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Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Mr T, even as I write this, there are APNU+AFC supporters inside and outside Guyana who disagree with the ministerial salary increases.

The Guyana Teachers Union is no friend of the PPP. GTU is protesting. In the coming days other trade unions will voice their disapproval.

On Facebook there are questions from coalition supporters too.

As a supporter I think the government has shot itself in the foot with this unpopular pay hike.

Comparing the ministers' salaries to our pay in the ABC countries is like comparing crappo to catfish. No consolation to the people in Guyana.

Gil, using ANY standard, what exactly is outlandish ("opulent" if you will) about paying a Guyana Gov't minister US$50,000/year?

Redux, timing is the key.

The coalition is not even 5 months old.

The coalition is facing the electorate again in LGE in 3-4 months.

The coalition had promised public servants hefty salary increases but fell short of its promise.

The coalition had promised rice farmers $9,000/bag paddy but is now saying something else.

Public servants and rice farmers are voters whom the coalition will need on LGE Day.

It does not make political sense at this point in time to raise ministers' pay by up to 50 percent. Couldn't they wait half a year more for the pay raise? They aren't starving or hard up.

Redux, I was never a blind PPP supporter and I will not be a blind APNU+AFC supporter. I told my old friend Moses a few weeks ago that he must not expect me to tell him what he wants to hear. In my long years of political activism, I discovered that yesmen cause politicians to alienate themselves from the masses.

I want this coalition to succeed. I want it to win the 2020 general elections fair and square. What I am saying is that they are making a big mistake now and it will cost them votes.

i am quite sure that you are aware of my numerous posts addressing the salary increase issue


therefore you must know that you and i are not far apart on this


so, with all due respect, this is not about coercing 'yes manism' out of any coalition supporter


i am simply pointing to facts and reason; pointing out that bad timing and political tone deafness does not a corruption make

No dispute here. You and I cool.


I definitely missed the Coalition campaign promise to the Guyanese voters that if/when they win the elections, they will give themselves hefty pay increases so that they wouldn't need to become corrupted and end up thieving like the PPP.


What is enough to make someone not need to be corrupt and crooked? Bernie Madoff needed some 50 billion US dollars. How much does a Guyanese politician need? Is the hefty increases just given enough?

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

With all this talk about how much the ministers in Guyana are earning I am wondering who on GNI is earning less than them. Off hand I can't think of anyone. Even my kids cost me more than that each year. So how poor are we compared to a minister who has to live from a Guyanese salary?

What a fing dotish question!

Not surprised. It came from an fing dotish person.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

I definitely missed the Coalition campaign promise to the Guyanese voters that if/when they win the elections, they will give themselves hefty pay increases so that they wouldn't need to become corrupted and end up thieving like the PPP.


What is enough to make someone not need to be corrupt and crooked? Bernie Madoff needed some 50 billion US dollars. How much does a Guyanese politician need? Is the hefty increases just given enough?

you are a very amusing fella


in the low-rent intellectual precincts manned by the PPP faithful i guess this kind of stuff passes for 'cleverness'

Last edited by Former Member

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