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Former Member

Quote by: Chief

If he stays there then they will get a new God to worshipthis time a swine!  

Chief is telling the world that Hindu worship pigs. Another insensitive remark against all Hindus.

Chief is suggesting that Hindu worship animals and now they will worship pigs aka (swines). I am very offended by his remarks. 



Republican Hindu Coalition: Could this be the reason why Muslims hate Donald Trump?



Replies sorted oldest to newest

Prince posted:

Quote by: Chief

If he stays there then they will get a new God to worshipthis time a swine!  

Chief is telling the world that Hindu worship pigs. Another insensitive remark against all Hindus.

Chief is suggesting that Hindu worship animals and now they will worship pigs aka (swines). I am very offended by his remarks. 



Republican Hindu Coalition: Could this be the reason why Muslims hate Donald Trump?



Chief's statement is disgusting, arrogant, incorrect, distasteful and warrants an apology.

It is as equally offensive and wrong as saying that they adore and worship a black stone (Some call it Shiva's Linga) at Mecca.

Chief must apologize for spreading hate.


Last edited by Former Member

Chief clearly stated that Muslims don't worship monkey, elephant, rat, etc., like Hindus. Hindus don't worship animals either. Lord Hanuman and Lord Ganesha are images of two Hindu deities. Hindus always shows their respect and kindness to animals. Every living thing on earth are God's creations.                                        

Chief need to go back to school and study Hindu culture and religion before he come here and spout sh!th that he don't know about. Hussein Obama has a Hanuman idol his pocket for strength, courage and security anywhere he goes. Why is a Muslim walking around with a Hanuman idol?                            

 Chief, if you're not happy with your God, I don't blame you. You can worship Trump and your sins will be cleansed.


If chief is laughing at Hindus then he is only laughing at himself. Chief ancestors were hindus who converted to islam because they lost the battle. There  is no need for him to convert to hinduism because he is an  ethnic hindu. All he has to do is take a name from the Gita  and go to temple.

Last edited by Prashad

Hinduism do not care about the name of god. Chief can worship whom ever he wishes and he can still be accepted by Hindus. Hinduism ranges from the ascetic jains, the atheistic Buddhist the caste conscious Brahmanism and the egalitarian Arya Samage and many many more subspecies of the faith.

There is no centrality of god but to the divinity of the essence in all peoples, in all things in all events across all time. There is no god sitting on a cloud waiting for anyone to enter a paradise. There is the collapse into one encompassing being that contemplates all things and nothing.

Chief can believe what he wants and he is safe in Hinduism. You morons taking to slights and anger about appropriateness of worship and the nature of the divine and are just ignorant of the central themes in your own faith.

yuji22 posted:

STORM SEWAGE is a staunch atheist and PNC defender. He speaks from his rear when it comes down to religion, and the stench is just like STROM SEWAGE.

Why do you not explain where I stated something wrong instead of  being  the habitual idiot and celebrating your nonexistent knowledge base. I am ready and willing to grind your ignorant behind into the dust.

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:
yuji22 posted:

STORM SEWAGE is a staunch atheist and PNC defender. He speaks from his rear when it comes down to religion, and the stench is just like STROM SEWAGE.

Why do you not explain where I stated something wrong instead of  being  the habitual idiot and celebrating your nonexistent knowledge base. I am ready and willing to grind your ignorant behind into the dust.

The dust might cough him up...too toxic.

Last edited by cain

Chief have something serious coming to him for his rude and insensitive statement towards one of the oldest religion on earth. When you don't respect another religion, you cannot respect your own. Chief is a disgrace to attack Hinduism when he knows nothing about it. Chief offended 1.08 billion Hindus worldwide. 

Stormborn posted:

Hinduism do not care about the name of god. Chief can worship whom ever he wishes and he can still be accepted by Hindus. Hinduism ranges from the ascetic jains, the atheistic Buddhist the caste conscious Brahmanism and the egalitarian Arya Samage and many many more subspecies of the faith.

There is no centrality of god but to the divinity of the essence in all peoples, in all things in all events across all time. There is no god sitting on a cloud waiting for anyone to enter a paradise. There is the collapse into one encompassing being that contemplates all things and nothing.

Chief can believe what he wants and he is safe in Hinduism. You morons taking to slights and anger about appropriateness of worship and the nature of the divine and are just ignorant of the central themes in your own faith.

