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I am quite amazed that so many hardened PPP supporters on GNI are constantly voicing their concern that Granger is not doing enough to displace the PPP from power. What is going on? Are these so called PPP agents in fact PNC voters?


Just as intriguing is the fact that these same agents are talking up the PNC as the main party that they rely on to dethrone the PPP. But the man on the street in Guyana are more and more supportive of the AFC. So how come these PPP agents are so out of touch with the reality on the ground in Guyana? Are these guys just based in the US and Canada, and taking orders from jagdeo without questioning the real situation?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Dear Sir,


Because Conscience and Rev and them other PPP lackey were given the instructions to seize the moment.


Grainja at his weakest - time to bury him so deep so he cannot recover in time for 2016.


It is also their way of breaking his confidence so that he votes against the AFC no confidence motion.




Moses is a failure. He is now hiding in his toilet after his threat of no confidence motion. The AFC cannot even move a blade of grass without the approval of Big Brother PNC.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Dear Sir,


Because Conscience and Rev and them other PPP lackey were given the instructions to seize the moment.


Grainja at his weakest - time to bury him so deep so he cannot recover in time for 2016.


It is also their way of breaking his confidence so that he votes against the AFC no confidence motion.




Moses is a failure. He is now hiding in his toilet after his threat of no confidence motion. The AFC cannot even move a blade of grass without the approval of Big Brother PNC.



Moses relaxing, giving Grainja a chance to breathe.  It coming in October - the no confidence motion.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Dear Sir,


Because Conscience and Rev and them other PPP lackey were given the instructions to seize the moment.


Grainja at his weakest - time to bury him so deep so he cannot recover in time for 2016.


It is also their way of breaking his confidence so that he votes against the AFC no confidence motion.




Moses is a failure. He is now hiding in his toilet after his threat of no confidence motion. The AFC cannot even move a blade of grass without the approval of Big Brother PNC.



Moses relaxing, giving Grainja a chance to breathe.  It coming in October - the no confidence motion.


Next week, next month, next year. All of you in the AFC lack credibility. Moses was also pictured with the Chinese while his supporters were condemning the Chinses.


In the AFC, The right hand does not know what the left hand is doing.



Images (1)
  • CHEC_101
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Dear Sir,


Because Conscience and Rev and them other PPP lackey were given the instructions to seize the moment.


Grainja at his weakest - time to bury him so deep so he cannot recover in time for 2016.


It is also their way of breaking his confidence so that he votes against the AFC no confidence motion.




Moses is a failure. He is now hiding in his toilet after his threat of no confidence motion. The AFC cannot even move a blade of grass without the approval of Big Brother PNC.



Moses relaxing, giving Grainja a chance to breathe.  It coming in October - the no confidence motion.


Next week, next month, next year. All of you in the AFC lack credibility. Moses was also pictured with the Chinese while his supporters were condemning the Chinses.


In the AFC, The right hand does not know what the left hand is doing.


There you go again, yuji; dishonestly misrepresenting Moses in that photo, although I TWICE pointed out to you the context in which Moses appears therein.


Originally Posted by Mr.T:

. But the man on the street in Guyana are more and more supportive of the AFC.

They always are until elections, and then their racial demons enter their heads.  7% followed by 10% of the vote doesn't show that the AFC is preferred by the electorate.  They voice support for the AFC because people don't want to admit in public that they support the PPP or the PNC.

Originally Posted by KishanB:



Grainja at his weakest - time to bury him so deep so he cannot recover in time for 2016.


Ironically the best way to ensure APNU victory is to bury Granger deep now.  It gives APNU time to make it be known to him that he is finished as a presidential candidate, and a better candidate should be selected.


If any one thinks that AFC will win in the election which will be triggered by the no confidence vote they dream.  The opposition isn't ready, have no cash, nor do they have ground operations at the ready.  The PPP has the power of the treasury, the media and all of their crony corrupt friends.


I suggest that the opposition focus now on LGE, and on getting their ground troops ready to campaign, beginning NEXT year, for a 2016 election.


If APNU supports the AFC the PPP will win a low turn out election, not more than 50%, maybe even less than 49% but there is no way that APNU is getting more than 50%, and even beating the PPP is unlikely, given its current internal problems.

