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Amral posted:

Guyanese love to hang their mouth where they think the soup is

Come on, Amral. Usually people think the ruling party serving the soup so they would hang their mouths there. But Jagdeo is only the opposition leader with no actual soup. Don't grudge the man his popular appeal. This is not to say that everyone who greets him will vote PPP.

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

Batrica one hour ago

Image may contain: 5 people, people smiling, people standing, hat and outdoor

does this Bartica banna look like he voting PPP?


Why because he black.  Isn’t that racist and exactly what is so wrong in Guyana?  PPP has loyal black peoples bai!  Just like PNC got loyal Indians!

ummmmm . . . no

i chose this particular pic out of so many w/Black folks for a reason

watch carefully the expression and body language of the person on the other end of the Jagdeo handshake, arite

but you already knew that!. . . nice effort with the "racist" charge though


Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:
Amral posted:

Guyanese love to hang their mouth where they think the soup is

Come on, Amral. Usually people think the ruling party serving the soup so they would hang their mouths there. But Jagdeo is only the opposition leader with no actual soup. Don't grudge the man his popular appeal. This is not to say that everyone who greets him will vote PPP.

The ruling party sucking up all the soup for themselves. So looks like PNC soup kitchen dry so even toothless Jagdeo looks good.

When Jagdeo is hope, then Guyana rass hopeless!


The government has not come up with a new development project since they took office more three years ago. They sweetened the deals with Exxon and the Chinese at the expense of the nation which drew severe criticism from at hime and abroad.  They got a little taste of people's disenchantment with their performance when thousands protested the parking meters and forced them to back off. With high unemployment, crime, and a shocking revelation of millions tucked away in a secret bank account why would anyone be surprised that the former president is receiving a warm welcome everywhere he goes?

Billy Ram Balgobin
Leonora posted:
Iguana posted:
Amral posted:

Guyanese love to hang their mouth where they think the soup is

That includes ahwe own Baseman, who was probably at York College dis weekend wid he Brooklyn PNC friends serving Greenidge lil bake and salfish while he trumpeting Jagdeo hay.

Nah, he was in DC this weekend meeting Trump.

You saw the news this morning on Canada ðŸ‡ĻðŸ‡Ķ.  


The PPP loves to show pics of black women hugging Jagdeo and then the election comes and the PPP comes up empty.

And when this happens we hear the screams of "dem black man ungrateful, and you cyant trust black man even when dey begging you fo food".

People this optics is old.  I remember in 2011 the PPP boasted that it would win in Linden after similar optics. We all know what happened in that town then and again in 2015.

When the PPP approaches blacks with blacks with credibility in strong leadership positions then MAYBE they might be taken seriously.

But keep on showing pics of black women hugging Jagdeo and think that this means anything.  While most are now skeptical of Granger to them Jagdeo is still a monster.

Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The government has not come up with a new development project since they took office more three years ago. They sweetened the deals with Exxon and the Chinese at the expense of the nation which drew severe criticism from at hime and abroad.  They got a little taste of people's disenchantment with their performance when thousands protested the parking meters and forced them to back off. With high unemployment, crime, and a shocking revelation of millions tucked away in a secret bank account why would anyone be surprised that the former president is receiving a warm welcome everywhere he goes?

Goebbels de Ramgoat pon de loose!

Iguana posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The government has not come up with a new development project since they took office more three years ago. They sweetened the deals with Exxon and the Chinese at the expense of the nation which drew severe criticism from at hime and abroad.  They got a little taste of people's disenchantment with their performance when thousands protested the parking meters and forced them to back off. With high unemployment, crime, and a shocking revelation of millions tucked away in a secret bank account why would anyone be surprised that the former president is receiving a warm welcome everywhere he goes?

Goebbels de Ramgoat pon de loose!

And who benefitted under Jagdeo aside from his wealthy crony friends.  Guyanese were literally pouring into every volcanic peak and coral reef, fleeing their jobs as teachers and clerical workers to wipe babies' bottoms because the pay was better than what they had in Guyana. Whole villages depending on money sent back from the Islands.

Go to any English speaking island from Tortola down to Trinidad and Guyanese are easy to find. Doing all manner of jobs, eking out a living so that their families in Guyana can survive. That accelerated under Jagdeo.

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:

Carib takes pride in demeaning Indos without any facts. Were you assaulted by an Indo at a young age for you to be so vindictive.  Move on with your life and climb out from that racial cesspool. . 

I see you are labeled as a nasty racist. Try and crawl out of that racist cesspool and confront him with alternative facts. Brown Bhai KKK Yugli can't help you.

Mitwah posted:
kp posted:

Carib takes pride in demeaning Indos without any facts. Were you assaulted by an Indo at a young age for you to be so vindictive.  Move on with your life and climb out from that racial cesspool. . 

I see you are labeled as a nasty racist. Try and crawl out of that racist cesspool and confront him with alternative facts. Brown Bhai KKK Yugli can't help you.

Gay Boy what's your problem if you are looking for a Man  you're barking up the wrong tree. Hope you get help for your  disease.  Go in the corner and play with yourself.

kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
kp posted:

Carib takes pride in demeaning Indos without any facts. Were you assaulted by an Indo at a young age for you to be so vindictive.  Move on with your life and climb out from that racial cesspool. . 

I see you are labeled as a nasty racist. Try and crawl out of that racist cesspool and confront him with alternative facts. Brown Bhai KKK Yugli can't help you.

Gay Boy what's your problem if you are looking for a Man  you're barking up the wrong tree. Hope you get help for your  disease.  Go in the corner and play with yourself.

The problem is you are not a man. hahahahahahahah! 

Mitwah posted:
kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
kp posted:

Carib takes pride in demeaning Indos without any facts. Were you assaulted by an Indo at a young age for you to be so vindictive.  Move on with your life and climb out from that racial cesspool. . 

