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 moderators sanctioning this and not the atrocious racist postings by the Rev. Are the lot of you so bereft  of good sense that you discriminate among your prejudices?


Which is worse, homophobia or the bigoted incessant rabid racist ramblings of the Rev about black people pressing all of the latent race buttons or this one carelessly used word in a title? I do not agree with its use but why is it sanctioned and not the relentless in your face bigotry that continues for a dozen pages?


The PPP are racist, that much is clear. Their race baiting is relentless. The Poster is suggesting what clearly needs no prodding to grasp. Yesterday I counted over 20 postings by a hireling of the PPP accusing the Afc of every sort of misdeed


I am calling out the moderators to tell me what makes this post horrible that it demands being locked down and the abhorrent racist and clearly malicious postings by the Rev let loose to run for a dozen pages.


Either you have lost your sense of propriety along the way somewhere or you have leased the board to a bunch of bigots without telling us.




Hysterical PPP antimen on GNI Fearmongering & Racebaiting to Scare off Indo-Guyanese from AFC: PNC/APNU, for now, a tactical afterthought
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4 hours ago

The PPP has identified its true enemy . . . investing everything it has to split up the AFC along race lines; hoping Indians 'go home' en masse to "Plantation Freedom House"


It must be conceded that the PPP professional practioners of the dark arts have learned much from their failures in Linden; the planning, provisioning propaganda and logistics for Agricola must surely have bolstered the stature of the comrades who learnt their craft in the old Eastern bloc and Cuba.


Look for a few 'concessions' to APNU by the PPP bandits to institutionalize the status quo, circa 2006, amidst BOLDER attempts to marginalize the AFC.


Preservation of the race duality in Guyanese politics is the sine qua non for the PPP high command. It is the only way their evil rule and continued rape of Guyana by PPPCrime & Associates can continue . . . of course, with the impunity they claim as a birthright


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Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 moderators sanctioning this and not the atrocious racist postings by the Rev. Are the lot of you so bereft  of good sense that you discriminate among your prejudices?


Which is worse, homophobia or the bigoted incessant rabid racist ramblings of the Rev about black people pressing all of the latent race buttons or this one carelessly used word in a title? I do not agree with its use but why is it sanctioned and not the relentless in your face bigotry that continues for a dozen pages?


The PPP are racist, that much is clear. Their race baiting is relentless. The Poster is suggesting what clearly needs no prodding to grasp. Yesterday I counted over 20 postings by a hireling of the PPP accusing the Afc of every sort of misdeed


I am calling out the moderators to tell me what makes this post horrible that it demands being locked down and the abhorrent racist and clearly malicious postings by the Rev let loose to run for a dozen pages.


Either you have lost your sense of propriety along the way somewhere or you have leased the board to a bunch of bigots without telling us.




Hysterical PPP antimen on GNI Fearmongering & Racebaiting to Scare off Indo-Guyanese from AFC: PNC/APNU, for now, a tactical afterthought
Post New Topic

4 hours ago

The PPP has identified its true enemy . . . investing everything it has to split up the AFC along race lines; hoping Indians 'go home' en masse to "Plantation Freedom House"


It must be conceded that the PPP professional practioners of the dark arts have learned much from their failures in Linden; the planning, provisioning propaganda and logistics for Agricola must surely have bolstered the stature of the comrades who learnt their craft in the old Eastern bloc and Cuba.


Look for a few 'concessions' to APNU by the PPP bandits to institutionalize the status quo, circa 2006, amidst BOLDER attempts to marginalize the AFC.


Preservation of the race duality in Guyanese politics is the sine qua non for the PPP high command. It is the only way their evil rule and continued rape of Guyana by PPPCrime & Associates can continue . . . of course, with the impunity they claim as a birthright


There are different rules for PPPites and Indians. Lynching of blacks picture that was posted is a powerful symbol and it is classified as a hate crime yet the moderator seems to be ok with it. 

Originally Posted by FC:
Originally Posted by Amral:

I closed the thread because of the personal attack that was starting between those two on the thread

If that were the case most of the threads on this board would have been locked which is not the case.  You are a bloody hypocrite.

