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Originally Posted by Wally:

A former Burnham cook at Castalani House who was an international cook working also at a famous Guyana hotel told me once that on Tuesdays Burnham and his family would only eat indian dishes.  Dishes such as Mulligatawny soup and Rasgulla.  Contrast that to a professor that I knew who was a PNC supporter who told me that his Aunt who was also a big PNC supporter would never eat any indian food.  According to him she said "I don't want no coolie food"


It is difficult to change people mind when it comes to racial hate.

What is the point of this 'anecdotal' somebady tole me bout somebady . . . [incoherent] foolishness?


Your 'conclusion' is a non sequitur  . . . look it up.


At a personal level, my best days in Guyana were from around 1988 to 1997 – five years under Hoyte and five under Jagan. Hoyte’s years were very eventful for the nation. He had to reverse many of the Burnham evils and free up the economy. It was inevitable there would be devaluation because that genie was already out of the bottle in the form of the parallel FX market. Hoyte hanged them highâ€Ķmany of the former kick down the door specialists. As a result, serious crimes were down. He definitely demanded serious change. One saw East Indians getting promotion to critical areas. The barge fiasco and the mispricing of Demerara timber were two blots under Hoyte. The fledging manufacturing sector would virtually disappear after the ERP. The IMF and WB sponsored ERP set the stage for subsequent debt write off under Jagan. Hoyte lived a modest life. If you don’t believe me go and take a look at his old and modest house on North Road then compare it with Jagdeo’s US$1.75 mill house at Pradoville 2. Compare it with the homes of the members of the Prado Class.


The Jagan years were not very eventful. Although stable, the Jagan years did not address any of the serious problems that came out from the PNC. Retaining Laurie Lewis was a fatal error and not giving justice for the Good Friday 1993 murder of the young lady was a turning point. It would have emboldened the hustler class and the bad eggs in the PPP. It sent the signal to the hustler class that you can do what you want once you have connections. This was diametrically opposed to Hoyte who placed Hamme in a box and disciplined Corbin.


All in all, for me Hoyte (Desi) was the best President Guyana ever had. Had he won the election in 1992 Guyana would have been a vastly different country today.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:

Wah leeda, we gah puoo rass leeda in diss k.untry.  None dem nah like Castro an' Che.  Abie gah nuttin fuh celebrate donk hay.  Stchupid homan.  Abie pon tapp.

Thanks for the very informative and smart statement in response to my suggestion.

EH EH EH Yuh mek wan Donkey out of the Chap.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Has anyone considered Sam Hinds to be a great leader of Guyana? He was a president for a short period. Do you think the opposition would have given him hell, or would he have shown more balls than the Indians?

How eventfull was his Presidency and what was his most extra-ordinary achievement?

Ramjattan is not yet a leader, but many will assume he can do extremely well and even better than the PPP. As awkward as that may seem, Mr. Sam Hinds has been prime Minister for decades and people can make a good analysis of the kind of leadership he would have made.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Dem Jewish Gal fiesty.



Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Has anyone considered Sam Hinds to be a great leader of Guyana? He was a president for a short period. 

Sam Hinds is a very intelligent fellow who does his job without getting into unnecessary conflicts.


However, I would like to put in a word here for Brindley Benn, who was deputy PM, among his many other contributions to the nation.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:



That's the main yardstick--RESULTS!


Next is INSPIRATION--inspiring others to be the best they can be--inspire them to learn more, do more, become more----that's what genuine leaders do---they get results and they inspire others to reach greater heights.



Former Member posted:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Dem Jewish Gal fiesty.


Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Has anyone considered Sam Hinds to be a great leader of Guyana? He was a president for a short period.

Sam Hinds is a very intelligent fellow who does his job without getting into unnecessary conflicts.

However, I would like to put in a word here for Brindley Benn, who was deputy PM, among his many other contributions to the nation.

