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September 21, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
Why does Jagdeo want to be President again?

It is definitely not to serve the public interest. He has demonstrated, through his political philosophy, creating an oligarchy and crony capitalism, and many of his actions, that he deliberately neglected the public interest.
Apart from abject failure at nation building, inept public administration, the bloody 2000’s decade and abuse of public office, every major project or undertaking in every sector was tainted during his Presidency. So what could be the motives?

(i) To rehabilitate his reputation? This is a plausible, but a weak motive. One doubts that this is a consequential matter to him. His outward belligerence and pompous actions to seize power within the PPP and as Leader of the Opposition is striking.  This is Guyana. He will be able to walk around Guyana without hanging his head in shame. The word shame seems to have disappeared from usage in the political arena of the country. Politicians in Third World countries never want to leave office, and it is not only because of obsession with power. It often has to do with the impossibility of extricating themselves from the damage they have done.

(ii) To erase the horrors of his presidency?  This is an important motive. If he could succeed before the next phase of prosecution following the APNU-AFC Audits, it would benefit him personally to stop and to bury the Audits and thereby erase all trace of illegalities and corruption from the public records, and from the history of the PPP. We can confirm now  (and only the tip of the iceberg) of the  extent of the conspiracies  to loot and  transfer wealth from public to private hands, through shameless  schemes such as,  the Marriot hotel, the  Berbice Bridge and the Sanata Textile Complex  because the Government  changed, and just in the nick of time. Imagine what would have happened in another ten years. Robert Badal is therefore right (KN 19/9/2015)when he argued that, “We have helplessly tolerated this kind of wholesale looting of state resources for more than a decade, and given the opportunity that a change of Government brings, it must now ensure justice in the interest of the struggling masses. Otherwise, the people of this country would lose any faith they may now have in our democracy and public officials.”

(iii) To insulate himself and to seek refuge from prosecution, possibly involving extradition to a foreign jurisdiction, which one suspects he fears the most? One doubts he fears prosecution in Guyana. Recall his initial contempt for the Court, when he was called to answer the charge of racism for which he stands accused. He may feel insulated by the Constitution and he has intimidated the Judiciary sufficiently not to fear a domestic attack.  However, constitutional scholars should scour the Constitution to identify provisions within that source of authority for the ways he could still he held accountable. Civilians have a duty to help the APNU-AFC

Administration, law enforcement and the Courts in this grave matter.

(iv) To protect the ‘infrastructure’ of the dangerous and tyrannical oligarchy, and its civilian participants, including those in the business community? Every person who could be linked to the oligarchy, and who is prosecuted exposes Mr. Jagdeo as a willing conspirator, or participant or facilitator. When they are extradited, prosecuted and convicted in foreign Jurisdictions such as the US for drug and gun smuggling, property fraud, wire fraud and money laundering, and there is any link to blue collar crimes involving injury or death of civilians, he is in even more danger. The Guyanese people should take very seriously the entire context and statement by PM Nagamotoo, when he said in Parliament( KN 23August 2015) in reference to  Mr. Jagdeo,  “ show me your friends and I tell you who you are”

Robert Badal has every right to feel aggrieved. He should however keep his chin up and not lose hope. APNU-AFC needs a spine of steel though. Given what Mr. Jagdeo has already done to the country, and has shown himself capable of doing to them, it is inexplicable how the Guyanese people could tolerate him in public life.
Ivor Carryl

Replies sorted oldest to newest

AFC/PNC should write a book and call it "I dream of Jags"


You AFC/PNC idiots do not understand that the economy is going downhill ?


It's all about the economy stupid. (As they say in America)


"Given what Mr. Jagdeo has already done to the country, and has shown himself capable of doing to them, it is inexplicable how the Guyanese people could tolerate him in public life."




It sure is insanity.

Originally Posted by cain:

HE PPP LOST smoke dat.

He should be heading for jail...smoke dat.

Dope Head, I am no Fan of Jagdeo to be in any Office BUT 50 MILLION DOLLARS was given to Ram to FIND criminal wrongdoings BUT NADA.  IF any evidence of criminal acts are revealed, JAIL HIM!!


But Al YUh Dope Heads can BRAY, well dat may be a natural thing to do!!!

Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC/PNC should write a book and call it "I dream of Jags"


You AFC/PNC idiots do not understand that the economy is going downhill ?


It's all about the economy stupid. (As they say in America)

Unfortunately it's all about HIS economy instead of the nation's.

Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC/PNC should write a book and call it "I dream of Jags"


You AFC/PNC idiots do not understand that the economy is going downhill ?