FC....the world of social media on the Internet is such that you cannot stop spammers and those who are at the boundary of acceptable behavior. What you do is to mitigate the occurrence of offensive material. Closing threads and banning anonymous posters on the basis of originating IP addresses or flagged personal information are an exercise in chasing your tail. There are legal remedies for those who can show injury and you can get a subpoena for the identity of the poster.


The Internet is a free medium in a free market place. There are other Guyanese Boards like this one and people are free to participate in whichever one they're comfortable with. If the alleged PPP posters are spamming then ultimately every decent participant here will flee elsewhere or create their own. Just ignore those posters. Castigating the custodians of this medium - the Moderators - will get us no where and is not helpful.

Originally Posted by FC:

If that were the case most of the threads on this board would have been locked which is not the case.  You are a bloody hypocrite.

I have a full time job which I am leaving for shortly. Yes I can close most threads if I wanted to, I do not have the time to sift through and read where these attacks are on what threads.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 moderators sanctioning this and not the atrocious racist postings by the Rev. Are the lot of you so bereft  of good sense that you discriminate among your prejudices?


Which is worse, homophobia or the bigoted incessant rabid racist ramblings of the Rev about black people pressing all of the latent race buttons or this one carelessly used word in a title? I do not agree with its use but why is it sanctioned and not the relentless in your face bigotry that continues for a dozen pages?


The PPP are racist, that much is clear. Their race baiting is relentless. The Poster is suggesting what clearly needs no prodding to grasp. Yesterday I counted over 20 postings by a hireling of the PPP accusing the Afc of every sort of misdeed


I am calling out the moderators to tell me what makes this post horrible that it demands being locked down and the abhorrent racist and clearly malicious postings by the Rev let loose to run for a dozen pages.


Either you have lost your sense of propriety along the way somewhere or you have leased the board to a bunch of bigots without telling us.




Hysterical PPP antimen on GNI Fearmongering & Racebaiting to Scare off Indo-Guyanese from AFC: PNC/APNU, for now, a tactical afterthought
Post New Topic

4 hours ago

The PPP has identified its true enemy . . . investing everything it has to split up the AFC along race lines; hoping Indians 'go home' en masse to "Plantation Freedom House"


It must be conceded that the PPP professional practioners of the dark arts have learned much from their failures in Linden; the planning, provisioning propaganda and logistics for Agricola must surely have bolstered the stature of the comrades who learnt their craft in the old Eastern bloc and Cuba.


Look for a few 'concessions' to APNU by the PPP bandits to institutionalize the status quo, circa 2006, amidst BOLDER attempts to marginalize the AFC.


Preservation of the race duality in Guyanese politics is the sine qua non for the PPP high command. It is the only way their evil rule and continued rape of Guyana by PPPCrime & Associates can continue . . . of course, with the impunity they claim as a birthright


While I understand Rev's anger at the recent rash of unacceptable activities in Guyana, the use of the term lynching should be retracted and an apology should be offered to those hurt by the statement.


Originally Posted by yuji22:



In your distorted mind, speaking out against PNC and AFC terrorist activities is considered racist.


Post one single proof whet I made a racist comment. You are just an AFC stooge who is here to make trouble.

I don't have to. Read your comments yourself. I would not be surprised your helping Rev to string up the blackman on the pole.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by FC:
Originally Posted by Amral:

I closed the thread because of the personal attack that was starting between those two on the thread

If that were the case most of the threads on this board would have been locked which is not the case.  You are a bloody hypocrite.

FC....the world of social media on the Internet is such that you cannot stop spammers and those who are at the boundary of acceptable behavior. What you do is to mitigate the occurrence of offensive material. Closing threads and banning anonymous posters on the basis of originating IP addresses or flagged personal information are an exercise in chasing your tail. There are legal remedies for those who can show injury and you can get a subpoena for the identity of the poster.


The Internet is a free medium in a free market place. There are other Guyanese Boards like this one and people are free to participate in whichever one they're comfortable with. If the alleged PPP posters are spamming then ultimately every decent participant here will flee elsewhere or create their own. Just ignore those posters. Castigating the custodians of this medium - the Moderators - will get us no where and is not helpful.

Thanks Kari.  Fair enough.  Just trying to influence the decorum.


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