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kp posted:

Jeff Session, Mad Dog Mattis, Kelly, Zinke, these are my probable few. It will be a fire sale if they loose the House and Senate.

Trump is asking people to vote for him, but if his candidate looses don't blame him. Have you see this nonsense, the people in the crowd have posters saying," vote for Trump".

Usually there is a purge or people leave on their own. He cannot fire too many as he will have to find replacement and there are not many willing to invest in the administration. 

Demerara_Guy posted:

Robert Mueller will serve until he concludes the investigations.

Should Trump prematurely end Mueller's term; there will be repercussions against the Republicans leading to a massive loss at the 2020 elections.

He is angling  to stop Mueller s probe.   Whitaker may also have to recuse himself from the Mueller s investigation. Because of statements he made on CNN.

Demerara_Guy posted:

Robert Mueller will serve until he concludes the investigations.

Should Trump prematurely end Mueller's term; there will be repercussions against the Republicans leading to a massive loss at the 2020 elections.

No there won’t be. CNN and Hilariousites will fuss and cry and mope.  No one else cares.  It’s all bull and meandering all over the damn place. 

kp posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Robert Mueller will serve until he concludes the investigations.

Should Trump prematurely end Mueller's term; there will be repercussions against the Republicans leading to a massive loss at the 2020 elections.

He is angling  to stop Mueller s probe.   Whitaker may also have to recuse himself from the Mueller s investigation. Because of statements he made on CNN.


He needs to be cautious and not be making this and similar statements.

kp posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Robert Mueller will serve until he concludes the investigations.

Should Trump prematurely end Mueller's term; there will be repercussions against the Republicans leading to a massive loss at the 2020 elections.

He is angling  to stop Mueller s probe.   Whitaker may also have to recuse himself from the Mueller s investigation. Because of statements he made on CNN.

There will be panicked attempts to do so before January when the House is taken over by the Dems.  But not to worry Mueller has done his work and Trump will not be allowed to destroy the evidence.


Baseman posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Robert Mueller will serve until he concludes the investigations.

Should Trump prematurely end Mueller's term; there will be repercussions against the Republicans leading to a massive loss at the 2020 elections.

No there won’t be. CNN and Hilariousites will fuss and cry and mope.  No one else cares.  It’s all bull and meandering all over the damn place. 

While there is a profound difference between a Special Prosecutor and an Independent Prosecutor, the issues under investigation by Robert Mueller, Special Prosecutor, must be pursued to the final step for decisions to be made for any follow-up actions.

Baseman posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Robert Mueller will serve until he concludes the investigations.

Should Trump prematurely end Mueller's term; there will be repercussions against the Republicans leading to a massive loss at the 2020 elections.

No there won’t be. CNN and Hilariousites will fuss and cry and mope.  No one else cares.  It’s all bull and meandering all over the damn place. 

I taught D2 the error of his assumptions when he insisted that Trump would lose to Hillary.  I will now teach you that an emboldened Dem party isnt going to fuss and mope.  They know if they do so their base will show up to lynch them.

The USA is like Guyana.  The GOP enslave their supporters and make them stupid, as does the PPP.  The Dems wish that they can do so, as does the PNC, but the bases of those parties are independent and dont tolerate nonsense.  Look how PNC supporters in Linden drove out Granger before the elections and installed Volda, even though Harmon wanted the job to head the PNC.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Robert Mueller will serve until he concludes the investigations.

Should Trump prematurely end Mueller's term; there will be repercussions against the Republicans leading to a massive loss at the 2020 elections.

No there won’t be. CNN and Hilariousites will fuss and cry and mope.  No one else cares.  It’s all bull and meandering all over the damn place. 

I taught D2 the error of his assumptions when he insisted that Trump would lose to Hillary.  I will now teach you that an emboldened Dem party isnt going to fuss and mope.  They know if they do so their base will show up to lynch them.

The USA is like Guyana.  The GOP enslave their supporters and make them stupid, as does the PPP.  The Dems wish that they can do so, as does the PNC, but the bases of those parties are independent and dont tolerate nonsense.  Look how PNC supporters in Linden drove out Granger before the elections and installed Volda, even though Harmon wanted the job to head the PNC.

Who signed into law minimum prison term which then sent 10s of thousand of Afros to languish in prison over minor crimes?  And then what, 90% still vote for Dems.  And Trump want them out and working...and they vote Democrat!  So tell me nuh, who's like PPP and who's the sheep!!

Demerara_Guy posted:
Baseman posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Robert Mueller will serve until he concludes the investigations.

Should Trump prematurely end Mueller's term; there will be repercussions against the Republicans leading to a massive loss at the 2020 elections.

No there won’t be. CNN and Hilariousites will fuss and cry and mope.  No one else cares.  It’s all bull and meandering all over the damn place. 

While there is a profound difference between a Special Prosecutor and an Independent Prosecutor, the issues under investigation by Robert Mueller, Special Prosecutor, must be pursued to the final step for decisions to be made for any follow-up actions.

Deal with alyuh nice boy up deh, we will deal with our bad boy!

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Robert Mueller will serve until he concludes the investigations.

