned Guyanese (ACG) – a PPP group in New York for the longest while? What business company has he been Chairman of before in the USA because he has never run anything here?

How can he be Chairman of GuySuCo when he does not live here? How good a friend is he of former President Jagdeo? He was put on the board by Mr Jagdeo and sat there while GuySuCo fell apart. Why should Guyanese taxpayers pay him when there are far more qualified persons right here in Guyana?"

One week after the PPP lost the May 11 elections, Raj Singh declared that Guysuco was bankrupt and didn't have funds to pay workers' wages after three weeks. That declaration was an indictment of Raj Singh's inept stewardship of the sugar industry.



Gilly the low IQ pppites don't want to hear this. It does not fit into their racist agenda.  It is brilliant that you bring this up to highlight the root cause of the demise of the sugar industry  and the origins of the closure of the Wales factory.  Now BJ jumps in as he sees a political opportunity to use it to whip up a frenzy and to regain lost support when he is in fact the architect of sugar failure. 

FC posted:

Now BJ jumps in as he sees a political opportunity to use it to whip up a frenzy and to regain lost support when he is in fact the architect of sugar failure. 

BJ will stop at nothing until he triggers a race war.  As the Indian vote dwindles how does he think that this will benefit the PPP?

Gilbakka posted:


One week after the PPP lost the May 11 elections, Raj Singh declared that Guysuco was bankrupt and didn't have funds to pay workers' wages after three weeks. That declaration was an indictment of Raj Singh's inept stewardship of the sugar industry.


the Indo KKK refuses to address this fact.

Mars posted:

The five time doctor destroyed the sugar industry and now he says that he's the man with a plan to fix it. Dem PPP bhais real jokey.

And the low IQ GNI gang biting hook sinker and line screaming discrimination.   Jokey and stupid to the core.

Last edited by Former Member

No Indo KKK comments on this thread yet?

FACT.  Guysuco lost US$ 85 Million last year.  And is projected, at best, to lose another US$75 million. Average annual losses over the past 10 years have been US $50 million.

This means that Guysuco has lost HALF A BILLION DOLLARS (US) in the past 10years.

And the Indo KKK scream that these losses must be maintained indefinitely. 

And they praise Jagdeo for his management skills.

The only thing that the man is good at is stealing and screaming "blackman a rape, beat up, and kill ahbe".


Guysuco is preparing a list of Wales Estate workers who will be transferred to Uitvlugt. Guysuco says it will send a copy of that list to the minister responsible for labour within the Ministry of Social Protection.

I know that Wales Estate used to provide trucks to transport its workers who lived in Canal #2 Polder. It would be nice if Uitvlugt Estate could provide vehicles to transport Wales workers.

caribny posted:

Still no Indo KKK comments. 

Apparently they agree that the PPP destroyed Guysuco, but are too ashamed to say so.

Bai, talk like a smart man. I doan think yuh evah worked in the sugar industry.

Suh, leh me educate you.

Up to the time of nationalization, every sugar estate was updated with the latest technology suited for making sugar in Guyana. I think I would know of this.

A graduate from Bookers Technical Centre in 1965. I worked on several modernization projects before migrating. Seeing my accomplishments, I sensed I had the makings of an excellent Mechanical Engineer. So I leff the country, but kept in touch with senior management, hoping to return to a top management position after graduating.

During those early years of the PNC 28 years tenure, they inherited an excellent technical support system coupled with modern sugar manufacturing machinery at the factory and field levels.

As with all mechanical things, there is wear and tear. As the 28 years of PNC rule continued onward, they replaced management at all level with PNC card holders.

Bad management and machinery cannibalization resulted in the lost of Standard Operating Procedures. By 1992, things were falling apart everywhere, but the tenacity of Guyanese technicians welded wherever they can, did ingenious designs and they made the sugar survived, limping along.

Then the PPP happened. CBJ did what he could for the industry. He appointed CROOKS to head the industry. Money was made available to improve the estates. But the crooks inflated prices from their own created companies.

Since that time, prices of spare parts are still inflated. The Old Crooks now have cooperation with the new crooks.

Jagdeo knows what he saying. In the absence of good ideas, even the ridiculous is a possible solution.


For your review.

Best Regards.

A Member of the Indo KKK.

Mars posted:



“THE DECLINE: Sugar production has been on the decline since 2005 dropping from 325,318 metric tonnes in 2004 to 216,358 metric tonnes in 2014. [GuySuCo] LOSS POSITION worsened and climbed significantly from 2009.”
Page 14, Report of Commission of Inquiry, Guyana Sugar Corporation

“GuySuCo worsened its liquidity problems, with the harsh negative impact on field and factory operations, when the Skeldon Sugar Modernization Project (SSMP) came on stream.”
Pages 18-19, Report of Commission of Inquiry, Guyana Sugar Corporation

The PPP pumped GY$10.6BILLION dollars of GuySuCo money into the FAILED Skeldon project while neglecting other estates for years.

