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Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

After Nomination Day?


Would it not have made sense to at least object?

what for? For objection's sake?


I'm almost certain the statute in question was not intended to allow parties to cure fatal defects.


Minor ministerial issues would be more appropriate to the intent of the statute for post-Nomination Day cure.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

After Nomination Day?


Would it not have made sense to at least object?

what for? For objection's sake?


I'm almost certain the statute in question was not intended to allow parties to cure fatal defects.


Minor ministerial issues would be more appropriate to the intent of the statute for post-Nomination Day cure.

they accepted the list. That makes them at fault. In any event, it is over and done with and no one is hurt by it.


Who cares.  These lists are meaningless and Guyanese vote for the Presidential candidate only.  The MPs do not serve the people.  They serve the president, and can be recalled any time he sees fit.  they play no role in shaping policy, and their opinions matter not.


At the end of the day this is the WORST aspect of the constitution.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

After Nomination Day?


Would it not have made sense to at least object?

what for? For objection's sake?


I'm almost certain the statute in question was not intended to allow parties to cure fatal defects.


Minor ministerial issues would be more appropriate to the intent of the statute for post-Nomination Day cure.

they accepted the list. That makes them at fault. In any event, it is over and done with and no one is hurt by it.


It is patently unfair to the point of being preposterous for a party to simply add 21 MP candidates to their List post-Nomination Day. If the PPP had done this ya'll would be howling.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Who cares.  These lists are meaningless and Guyanese vote for the Presidential candidate only.  The MPs do not serve the people.  They serve the president, and can be recalled any time he sees fit.  they play no role in shaping policy, and their opinions matter not.


At the end of the day this is the WORST aspect of the constitution.


Once again you either miss the point of you're trying to obfuscate the issue since it puts your side in a bad light.


The Coalition through their own rank incompetence had to be rescued by the PPP Commissioners on GECOM. That is a fact!

Originally Posted by caribny:

Who cares.  These lists are meaningless and Guyanese vote for the Presidential candidate only.  The MPs do not serve the people.  They serve the president, and can be recalled any time he sees fit.  they play no role in shaping policy, and their opinions matter not.


At the end of the day this is the WORST aspect of the constitution.

Constitution created under the late president Forbes Burnham.


It will require the support in parliament of at least two-thirds of the MPs to make adjustments to this part of the constitution.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Who cares.  These lists are meaningless and Guyanese vote for the Presidential candidate only.  The MPs do not serve the people.  They serve the president, and can be recalled any time he sees fit.  they play no role in shaping policy, and their opinions matter not.


At the end of the day this is the WORST aspect of the constitution.

Constitution created under the late president Forbes Burnham.


It will require the support in parliament of at least two-thirds of the MPs to make adjustments to this part of the constitution.

DG, I am glad the World knows that Granger if he winds has the POWER to send Moses and Ramjhaaaatan packing.  The Guyanese people should think about that when VOTING.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

After Nomination Day?


Would it not have made sense to at least object?

what for? For objection's sake?


I'm almost certain the statute in question was not intended to allow parties to cure fatal defects.


Minor ministerial issues would be more appropriate to the intent of the statute for post-Nomination Day cure.

The APNU GECOM CEO Lowenfield at work. What did I tell you? But it was accepted. End of story.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

After Nomination Day?


Would it not have made sense to at least object?

There should have been a clause in there to disqualify them from contesting the elections.  They had ample time to prepare the list, rather than blogging on GNI all day.


PPP is a bunch of 'softies' to not object.

Do not be an idiot...the idea of disqualifying them from contesting the election is truly silly. This is not as here in the US where people fight and use rules to kick participants out. There they simply are asked to remedy the deficit.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Who cares.  These lists are meaningless and Guyanese vote for the Presidential candidate only.  The MPs do not serve the people.  They serve the president, and can be recalled any time he sees fit.  they play no role in shaping policy, and their opinions matter not.


At the end of the day this is the WORST aspect of the constitution.


Once again you either miss the point of you're trying to obfuscate the issue since it puts your side in a bad light.


