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Former Member
Publisher’s note: It has not escaped notice that Freddie Kissoon has been hounding the PPP with a vengeance and his writings clearly show this. Obviously, his motive, both expressed and inferred is to seek the defeat of the Jagdeo administration. It is not the policy of this newspaper to seek the defeat of any administration. It is also not the policy of this paper to have a columnist carp daily to remove a government. In Kaieteur News, Kissoon was given a lot of leverage, perhaps too much. At the end of the day the buck stops at the desk of the owner and publisher of Kaieteur News. This newspaper cannot care less about Kissoon’s four friends and what they want. The owner and publisher must protect and maintain this newspaper that he and the staff built to become the leading newspaper in Guyana today. This meant that their judgement and decisions all these years could not be wrong. The query by Kissoon’s four friends begs further queries. Why only Donald Ramotar? Why have they not asked Freddie to write about Granger or Ramjattan or Trotman? Surely, they have axes to grind. They themselves can write about any subject they choose. They are all academics and the letter pages are always available. Instead, they want Kissoon to wield their axes. And there is one cold, hard fact. The final decision rests with the publisher and not with Freddie Kissoon or anyone else.

Kaieteur News Publisher's Note 2011-10-28

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Originally posted by Guyanese Patriot:
While Glen Lall hates Jagdeo, him and Ramoutar are buddies!!! Watch him try to dump Freddie now because he has no more use for Freddie to write against Jagdeo!

Well we know Freddie once hated Benschop and Nigel Hughes and he wrote sooooooo much against them, but now they're all good friends.
Why only Donald Ramotar? Why have they not asked Freddie to write about Granger or Ramjattan or Trotman? Surely, they have axes to grind. They themselves can write about any subject they choose. They are all academics and the letter pages are always available. Instead, they want Kissoon to wield their axes. And there is one cold, hard fact. The final decision rests with the publisher and not with Freddie Kissoon or anyone else.

The opponents of state clearly wants to use Freddie for their narrow political seems poor freddie is too blind to see....

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