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@Prashad posted:

Prashad would like to see more Guyanese blacks and Amerindians convert to Hinduism.

That the day they change their physical features too, huh, Prash? A new caste system, too! Hahahahaha ... But nice sentiment though!

Anyway, don't let my negativity bother you! Go try and advocate for your dream! Who knows?

Last edited by Former Member
@Mitwah posted:

Tonight would be a good night to make a donation. Vrat means fasting if your health permits it. Most Hindus would abstain from eating meat or some may eat just one meal. This is the time to give to the food banks.

Ah start ah food bank! Who ah gat fuh call fuh bank some food wid mih? Ah onlee want roti an duk. curry tho!

Last edited by Former Member
@Mitwah posted:

Tonight would be a good night to make a donation. Vrat means fasting if your health permits it. Most Hindus would abstain from eating meat or some may eat just one meal. This is the time to give to the food banks.

I have trouble eating.beef now, Mits, which is the only kind of flesh that the body needs, experiences and observation, to replace the cholesterol used up in the ejaculate or lifting weights! If I try to eat beef now, I'm warned from the energy or spirit world if I do, so I quit both exercising with weights and eating beef! What do you eat if you don' There is a book, Daniel, in the Bible, where this guy ate pulse (lentils) and looked more healthy than those who ate the king's fare (meat and wine)! I don't drink which goes along with high-cholesterol foods, like cheese and others! Fish, I've found, shouldn' eaten more than every 3 days or it will affect.your own cholesterol factory, your liver! Fish like salmon or sardines counteract.cholesterol but if there's no cholesterol in your system for it to counteract it goes after your liver! I'm telling you this from my own experiments and experiences! I had cancer but I cured it through experiment and observation! I learned that milk, which I loved to drink, is not compatible with.any other protein food, especially beef or any other flesh, for that matter! (See Exodus 23: 19)! A mixing of the protein from.the living with that from the dead! In hospitals, they ignorantly give cancer patients protein foods to keep.up their strength, I suppose! They are.only feeding the cancer which is first to consume the protein and grows larger or spreads.more rapidly, while the rest of the body.starves and grows thinner! The right course, I found, is to eat or drink fruit and green leafy vegetables or their juices while exercising with light weights that you can handle easily while a relaxed.manner, without any stress which would only make things worse! I found a barely.tolerable burning afterwards but I was determined to bear it out to see what would. come next! After some time had.elapsed, everything became quiet and I had.a dream of a cat I had, wherein he had caught a rat and was walking away with it and I was standing, looking on and applauding the cat! Symbolic, but I never had any cancer pains afterwards, which had been spreading!

You may scoff.and/or laugh now, human hyenas!

I find it interesting that while I type this, there's a piece of low-life excrement looking on.and interfering post though, I'm sure, he/she/it will take advantage of whatever it.learns here! Small wonder that the Japanese scorned them as prisoners-of-war in WWII!

Last edited by Former Member

The caption of this thread is misleading.  I watched the interview with Vindhi and she made no such claim.  Guyana is a land of many religions and there is religious freedom.  She is a Hindu and heads the organization founded by her dad after the split in the Maha Sabha.  As Django pointed out, only about a quarter of the Guyanese population is Hindu. 


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