The Coalition through their own rank incompetence had to be rescued by the PPP Commissioners on GECOM. That is a fact!

He is bloody right. The commission simply had to refuse the entry and demand it meet the required criteria. He allowed the process to go through and saw they met their obligation.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Who cares.  These lists are meaningless and Guyanese vote for the Presidential candidate only.  The MPs do not serve the people.  They serve the president, and can be recalled any time he sees fit.  they play no role in shaping policy, and their opinions matter not.


At the end of the day this is the WORST aspect of the constitution.

Constitution created under the late president Forbes Burnham.


It will require the support in parliament of at least two-thirds of the MPs to make adjustments to this part of the constitution.

DG, I am glad the World knows that Granger if he winds has the POWER to send Moses and Ramjhaaaatan packing.  The Guyanese people should think about that when VOTING.

  • This is what I think will happen should the APNU/AFC wins the election. None of the AFC candidates on the list excluding Moses, Cathy and Nigel Hughes and Raphael Trotman will be selected;
  • Moses will be selected only because he is the PM candidate. He will be pressured soon after the election to the point where he has to resign or will be killed by APNU;
  • The Agreement between the parties will be deemed null and void by Granger, because he will have to act under the Constitution and not by an agreement.
  • Granger will cite the fact that an agreement cannot superceed the Constitution
  • Granger is now safe because he has gotten rid of people who may want to bring a No Confidence Motion against his Government.

This is my take folks and I am just putting it out there. I hope that I am worng.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Who cares.  These lists are meaningless and Guyanese vote for the Presidential candidate only.  The MPs do not serve the people.  They serve the president, and can be recalled any time he sees fit.  they play no role in shaping policy, and their opinions matter not.


At the end of the day this is the WORST aspect of the constitution.

Constitution created under the late president Forbes Burnham.


It will require the support in parliament of at least two-thirds of the MPs to make adjustments to this part of the constitution.

DG, I am glad the World knows that Granger if he winds has the POWER to send Moses and Ramjhaaaatan packing.  The Guyanese people should think about that when VOTING.

  • This is what I think will happen should the APNU/AFC wins the election. None of the AFC candidates on the list excluding Moses, Cathy and Nigel Hughes and Raphael Trotman will be selected;
  • Moses will be selected only because he is the PM candidate. He will be pressured soon after the election to the point where he has to resign or will be killed by APNU;
  • The Agreement between the parties will be deemed null and void by Granger, because he will have to act under the Constitution and not by an agreement.
  • Granger will cite the fact that an agreement cannot superceed the Constitution
  • Granger is now safe because he has gotten rid of people who may want to bring a No Confidence Motion against his Government.

This is my take folks and I am just putting it out there. I hope that I am worng.

Should the Coalition win the election, this is my take of the follow-up ...


1. David Granger is the only elected person who makes the decision on the composition of the government.


2. Indeed Cathy Hughes, Nigel Hughes and Raphael Trotman will most likely be selected as MPs.


3. The Cummingsburg Accord is simple words between the PNC and AFC. It absolutely has no effect on the Guyana constitution or workings of the government.


4. While Moses Nagamootoo is named as the candidate for Prime Minister, that is of no consequence since it is the elected president who has the authority to name his cabinet.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

After Nomination Day?


Would it not have made sense to at least object?

There should have been a clause in there to disqualify them from contesting the elections.  They had ample time to prepare the list, rather than blogging on GNI all day.


PPP is a bunch of 'softies' to not object.

you go show them your hard ass

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Brother, we just said it's part of the process to make corrections.  Can you accept that and move on?

Jay, if it was the PPP that made an error, you would have been all over the place raking them over the coals. You would not have said " Can you accept that and move on". BTW is your name Jay Bharrat or Gay Bharrat? Are you related to the PPP Candidate Gay Bharrat.J

Originally Posted by cain:

This is what I think will happen should the PPP/C win the election.


Guyana drops deeper into the cesspit it is already in.


The Govt will get more cocky as time goes by, do something rather stupid, the international community will have them on radar. This is where things heat up.


This is a very ordinary observation.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

After Nomination Day?


Would it not have made sense to at least object?


