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The consideration of estimates for the 2017 Budget commenced on Tuesday a number of allocations have raised eyebrows.

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon was questioned in relation to some $285.5M allocated for works on the office and residence of President David Granger, as well as the provision of “facilities”.

He explained that the works includes the refurbishment of the Cabinet room. 

He was also questioned on the allocation of $22.5M, which he stated will fund the purchase of 20 new vehicles.  According to him, the intention is to have a fleet of vehicles that can be used for visiting Heads of State.

The allocation of $38M also came under scrutiny, and Harmon disclosed that this sum will fund the purchase of 26 computers, executive chairs and desks, among other items.

Since assuming office the APNU+AFC Government has persistently justified the non- fulfillment of several of its campaign promises by claiming that it was left with an empty treasury. In spite of this it paid its highest ranking officials a 50% salary increase after only 3 months in office and has also undertaken a number of extravagant expenditures which earned the ire of the public.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Doesn't matter who owns it.  It is a matter if the money is being well spent.  This government seems to be interested in taking care of itself first before country so it's right to question the spending.

VVP posted:

Doesn't matter who owns it.  It is a matter if the money is being well spent.  This government seems to be interested in taking care of itself first before country so it's right to question the spending.


That residence is State Owned,why the head line didn't state the Presidential Residence.

First look one will assume it's Granger personnel residence.

Propaganda from the FH crew.

Django posted:
VVP posted:

Doesn't matter who owns it.  It is a matter if the money is being well spent.  This government seems to be interested in taking care of itself first before country so it's right to question the spending.


That residence is State Owned,why the head line didn't state the Presidential Residence.

First look one will assume it's Granger personnel residence.

Propaganda from the FH crew.

It's like Trump talking to his people LOL.

Django posted:
VVP posted:

Doesn't matter who owns it.  It is a matter if the money is being well spent.  This government seems to be interested in taking care of itself first before country so it's right to question the spending.


That residence is State Owned,why the head line didn't state the Presidential Residence.

First look one will assume it's Granger personnel residence.

Propaganda from the FH crew.

Very irrational and dangerous observation or accusation. You don't seem to be a very objective poster. You are not an independent as you have always claimed to be.



With all these reckless spending on salaries and other stuffs for the big wigs in the gov't. I do hope this coalition can hold on to their votes in 2020. Think about the repercussions at the polls.  It only takes a small number of votes to swing things in favor of the other major party. Think about it tell your friends in the AFC and PNC to come clean or pay the price. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
VVP posted:

Doesn't matter who owns it.  It is a matter if the money is being well spent.  This government seems to be interested in taking care of itself first before country so it's right to question the spending.


That residence is State Owned,why the head line didn't state the Presidential Residence.

First look one will assume it's Granger personnel residence.

Propaganda from the FH crew.

Very irrational and dangerous observation or accusation. You don't seem to be a very objective poster. You are not an independent as you have always claimed to be.

Bhai, fooling the people is not my forte,

we does pinpoint the con on both side.


Skelly, this is the same man who say that Nandlall was a back bencher at the PPP congress.  This low IQ thing is becoming contagious!

You notice how he doesn't have a problem with the money spent, but he has a problem with the headline.  And guess who live deh - Granger, the same man whose home used to get flooded in Durban backlands and he didn't have a problem with that.  But now State house is not up to par for him.  Naga man got competition now with living standards.


Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Skelly, this is the same man who say that Nandlall was a back bencher at the PPP congress.  This low IQ thing is becoming contagious!

You notice how he doesn't have a problem with the money spent, but he has a problem with the headline.  And guess who live deh - Granger, the same man whose home used to get flooded in Durban backlands and he didn't have a problem with that.  But now State house is not up to par for him.  Naga man got competition now with living standards.


Django is in the same category as Carib, Storm, Mars and the rest of the PNC backers. No matter how much the PNC steal, it ok. Harmon refused to account for the $5 million(USD). Django seems to be ok with this. He does not see anything wrong with firing coolies and replacing them with PNC unqualified supporters. In Django's book, PNC can and will do no wrong. I personally think Django is a paid PNC propaganda agent.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:


With all these reckless spending on salaries and other stuffs for the big wigs in the gov't. I do hope this coalition can hold on to their votes in 2020. Think about the repercussions at the polls.  It only takes a small number of votes to swing things in favor of the other major party. Think about it tell your friends in the AFC and PNC to come clean or pay the price. 

The people will decide who are the better of the two evils,

We seem to forget  in 17 months the prior govt wasteful spending which is millions of US$$,

why is that Billy ??

From my observation on FB and other blogs supporters of this gov't condemn the reckless spending,can that be said of supporters of the PPP when they were in gov't for 23 yrs ?

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:


With all these reckless spending on salaries and other stuffs for the big wigs in the gov't. I do hope this coalition can hold on to their votes in 2020. Think about the repercussions at the polls.  It only takes a small number of votes to swing things in favor of the other major party. Think about it tell your friends in the AFC and PNC to come clean or pay the price. 

The people will decide who are the better of the two evils,

We seem to forget  in 17 months the prior govt wasteful spending which is millions of US$$,

why is that Billy ??