New biography of Brindley Benn:


Nobody has done more for Guyana than Dr. Bharat Jagdeo. His achievements are better or greater than any other President. Even after his 2 terms expired, he is still regarded as the man who guides the nation to a more prosperous country. 

During Jagdeo's tenure as president, major economic and social reforms were initiated in Guyana. When he relinquished office, Guyana had experienced five consecutive years of strong economic growth, often out-pacing other South American countries.[20] External debt had been almost halved, and reserves had almost tripled compared to the 2006 situation.[20] During the Presidency, investments had been made in social services which resulted in improved access to education. The housing sector saw the biggest expansion in its history. Road, river, and air transport infrastructure were improved.[20]

That is why I called him the supreme Leader.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Nobody has done more for Guyana than Dr. Bharat Jagdeo. His achievements are better or greater than any other President. Even after his 2 terms expired, he is still regarded as the man who guides the nation to a more prosperous country.

During Jagdeo's tenure as president, major economic and social reforms were initiated in Guyana. When he relinquished office, Guyana had experienced five consecutive years of strong economic growth, often out-pacing other South American countries.[20] External debt had been almost halved, and reserves had almost tripled compared to the 2006 situation.[20] During the Presidency, investments had been made in social services which resulted in improved access to education. The housing sector saw the biggest expansion in its history. Road, river, and air transport infrastructure were improved.[20]

That is why I called him the supreme Leader.

He did even more for Jagdeo, too, didn't he?

Last edited by Former Member
@Ramakant-P posted:

Is that what you think of your President? He was a student of Jagdeo. He is the candle that lits the room. He is the light at the end of the tunnel. He is meek of the earth. He is the hand by which the Supreme Leader will rule and develop Guyana.

Are you then saying he has no brain of his own and has to be led by someone who publicly asserted he has no brain, either? But see Matthew 15: 14!

@Former Member posted:

Hoyte is also the one who perpetuated the largest rigged election in 1985. After he lost the elections in 1992 (an election he tried arduously to prevent), he sought to destabilize the country for years until his death. He is the author of the infamous term "mo fiah, slo fiah". Nothing flattering about those actions or that person.

When confronted by a larger ethnic group that votes race, putting a corrupt and discriminating party in power, rigging is understandable! What other choice is there for a party of a smaller group? You want the politics of Westminster in racist Guyana, huh? You're just a deceptive fool trying to fool me! Stick to fooling yourself only! I'm too old for your crap, however disingenuous!

Last edited by Former Member
@Amral posted:

I say the white man, cause in those days we had the best of everything, does not matter the money was leaving the country.

The white man had his own experiences of civil disturbances over centuries! Guyana's self-government is still in its infancy!

For what reasons do you expect Guyana's experiences to be the same as the white man's?

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Shameful for anyone to suggest that it is understandable for a 29% membership party to rig elections to prevent the party with some 60% membership from governing. A total disregard for the wishes of that other 71%. And even more shameful to invoke claims of racism to justify that sick indefensible suggestion. As mentioned elsewhere, charges of racism appeals to the lowest common denominator.

But we have your opinion which is highly suspect! After all, you are just a racist pretender to fairness! I wonder what you would say if the percentages were reversed, if the 71% supporters (of which you are, obviously, a part) were the 29%,? Don't bother telling me! As one of the very lowest of common denominators, to whom racIsm appeals, also obviously, already know what your answer would be, udum my! But tell me what else they could do, pretender? Nothing and be what (I'm not allowed to swear! Rules y'know)!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Shameful for anyone to suggest that it is understandable for a 29% membership party to rig elections to prevent the party with some 60% membership from governing. A total disregard for the wishes of that other 71%. And even more shameful to invoke claims of racism to justify that sick indefensible suggestion. As mentioned elsewhere, charges of racism appeals to the lowest common denominator.

Well crafted PROPAGANDA !!!!