The PPP is very wary of the PNC and it's potential for violence and attacks on innocent citizens and the PPP is headed to a majority. Just give the PNC a pass this time around and avoid complications.


Had the PPP committed this mistake, we could have seen the PNC and it's supporters raising hell.


This begs a question about the intelligence of the lawyers of the AFC/PNC. They are a very dunce bunch.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Who cares.  These lists are meaningless and Guyanese vote for the Presidential candidate only.  The MPs do not serve the people.  They serve the president, and can be recalled any time he sees fit.  they play no role in shaping policy, and their opinions matter not.


At the end of the day this is the WORST aspect of the constitution.

Constitution created under the late president Forbes Burnham.


It will require the support in parliament of at least two-thirds of the MPs to make adjustments to this part of the constitution.

DG, I am glad the World knows that Granger if he winds has the POWER to send Moses and Ramjhaaaatan packing.  The Guyanese people should think about that when VOTING.

  • This is what I think will happen should the APNU/AFC wins the election. None of the AFC candidates on the list excluding Moses, Cathy and Nigel Hughes and Raphael Trotman will be selected;
  • Moses will be selected only because he is the PM candidate. He will be pressured soon after the election to the point where he has to resign or will be killed by APNU;
  • The Agreement between the parties will be deemed null and void by Granger, because he will have to act under the Constitution and not by an agreement.
  • Granger will cite the fact that an agreement cannot superceed the Constitution
  • Granger is now safe because he has gotten rid of people who may want to bring a No Confidence Motion against his Government.

This is my take folks and I am just putting it out there. I hope that I am worng.

I also hope you are wrong, Don.

At the Whim rally in the presence of David Granger, Moses Nagamootoo assured the crowd that the coalition must work, meaning that both parties must honour the terms of the Cummingsburg Accord.

Under that pact, the AFC is assured 12 seats in parliament whether the coalition wins or loses the election.

In a win scenario, Moses said that if the other terms of the agreement are not honoured, the AFC will withdraw from the coalition and table a no-confidence vote against APNU.

Granger is a decent and honourable man. He is not devious like Burnham. He has a lot to lose by not honouring the Cummingsburg Accord.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Who cares.  These lists are meaningless and Guyanese vote for the Presidential candidate only.  The MPs do not serve the people.  They serve the president, and can be recalled any time he sees fit.  they play no role in shaping policy, and their opinions matter not.


At the end of the day this is the WORST aspect of the constitution.

Constitution created under the late president Forbes Burnham.


It will require the support in parliament of at least two-thirds of the MPs to make adjustments to this part of the constitution.

DG, I am glad the World knows that Granger if he winds has the POWER to send Moses and Ramjhaaaatan packing.  The Guyanese people should think about that when VOTING.

  • This is what I think will happen should the APNU/AFC wins the election. None of the AFC candidates on the list excluding Moses, Cathy and Nigel Hughes and Raphael Trotman will be selected;
  • Moses will be selected only because he is the PM candidate. He will be pressured soon after the election to the point where he has to resign or will be killed by APNU;
  • The Agreement between the parties will be deemed null and void by Granger, because he will have to act under the Constitution and not by an agreement.
  • Granger will cite the fact that an agreement cannot superceed the Constitution
  • Granger is now safe because he has gotten rid of people who may want to bring a No Confidence Motion against his Government.

This is my take folks and I am just putting it out there. I hope that I am worng.

I also hope you are wrong, Don.

At the Whim rally in the presence of David Granger, Moses Nagamootoo assured the crowd that the coalition must work, meaning that both parties must honour the terms of the Cummingsburg Accord.

Under that pact, the AFC is assured 12 seats in parliament whether the coalition wins or loses the election.

In a win scenario, Moses said that if the other terms of the agreement are not honoured, the AFC will withdraw from the coalition and table a no-confidence vote against APNU.

Granger is a decent and honourable man. He is not devious like Burnham. He has a lot to lose by not honouring the Cummingsburg Accord.

Gilly, with due respect, I don't know that Granger is decent and honourable after all which politician is? Regarding Moses, he had also told PPP supporters that the AFC invited  him to join them and he told the AFC that he is no Neemakharam.