I see you are labeled as a nasty racist. Try and crawl out of that racist cesspool and confront him with alternative facts. Brown Bhai KKK Yugli can't help you.

Gay Boy what's your problem if you are looking for a Man  you're barking up the wrong tree. Hope you get help for your  disease.  Go in the corner and play with yourself.

The problem is you are not a man. hahahahahahahah! 

Why they name you Lilly,you were born as a Sissy.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:
kp posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

Batrica one hour ago

Image may contain: 5 people, people smiling, people standing, hat and outdoor

does this Bartica banna look like he voting PPP?


He is wearing a Red Shirt.

A communist. Will vote PPP.

That man looks like he will give Jagdeo a beat down if he doesn't loose his hand.

Hey hey, this beauty looks ready for lil douglarization!  That is genuine love in her face....mek we own Queeny frown!!

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling

kp posted:

Carib takes pride in demeaning Indos without any facts. Were you assaulted by an Indo at a young age for you to be so vindictive.  Move on with your life and climb out from that racial cesspool. . 

kp I merely react to people like you who are in a heart condition because the females in your family reject Indo men in favor of black men.

So you spend your days screaming that blacks are welfare losers and are so racist that you don't see how this makes you an Indo KKK.

Also you need to stop dragging all Indians into your mess.  Its YOU, and your Indo KKK fiends who are a mess.  Not other Indians like Django, ray and others.

caribny posted:
kp posted:

Carib takes pride in demeaning Indos without any facts. Were you assaulted by an Indo at a young age for you to be so vindictive.  Move on with your life and climb out from that racial cesspool. . 

kp I merely react to people like you who are in a heart condition because the females in your family reject Indo men in favor of black men.

So you spend your days screaming that blacks are welfare losers and are so racist that you don't see how this makes you an Indo KKK.

Also you need to stop dragging all Indians into your mess.  Its YOU, and your Indo KKK fiends who are a mess.  Not other Indians like Django, ray and others.

Do Black KKK wear White Hoods, do you walk with a spear? You are dreaming that one day your wishes will be fulfilled.

 Why you crave for Indo women, does the Black women ugliness scare you? Green with Envy, Black Boy.

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:
kp posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

Batrica one hour ago

Image may contain: 5 people, people smiling, people standing, hat and outdoor

does this Bartica banna look like he voting PPP?


He is wearing a Red Shirt.

A communist. Will vote PPP.

That man looks like he will give Jagdeo a beat down if he doesn't loose his hand.

Hey hey, this beauty looks ready for lil douglarization!  That is genuine love in her face....mek we own Queeny frown!!

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling

The PPP constantly shows black women hugging them. When will they learn that this doesn't win them elections.  Did black women vote PPP after Jagdeo and Ramotar were twerking on them?  No.

So why do they think that they will get the vote now after screaming foul filth about blacks at PPP bottom house meetings last election? And after the PPP boasted that it was the "coolie people party" and after Jagdeo screamed that "he gun tek back Guyana for us".  This after "us" was described as rural Indians. 

Let the Indo KKK describe exactly what the PPP is doing now that it didn't do before 2006, 2011, and 2015 when they were rejected by over 95% of the black population, and as much as 80% of the mixed population.

kp posted:
caribny posted:

kp I merely react to people like you who are in a heart condition because the females in your family reject Indo men in favor of black men.

So you spend your days screaming that blacks are welfare losers and are so racist that you don't see how this makes you an Indo KKK.

Also you need to stop dragging all Indians into your mess.  Its YOU, and your Indo KKK fiends who are a mess.  Not other Indians like Django, ray and others.

 Why you crave for Indo women, does the Black women ugliness scare you? Green with Envy, Black Boy.

KP, in all due respect, please don't refer to Black women in those terms.  They have all types and many are pretty and attractive. 

Fight with Caribj, he deserve a whipping sometimes, but don't drag in and ridicule the women folks!  They are not part of this cock fight!

Baseman posted:
kp posted:
caribny posted:

kp I merely react to people like you who are in a heart condition because the females in your family reject Indo men in favor of black men.

So you spend your days screaming that blacks are welfare losers and are so racist that you don't see how this makes you an Indo KKK.

Also you need to stop dragging all Indians into your mess.  Its YOU, and your Indo KKK fiends who are a mess.  Not other Indians like Django, ray and others.

 Why you crave for Indo women, does the Black women ugliness scare you? Green with Envy, Black Boy.

KP, in all due respect, please don't refer to Black women in those terms.  They have all types and many are pretty and attractive. 

Fight with Caribj, he deserve a whipping sometimes, but don't drag in and ridicule the women folks!  They are not part of this cock fight!

kp I merely react to people like you who are in a heart condition because the females in your family reject Indo men in favor of black men.

FEMALES IN MY FAMILY, well he crossed the line, OK

kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
kp posted:

Carib takes pride in demeaning Indos without any facts. Were you assaulted by an Indo at a young age for you to be so vindictive.  Move on with your life and climb out from that racial cesspool. . 

I see you are labeled as a nasty racist. Try and crawl out of that racist cesspool and confront him with alternative facts. Brown Bhai KKK Yugli can't help you.

Gay Boy what's your problem if you are looking for a Man  you're barking up the wrong tree. Hope you get help for your  disease.  Go in the corner and play with yourself.

The problem is you are not a man. hahahahahahahah! 

Why they name you Lilly,you were born as a Sissy.

It looks like Lilly is your BF. Like he gives you lil fried rice and then have his way with you. Heheheheheheh! 

I don't know why Admin tolerates your vile racism towards Black Women who are not here to defend for themselves. heh teck dis


Last edited by Mitwah
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