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baseman posted:
alena06 posted:


Fear stalks the land

Dear Editor,
....There has been more than one case where passengers have been taken off their flights and their possessions seized. .

.....These actions are taking us back along the road to the 1970s and 1980s when freedom and democracy were among the scarcities in Guyana.

Yours sincerely,
Donald Ramotar

I was a lil bai in the 70's and remember at Timehri Airport there was a building where countless passengers (mostly Indians) were taken stripped and beaten to give up information to the PNC goons.  I witnessed one incident myself where an Indian man, maybe in his 60's, was beaten and brutalized and his one son and two daughter beaten with batons when they tried to save their father.  The wife/mother was chucked by an African goon and fell over.  I remember even some local Blacks were not happy at what they saw, but PNC tyranny reigned supreme!!

And don't tell me shyte, I SAW AND WITNESSED IT!!!

This is what the AFC crab louses brought to the Indians of Guyana!!!


The DARK DAY are here again!!!!!!  The thing is some on GNI gets pleasure at these HORRIFIC actions and are OK with the worst form of DICTATORSHIP. I feel for their Families cause it tells us who they are: sadistic, cruel, inhuman Bastards!!!!

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Django posted:

This is what he wrote."The thing is some on GNI gets pleasure at these HORRIFIC actions and are OK with the worst form of DICTATORSHIP. I feel for their Families cause it tells us who they are: sadistic, cruel, inhuman Bastards!!!!"


This is uncalled for "I PROTEST"

Django Bhai, the main idea of trolling is to make comments by the usage of labels to upset others. Perhaps they find joy in upsetting people or getting them banned when they hit back.

I don't allow the labels to get to me anymore; it's like water on duck's back. It's a waste of time to bring it to administration's attention. It's what drives traffic and generate revenue.


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