As well he told AFC supporters that under no condition would the AFC join APNU.

Which President would want to appoint party candidates to the National Assembly who hold the key to unlocking their grip on power? Who would believe these crooks....Aren't they as crookish as the PPP?


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Who cares.  These lists are meaningless and Guyanese vote for the Presidential candidate only.  The MPs do not serve the people.  They serve the president, and can be recalled any time he sees fit.  they play no role in shaping policy, and their opinions matter not.


At the end of the day this is the WORST aspect of the constitution.

Constitution created under the late president Forbes Burnham.


It will require the support in parliament of at least two-thirds of the MPs to make adjustments to this part of the constitution.

DG, I am glad the World knows that Granger if he winds has the POWER to send Moses and Ramjhaaaatan packing.  The Guyanese people should think about that when VOTING.

  • This is what I think will happen should the APNU/AFC wins the election. None of the AFC candidates on the list excluding Moses, Cathy and Nigel Hughes and Raphael Trotman will be selected;
  • Moses will be selected only because he is the PM candidate. He will be pressured soon after the election to the point where he has to resign or will be killed by APNU;
  • The Agreement between the parties will be deemed null and void by Granger, because he will have to act under the Constitution and not by an agreement.
  • Granger will cite the fact that an agreement cannot superceed the Constitution
  • Granger is now safe because he has gotten rid of people who may want to bring a No Confidence Motion against his Government.

This is my take folks and I am just putting it out there. I hope that I am worng.

I also hope you are wrong, Don.

At the Whim rally in the presence of David Granger, Moses Nagamootoo assured the crowd that the coalition must work, meaning that both parties must honour the terms of the Cummingsburg Accord.

Under that pact, the AFC is assured 12 seats in parliament whether the coalition wins or loses the election.


In a win scenario, Moses said that if the other terms of the agreement are not honoured, the AFC will withdraw from the coalition and table a no-confidence vote against APNU.


Granger is a decent and honourable man. He is not devious like Burnham. He has a lot to lose by not honouring the Cummingsburg Accord.

1. If AFC withdraws from a coalition government with the PNC, it is an extremely simple matter; that is know and experienced within the last three years; PNC will replace all AFC members from cabinet with PNC members from the approved list.


2. There are established procedures in forming the government, hence this is not a composition of parties that form the government after an election.


3. AFC can withdraw from a coalition but it cannot table any motion against the PNC; were the PNC and AFC to form the government.


4. It is the President of Guyana who has the absolute authority in this matter.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Who cares.  These lists are meaningless and Guyanese vote for the Presidential candidate only.  The MPs do not serve the people.  They serve the president, and can be recalled any time he sees fit.  they play no role in shaping policy, and their opinions matter not.


At the end of the day this is the WORST aspect of the constitution.

Constitution created under the late president Forbes Burnham.


It will require the support in parliament of at least two-thirds of the MPs to make adjustments to this part of the constitution.

DG, I am glad the World knows that Granger if he winds has the POWER to send Moses and Ramjhaaaatan packing.  The Guyanese people should think about that when VOTING.

  • This is what I think will happen should the APNU/AFC wins the election. None of the AFC candidates on the list excluding Moses, Cathy and Nigel Hughes and Raphael Trotman will be selected;
  • Moses will be selected only because he is the PM candidate. He will be pressured soon after the election to the point where he has to resign or will be killed by APNU;
  • The Agreement between the parties will be deemed null and void by Granger, because he will have to act under the Constitution and not by an agreement.
  • Granger will cite the fact that an agreement cannot superceed the Constitution
  • Granger is now safe because he has gotten rid of people who may want to bring a No Confidence Motion against his Government.

This is my take folks and I am just putting it out there. I hope that I am worng.

I also hope you are wrong, Don.

At the Whim rally in the presence of David Granger, Moses Nagamootoo assured the crowd that the coalition must work, meaning that both parties must honour the terms of the Cummingsburg Accord.

Under that pact, the AFC is assured 12 seats in parliament whether the coalition wins or loses the election.