It's all about the economy stupid. (As they say in America)

Unfortunately it's all about HIS economy instead of the nation's.

That is a good to use it on stabroeknews comment section...if you do not mind

Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC/PNC should write a book and call it "I dream of Jags"


You AFC/PNC idiots do not understand that the economy is going downhill ?


It's all about the economy stupid. (As they say in America)

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

DG can chime in here, the President is entitled to immunity.


Listen, the economy is headed into the toilet right now. PNC needs to get their priority straightened out.


It is all about the economy, stupid. (As they say in America)

Spoken like a true hore "wukking haad fuh de money", chapped lips in both places and all. All that matters is "de money" to alyuh.





Listen good fool, there is no economy when drug zombies walk the streets and can't put a sentence together. Your indian drug king pins at all levels need to be pay the penalty for poisoning the bodies of our young people.





Alyuh brought a plague

pon Guyana never seen before

with these drugs. Yuh stand admiring yuh masterpieces

and tall buildings which come at the expense

of the young 'uns rolling in the gutters

right outside.


Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC/PNC should write a book and call it "I dream of Jags"


You AFC/PNC idiots do not understand that the economy is going downhill ?


It's all about the economy stupid. (As they say in America)

Unfortunately it's all about HIS economy instead of the nation's.

That is a good to use it on stabroeknews comment section...if you do not mind

Be my guest.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by cain:

HE PPP LOST smoke dat.

He should be heading for jail...smoke dat.

Dope Head, I am no Fan of Jagdeo to be in any Office BUT 50 MILLION DOLLARS was given to Ram to FIND criminal wrongdoings BUT NADA.  IF any evidence of criminal acts are revealed, JAIL HIM!!


But Al YUh Dope Heads can BRAY, well dat may be a natural thing to do!!!


Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by cain:

HE PPP LOST smoke dat.

He should be heading for jail...smoke dat.

Dope Head, I am no Fan of Jagdeo to be in any Office BUT 50 MILLION DOLLARS was given to Ram to FIND criminal wrongdoings BUT NADA.  IF any evidence of criminal acts are revealed, JAIL HIM!!


But Al YUh Dope Heads can BRAY, well dat may be a natural thing to do!!!


You know, we know all a we know that Jagdeo got rich through illegal means. He OWNS Park Vue Hotel, he has ownership in the Marriot Hotel, he has ownership in GPC, his hands is in the Berbice Bridge, he owns two palaces in Guyana and a strip plaza in Florida, and it goes on and on. So why don't the DAM government just go after him. You kill the Dragon by cutting off the HEAD. I have no respect for Jagdeo, he threatened my business in G/T, I am now out.Or is UNITY another word for Negotiate the crime, I wipe out yours and you wipe out mine???????


No negotiation when it comes to crime. Arrest them, charge them, prosecute them and then JAIL them! Anything less is INEXCUSABLE!!!! Again I ask - why is Deonarine still employed at GPL? Why is he not in jail? This clown admitted to stealing 27 MILLION dollars and has not even given it back!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Itaname:

No negotiation when it comes to crime. Arrest them, charge them, prosecute them and then JAIL them! Anything less is INEXCUSABLE!!!! Again I ask - why is Deonarine still employed at GPL? Why is he not in jail? This clown admitted to stealing 27 MILLION dollars and has not even given it back!!!!!!!

That's 75% of your PNC terrorist and criminals.  Be careful what you wish for!

Originally Posted by Django:
September 21, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
Why does Jagdeo want to be President again?

Ivor Carryl

Because the Guyanese people need him.  He is the most credible and competent leader around in Guyana today.

Originally Posted by cain:

Dam Basemanm why didn't you leave the other post you made about Jagdeo being needed by the rest of the scum who back him? I was about to Hahahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!


Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Django:
September 21, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
Why does Jagdeo want to be President again?

Ivor Carryl

Because the Guyanese people need him.  He is the most credible and competent leader around in Guyana today.





HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! You are using the perfect avatar for an answer such as this




Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Django:
September 21, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
Why does Jagdeo want to be President again?

Ivor Carryl

Because the Guyanese people need him.  He is the most credible and competent leader around in Guyana today.





HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! You are using the perfect avatar for an answer such as this




Your PNC are LOSERS!!!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Django:
September 21, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
Why does Jagdeo want to be President again?

Ivor Carryl

Because the Guyanese people need him.  He is the most credible and competent leader around in Guyana today.





HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! You are using the perfect avatar for an answer such as this




Your PNC are LOSERS!!!

You obviously haven't followed the news since the election...your PPP LOST.


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