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Now that the AFC has been silent in speaking out against the recent racist statement by PNC finance critic Carl Greendige in parliament in which he declared that subsidy to Guysuco which employs over 90 percent Indo Guyanese is a government problem, Indo Guyanese must be enraged and speak out against the demonic statement by Carl Greenidge.


It must be noted that the previous PPP administration subsidized MILLIONS of taxpayers dollars to residents of Linden. We do not see the PNC calling for cuts to the subsidy for the residents of Lindens but see it fit to make a racist comment about subsidy to Guysuco.


Let us be reminded that it was Carl Greenidge together with dictator Burnham deliberately banned foodstuff consumed mainly by Indo Guyanese in a further attempt to demoralize them. Items like Dhall, Wheat Flour, Potatoes, Sardines, Cooking Oil, Ghee used in daily worship, Onion, Garlic, and a list that can fill this post were banned and Indo Guyanese beaten and jailed if they tried to smuggle them across borders.


Unless you carried a PNC membership card, you were not allowed to purchase basic food items. 


Suriname became a lifeline to Guyana as Indo Guyanese risked their lives trying to feed their families. These actions of Carl Greenidge must not be forgotten. Guyana became a basket case economy under Carl Greenidge. 


Today Carl Greenidge as been resurrected and is now fully supported by the PNC and AFC who present him as a expert in economic matters. This man has ZERO credibility. The AFC and PNC are working arm in arm to bring back the PNC and Carl Greenidge from the gutter.


Indo Guyanese must speak out now. Especially those who fled the PNC led Burnham and Hoyte dictatorship. Failing do so will have history repeating itself. AFC silence regarding the racist statement by Carl Greenidge is very troubling. Speak out now.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

PPP media strategy for its antiman crew on GNI:


start multiple threads based on the most OUTRAGEOUS LIES


amp up the race baiting to a crescendo with whatever invidious nonsense necessary to scare the bejeezus out of Indo-Guyanese . . .


sit back, dig yuh batty, smell, and wait for the pedophile and his cheerleading section to chime in and create a 'conversation'

Originally Posted by redux:

PPP media strategy for its antiman crew on GNI:


start multiple threads based on the most OUTRAGEOUS LIES


amp up the race baiting to a crescendo with whatever invidious nonsense necessary to scare the bejeezus out of Indo-Guyanese . . .


sit back, dig yuh batty, smell, and wait for the pedophile and his cheerleading section to chime in and create a 'conversation'

You are so DUMB, you would not see the TRUTH if it is etched on your broad forehead!!!!


it was Carl Greenidge together with dictator Burnham deliberately banned foodstuff consumed mainly by Indo Guyanese in a further attempt to demoralize them. Items like Dhall, Wheat Flour, Potatoes, Sardines, Cooking Oil, Ghee used in daily worship, Onion, Garlic, and a list that can fill this post were banned and Indo Guyanese beaten and jailed if they tried to smuggle them across borders




Yes, which made the Indian rich people with connections even more rich because they had the ability to smuggle the  same banned items back into Guyana to sell at very high prices to poor indians without getting caught.  These are the same rich indian people who still very rich in Guyana today.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:

PPP media strategy for its antiman crew on GNI:


start multiple threads based on the most OUTRAGEOUS LIES


amp up the race baiting to a crescendo with whatever invidious nonsense necessary to scare the bejeezus out of Indo-Guyanese . . .


sit back, dig yuh batty, smell, and wait for the pedophile and his cheerleading section to chime in and create a 'conversation'

You are so DUMB, you would not see the TRUTH if it is etched on your broad forehead!!!!

  Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:

PPP media strategy for its antiman crew on GNI:


start multiple threads based on the most OUTRAGEOUS LIES


amp up the race baiting to a crescendo with whatever invidious nonsense necessary to scare the bejeezus out of Indo-Guyanese . . .


sit back, dig yuh batty, smell, and wait for the pedophile and his cheerleading section to chime in and create a 'conversation'

You are so DUMB, you would not see the TRUTH if it is etched on your broad forehead!!!!

Some things don't change. I come back from my world tour and what do I find? This 'redux' is still with his gutter crap. His classics include ' antiman, antimen, panty, fresh panty, dig you batty smell, etc' This banna has a sick mind. Please sir you is a big man stay away from this kind of language. Let's see if he can help it.  

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
  Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:

PPP media strategy for its antiman crew on GNI:


start multiple threads based on the most OUTRAGEOUS LIES


amp up the race baiting to a crescendo with whatever invidious nonsense necessary to scare the bejeezus out of Indo-Guyanese . . .


sit back, dig yuh batty, smell, and wait for the pedophile and his cheerleading section to chime in and create a 'conversation'

You are so DUMB, you would not see the TRUTH if it is etched on your broad forehead!!!!

Some things don't change. I come back from my world tour and what do I find? This 'redux' is still with his gutter crap. His classics include ' antiman, antimen, panty, fresh panty, dig you batty smell, etc' This banna has a sick mind. Please sir you is a big man stay away from this kind of language. Let's see if he can help it.  

"world tour," eh bai  . . . is that what the sex workers call 'full service' nowadays?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
  Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:

PPP media strategy for its antiman crew on GNI:


start multiple threads based on the most OUTRAGEOUS LIES


amp up the race baiting to a crescendo with whatever invidious nonsense necessary to scare the bejeezus out of Indo-Guyanese . . .


sit back, dig yuh batty, smell, and wait for the pedophile and his cheerleading section to chime in and create a 'conversation'

You are so DUMB, you would not see the TRUTH if it is etched on your broad forehead!!!!

Some things don't change. I come back from my world tour and what do I find? This 'redux' is still with his gutter crap. His classics include ' antiman, antimen, panty, fresh panty, dig you batty smell, etc' This banna has a sick mind. Please sir you is a big man stay away from this kind of language. Let's see if he can help it.  

"world tour," eh bai  . . . is that what the sex workers call 'full service' nowadays?

We trying to take you mind out of the gutter bai but you being stubborn. 

Originally Posted by redux:

look how kwamee GNI crew squealing & complaining . . . all these pretend bad men getting deh sour smelling panties all bunch up


har de har har har har

HEHEHE LIke you full into Panty wearing. Not that anything is wrong with that but I know you do look good in them. Get out the closet and stand TALL!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:

look how kwamee GNI crew squealing & complaining . . . all these pretend bad men getting deh sour smelling panties all bunch up


har de har har har har

HEHEHE LIke you full into Panty wearing. Not that anything is wrong with that but I know you do look good in them. Get out the closet and stand TALL!!!

u trying real hard . . . but yuh too low functioning to get it right in this lifetime




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