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Why are ‘good’ people silent on PNC/APNU’s atrocities?



WHAT pomposity! “If the President fails to act, then the people of Guyana will have to take the necessary steps and … the entire Government should be asked to resign.” 

This is one of the recent utterances of David Granger, a man of utter temerity who has a history of acting with impunity.
Let me revisit the notorious 1973 slaying of the two Berbicians at the No. 64 Village Polling Station, during the elections of 1973. Granger was in the leadership of the army at that time, and therefore he still bears responsibility for the horrific act of the murder by army ranks of the two ballot box martyrs.
We need to remember (and inform the public too), that post-April 1970 saw Burnham subverting the Guyana Defence Force and making it into an entity totally subservient to himself. That was when he wickedly launched the Army “Education Corps,” so as to have a set of henchmen to do his bidding. One of his leading abettors at this juncture was David Granger, a fanatical member and leader in this Education Corps.
In Burnham’s owns words, we have a synopsis of what was the invidious mindset behind this operation was.
“I do not share with the British the concept that the Army is separate and distinct from everything else and loyal to the Government of the day. As Prime Minister, I expect you to be loyal to this Government … (and) as far as I am concerned, I don’t want any abstract loyalty.”
David Granger is from this school of thought.
I recall the PNC and its perceived collaboration with Bouterse’s son, who according to revelations from WikiLeaks,  supplied high-powered weapons to criminal elements holed up in Buxton, during the 2002-2006 crime wave sprees. Where was Granger in all of this? Here is a man who all the time was pandering to criminality, but is now making accusations against and sending threats to the PPP/C Government about crimes.
His very accusation (and APNU’s by extension) is most criminally laced: “If the President fails to act, then the people of Guyana will have to take the necessary steps.” Joseph Harmon embodied the same kind of thinking, saying, “APNU is giving the President an opportunity to do what is right (and) “If they fail to act, then the APNU will have no choice but to act in favour of the people and act on what is right.”
By implication, this is very violent talk; it is tantamount to giving the PPP/C an ultimatum, and if not acceded to, Granger and Harmon are effectively saying that President Ramotar and his Government will pay a heavy price.
Let us put violence as something that APNU, particularly David Granger, will resort to. It is like the only thing available.  As mentioned before, there is the proclivity for violence, as was evident in the notorious 1973 slaying, of the two Berbicians at the No. 64 Village Polling Station during the elections of 1973.
Now we come to this ‘mixing and meddling’ with Dino, who is now in jail, awaiting sentencing; it is something worth consideration.
I go back to the recent Wikileaked cable from then US Ambassador to Guyana, Roland Bullen, who noted that “Desi Bouterse’s son, Dino, organised a Surinamese soccer team trip to Buxton, a few years ago. It is believed that the team bus carried weapons to Buxton, and the local contact was Joseph Harmon.
Later, the said Dino entered a plea deal with federal prosecutors for a possible lower sentence in his trial in New York. His plea deal came after he was arrested by US authorities in Panama on drugs, weapons and terrorism charges.
Dino appeared in court in 2013 and admitted that in “In 2013, (he) knowingly provided a false Surinamese passport to a person (he) believed to be associated with Hezbollah, an organization (he) knew to be designated as a terrorist organization by the United States.” Dino, 42, also once served prison time in Suriname for weapons theft (but was named the commander of the country’s Counter Terrorism Unit (CTU) when his father became President).
I come now to last year, and proffer another case in point, showing the kind of person David Granger really is. The Opposition Leader had the Facebook picture of him and gunman Kevin Fields removed after Fields was killed during a robbery. The picture told volumes as regards the kind of associates this man Granger has around him.
I want to know of whom we should really be afraid. I want to know why civil organisations and legal bodies are not asking that David Granger and his cohorts be investigated. Shame on those who are condoning the intent of APNU! Should I add the utterance of Carl Greenidge? He wanted the President to take cognisance of King Charles. Why? King Charles was beheaded. Yet so many ‘good’ people did not rebuke him; and Carl Greenidge is basically promising to kill President Ramotar.

