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Originally Posted by Jalil:

the international community....

has commended the round-table discussion

with British High Commissioner to Guyana Greg Quinn

expressing high optimism that it will be a success,

though not overnight.


He said

for Guyana to develop and prosper,

social cohesion is necessary,

and the round-table discussion

is a step in the right direction.

Where do you see social cohesion taking place? You that simple to think that if the PPP and Jagdeo participate in this "discussion" we have social cohesion?


You knucklehead, this is the single most important problem in Guyana, it has to go beyond discussion (yes its a start) but to have people like Ramphall, a Burnhamite, who created the mess we are in today, call for "civic education" will bring us closer together? This government is still in witch-hunting and ethnic cleansing mode and Granger has not even address the fears of the 49% nor has he set the tone for national healing...all they keep doing so far is cussing the PPP and looking for corruption.


So, you want to tell us that we on the road to national healing?...its more like the road to perdition.   

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
? This government is still in witch-hunting and ethnic cleansing mode

So here is what you can do.  Make a list of all the Africans who headed govt corporations, commissions, and committees, under the PPP, and who APNU/AFC has retained.


Obviously that list is very long because the PPP never engaged in ethnic cleansing so had loads of Africans in these top slots.




So get to work.  I expect at least 40% of the heads of these agencies were African.  I expect that NONE of them were laid off, as APNU/AFC went after the Indians.


Now if you cannot furnish this list I will submit to you that you really have no reason to complain.  When one thief robs another thief the one who was robbed cannot complain to the cops about the robbery.


If you cannot establish your case, please stop behaving like a lying bytch.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Correctly stated. This is a public stunt while Granger is still engaging in ethnic cleansing. Jagdeo and the PPP didn't attended for good reasons and they will not attend any future meeting in this regard.

So if they refuse to attend, who cares.  It would have been better if they attended, with lists of all the Africans who were appointed by the PPP, and who APNU/AFc refused to fire.


But apparently they don't have those lists, and know full well that APNU/AFC have lists of all the Indians appointed by the PPP to almost all of the leadership slots.  The PPP does NOT want this issue to be made public


In life, we all tend to screw up, sometimes royally. But many of us learn from our mistakes and try to correct things, so we can live  a better life.

In our families we try to resolve things to go forward and often the only way we can do that is through forgiveness and to let things go.


We all know what the PNC and PPP did in Guyana during the past 49 years and we placed blame, sometimes rightfully so.


In my book, I believe people learn from their mistakes and make changes for betterment.


With only four months into the new government, all kinds of blame is already being placed before they are  given a chance to prove themselves.


Forty nine years of screw-up that destroyed a people will not change overnight and I believe the new government is trying, [like learning parenthood as it unfold], to bring the races together with their Social Cohesion initiative.


If the PPP does not see the light and join the government in bringing the people together, I believe the whole damn country will be screwed forever and youth suicide, among other problems, might multiply ten fold.


I believe the PPP is being an ass not to contribute to the  Social Cohesion initiative.  Then again, they have proven that they don't have any social skills, as displayed by their leaders.         

Originally Posted by Tola:


I believe the PPP is being an ass not to contribute to the  Social Cohesion initiative.  Then again, they have proven that they don't have any social skills, as displayed by their leaders.         

The PPP's new theme song is "black man a kill ahbe coolie", so they have no interest in social cohesion.


Were they serious about this, they would have said that the conference is unfocused, and lacking in clear and implementable goals.  They would have also brought clarity to the issue by admitting that past gov'ts (including the PPP) had contributed to the problem, but that it is a new day.  That there needs to be a focused discussion on developing structures to assures Guyanese of all ethnicities, social class, genders and geographic locations that they can expect fair access to opportunity.  And they would have brought some ideas with them.



But staying out and screaming "black man a kill ahbe coolie" is more to their tastes.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

the international community....

has commended the round-table discussion

with British High Commissioner to Guyana Greg Quinn

expressing high optimism that it will be a success,

though not overnight.


He said

for Guyana to develop and prosper,

social cohesion is necessary,

and the round-table discussion

is a step in the right direction.

Where do you see social cohesion taking place? You that simple to think that if the PPP and Jagdeo participate in this "discussion" we have social cohesion?