In light of recent events, I can related to some of what Stormy wrote above. I fasted for three days last week so I can carry my mother in law's coffin. While not wanting to diminish her funeral, I did not arti her but walked with my wife as she did. The pandit did not seem concerned if we were Hindus although he may have assumed that we were. I will begin fasting again tomorrow for her 10 day work on Saturday. They plan to cut my hair on Saturday. My in laws like me a lot so it is a pleasure to do whatever is necessary for them.

ksazma posted:
Stormborn posted:

Hinduism do not care about the name of god. Chief can worship whom ever he wishes and he can still be accepted by Hindus. Hinduism ranges from the ascetic jains, the atheistic Buddhist the caste conscious Brahmanism and the egalitarian Arya Samage and many many more subspecies of the faith.

There is no centrality of god but to the divinity of the essence in all peoples, in all things in all events across all time. There is no god sitting on a cloud waiting for anyone to enter a paradise. There is the collapse into one encompassing being that contemplates all things and nothing.

Chief can believe what he wants and he is safe in Hinduism. You morons taking to slights and anger about appropriateness of worship and the nature of the divine and are just ignorant of the central themes in your own faith.

In light of recent events, I can related to some of what Stormy wrote above. I fasted for three days last week so I can carry my mother in law's coffin. While not wanting to diminish her funeral, I did not arti her but walked with my wife as she did. The pandit did not seem concerned if we were Hindus although he may have assumed that we were. I will begin fasting again tomorrow for her 10 day work on Saturday. They plan to cut my hair on Saturday. My in laws like me a lot so it is a pleasure to do whatever is necessary for them.

I am sorry for the loss of your MIL. However, pandits in America don't usually tell a Muslim person if something is right or wrong, especially if the that person is marry to a Hindu wife. It remain a sin to marry a Hindu woman according to Islam, and you and your wife is doing everything wrong to send off your MIL to her final destination. You also suffering your wife from following her religion faithfully. Your fasting has nothing to do with death or has any religious significance to your belated MIL. Cutting your hair is another foolish thing to do. So don't get too carried away that you're doing all of this nonsense for Hindus. You're doing it to please your wife alone. 

Django posted:

Condolences to you and family,Kaz.

That is so great of you.

Thanks Django. Here is what I said about my mother in law at her viewing.

Heaven lies at the feet of thy mother.

Friends, families and respected elders, on behalf of myself and the Ramlochan family, I wish to express our deepest gratitude to you for sharing this time with us as we bade farewell to our dearest, Jeane Ramlochan widely referred to by all as Grammy.

Nearly six years ago, Grammy’s eldest grandchild, Devon was involved in an accident resulting in critical injuries. As a result, he spent a significant amount of time at the hospital during which we were all regular visitors to his bedside. Other than Dev’s father, none was more involved in his care than his very dependable advocate, Grammy. One night while taking Grammy to the hospital, I observed her seeking to make a deal with God by asking him to take her good limbs and make her grandson walk again. I have never experienced someone really making such a deal but I wasn’t surprised because that is who Grammy was. She was a person who gladly deprived herself for the sake of others, especially her children and grandchildren. Many nights she traded her comfortable bed for an armchair at the hospital so she can look over her injured grandson while he was being treated there.

I have known Grammy since 1984 and my greatest takeaway was how committed she was to her family as well as how generous and hospitable she was to anyone who came into contact with her. She worked very hard to help provide a decent and comfortable livelihood for her family and used small business trading to accomplish this objective. My firsthand experience of her small business dealings was one of trust, honesty and integrity. She enjoyed her rewards and absorbed her losses with patience, perseverance and faith. The faith that she can always count on God for help and protection whether she was calling on the Father or the Mothers. She had the ability to invoke the Father’s blessings on some, the Mothers’ blessings on others as well as Allah’s blessings on those who believe in Allah. In essence, she did not separate people based on their race or religion. She treated them with dignity and tolerance maintaining her golden rule that nothing is greater than making others happy. Whether it was her friends and neighbors when she was a child, her spouse since marriage more than five decades ago, her children and grandchildren, those she came into contact with throughout her life as well as all her grandson’s caregivers over the past six years, she will be remembered for all the wonderful ways that she has touched their lives including the ways she has touched my life. She was a wonderful child, wife, mother, grandmother and friend.