JUSTIN CARMICHAEL.. Guyana Kranakle.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I recall the PNC and its perceived collaboration with Bouterse’s son, who according to revelations from WikiLeaks,  supplied high-powered weapons to criminal elements holed up in Buxton, during the 2002-2006 crime wave sprees.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

.. Guyana Kranakle.

what a comedian . . .


reflected in your "Kranakle" appellation, u doan even (really) believe the effluent u post from the PPP Chronicle

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I think we should go back to the 1800s....

This happened in the 21st century. We don't need to go that far back. However, I admire your loyalty to the PNC.


Why should people worry about events fifty years ago, when worse is happening to them today under the PPP? Trying to find an excuse to hide the PPP crimes? Let's put things into context:

1. More Guyanese have been murdered under each of the PPP elected period of government than were murdered under all the decades of PNC rule.

2. More Guyanese are shot dead each year than have been shit dead during the PNC decades combined.

3. More money is stolen on a yearly basis by the PPP than was stolen in all the decades of PNC rule.

4. More women have been raped under PPP rule than there were under the PNC.

5. The average Guyanese now has less chance to find a job than during the PNC rule.


So the moral of the story: things were far saver under the PNC, even though it was an oppressive regime.


Things can't get worse under another party than they currently are under the PPP. Most of the valuable part of Guyana is already sold to the friends of the PPP for exploitation. The Buxton are all dead now. And they were not politicians trying to get into government.

On the other hand, Roger Khan's gang murdered far more people than all the Buxton gangs put together. The PPP hired these murderers. The PNC government never had any gang that committed anywhere near so much atrocities. So as it turns out, people should be far more scared of the PPP gangs and regime. Things are only going to get worse if the PPP continues in power. The PPP communist friend, China, will be given the freedom to hunt and kill Guyanese for their land just as they do in Tibet.


In a minibus travelling along Lamaha Street with some primary school children. The one immediately behind looks to the tarmac over the canal and says, very properly, "Wow, that's a lot of goats." Before I can say it, the one behind him says, "Rohee, Rohee".

First time I've felt optimistic about Guyana's future in a while.




Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

In a minibus travelling along Lamaha Street with some primary school children. The one immediately behind looks to the tarmac over the canal and says, very properly, "Wow, that's a lot of goats." Before I can say it, the one behind him says, "Rohee, Rohee".

First time I've felt optimistic about Guyana's future in a while.





Was that a joke? Wait, I have to tickle myself to laugh.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

In a minibus travelling along Lamaha Street with some primary school children. The one immediately behind looks to the tarmac over the canal and says, very properly, "Wow, that's a lot of goats." Before I can say it, the one behind him says, "Rohee, Rohee".

First time I've felt optimistic about Guyana's future in a while.





Was that a joke? Wait, I have to tickle myself to laugh.

I have always shown to the low breed brigade how they misunderstand and misinterpret the english language constantly.


Over and Over again we see this happening. You think that was a joke or an observation? 

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

In a minibus travelling along Lamaha Street with some primary school children. The one immediately behind looks to the tarmac over the canal and says, very properly, "Wow, that's a lot of goats." Before I can say it, the one behind him says, "Rohee, Rohee".

First time I've felt optimistic about Guyana's future in a while.





Was that a joke? Wait, I have to tickle myself to laugh.

I have always shown to the low breed brigade how they misunderstand and misinterpret the english language constantly.


Over and Over again we see this happening. You think that was a joke or an observation? 

You have been too long hitting the ENTER key on the keyboard and banging your head on the table. This an observation and not an insinuated joke.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

In a minibus travelling along Lamaha Street with some primary school children. The one immediately behind looks to the tarmac over the canal and says, very properly, "Wow, that's a lot of goats." Before I can say it, the one behind him says, "Rohee, Rohee".

First time I've felt optimistic about Guyana's future in a while.