You knucklehead, this is the single most important problem in Guyana, it has to go beyond discussion (yes its a start) but to have people like Ramphall, a Burnhamite, who created the mess we are in today, call for "civic education" will bring us closer together?

This government is still

in witch-hunting and

ethnic cleansing mode

and Granger has not even address

the fears of the 49%

nor has he set the tone for national healing...

all they keep doing so far

is cussing the PPP and looking for corruption.


So, you want to tell us that we on the road to national healing?...

its more like the road to perdition.   


No show...

Where is the PPP????

Meanwhile, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C)

was a no-show

at the opening of the social cohesion

round-table discussion

at the Arthur Chung International Conference Centre.


The PPP/C had described the round-table as

a “merely window dressing”

and said it would not participate since many of its supporters or persons perceived to be its supporters

have been dismissed

since the new government assumed office.


The PPP/C has called the situation a witch-hunt,

but President David Granger


that is not so,

as there are valid reason

for all the dismissals.


The dismissals

are reportedly linked

to the disappearance of funds

and other malpractices.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

the international community....

has commended the round-table discussion

with British High Commissioner to Guyana Greg Quinn

expressing high optimism that it will be a success,

though not overnight.


He said

for Guyana to develop and prosper,

social cohesion is necessary,

and the round-table discussion

is a step in the right direction.

Where do you see social cohesion taking place? You that simple to think that if the PPP and Jagdeo participate in this "discussion" we have social cohesion?


You knucklehead, this is the single most important problem in Guyana, it has to go beyond discussion (yes its a start) but to have people like Ramphall, a Burnhamite, who created the mess we are in today, call for "civic education" will bring us closer together?

This government is still

in witch-hunting and

ethnic cleansing mode

and Granger has not even address

the fears of the 49%

nor has he set the tone for national healing...

all they keep doing so far

is cussing the PPP and looking for corruption.


So, you want to tell us that we on the road to national healing?...

its more like the road to perdition.   


The dismissals


are reportedly linked



to the disappearance of funds



and other malpractices.



Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
? This government is still in witch-hunting and ethnic cleansing mode

So here is what you can do.  Make a list of all the Africans who headed govt corporations, commissions, and committees, under the PPP, and who APNU/AFC has retained.


Obviously that list is very long because the PPP never engaged in ethnic cleansing so had loads of Africans in these top slots.




So get to work.  I expect at least 40% of the heads of these agencies were African.  I expect that NONE of them were laid off, as APNU/AFC went after the Indians.


Now if you cannot furnish this list I will submit to you that you really have no reason to complain.  When one thief robs another thief the one who was robbed cannot complain to the cops about the robbery.


If you cannot establish your case, please stop behaving like a lying bytch.

You are an idiot, a big one at that, if you think this is all about a list. And why does your history of Guyana always start with the PPP. You are probably a novice on thew scene so I am guessing that Burnham and the merry band of PNCites never engaged in ethnic cleansing. I am guessing too that Granger never swore loyalty to the PNC and Hoyte never referred to "kith and kin" or "slow fiya, more fiya". 


You are probably too obtuse to comprehend the point I am making in the above mentioned paragraph. I am also addressing the perception that comes with social cohesion in the middle of an environment in which the Indians are suspicious, and cynical, about such moves. It is not tat the PPP is creating this condition (they may have contributed to it) but Granger has not assuaged their fears by speaking to their concerns frontally. There is a perception that ethnic cleansing and witch-hunting is at play. And now suddenly we have an expert at this...Ramphal, a constitutionalists who helped create the legal environment through international support to keep the Burnam regime afloat. Such a hypocrite.     



Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
? This government is still in witch-hunting and ethnic cleansing mode

So here is what you can do.  Make a list of all the Africans who headed govt corporations, commissions, and committees, under the PPP, and who APNU/AFC has retained.


Obviously that list is very long because the PPP never engaged in ethnic cleansing so had loads of Africans in these top slots.




So get to work.  I expect at least 40% of the heads of these agencies were African.  I expect that NONE of them were laid off, as APNU/AFC went after the Indians.


Now if you cannot furnish this list I will submit to you that you really have no reason to complain.  When one thief robs another thief the one who was robbed cannot complain to the cops about the robbery.


If you cannot establish your case, please stop behaving like a lying bytch.

