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Unveiling Mr. Goolsarran’s shady past

IN my previous letter, I addressed the importance of credibility and the need for public figures and columnists to possess this attribute. The issue of credibility was specifically used to address that of the former Auditor General, Mr. Anand Goolsarran and his best friend Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan. I will now demonstrate via a series of examples, why Mr. Goolsarran severely lacks any semblance of credibility as a columnist on accounting and worse, as a former auditor general. In the late 1980s, Mr. Goolsarran joined the Auditor General’s Office as the deputy auditor general and later became auditor general. His appointment and promotion however came with a price tag. During his time under the PNC, Mr. Goolsarran remained silent on the blatant corrupt practices of that administration as apparently he was the recipient of their financial perks and protection. When the PPP took office and insisted on accountability, Mr. Goolsarran suddenly found his voice and began to attack the current administration under the guise of professionalism, when in fact he never had any. The then Finance Minister Mr. Carl Greenidge (yes, the current APNU Parliamentarian) has a sister who was employed at the same audit office with Mr. Goolsarran. Under Goolsarran’s watch, the sister of the Minister of Finance was given a preferential scholarship to pursue her studies in the UK, catapulting more qualified and long-serving officers in that office. Goolsarran even tried to raise additional funds for her when she had to repeat some classes. These actions by Mr. Goolsarran speaks for itself, that he has no credibility as he is indebted to the PNC  and must, at all lengths discredit the current administration for fear that his past deeds will be unveiled for the public to judge. When Mr. Goolsarran speaks, the foundation of his career and his bias need to be taken into consideration. When these are brought to the forefront, it would be clear that he has no credibility to speak about corruption, accountability, justice and/or ethics, as he personally and professionally lack all of the above. In my following letters, I will continue to unveil the shady past of Mr. Goolsarran.


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Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:

Richard Paul...a made up name. Bogus/fake/fraud/counterfeit/phony/false/etc name.


So the prostitute cut you some spare time? 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:

Richard Paul...a made up name. Bogus/fake/fraud/counterfeit/phony/false/etc name.


So the prostitute cut you some spare time? 

You are still here with me but I running out of dollar Bills.

Originally Posted by seignet:

So The Man must agree to the PPP abuses, just because in the past he may have had questionable dealings.



  1. If that is what you got out of it, that is fine. At least you are trying.

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