Was that a joke? Wait, I have to tickle myself to laugh.

I have always shown to the low breed brigade how they misunderstand and misinterpret the english language constantly.


Over and Over again we see this happening. You think that was a joke or an observation? 

You have been too long hitting the ENTER key on the keyboard and banging your head on the table. This an observation and not an insinuated joke.

Your observations lack depth, no surprise there though. After all its the LBS at work.  

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

In a minibus travelling along Lamaha Street with some primary school children. The one immediately behind looks to the tarmac over the canal and says, very properly, "Wow, that's a lot of goats." Before I can say it, the one behind him says, "Rohee, Rohee".

First time I've felt optimistic about Guyana's future in a while.





Was that a joke? Wait, I have to tickle myself to laugh.

I have always shown to the low breed brigade how they misunderstand and misinterpret the english language constantly.


Over and Over again we see this happening. You think that was a joke or an observation? 

You have been too long hitting the ENTER key on the keyboard and banging your head on the table. This an observation and not an insinuated joke.

Your observations lack depth, no surprise there though. After all its the LBS at work.  

So how much did the AFC pay you this weeK? How many keystrokes for the week?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I doan get paid by AFC dem doan have no money. I get paid by APNU.

You ah mek joke?

No I am very serious...........

Originally Posted by Nehru:

What brother Skeldon is saying is " If you want the Buxton Gang to RULE Guyana again , vote PNC/KFC".   IT IS THAT SIMPLE!!!

It is not that simple, it is BULLSHIT that you guys peddle, you are vermin.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

What brother Skeldon is saying is " If you want the Buxton Gang to RULE Guyana again , vote PNC/KFC".   IT IS THAT SIMPLE!!!

It is not that simple, it is BULLSHIT that you guys peddle, you are vermin.

Facts are not bullshit.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Brother skeldon hheehehehehehehe the brotherhood of the unschooled.

Nothing of substance as usual. Same stale dhall.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Brother skeldon hheehehehehehehe the brotherhood of the unschooled.

Nothing of substance as usual. Same stale dhall.

Yuh stomach can't handle substance Brother Skeldon......

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Brother skeldon hheehehehehehehe the brotherhood of the unschooled.

Nothing of substance as usual. Same stale dhall.

Yuh stomach can't handle substance Brother Skeldon......

You spew sheer kaka. Your handlers prepared you with canned response. Logical thinking is not a part of your pea brain process.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Brother skeldon hheehehehehehehe the brotherhood of the unschooled.

Nothing of substance as usual. Same stale dhall.

Yuh stomach can't handle substance Brother Skeldon......

You spew sheer kaka. Your handlers prepared you with canned response. Logical thinking is not a part of your pea brain process.

Yuh tired Brother Skeldan? awwwwwww so cute. 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

What brother Skeldon is saying is " If you want the Buxton Gang to RULE Guyana again , vote PNC/KFC".   IT IS THAT SIMPLE!!!

It is not that simple, it is BULLSHIT that you guys peddle, you are vermin.

Facts are not bullshit.

Listen to me...BULLSHIT! 


What about the gang of killers in the PPP?

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Why should people worry about events fifty years ago, when worse is happening to them today under the PPP? Trying to find an excuse to hide the PPP crimes? Let's put things into context:

1. More Guyanese have been murdered under each of the PPP elected period of government than were murdered under all the decades of PNC rule.

2. More Guyanese are shot dead each year than have been shit dead during the PNC decades combined.

3. More money is stolen on a yearly basis by the PPP than was stolen in all the decades of PNC rule.

4. More women have been raped under PPP rule than there were under the PNC.

5. The average Guyanese now has less chance to find a job than during the PNC rule.


So the moral of the story: things were far saver under the PNC, even though it was an oppressive regime.

An addition the PPP had a chance to punish those guilty of abuse under the Burnham regime and didn't do so.  So why bring it up now that most of the guilty are either dead or part of the PPP?


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