Personally, Grammy has always treated me like her son and just the way she pronounced ‘son’ gave me the assurance that I was part of her life. When I began dating my wife, Grammy accepted me without suspicion asking me for just one promise that I am honest about my feelings for her daughter. She added another plate to her table and never forgot to prepare that one when she prepared the others for her family. She treated me with kindness and when she finally had the opportunity to demonstrate her wonderful personality to my family, she did not fail leaving the impression on everyone that she is one of the nicest people anyone can ever know. She took care of our son after his birth and could still be relied on to the end. Less than two weeks earlier, I was sitting in the family room looking at two photos of our son that she had prominently displayed in her cabinet and thought that those photos have been there since she asked for them more than a decade ago. I felt proud of the place our son had in her life. Indeed I feel very proud of the place she had in our lives. Our two children are fortunate that they were able to spend so much of their lives with her and have learned tremendously from her idea of life. She will be dearly missed. In fact, she is already dearly missed.

Today as we bade farewell to Grammy, I know that only her body is leaving us. Her wonderful qualities and exceptional life teachings will remain with us forever. Greatest of all is the love she gave to everyone. May her beautiful soul rest in eternal peace.

Lastly, if for any reason anyone feels that they were wronged by Grammy, I humbly ask you to forgive her. Thank you.




I tired with your dunce ass.

Read the article in NY Times and then ask question.

The Hindus are doing puja with his picture.

You want to paint me and you are ignoring what your brothers are doing.

The people in India worship 3 million God, check it out. When I was there last year with Gate 1 Travel that is what was told to us by their guideafter we visited the Monkey Temple.

I strongly recommend that some of you fools go and visit India for yourself.



Last edited by Chief
Chief posted:


I tired with your dunce ass.

Read the article in NY Times and then ask question.

The Hindus are doing puja with his picture.

You want to paint me and you are ignoring what your brothers are doing.

The people in India worship 3 million God, check it out. When I was there last year with Gate 1 Travel that is what was told to us by their guideafter we visited the Monkey Temple.

I strongly recommend that some of you fools go and visit India for yourself.



They are not beheading anyone. They showed love and respect that ignites fire up your ass. 

Chief posted:

Of course they are showing love and respect . If you want to pray to a Rat it is okay who am I tosay that you are foolish? Until the cat eat out the rat then you will have to start worshipping  the cat.

Chief, each time I sign in to GNI, I always notice you calling out Cobra even when I am not involved. You need to get you act together and see who started the thread in question here. You're doing this on purpose to cause confusion.                    

You had a thread with the same confusion that died a sudden death and still you don't respect people for who they are.

You are a big man and you must act like one. No wonder you're involved in people's business and religious controversy. 

ksazma posted:
Stormborn posted:

Hinduism do not care about the name of god. Chief can worship whom ever he wishes and he can still be accepted by Hindus. Hinduism ranges from the ascetic jains, the atheistic Buddhist the caste conscious Brahmanism and the egalitarian Arya Samage and many many more subspecies of the faith.

There is no centrality of god but to the divinity of the essence in all peoples, in all things in all events across all time. There is no god sitting on a cloud waiting for anyone to enter a paradise. There is the collapse into one encompassing being that contemplates all things and nothing.

Chief can believe what he wants and he is safe in Hinduism. You morons taking to slights and anger about appropriateness of worship and the nature of the divine and are just ignorant of the central themes in your own faith.

In light of recent events, I can related to some of what Stormy wrote above. I fasted for three days last week so I can carry my mother in law's coffin. While not wanting to diminish her funeral, I did not arti her but walked with my wife as she did. The pandit did not seem concerned if we were Hindus although he may have assumed that we were. I will begin fasting again tomorrow for her 10 day work on Saturday. They plan to cut my hair on Saturday. My in laws like me a lot so it is a pleasure to do whatever is necessary for them.

Condolences to the family Kaz.  And good for you.  I'm sure they appreciate your sacrifice.

Last edited by Former Member
Chief posted:

The 33 Million Gods of Hinduism | Huffington Post
The Huffington Post
Aug 6, 2012 - The 33 Million Gods of Hinduism. Why Hindus worship so many gods and goddesses is a real mystery for most people. In the West, where the mass majority of people are part of the Abrahamic faith tradition with one God, the concept of polytheism is nothing more than fantasy or mythology worthy of comic book material.

