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Former Member
Is this your mudheaded way of trying to say that a Black Government must be held to a high standard while an "Indian" Government can tief and do nothing for Guyana as long as "abbe pon tap"?

You people are revealing yourselves to be either plain stupid or just comically racist or both. I'm inclined to say both.

The only objection to a Granger Presidency was his ability to control his thug element. And it seems he can control them well. Unfortunately the PPP had a mudhead element that cannot be controlled. I'm now coming to the conclusion that the PPP is more dangerous to Indian people in particular and Guyana in general than the PNC is.

Look how them morons managed to destroy Indian people in their 23 year reign of error.

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Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Is this your mudheaded way of trying to say that a Black Government must be held to a high standard while an "Indian" Government can tief and do nothing for Guyana as long as "abbe pon tap"?

You people are revealing yourselves to be either plain stupid or just comically racist or both. I'm inclined to say both.

The only objection to a Granger Presidency was his ability to control his thug element. And it seems he can control them well. Unfortunately the PPP had a mudhead element that cannot be controlled. I'm now coming to the conclusion that the PPP is more dangerous to Indian people in particular and Guyana in general than the PNC is.

Look how them morons managed to destroy Indian people in their 23 year reign of error.



The concern about the crime situation has been expressed over the years that both the pnc and the PPP were in givernment. The current regime severeky criticized the PPP government over the crime situation and promised the people that they will do a better job. Well, they are in the driver's seat and as yet cannot produce any thing. The only things happened were blocking transfer for awhile and thinking about Gun amnesty. I think you might to look in the mirror if you want to denigrate people. This issue was raised so many times.


Originally Posted by Zed:

The concern about the crime situation has been expressed over the years that both the pnc and the PPP were in givernment. The current regime severeky criticized the PPP government over the crime situation and promised the people that they will do a better job. Well, they are in the driver's seat and as yet cannot produce any thing. The only things happened were blocking transfer for awhile and thinking about Gun amnesty. I think you might to look in the mirror if you want to denigrate people. This issue was raised so many times.


So crime started the moment the coalition came into power...?

Last edited by Former Member

I was travelling today so could get back to this only now. where in my post did implicitly or explicitly say so? I am concerned about the continuing crime situation and am eagerly awaiting something innovative from the new government. The original comment was about holding one race to higher standards than another. This is incorrect. There has been many posts regarding the crime situation under both the ppp and pnc governments. I refuse to just accept being called a PPP mudhead because I expressed concerns about the crime situation. This is race-baiting and lends nothing to the issue of the crime situation in Guyana. For us who live here, it is a serious subject.many may want to make political hay with the subject because they live in the relative safety of developed countries.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The PPP is concerned about crime because it is centrally directed by the PNC.

Ramjattan is blinded to the faults of his new found friends.


So was crime controlled under the PPP's reign? Yes or No?

No!  The COP received a lot of money to look the other way.

He also was doing the mother whilst Raja Khan was doing the daughter. 

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The PPP is concerned about crime because it is centrally directed by the PNC.

Ramjattan is blinded to the faults of his new found friends.


So was crime controlled under the PPP's reign? Yes or No?

No!  The COP received a lot of money to look the other way.

He also was doing the mother whilst Raja Khan was doing the daughter. 


So WTF are you complaining about? Are you really so schupid that you expect crime to be dented in 30 days of Government?


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