In a win scenario, Moses said that if the other terms of the agreement are not honoured, the AFC will withdraw from the coalition and table a no-confidence vote against APNU.

Granger is a decent and honourable man. He is not devious like Burnham. He has a lot to lose by not honouring the Cummingsburg Accord.

Gilly, with due respect, I don't know that Granger is decent and honourable after all which politician is? Regarding Moses, he had also told PPP supporters that the AFC invited  him to join them and he told the AFC that he is no Neemakharam.

As well he told AFC supporters that under no condition would the AFC join APNU.

Which President would want to appoint party candidates to the National Assembly who hold the key to unlocking their grip on power? Who would believe these crooks....Aren't they as crookish as the PPP?


I understand your skepticism regarding politicians, Don. I don't blame you. I prefer to go on trust with this accord.

Now, regarding what Moses told the AFC in 2006 and what he did in 2011, there are mitigating circumstances. And Moses is not the first politician to do such a thing. One person that comes readily to mind is Mahatma Gandhi, who used to change his opinions on a given subject so often that the Congress Party got annoyed sometimes. But Gandhi justified his actions by citing changing conditions that called for flexible positions.

I'm not in any way equating Nagamootoo with the Mahatma.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Who cares.  These lists are meaningless and Guyanese vote for the Presidential candidate only.  The MPs do not serve the people.  They serve the president, and can be recalled any time he sees fit.  they play no role in shaping policy, and their opinions matter not.


At the end of the day this is the WORST aspect of the constitution.

Constitution created under the late president Forbes Burnham.


It will require the support in parliament of at least two-thirds of the MPs to make adjustments to this part of the constitution.

DG, I am glad the World knows that Granger if he winds has the POWER to send Moses and Ramjhaaaatan packing.  The Guyanese people should think about that when VOTING.

  • This is what I think will happen should the APNU/AFC wins the election. None of the AFC candidates on the list excluding Moses, Cathy and Nigel Hughes and Raphael Trotman will be selected;
  • Moses will be selected only because he is the PM candidate. He will be pressured soon after the election to the point where he has to resign or will be killed by APNU;
  • The Agreement between the parties will be deemed null and void by Granger, because he will have to act under the Constitution and not by an agreement.
  • Granger will cite the fact that an agreement cannot superceed the Constitution
  • Granger is now safe because he has gotten rid of people who may want to bring a No Confidence Motion against his Government.

This is my take folks and I am just putting it out there. I hope that I am worng.

I also hope you are wrong, Don.

At the Whim rally in the presence of David Granger, Moses Nagamootoo assured the crowd that the coalition must work, meaning that both parties must honour the terms of the Cummingsburg Accord.

Under that pact, the AFC is assured 12 seats in parliament whether the coalition wins or loses the election.

In a win scenario, Moses said that if the other terms of the agreement are not honoured, the AFC will withdraw from the coalition and table a no-confidence vote against APNU.

Granger is a decent and honourable man. He is not devious like Burnham. He has a lot to lose by not honouring the Cummingsburg Accord.

Gilly, with due respect, I don't know that Granger is decent and honourable after all which politician is? Regarding Moses, he had also told PPP supporters that the AFC invited  him to join them and he told the AFC that he is no Neemakharam.

As well he told AFC supporters that under no condition would the AFC join APNU.

Which President would want to appoint party candidates to the National Assembly who hold the key to unlocking their grip on power? Who would believe these crooks....Aren't they as crookish as the PPP?


I understand your skepticism regarding politicians, Don. I don't blame you. I prefer to go on trust with this accord.

Now, regarding what Moses told the AFC in 2006 and what he did in 2011, there are mitigating circumstances. And Moses is not the first politician to do such a thing. One person that comes readily to mind is Mahatma Gandhi, who used to change his opinions on a given subject so often that the Congress Party got annoyed sometimes. But Gandhi justified his actions by citing changing conditions that called for flexible positions.

I'm not in any way equating Nagamootoo with the Mahatma.

Gilly, there is a difference though. Gandhi was fighting for his nation and not 

for power. He put country first and not self. He wanted no power.


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