Originally Posted by caribny:

If APNU supports the AFC the PPP will win a low turn out election, not more than 50%, maybe even less than 49% but there is no way that APNU is getting more than 50%, and even beating the PPP is unlikely, given its current internal problems.

The last election showed the potential votes with the eight-plus small groups that formed an alliance with the PNC. It is unlikely that the PNC will garner more votes that in the last election.


Indications are that the AFC will be reduced significantly from the total votes it received in 2011.


While the PPP/C obtained about 49% in 2011, it is quite possible that they will receive 50+% votes at the next election.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:

If APNU supports the AFC the PPP will win a low turn out election, not more than 50%, maybe even less than 49% but there is no way that APNU is getting more than 50%, and even beating the PPP is unlikely, given its current internal problems.

The last election showed the potential votes with the eight-plus small groups that formed an alliance with the PNC. It is unlikely that the PNC will garner more votes that in the last election.


Indications are that the AFC will be reduced significantly from the total votes it received in 2011.


While the PPP/C obtained about 49% in 2011, it is quite possible that they will receive 50+% votes at the next election.

I don't think that APNU will gain more votes, than they did in 2011, but I don't think that the PPP will either.  The PPP is more discredited now than it was in 2011. Ramotar has the charisma of a toad, and will get minimal assistance from the more charismatic Jagdeo, who in turn has an image which has been seriously fractured with the scandals over his pension, and other benefits.  In addition the presumption that the PPP will always win has been shattered by the loss of control of parliament.  In addition it has been all but confirmed, though the PPP wishes to hide it, that Indians, the PPPs core base have been leaving the country in droves.


So no I don't see why any one should assume that the PPP will gain more votes at a time when major sectors (sugar, rice, gold, bauxite) are under stress and the population at large labors under increasing living costs.


Personally I think that Guyanese have lost touch with the electoral process and gov't and even more are likely to boycott.


If you think that the PPP enjoys enthusiastic support from any one who fool yourself.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Mahen:
Originally Posted by Mahen:
Originally Posted by Mahen:


The PNC at 35%

AFC 22%

Last time the AFC claimed that they would beat the PNC. Instead the PNC won 4X more votes.


It remains to be seen what impact the AFC will have.  It may well be that those who previously supported them, in their disgust for the two major parties, might just simply stay home, as their disgust might have extended to the AFC.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Grainja was on the path to become the next President.

Do you really think so?  Granger didn't do anything that wasn't predicted, except the gun shooting incident...that had to be on the PPP wish list.

i DID NOT EXPECT HIM TO juk the delegates list?  That shocked me.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Grainja was on the path to become the next President.

Do you really think so?  Granger didn't do anything that wasn't predicted, except the gun shooting incident...that had to be on the PPP wish list.

i DID NOT EXPECT HIM TO juk the delegates list?  That shocked me.

I did as that is how he came into power in the first place.  Corbin realized that he could no longer be the presidential candidate but set out to block Norton and Greenidge and so there was Granger.

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

Hey Hey Hey T bai is dem Jagan AFC peopkle wukkin foh de PPP.

Oi Tarron posting today as Kapidilla and Redux, where you does come up with these mad post?


Where you did with your handle JB, park she up.


You learn well from Kwame McKoy, the man with the many handles posting today as Sir Conscience.  Next day Albert.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

Hey Hey Hey T bai is dem Jagan AFC peopkle wukkin foh de PPP.

Oi Tarron posting today as Kapidilla and Redux, where you does come up with these mad post?


Where you did with your handle JB, park she up.


You learn well from Kwame McKoy, the man with the many handles posting today as Sir Conscience.  Next day Albert.


Hey Hey Hey. Sase how life in Marylan bai. Hey hey yuh bai Rosie. 

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

It is the job of all to fight the authoritarianism in the PPP.

Not just in the PPP, but in any party that wishes to sit in parliament from now on. Let's get rid of the old boys and the corrupted. These people are holding us back. Look how Suriname have the same resources as Guyana, and has managed them far better. In Guyana it is all about who can thief the most.


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