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Black ppl punish more than anybody else in the world. Only the ex-slaves seek out appreciation, Africans are Africans, dey proud of themselves-they are not black. Some Nigerians are very fair in complexion and dem prejudice about black skin. Just looking up Kofi the other day and I read about the Nok Civilization on the Niger River in ancient times, they had some badazz gods like te Greeks and Hindus. It read like a real Marvel Story line.

@VishMahabir posted:

Just asking....

Why all the focus on Blacks and Black History for an entire month? Dont other people have history also???  And why are others being asked to recognize Black achievements and not their own? Dont other lives matter too? WTF?

I think this is BS.

Mitwah? DJ?  Totaram?  Sally? Cain??

Who's stopping you from recognizing the achievements of your own ,whoever they may be.  Go right ahead.  FYI, in some provinces in Canada there are months devoted to the history of other groups. 

@VishMahabir posted:

Just asking....

Why all the focus on Blacks and Black History for an entire month? Dont other people have history also???  And why are others being asked to recognize Black achievements and not their own? Dont other lives matter too? WTF?

I think this is BS.

Mitwah? DJ?  Totaram?  Sally? Cain??

Beto Bhai, from your literary works on Guyanese Indians, you are an Indo-supremacist.

Worshipping Jagdeo and Irfan to get a posh PPP job?

@VishMahabir posted:

Just asking....

Why all the focus on Blacks and Black History for an entire month? Dont other people have history also???  And why are others being asked to recognize Black achievements and not their own? Dont other lives matter too? WTF?

I think this is BS.

Mitwah? DJ?  Totaram?  Sally? Cain??

OK! You start! Hit two birds with the same stone! Tell us about the history of Africans in India! Ah doant kno much bowt dah! Yuh keepin secrit bowt yuh ancisturs in Injuh? Iz dah wy yuh doan lyk blak man, Unkle Vish?

Last edited by Former Member
@Ramakant-P posted:

Replacing "Indian Arrival Day" with "Indian History Month" is not such a not bad Idea.   Someone has to remind  The token coolies that they oringinate from the gutters of Calcutta.

WE came as Brahmins, my paternal grandmother, I remember her, was a stern old woman. My poor mother ketch days wid her. That old woman had no daughters only sons and she kept everyone of them and their wives with an iron fist. Dey farmed in Maichony creek. Definitely, she couldn't be from the gutters of Kolkotta.

Last edited by seignet
@Ramakant-P posted:

People like to remind those people that they are black. The blacks in India are crying that they don't know if they are African or Indian. The Indian government put them in the Untouchable class.

I guess thaf is where they best fit being a minority! But still Indian! Of African ancestry!

Last edited by Former Member

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