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Attorney-General (AG) and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall says that it is not part of the mandate of the AG’s Chambers to draft bills for anyone other than the government a view with which AFC leader, Khemraj Ramjattan disagrees.

source: stabroeknews

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Minister of Legal Affairs not only represent the Govt but also represent the people. For too long it seems that the PPP believe they only represent Freedom House and accountable to Freedom House.

The President, Ministers and all others paid by the taxpayers money represents the people of Guyana.
Originally posted by Gupta:
Minister of Legal Affairs not only represent the Govt but also represent the people. For too long it seems that the PPP believe they only represent Freedom House and accountable to Freedom House.

The President, Ministers and all others paid by the taxpayers money represents the people of Guyana.
Also, the government is both the opposition and the administration. The habit of the PPP to neglect opposition legislative concerns is not to be made a 'tradition"
Originally posted by albert:
Attorney-General (AG) and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall says that it is not part of the mandate of the AG’s Chambers to draft bills for anyone other than the government a view with which AFC leader, Khemraj Ramjattan disagrees.

source: stabroeknews

If Khemraj wants something he has to negotiate for it. If he doesn't support the PPP when they ask him to, then he will be given the same treatment. The Budget will be a test for him.

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