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The joint opposition goal is the unseat the PPP even if it hurt the country. We see that with the Amelia falls project, money laundering bill, and the crime bills among others. They don't intend to give an inch unless they have something to gain, and the PPP is not ready to make compromises with them either. Where does that leave us?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The time has come for the joint opposition stop playing partisan politics and put their shoulder to the wheel along with the state in a bid to forge a better Guyana for all.

 Quit the platitudes. If the PPP cared about justice we would have evidence and court records security. We do not. If it cared about expediting justice we would not have an 8 y ear backlog in the courts. If it cared about justice we would not have a police force constantly accused of brutality as their standard tools of investigation. We would have had secure bonds to preserve evidence and a complete forensic lab fully equip to cover every aspect of investigative requirements even DNA testing. An almost 50 percent failure rate at capturing criminals speaks to a broken security infrastructure. I bet there are no central distributed crime databases and no computer link in cars etc. A SWAT is as necessary to upgrading our security as a third thumb.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The interest of the Guyanese people should always come first, the joint opposition as stated earlier, should cease playing partisan politics, the state has extended the Olive branch to them...

When you speak of the Guyanese people in general, which half are you speaking on behalf, the PPP half or the joint opposition half? The joint opposition half said no to any PPP proposals through their representatives. Again, where does that leave us? 

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The interest of the Guyanese people should always come first, the joint opposition as stated earlier, should cease playing partisan politics, the state has extended the Olive branch to them...

When you speak of the Guyanese people in general, which half are you speaking on behalf, the PPP half or the joint opposition half? The joint opposition half said no to any PPP proposals through their representatives. Again, where does that leave us? 

Actually, the opposition half is 51%.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The interest of the Guyanese people should always come first, the joint opposition as stated earlier, should cease playing partisan politics, the state has extended the Olive branch to them...

When you speak of the Guyanese people in general, which half are you speaking on behalf, the PPP half or the joint opposition half? The joint opposition half said no to any PPP proposals through their representatives. Again, where does that leave us? 

Actually, the opposition half is 51%.

I thought you was sleeping! I guess there is no room for mistakes. 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The interest of the Guyanese people should always come first, the joint opposition as stated earlier, should cease playing partisan politics, the state has extended the Olive branch to them...

these stupid slogans about peoples interest is obviated by the complete lack of interest or hapless incompetence of the administration. The idea of olive branch from an autocratic government is as the master to the servant and a waste of time. We need the peoples interest to be foremost and that can only happen in a deliberative democracy with conscientious administrators not autocrats and a friends and family industrial strength corruption as state business.

Originally Posted by SabitaRamjeet:

Ramotar, Texiera, Nandalall and Luncheon works with Kwame to place thugs in Agricola By Editor   October 14, 2012 This reporter has spoken to two men from Queenstown who indicated they along with 15 others were paid by the PPP’s known thug Kwame McKoy to intermingle with the legitimate protestors at Agricola but disrupt the operation by committing violent acts against innocent citizens so that NCN would have something newsworthy to report to deflect the outrage brewing in the country over Roger Luncheon’s earlier utterances that the government was prepared to “rumble” against demands for Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee to step down. This explosive report was made by the young man who claimed they were paid 50,000 Guyana dollars each to go to agricola and create mayhem. The 2 operatives when asked why they complied in such deceit said they needed the money “tings rough”. The neighborhood where these individuals were residing was in one of the less desirable areas in Queenstown. Asked specifically what acts the committed and against whom the lads declined to divulge more details for fear of retribution from the PPP. They stated that the PPP had operatives leading them who were also giving them instructions on the ground what to do. When pressed why the PPP was going to hire persons to do such a thing they explained that the government badly needed a positive story against the backdrop of the murders of innocent young black boys in Guyana as a result they could not have gone on television and just announce that protests erupted in Linden. These actions mirror the events in linden where residents there vehemently denied they were involved in any attacks of persons in the area and in linden they were much more organized to prevent infiltration by the PPP. Agricola being much closer to the city and to the operatives of the PPP and the nature of the area is very open so it is extremely easy to seed unknown persons into the protest because the situation is very fluid and covers a vast area. It was also noted by several persons we interviewed in Agrocola today who claimed during the initial hours of the protests in Agricola things were quite orderly and on some of the video seen by this reporter and retrieved from residents it clearly shows that persons were not afraid walking past burning debris on the road between 4:00 and 5:30 PM. The mayhem seems to have been tied in with the exact time that NCN went on air to report incidents of violence in Agricola as a matter of fact when we reviewed the footage from NCN it reflected similarly the footage showed persons walking across the carriageway in a very nonchalant manner and that clip kept being replayed over and over on NCN because there seemed to be nothing else to show. We asked our confidential informants if they were told or whether it was discussed who was behind these attacks and the response was yes Dr. Luncheon, Gail Texiera and Anil Nandalall met with Kwame at office of the President and they quickly hatched the plan and President Ramotar assented to the action. We will continue to follow this story as it develops and we will be contacting the AFC and APNU if they qre available for their response, attempts to reach the AFC and APNU so far have been futile.


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