From the commencement of the Skeldon project in 2005 when GuySuCo had to initially contribute US$25MILLION from its European Union receivables over a period of 18 months, GuySuCo’s liquidity declined rapidly. As a consequence, GuySuCo became heavily dependent on bank overdrafts, and extended credit periods to maintain the operations of the business. This was the start of the decline of GuySuCo’s financial position leading to its present state of insolvency. The decline in liquidity resulted in a lack of capital investment in GuySuCo’s OTHER ESTATES in fields and factories. This contributed to the marked decrease in cane and sugar production.
Pages 19-20, Report of Commission of Inquiry, Guyana Sugar Corporation

It has been well established and known that GuySuCo’s production costs are comparatively high, with labour costs being the significant component. Yet, between the years 2010 to 2014, when sugar production was declining and GuySuCo’s declared loss increased every year, wages and salaries climbed markedly. Given that backdrop, it is amazing that in 2011, following a job evaluation exercise, salaries and wages were increased with many workers receiving more than 50% increase.
This review raised the annual salaries and wages bill by $1.8BILLION.
Page 26, Report of Commission of Inquiry, Guyana Sugar Corporation

Between 2010 and 2014 employment costs increased by $6.3BILLION, the equivalent of 43%. This was done during a period when GuySuCo was running at a loss. The question of affordability seemed not to matter.
Page 26, Report of Commission of Inquiry, Guyana Sugar Corporation

It was quite surprising to leave that GuySuCo (employer) has over the years 2011-2015 been sending its employees for training at the Trade Union’s college. The annual cost to GuySuCo is estimated at $4,000,000. Man days lost from 2011 to August 2015 totaled 5,890.
The course content included:
• Visits to Cheddi Jagan Research Centre/Thunder in Guyana
• The importance of ideology and Marxism/Leninism as the ideology of the working class
• Capitalism – Imperialism – Globalization
Page 28, Report of Commission of Inquiry, Guyana Sugar Corporation

The Wales Cane farmers expressed interest in leasing additional acreages of cultivation leading to taking over all of GuySuCo’s cultivation at Wales. This should be pursued eagerly by GuySuCo.
Page 30, Report of Commission of Inquiry, Guyana Sugar Corporation



Like the Guyanese not knowing that the PPP BRUK UP GUYSUCO.


We know that, it does not need this incompentent slime Imran Khan to tell us this.


What we want to know is how u turning around Guysuco.  PPP gone, they not in the driver seat.


STOP is 28 years nonsense and 23 years nonsense.  WE WANT TO KNOW ABOUT NOW!

KishanB posted:

STOP is 28 years nonsense and 23 years nonsense.  WE WANT TO KNOW ABOUT NOW!

Exactly what are you expecting?  The average career of the members of the current junta spans both of these tenures.  PNC pulling up and dusting off the old playbook!

seignet posted:
caribny posted:

Still no Indo KKK comments. 

Apparently they agree that the PPP destroyed Guysuco, but are too ashamed to say so.

Bai, talk like a smart man. I doan think yuh evah worked in the sugar industry.

Suh, leh me educate you.


For your review.

Best Regards.

A Member of the Indo KKK.

This is 2015, and the fact that you are wailing about 1992 should be an embarrassment.

FACT.  The PPP destroyed Guysuco and this is a fact.  The same man who did so is now running around screaming "blackman a starve ahbe" as he tries his best to start a racial civil war.

Guysuco in May 2015 announced that they were so broke that they lacked the funds to meet payroll. So what ever the PNC did or didn't do is irrelevant as the PPP left Guysuco a mess 23 years later!

KishanB posted:


STOP is 28 years nonsense and 23 years nonsense.  WE WANT TO KNOW ABOUT NOW!

Here is the now. Trinidad shut down their sugar industry as they could  no longer sustain the losses. St Kitts shut down their sugar industry for the same reason. 

Barbados and Jamaica miniaturized to reduce losses.  In fact a reason why Barbados keeps theirs is that cane fields are prettier than the dry scrub which would replace it, and they have tourists to impress.  Jamaica has a sizeable agro industrial sector which uses sugar and molasses as an input.

Guyana can pick either option, but what it CANNOT do is keep Guysuco in its current state. The gov't does NOT have US$ 80million to continue to annually plough into this company.

Given the sad state of Guysuco, and the fact that the most likely buyers, Brazilian or Chinese companies, now have their own problems, I really don't see privatization as a distinct probability at this point in time.  That boat has sailed.

Jagdeo should have privatized BOTH Guysuco and Guymine, and should have a plan to assist displaced workers in BOTH sectors to transition to other activities.

Being the racist that he is, he wanted to shield the Indians, and abuse the Africans.  Well the chickens have come home to roost, and here is where we are.


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