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You are assuming that those who post here are representative of the opinions of the majority of Indo Guyanese. In the newspapers here we have many reports of Indo-Guyanese being found guilty of crimes.

regarding racial hatred, most ethnic groups in Guyana do have elements within them who have racial biases and are racists. Racism is a social construct and has historical roots. Also, we must ask who benefits from encouraging racism.

yuji22 posted:

Because Indos suffered under PNC aparathied. Afros did terrible things to them including two racist Black Dictators. A racist Carib is not an expert but is like Kero to start a race war.

Guyan needs a Truth Commission like what South Africa did to heal the nation.

the question was not answered by you but take a look at Zed's

"You are assuming that those who post here are representative of the opinions of the majority of Indo Guyanese. In the newspapers here we have many reports of Indo-Guyanese being found guilty of crimes."

Zed posted:

You are assuming that those who post here are representative of the opinions of the majority of Indo Guyanese. In the newspapers here we have many reports of Indo-Guyanese being found guilty of crimes.

regarding racial hatred, most ethnic groups in Guyana do have elements within them who have racial biases and are racists. Racism is a social construct and has historical roots. Also, we must ask who benefits from encouraging racism.

Can someone pull up Guyana Times and let us get some of the news on this, thanks?

Last edited by cain

Carib has become Cain's mentor,. I will give Carib credit for manipulating the lies to benefit the Blacks. Cain if you were an Indian and had families or friends experienced the discrimination and violence administered by the Blacks, then you would not ask that question.

 During the sixties riot , I had the Green Beret guarding the jeep to take me to school while bottles and rocks were pelted on to the vehicle. I lived in the staff compound, at nights you can hear the bombs exploding and the flames in the sky burning the Indian businesses in Uitvlugt Front and Pasture.. It got so bad that I stayed away from school for about two weeks. Let's fast forward, in the early seventies I had a senior  government job ,after a few months I was told to leave because I did not have a PNC party card. fortunately I moved on to a much better job at GTM.

 So Cain I assume you are  Portuguese , in Guyana you pass as White, it is that inferiority complex that most Guyanese suffer, fair complexion gets the reward. Many of the Retail stores such as Bookers would only employ fair skinned people, so when the PNC was in Government they did reverse discrimination, one, they only employed Blacks and the Blacks were empowered to beat and rob the Indians with immunity. So walk in an Indian shoes and then talk.

Last edited by kp
cain posted:

Why is it so difficult for Indos to accept their own race can also be guilty of crimes, racial hatred etc?

For years I have read posts on GNI by Carib where he admitted PNC and PPP  atrocities. Some Indos here readily accept PNC as being horrible to the nation but on the issue of the PPP, stay quiet.


Look who talking, one of the biggest Indo haters on this site. The fact remains that any admission by Indos about any malfeasance in their community will be used as ammunition to justify their suffering at the hands of PNC.

cain posted:

Why is it so difficult for Indos to accept their own race can also be guilty of crimes, racial hatred etc?

For years I have read posts on GNI by Carib where he admitted PNC and PPP  atrocities. Some Indos here readily accept PNC as being horrible to the nation but on the issue of the PPP, stay quiet.


I will take a stab at this....but others here are more equipped to handle this...

You making some assumptions:

1) Skeldon-Man, KP and other members here are not representative of Indos...I believe they are on the fringe

2) I don’t think all Indos will accept what you are saying....that’s a generalization...that’s like me saying everyone whose last names are CAIN are potheads or that Ronan and Iggy are great basketball playas because they get the drift...

I believe (I have no evidence to support this though) the answers though as to why some Indos are unwilling to accept this is because of some deeply held personal experience that sticks out in the memory of some people.

Tek Skeldon-Man and KP, for example...dem 2 look like Dey were beaten up by two Black women when they were for them, all black women are desired objects (deep down they like Black women) but because of this split feeling they direct their anger at ALL perceived Black people in general.

Then there is the historical experience of the 28 years of PNC rule...Indos could not get over the fact that Jagan was removed from office...a democratically elected government. On top of this, their psyche were further damaged by the brutality of the Burnham years, they watched as their leaders were emasculated near to the point of impotence....28 years of exclusion from power is a long time...lots of pent up anger there....  

Then we can go further back in time for the stereotypes that were peddled by the colonials...good ones for they cheap, but derogatory ones for Dey savages.  Indos bought into some of dem stereotypes hook line and sinker (Afros see Indos as money-grabbers).

Dats how I see it...but I could be off point...        



Vish, you yourself above IS Stereotyping. Not all AfroGuyanese go on a Rampage, are bullies, are racist, ignorant and illiterate. If you look at Videos you will see it is only a small Group that are usually engaged in inhuman, animalistic, violent behavior. The Group usually includes PNC leaders. Dont take my word, go to the Video Tape.

Nehru posted:

Vish, you yourself above IS Stereotyping. Not all AfroGuyanese go on a Rampage, are bullies, are racist, ignorant and illiterate. If you look at Videos you will see it is only a small Group that are usually engaged in inhuman, animalistic, violent behavior. The Group usually includes PNC leaders. Dont take my word, go to the Video Tape.

Too late to walk it back since my post on another thread PUNK! Your racist behavior is noted and the threads saved. Can't wait fuh you to send Vish M out wid he begging bowl in Queens fuh "support" of de "African American community".

Iguana posted:
Nehru posted:

Vish, you yourself above IS Stereotyping. Not all AfroGuyanese go on a Rampage, are bullies, are racist, ignorant and illiterate. If you look at Videos you will see it is only a small Group that are usually engaged in inhuman, animalistic, violent behavior. The Group usually includes PNC leaders. Dont take my word, go to the Video Tape.

Too late to walk it back since my post on another thread PUNK! Your racist behavior is noted and the threads saved. Can't wait fuh you to send Vish M out wid he begging bowl in Queens fuh "support" of de "African American community".

not everything is racist...allyuh need to get a sense of humour sometimes

Iguana posted:
Nehru posted:

Vish, you yourself above IS Stereotyping. Not all AfroGuyanese go on a Rampage, are bullies, are racist, ignorant and illiterate. If you look at Videos you will see it is only a small Group that are usually engaged in inhuman, animalistic, violent behavior. The Group usually includes PNC leaders. Dont take my word, go to the Video Tape.

Too late to walk it back since my post on another thread PUNK! Your racist behavior is noted and the threads saved. Can't wait fuh you to send Vish M out wid he begging bowl in Queens fuh "support" of de "African American community".


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