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I think the PPP has won this elections. I may lack basic reading, logic and comprehension skills but I am at a loss why the Coalition is so against counting the votes that proves that they won the elections. I may buy their argument that they don't want to waste time on that but given the consequence of the world believing that they cheated, one would think that wasting some more time on solidifying their victory would go a far way in securing the blessings of the world. They could have been the legitimate government over two weeks now with the full backing of the world instead of having the country going the past two weeks without any government. 

Mitwah posted:

I gave Dave a chance to prove it and he gone loco. He now turn to spamming with his Crayola.

Maybe Dave ain't got time to gotay things over and over. Maybe he has already concluded that the PPP won and he is now investing his efforts to disseminate information that exposes the behavior of the illegally squatting Coalition.

· 22 mins Â· 

This was just brought to my attention. This is MY AREA, HERSTELLING, EBD.

Look at the SOP, 14 votes for APNU/AFC and 217 for PPP/C.

We worked very hard, tirelessly, the entire village came out on this day and helped each other because they wanted to see the PPP/C back in government.

Is it an insult to everyone, that they would reduce the PPP/C votes and award 100 extra to Granger and the APNU/AFC.

This is why we need a total recount.
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I am for a government that will curtail the police harassment on the roads, racism by the police, peaceful co-existence and wuk fuh those who want a lil job.

Iz Jagdeo and Irfaan going leh the people have all of dat. Doan tink so. Dem is two known dishonests.

Indian ppl holding on to point of view that because DEY BELIEVE dey give Jagdeo and Irfaan Ali the most plenty vote, dem have the right to govern. Black ppl sey haul yuh arse from dat idea. 

 Not counting the votes, Granger can hold out forever. If the votes are tallied, there will be objections anyway. Suh, why bother to count.

Sly fox that chap Granger. He is hoping that coolie ppl see how inactive he has made the PPP and hoping dey have another choice in the future. Granger is a man of history and certain he is drawing from his forefathers the methods to be emancipated.


Bai Siggy, first let the electorate decide who they want nd et Granger retool and try to convince the electorate that he has reformed. Five short years ago the electorate gave their thumbs up to Granger and his Coalition and the PPP packed up their things and went home peacefully. Now that same electorate has given their thumbs up to the PPP so the Granger cabal has to pack up their things and go home peacefully. Your concern about Jagdeo and Ali has already been answered by the electorate. They said that despite what was said before and when is said now, they still prefer the PPP over the Coalition. And this is all happening in the environment of Ali being accused of education fraud and 19 charges for corruption. Imagine that Ali with all that supposedly baggage still beat Granger soundly. What does that say about how despised Granger is to the electorate?


Response to David Granger 20th March 2020 Statement
Granger’s End Game
By Charles Ramson

I read David Granger’s 20th March, 2020 statement and despite the little ray of hope I may have held that this elderly man in the twilight of his life would act in a way that would place country before party so that there would be a sensible resolution to this international embarrassment, the consequence of which will affect all Guyanese, that is now lost.

Before I dissect Granger’s statement, it must be stated that the true neutral party in this election saga, the many international observers (the Carter Center, OAS, Commonwealth, the EU Observers etc.), have all said that the declared result for District 4 was not transparent and not in compliance with the law so, the election as it stands would not be credible. The USA, UK, Canada, and EU have also issued joint statements one of which expressed “deep concern over credible allegations of electoral fraud” urging Granger not to swear in on the declared results as he and his government would be viewed as unconstitutional. Consequently, none other than the Secretary of State for the USA, Mike Pompeo, has warned of sanctions and serious consequences for persons who form illegitimate regimes and those who benefit from electoral fraud. For the record, for the ones who may have framed the foregoing as an “imperialist motive to intervene in our internal affairs” or a “racist agenda”, CARICOM has also echoed similar statements stating any government sworn in on results which are not credible would not be legitimate.

As it relates to Granger’s statement, it is not accurate for Granger to say that we must await the ruling of the Court. The only Court case seeking to prevent the only accepted solution to this international embarrassment, i.e. a recount of the votes, is filed by a candidate of the APNU of which Granger is the leader of the main party. Granger, as President and as leader of the main party can instruct the applicant to withdraw the Court proceedings immediately. He has not done so and never will.

Even if Granger does not possess the political authority or the personal courage to instruct the applicant to withdraw the Court proceedings, then just like all other persons who applied to intervene in those Court proceedings, he, as leader of the list for the APNU-AFC, can also make a similar application and swear an affidavit that he would like to have a recount and/or seek the dismissal of these Court proceedings so that there can be a recount. He has not done so and never will.