From my observation on FB and other blogs supporters of this gov't condemn the reckless spending,can that be said of supporters of the PPP when they were in gov't for 23 yrs ?

That's your problem. Fake news. How do you know that the critics of this government are real PNC supporters? Of all the places, you rely on Facebook for your news and facts? Get real bro.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

From my observation on FB and other blogs supporters of this gov't condemn the reckless spending,can that be said of supporters of the PPP when they were in gov't for 23 yrs ?

That's your problem. Fake news. How do you know that the critics of this government are real PNC supporters? Of all the places, you rely on Facebook for your news and facts? Get real bro.

Bhai,you need to get with the times,it's a medium where people communicate.

Most of the political boys and gals from the homeland got pages,I does follow a few of them and make comments that are fitting.

When looking for facts that's not a problem,I know where to look.

Last edited by Django



Dem FILTH HEADS asking questions now. I tell you these FILTH HEADS are the DUMBEST, MOST STUPID, NAIVE and ILLITERATE bunch on this planet. Obviously, people of such calibre are without question SHAMELESS.

I am not calling Al Yuh out to cause Al YUh to drink Malathion but to TRY and get Al Yuh out of the FILTH!!!


Can Gilbakka speak his mind, Django? I assure you: I don't speak for FH. Now, I don't doubt that the buildings that need repairs are state-owned. I don't doubt that the government wants $285.5M for said repairs and new vehicles. But I want the government to deal with PRIORITIES.

WANTS are not priorities. NEEDS are priorities. Government needs to SATISFY the needs of its discontented supporters and public servants. Those people need MORE PAY and JOBS.

Django, what kinda government would shout a slogan about BETTER LIFE or BETTER MUST COME and then take $285.5M to better ITSELF and ignore the PEOPLE'S CRIES?

The government must spend $$$$M on the PEOPLE FIRST.


Gilly, thank you for being honest.  Dont gorget the 100% Raises'

Look how STUPID Django etal ARE. These same JACKASSES were telling the people prior to May 2015 that Ministers Salaries and Benefits are too HIGH.  Now, these Jackasses raised the Salaries and Benefits and NOW ordering new Vehicles, Houses, Furniture, equipments and much more.

Gilly, I think you will agree that even a Pea brain person will see and understand that BUT why cant Django etal. Is it the brains are still growing???

Gilbakka posted:

The government must spend $$$$M on the PEOPLE FIRST.

Actually the government should spend money  where there is the highest return on investment.

Salary increase does not necessarily provide high returns.

Guyana needs to develop it's infrastructure, but even here massive amounts are lost to stealing.

Guyana needs good visionary government, plain and simple. PPP, AFC and PNC don't cut it.

Last edited by Former Member

VVP, that may be true but I will put my money on the PPP. It is now 30 years of INCOMPETENCE, STUPIDITY and uselessness from the PNC. It is evident even to a child that the PNC are destroyers, inept, dumbfounded and brain dead!!!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Mr. Prime Minister - Since we are now on the subject of slogans - how about - TIME FOR A CHANGE!

Not advisable. An overworked, abused and misused slogan. Remember APNU+AFC's chant IT IS TIME [FOR CHANGE]? The words TIME and CHANGE are now suspect and evoke bad memories. Leave them to charlatans. If you insist, I suggest we set up a Special Committee to develop a suitable and timely slogan. Personally, though, Gilly thinks slogans are shit. Plain and simple.


What is this gov't. doing to encourage Guyanese to invest in businesses that are export-orientated?  This country needs businesses that target markets outside of Guyana since our local markets are tiny and saturated.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Nehru posted:

Gilly, thank you for being honest.  Dont gorget the 100% Raises'

Look how STUPID Django etal ARE. These same JACKASSES were telling the people prior to May 2015 that Ministers Salaries and Benefits are too HIGH.  Now, these Jackasses raised the Salaries and Benefits and NOW ordering new Vehicles, Houses, Furniture, equipments and much more.

Gilly, I think you will agree that even a Pea brain person will see and understand thatBUT why cant Django etal. Is it the brains are still growing???

Banna rest you self,there are different ways to skin a cyat.

Their unnecessary spending in certain areas are obnoxious,the same crap the PPP did these f....krs are no different.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Skelly, this is the same man who say thatNandlall was a back bencher at the PPP congress.  This low IQ thing is becoming contagious!

You notice how he doesn't have a problem with the money spent, but he has a problem with the headline.  And guess who live deh - Granger, the same man whose home used to get flooded in Durban backlands and he didn't have a problem with that.  But now State house is not up to par for him.  Naga man got competition now with living standards.


Leeme explain Nandalall should have had a seat in the front bench,but no ! one was given to that funny fella from Bubice.

Low IQ individuals have great thinking power.

Image result for don't underestimate the power of the common man

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Remember the big GO Invest conference they had at Harvard Club last June where they pi$$ away millions in taxpayer dollars.  Well - They are still waiting for the first investor.

You are right!  I forgot all about that event held at the Harvard Club.  They are just out to impress people but it backfires from the dismal results.

Billy Ram Balgobin

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