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The 3 highest suicide rates in the Caribbean are Guyana, Suriname and Trinidad, in that order.  Jamaica, with its high poverty, violence, and abuse of its poor, ranks much lower.

The reasons are cultural.   It seems obvious that the 3 Caribbean countries with the highest Indian populations, have the highest suicide rates.

in the USA whites have much higher rates than do Asians, blacks and Hispanics.  Why when whites should face fewer challenges due to poverty, immigrant status, or discrimination?

Cultural coping strategies and societal pressures (feelings of failure to live up to societal expectations) seem to be the reason.

In the Guyana context it seems obvious that young Indians seem to be more under pressure to live up to the expectations of their elders (not just their immediate parents), and feel less able to cope when feelings of entrapment occur.

One can even see it on GNI when we see older Indian posts write about "training their children", these children in fact being young ADULTS! 

This "training" is often not guidance in equipping the individual to maximize their goals and potential.  It is to strictly adhere to values and norms that the older ones have and with an insistence that these be blindly followed by young adults, who often live in a very different world.


It also appears to me as if this isn't merely an Indian problem.  It is a RURAL Indian problem, as suicides in urban areas seems less.

Now one would think that with, weaker family structures, more fragile social safety nets, and greater pressure to live up to societal norms (self esteem connected to the ability to engage in conspicuous consumption) suicides would be higher in urban areas.  But this doesn't seem to be the case.  

This makes me believe that smaller societies (the rural village), where relationships are more intimate, people are more intrusive, and individual privacy is  less possible, a young adult might feel more under pressure, and might think that the only "escape" is through suicide.

caribny posted:

It also appears to me as if this isn't merely an Indian problem.  It is a RURAL Indian problem, as suicides in urban areas seems less.


That's a fair statement, Carib. I lived in Georgetown for 14 years and worked there for 25 years. I can tell you that Georgetown Indo girls were their own bosses. Dem coudda give man blow and tek blow bravely without drinking poison. Same with the city's Indo men. And they couldn't care if some racial person disapproved of Afro-Indo relationships. Both sexes and both races. That generation has become grandparents now and they contributed greatly and voluntarily to Guyana's mixed population. When a relationship turned sour, the attitude was: why worry? Lots of fishes in the sea. Gilbakka liked that!

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:

It also appears to me as if this isn't merely an Indian problem.  It is a RURAL Indian problem, as suicides in urban areas seems less.

Now one would think that with, weaker family structures, more fragile social safety nets, and greater pressure to live up to societal norms (self esteem connected to the ability to engage in conspicuous consumption) suicides would be higher in urban areas.  But this doesn't seem to be the case.  

This makes me believe that smaller societies (the rural village), where relationships are more intimate, people are more intrusive, and individual privacy is  less possible, a young adult might feel more under pressure, and might think that the only "escape" is through suicide.

that is true....because I don't remember this happening much in GT and it's immeadiate outskirts

Gilbakka posted:
caribny posted:

It also appears to me as if this isn't merely an Indian problem.  It is a RURAL Indian problem, as suicides in urban areas seems less.


That's a fair statement, Carib. I lived in Georgetown for 14 years and worked there for 25 years. I can tell you that Georgetown Indo girls were their own bosses. Dem coudda give man blow and tek blow bravely without drinking poison. Same with the city's Indo men. And they couldn't care if some racial person disapproved of Afro-Indo relationships. Both sexes and both races. That generation has become grandparents now and they contributed greatly and voluntarily to Guyana's mixed population. When a relationship turned sour, the attitude was: why worry? Lots of fishes in the sea. Gilbakka liked that!

Parents in G/T know that they must be more flexible and that they cannot treat 23 y/o the way that they would a 12 y/o.  They feel less compelled to "train" young adults (to maintain the "old" ways). 

They know that their kids most likely work for their own money, including the females, and so can laugh at them.  In addition it is likely that the kids can move out, if they feel constrained by their parents.

Bottom line is, despite G/T being more stressful in many ways than a rural village, those who live there have more mechanisms to cope with stress when it comes from family members, or from neighbors.  In fact in G/T who cares what neighbors think!

 As an aside,  most of the Indo KKK are rural Indians.  I can well imagine that some of them might prefer a dead daughter than one with dougla kids, and a black husband. They certainly seem ready to disown them.

In G/T the parents can think what they want, and the kids don't care.  So threats of disowning matter less.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:
caribny posted:

It also appears to me as if this isn't merely an Indian problem.  It is a RURAL Indian problem, as suicides in urban areas seems less.