The fact is that Statement of Polls are public documents, and the APNU-AFC would have in their possession all their copies of the Statement of Polls for District 4. As the leader the list for the APNU-AFC, Granger could have instructed the publication of their copies of the Statement of Polls to refute any or all Statement of Polls published by the PPP/C. He has not done so and never will.

As President, if he believes the Statement of Polls published by the PPP/C are fraudulent as many candidates of the APNU-AFC claim, he could immediately request a criminal investigation from the Guyana Police Force. He has not done so and never will.

Granger, as President who made appointments of persons on GECOM and leader of the list of the APNU-AFC, can, in the interest of transparency, call publicly on GECOM to publish all of their Statement of Polls used to make the declarations as his own son-in-law who is a former Minister in his Cabinet did. He has not done so and never will.

Granger’s statement also shows how ill-advised he is and how ill-suited he remains for the responsibility of executive President. He states that persons should desist from attacks on the Chairman, Commissioners and members of the Commission. The Constitution at Art. 161 clearly prescribes that the Chairman and the six Commissioners constitute the Commission – there are no other members of the Commission – so who are the other members of the Commission he refers? Second, he states that “persons have approached the Supreme Court of Judicature for judicial review of our electoral laws”. This is also incorrect. The approaches to the Court were made for judicial review on a determination of compliance with our electoral laws not a judicial review of our electoral laws. This is totally different and an important difference which a President must know before making any such written statement.

Granger then goes on to state that GECOM has the sole authority for the conduct of General and Regional elections and urged all citizens to await the final declaration of results but ignores his own advice when he paraded himself as the victor of these elections to his supporters outside his party headquarters on Lamaha Street on the night of the 5th March, 2020 before GECOM made a final declaration which to date has not made a final declaration.

Granger also stated that GECOM must be allowed to function independent of political interference, instruction and influence but we see the Guyana Police Force, an arm of the state, and personnel from the presidential guards operating under a political directorate to whisk away the Returning Officer for District 4 and the Chairman of GECOM thereby preventing service of requests for recounts and Court injunctions, the clearing out and shutting down of the office of the Returning Officer for District 4, the forceful removal of Commissioner Robeson Benn and other political party representatives at the Convention Centre, all in an effort to execute the plan to rig the election. We also saw reported that the Guyana Police Force transferred Assistant Police Commissioner Edgar Thomas with immediate effect from his post to his new position was ‘patrol officer’ because he refused an order to put the GECOM Commissioner out of the Returning Officer’s office building.

Granger goes on to state his commitment to respect the Constitution but neglects to mention that he is required to obey it. He then absurdly states a commitment unknown to the functions of the Office of President to protect the integrity of the Chairman and Commissioners. It is not Granger’s responsibility to protect anyone’s integrity other than his own. The Chairman and Commissioners are Constitutional office holders and intelligent adults who are solely responsible for their integrity and the protection thereof.

For weeks we have seen a president sit back and allow the many attempts to rig the election while sheltering under meaningless declaratory statements so that if the rigging succeeds, he can be sworn in once again and claim GECOM is the sole authority to conduct elections. Now that one of the APNU candidates has filed these proceedings, Granger once again sits back and will allow the proceedings to conclude so that if the Court Orders GECOM to make a final declaration even on District 4’s discredited declaration, he can be sworn in and claim the Court is an independent body. The end game for Granger is the same – swearing in.

The content of his statement must be seen for what it really is, that is simply a red herring and smoke and mirrors coming from a revealed character who Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde would find striking familiarity.

Image may contain: 1 person, suit, possible text that says 'Accurate, r inform Oil and r reliable .he Guyana.'
Mitwah posted:

Ksaz, I supported the coalition in 2015 but became disappointed with them soon after. I hope the PPP/C is the winner. 

You saying you hope the PPP/C is the winner is welcome. While I am not a strong PPP supporter or even a PPP supporter I wedge my bets on them only because I am staunchly oppose the PNC. I migrated to the Political Forum just about the time of the 2011 elections and am on record here supporting the role of the AFC as a check on both the PPP and PNC. But I placed the second nail in the AFC's coffin (the AFC placed the first nail) when they announced their signed accord with the PNC. I know back then that they were about to squander all the goodwill and confidence Guyanese have placed in them and remember you asking me to give them the 100 days they asked for before writing them off (or something like that). Well they got nothing done within that 100 days other than gave themselves large salary increases as well as increased the total number of persons in the ministries. Unfortunately for the Coalition, I was not the only one who recognized that. The 2020 electorate also saw it. I am sure that the Coalition dragging out the effects of the NCV also contributed to their demise.


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