Should Trump prematurely end Mueller's term; there will be repercussions against the Republicans leading to a massive loss at the 2020 elections.

No there won’t be. CNN and Hilariousites will fuss and cry and mope.  No one else cares.  It’s all bull and meandering all over the damn place. 

I taught D2 the error of his assumptions when he insisted that Trump would lose to Hillary.  I will now teach you that an emboldened Dem party isnt going to fuss and mope.  They know if they do so their base will show up to lynch them.

The USA is like Guyana.  The GOP enslave their supporters and make them stupid, as does the PPP.  The Dems wish that they can do so, as does the PNC, but the bases of those parties are independent and dont tolerate nonsense.  Look how PNC supporters in Linden drove out Granger before the elections and installed Volda, even though Harmon wanted the job to head the PNC.

You assume you taught me anything. I am also no expert just a lay person interested in the goings on in the nation commenting on what I my curiosity has gleaned.  My assumptions however were the assumptions of 99 percent of the people and not even you could have predicted the defection of Main Line philly suburbanite white women. In Wisconsin, Michigan and Pa an average of 7k votes from white women mainly took him over. He won with an average of 70K votes in crucial areas. The polls in general were not off as is generally assumed. It was not fine grained enough nor was it able to capture the hatred of Mrs C among white women who preferred and voted for the P-grabber instead. And why would the Dem's care to have old racist drones as their supporters. America is mainly young, mixed urban and independent minded. Capturing and motivating that class is not easy. In the first place you cannot find them except with boots on the ground. 

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

Who signed into law minimum prison term which then sent 10s of thousand of Afros to languish in prison over minor crimes?  And then what, 90% still vote for Dems.  And Trump want them out and working...and they vote Democrat!  So tell me nuh, who's like PPP and who's the sheep!!

Mandatory minimums and the disenfranchisement of felons and the three strike rules originated in the GOP. The Rockefeller laws began with the republican governor of NY. They still preach jailing people for long periods as tough on crime ( for petty crimes) note no one is trying to white opiate addicts that are presently epidemic across the nation as they did the black crack heads of the 80's. Junkies are no different regardless of if their drug of choice is meth, cocaine or heroin. They have to steal to support the habit.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:

Checks and balances with the Dem taking the House cause the surge in the markets. 

There are no checks and balances in the New York State election.  The Democrats made a clean sweep in Albany.  Watch out for more food stamps circulating on Liberty Avenue and more funding for Section 8 funded basement apartments.

...suh this is why Nehru is such an ardent supporter. More food stamps and section 8 suh he can spend mo time on liberty ave then come hay screaming about "lazy" black man. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:

Checks and balances with the Dem taking the House cause the surge in the markets. 

There are no checks and balances in the New York State election.  The Democrats made a clean sweep in Albany.  Watch out for more food stamps circulating on Liberty Avenue and more funding for Section 8 funded basement apartments.

You are just a useless airhead. Clinton was the democrat that gutted welfare and left it to the barely sustainable pittance for those who need it. If there is a need for poor people to be given some assistance, so be it. The rich just got a trillion and they used over seven hundred billion in stock buy backs. Only 7 billion went to the supposed boost in wages. 

D2 posted:
Baseman posted:

Who signed into law minimum prison term which then sent 10s of thousand of Afros to languish in prison over minor crimes?  And then what, 90% still vote for Dems.  And Trump want them out and working...and they vote Democrat!  So tell me nuh, who's like PPP and who's the sheep!!

Mandatory minimums and the disenfranchisement of felons and the three strike rules originated in the GOP. The Rockefeller laws began with the republican governor of NY. They still preach jailing people for long periods as tough on crime ( for petty crimes) note no one is trying to white opiate addicts that are presently epidemic across the nation as they did the black crack heads of the 80's. Junkies are no different regardless of if their drug of choice is meth, cocaine or heroin. They have to steal to support the habit.

Stop your crap.  It was signed into law by Bill C who himself admitted later he did not anticipate the impact.  

Baseman posted:
D2 posted:
Baseman posted:

Who signed into law minimum prison term which then sent 10s of thousand of Afros to languish in prison over minor crimes?  And then what, 90% still vote for Dems.  And Trump want them out and working...and they vote Democrat!  So tell me nuh, who's like PPP and who's the sheep!!

Mandatory minimums and the disenfranchisement of felons and the three strike rules originated in the GOP. The Rockefeller laws began with the republican governor of NY. They still preach jailing people for long periods as tough on crime ( for petty crimes) note no one is trying to white opiate addicts that are presently epidemic across the nation as they did the black crack heads of the 80's. Junkies are no different regardless of if their drug of choice is meth, cocaine or heroin. They have to steal to support the habit.

Stop your crap.  It was signed into law by Bill C who himself admitted later he did not anticipate the impact.  

Re read what I said or go our and get informed. The above is responsible for the most people being in jail. Clinton 94 law added to the three strikes rule and minimum stay in jail. The Rockefeller laws had already existed for two decades and the burgeoning prison population that caused clinton to allocate finances for new prisons merely added space not increased incarceration. 


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