Suited to post on the topic created by Famed Member

"PNC & there supporters Has two Nightmares"

Notice anything about the barely literate.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

Works like a charm. When cornered reach for the claims of racism. Works like a charm every time. As mentioned elsewhere, charges of racism appeals to the lowest common denominator. The numbers are not reversed. They are what they are. Facts. Deal with it. But first, deal with that warped mind.

If only you could see yourself now as others see you! But that would be impossible for a racist Jack ass of the highest denomination such as you are, wouldn't it?!! All I was asking, is for you to place yourself in the place of one of the losing 29 %!  As you posited "They are what they are. Facts. Deal with it." You would do nothing but cry discrimination and seek international help like Jagdeo who now has to deal with Exxon which company has dealt with suckers like him umpteen times before! "We's gat de powah an dere's nuttin yu can do bowt it!" Yeah! Mao said that power grows out of the barrel of a gun! The GPF and GDF has the real power! Is Jagdeo going to bribe them again! Does he have the guns, you fool? Why should they settle for crumbs when there's so much more they can demand? Demand with threats, keeping the International fools happy? I'd rather be your LCD than a myopic, preening Jack ass like you! Udummy!

You think yourself superior to any black man, don't you?!! Then, perhaps you can tell me what is the colour of your brain as opposed to theirs? It's all a matter of communal living as advocated versus acquisitive living! What have you achieved at the end of your life? Hoards of matter and ill  will! The greatest thinker in history said, "Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof!" Live one day at a time! But see Matthew chapter 6 for more wisdom from him!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

If only you could see yourself now as others see you! But that would be impossible for a racist Jack ass of the highest denomination such as you are, wouldn't it?!! All I was asking, is for you to place yourself in the place of one of the losing 29 %!  As you posited "They are what they are. Facts. Deal with it." You would do nothing but cry discrimination and seek international help like Jagdeo who now has to deal with Exxon which company has dealt with suckers like him umpteen times before! "We's gat de powah an dere's nuttin yu can do bowt it!" Yeah! Mao said that power grows out of the barrel of a gun! The GPF and GDF has the real power! Is Jagdeo going to bribe them again! Does he have the guns, you fool? Why should they settle for crumbs when there's so much more they can demand? Demand with threats, keeping the International fools happy? I'd rather be your LCD than a myopic, preening Jack ass like you! Udummy!

You think yourself superior to any black man, don't you?!! Then, perhaps you can tell me what is the colour of your brain as opposed to theirs? It's all a matter of communal living as advocated versus acquisitive living! What have you achieved at the end of your life? Hoards of matter and ill  will! The greatest thinker in history said, "Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof!" Live one day at a time! But see Matthew chapter 6 for more wisdom from him!

Again, wow!

@Former Member posted:

Oh, you are referring to the grammar? I don't worry too much about grammar because there are several reasons for in including bad grammar. I am more concerned with content. I think that banna is also more concerned about content than grammar also.

Plus you have to be aware that this joint spends most of it's bandwidth grumbling about racism. And for all the years that it has been doing so, it has not managed to make anyone alter their opinions one way or the other.

Who would bother besides pointing out your racism, fool?

You probably think grammar refers to your Granma, anyway, with your kind of demented 'reasoning'!

A racist has no reason! Just a gut feeling of instant dislike on sight!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Why you think most of your posters are always cussing out each other? It demonstrates a desperate lack of their ability to conduct meaningful discourses. See how everyone is addressed by some name other than the one they chose to post as?

That can't make you proud of this joint bai.

Still better than creating threads talking Private people names behind their backs. What kind of men does such ?

The first paragraph is usual gibberish.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

Why you think most of your posters are always cussing out each other? It demonstrates a desperate lack of their ability to conduct meaningful discourses. See how everyone is addressed by some name other than the one they chose to post as? That can't make you proud of this joint bai.

What discourse with a racist, such as you, could ever be meaningful? Besides, ilum changed to any other name will still represent a hard core, racist dummy!


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