That's a fair statement, Carib. I lived in Georgetown for 14 years and worked there for 25 years. I can tell you that Georgetown Indo girls were their own bosses. Dem coudda give man blow and tek blow bravely without drinking poison. Same with the city's Indo men. And they couldn't care if some racial person disapproved of Afro-Indo relationships. Both sexes and both races. That generation has become grandparents now and they contributed greatly and voluntarily to Guyana's mixed population. When a relationship turned sour, the attitude was: why worry? Lots of fishes in the sea. Gilbakka liked that!

Parents in G/T know that they must be more flexible and that they cannot treat 23 y/o the way that they would a 12 y/o.  They feel less compelled to "train" young adults (to maintain the "old" ways). 

They know that their kids most likely work for their own money, including the females, and so can laugh at them.  In addition it is likely that the kids can move out, if they feel constrained by their parents.

Bottom line is, despite G/T being more stressful in many ways than a rural village, those who live there have more mechanisms to cope with stress when it comes from family members, or from neighbors.  In fact in G/T who cares what neighbors think!

 As an aside,  most of the Indo KKK are rural Indians.  I can well imagine that some of them might prefer a dead daughter than one with dougla kids, and a black husband. They certainly seem ready to disown them.

In G/T the parents can think what they want, and the kids don't care.  So threats of disowning matter less.

You do have some good points in your posts on this thread caribny.  The "emotional stresses" might be greater in the rural vs the urban areas.  This could also be due to less education.

RiffRaff posted:
seignet posted:

Guyana does not offer hope. People have no jobs to go to. No purpose in life. Even simple infatuations seems to drive them into desperate wanderings.


What is the point having a government? 

lots of people in other countries with less hope...and they don't committ suicide

yuh rite dey doan commit suicides. Dey doan get a chance for dat. dey are victims of other vices. Maybe dey doan have the money to buy substances, ropes or the riverways we have in Guyana.

Why some of you think that the indian women who kill themselves wanted a relationship with black men and their families object to it. Suh deh kill themselves. Why u people falling for Caribj line of thinking. Are you indians now becoming members of anti-indians squad.

Sure GT indians mix with any race, because the city has all kinds of people. The opportunities are there to sleep around. In the rural areas, blacks stay in their villages and indians do the same. These days, any race finding themselves in the wrong gets a fine thrashing.

I get the impression town indians are not indians. They are above the lowly kulies of country parts. And maybe, it is not known, rural people walk great distances to go to school and do get an education.

Despair makes people kill themselves and despair could be traced to the government that govern the citizens. 

seignet posted:
. Why u people falling for Caribj line of thinking. Are you indians now becoming members of anti-indians squad.


Its old fossils like you who force these kids to kill themselves.

Learn something.  A 23 y/o is an adult.  You TALK to them if you think that they are doing wrong.  And you try to understand their world and why they think as they do.

But you still think that you can "train" a 23 y/o and threaten to cut them off if they don't follow blindly all your archaic notions of what traditions they should follow.

caribny posted:

The 3 highest suicide rates in the Caribbean are Guyana, Suriname and Trinidad, in that order.  Jamaica, with its high poverty, violence, and abuse of its poor, ranks much lower.

The reasons are cultural.   It seems obvious that the 3 Caribbean countries with the highest Indian populations, have the highest suicide rates.

in the USA whites have much higher rates than do Asians, blacks and Hispanics.  Why when whites should face fewer challenges due to poverty, immigrant status, or discrimination?

Cultural coping strategies and societal pressures (feelings of failure to live up to societal expectations) seem to be the reason.

In the Guyana context it seems obvious that young Indians seem to be more under pressure to live up to the expectations of their elders (not just their immediate parents), and feel less able to cope when feelings of entrapment occur.

One can even see it on GNI when we see older Indian posts write about "training their children", these children in fact being young ADULTS! 

This "training" is often not guidance in equipping the individual to maximize their goals and potential.  It is to strictly adhere to values and norms that the older ones have and with an insistence that these be blindly followed by young adults, who often live in a very different world.

Every now and then you display a bright spark.  I dislike your racism but like your thoughts on some critical subject-matter.

RiffRaff posted:
seignet posted:

Guyana does not offer hope. People have no jobs to go to. No purpose in life. Even simple infatuations seems to drive them into desperate wanderings.


What is the point having a government? 

lots of people in other countries with less hope...and they don't committ suicide

Depends how you define hope.  In India I saw/was around a lot of suicide and three points always came up:

1. just missing that 97% test score to get into Uni

2. Failed relationship.  Many times the parties blame themselves for not getting along

3. Problematic family relations.

Official stats might say differently, but I always heard these.


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