Huff post needs to get a primer on Hinduism. These "gods" are manifestations of the divine oneness in which all are one even the believer since the believer is part of what makes the one. Hinduism is definitively about one god albeit not an abrahamic god that is separate from the believer.

Cobra posted:

Chief clearly stated that Muslims don't worship monkey, elephant, rat, etc., like Hindus. Hindus don't worship animals either. Lord Hanuman and Lord Ganesha are images of two Hindu deities. Hindus always shows their respect and kindness to animals. Every living thing on earth are God's creations.                                        

Chief need to go back to school and study Hindu culture and religion before he come here and spout sh!th that he don't know about. Hussein Obama has a Hanuman idol his pocket for strength, courage and security anywhere he goes. Why is a Muslim walking around with a Hanuman idol?                            

 Chief, if you're not happy with your God, I don't blame you. You can worship Trump and your sins will be cleansed.

Except in the case of the cow, it's not about the animal, that's just a manifestation.  If Chief understands the historical relevance of the cow in Hindu mythology, he will know why it's held in high esteem.  I met a Guyanese Muslim guy in NY many years ago who told me he does not eat beef.  When he told me the reason, it was like listening to a real-life story as to why Hindus came to worship/honor the cow.  And he was unaware until I told him how relevant his personal story was to the Hindu mythology of the cow.

The other animals are mere symbols and manifestations of one god, as Storm says.  If you understand why Ganesh, a baby carrying an elephant head, is worshiped by people, you will get the deeper meaning and lessons to humanity.  I don't blame Chief because many Hindus do not know/understand the relevance either.

Chief, and his "non-Muslim hater posse", could do with some of the principles and human values underpinning these symbols.  Chief likely came from a decadent sinful past so it's part an parcel of who he is and it manifest itself in his hatred of others.  He is the true symbol of what Hindus depict at "Rawan"!!

Prince posted:
ksazma posted:
Stormborn posted:

Hinduism do not care about the name of god. Chief can worship whom ever he wishes and he can still be accepted by Hindus. Hinduism ranges from the ascetic jains, the atheistic Buddhist the caste conscious Brahmanism and the egalitarian Arya Samage and many many more subspecies of the faith.

There is no centrality of god but to the divinity of the essence in all peoples, in all things in all events across all time. There is no god sitting on a cloud waiting for anyone to enter a paradise. There is the collapse into one encompassing being that contemplates all things and nothing.

Chief can believe what he wants and he is safe in Hinduism. You morons taking to slights and anger about appropriateness of worship and the nature of the divine and are just ignorant of the central themes in your own faith.

In light of recent events, I can related to some of what Stormy wrote above. I fasted for three days last week so I can carry my mother in law's coffin. While not wanting to diminish her funeral, I did not arti her but walked with my wife as she did. The pandit did not seem concerned if we were Hindus although he may have assumed that we were. I will begin fasting again tomorrow for her 10 day work on Saturday. They plan to cut my hair on Saturday. My in laws like me a lot so it is a pleasure to do whatever is necessary for them.

I am sorry for the loss of your MIL. However, pandits in America don't usually tell a Muslim person if something is right or wrong, especially if the that person is marry to a Hindu wife. It remain a sin to marry a Hindu woman according to Islam, and you and your wife is doing everything wrong to send off your MIL to her final destination. You also suffering your wife from following her religion faithfully. Your fasting has nothing to do with death or has any religious significance to your belated MIL. Cutting your hair is another foolish thing to do. So don't get too carried away that you're doing all of this nonsense for Hindus. You're doing it to please your wife alone. 

The gentleman knows what the heart tells him to do. It is a personal thing between him and his beliefs. And that has nothing to do with religion. There will come a time in every ones life, where God reigns supreme. Either before death or during the journey to Paradise. 

So many cultures predicts the journey and the gifts they bear for perils ahead.


Chief ancestors blamed Hindu gods for their defeat by Islamic forces on the battlefield. They blame hindu gods for leaving them at the mercy of Islamic executioners on the battlefield. But the blame should have gone to the slow moving Indian elephant which was no match for the Mobile Arabian horse or the fearless swift Hun horse of Central Europe and Central Asia.

Last edited by Prashad

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