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Former Member

I watched the most boring convention last night as the Democrats grapple with the reality of holding a virtual conventions as a result of the pandemic.


I was shocked to listen as Michelle made NO acknowledgement or mention of Kamala. This was devastating and quite shocking.

It was later spun as a pre taped speech but it could have been edited to include an acknowledgement. Democrats are not too keen on details and this was a terrible blunder.


The first black first lady not acknowledging the first black female VP candidate. Interesting. There was also no mention of the first female Presidential candidate Hillary. Interesting.

A house divided will fall. 



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No, that's the reality. Fake news CNN didn't carry it. I watched the convention on CNN. 

I have to cover it for my GNI brothers and sisters. 

There will be a cat fight between Michelle and Kamala if she eventually becomes president. 

The democrats will have to deal with this intentional blunder. 

Last edited by Former Member

I predict that Michelle's speech will eventually become the "don't mommy me" speech as young democrats rebel since Bernie is not there to represent them as their first choice as president.

Republicans and Independents are having a field day as Bernie boasted that his Radical agenda has taken hold in the democrat party. 

Democrats are now marching left, left. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Locutus posted:

Her speech was pretaped before the Kamala decision. Hence why she referenced 150K dead from the coronavirus and not the updated number of 170K+.

You can't make this up...............

How Donald Trump turned an attack on Michelle Obama into a major self-own


People should stop listening to trump, the fool has nothing positive, sensible nor truthful to say, won't miss much. CNN should also stop bringing his name up every night, say absolutely nothing about him. Ohhhh man, he would lose it and start foaming at the mouth because of being ignored, he'd probably start speaking like Elmer Fudd as he drools.


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