You are an idiot, a big one at that, if you think this is all about a list. And why does your history of Guyana always start with the PPP. You are probably a novice on thew scene so I am guessing that Burnham and the merry band of PNCites never engaged in ethnic cleansing. I am guessing too that Granger never swore loyalty to the PNC and Hoyte never referred to "kith and kin" or "slow fiya, more fiya". 


You are probably too obtuse to comprehend the point I am making in the above mentioned paragraph. I am also addressing the perception that comes with social cohesion in the middle of an environment in which the Indians are suspicious, and cynical, about such moves. It is not tat the PPP is creating this condition (they may have contributed to it) but Granger has not assuaged their fears by speaking to their concerns frontally. There is a perception that ethnic cleansing and witch-hunting is at play. And now suddenly we have an expert at this...Ramphal, a constitutionalists who helped create the legal environment through international support to keep the Burnham regime afloat. Such a hypocrite.     



Sometimes you take a reasonable position, but other times your blind ambitious support for everything the regime and Granger does makes you as cockeyed as ever. I have not seen you criticize anything the coalition has done so far....


You want to compare lists, you simpleton??  Its a perception problem that will get in the way of anything meaningful that might come out of this kind of you know what you can do with your list...Any meaningful attempt to address the racial problem has to include credible Indian leaders...they were not included here at this conference...but for you, the token Indians are good enough or the coalition should move along happily and merrily...with or without the representatives of the Indians or Amerindians   



Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Tola:


I believe the PPP is being an ass not to contribute to the  Social Cohesion initiative.  Then again, they have proven that they don't have any social skills, as displayed by their leaders.         

The PPP's new theme song is "black man a kill ahbe coolie", so they have no interest in social cohesion.


Were they serious about this, they would have said that the conference is unfocused, and lacking in clear and implementable goals.  They would have also brought clarity to the issue by admitting that past gov'ts (including the PPP) had contributed to the problem, but that it is a new day.  That there needs to be a focused discussion on developing structures to assures Guyanese of all ethnicities, social class, genders and geographic locations that they can expect fair access to opportunity.  And they would have brought some ideas with them.



But staying out and screaming "black man a kill ahbe coolie" is more to their tastes.

Carib , Now this sounds like one of your more seasoned, somewhat reasonable position, not the pro-coalition "we do no wrong" BS you often post here. But really, do we need the racial slang about your mind-reading psychological nonsense?. You complain about others here but you are engaging in the very same thing   

Last edited by VishMahabir
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
? This government is still in witch-hunting and ethnic cleansing mode

So here is what you can do.  Make a list of all the Africans who headed govt corporations, commissions, and committees, under the PPP, and who APNU/AFC has retained.


Obviously that list is very long because the PPP never engaged in ethnic cleansing so had loads of Africans in these top slots.




So get to work.  I expect at least 40% of the heads of these agencies were African.  I expect that NONE of them were laid off, as APNU/AFC went after the Indians.


Now if you cannot furnish this list I will submit to you that you really have no reason to complain.  When one thief robs another thief the one who was robbed cannot complain to the cops about the robbery.


If you cannot establish your case, please stop behaving like a lying bytch.

You are an idiot, a big one at that, if you think this is all about a list. And why does your history of Guyana always start with the PPP. You are probably a novice on thew scene so I am guessing that Burnham and the merry band of PNCites never engaged in ethnic cleansing. I am guessing too that Granger never swore loyalty to the PNC and Hoyte never referred to "kith and kin" or "slow fiya, more fiya". 


You are probably too obtuse to comprehend the point I am making in the above mentioned paragraph. I am also addressing the perception that comes with social cohesion in the middle of an environment in which the Indians are suspicious, and cynical, about such moves. It is not tat the PPP is creating this condition (they may have contributed to it) but Granger has not assuaged their fears by speaking to their concerns frontally. There is a perception that ethnic cleansing and witch-hunting is at play. And now suddenly we have an expert at this...Ramphal, a constitutionalists who helped create the legal environment through international support to keep the Burnam regime afloat. Such a hypocrite.     


  What is your Point

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
? This government is still in witch-hunting and ethnic cleansing mode

So here is what you can do.  Make a list of all the Africans who headed govt corporations, commissions, and committees, under the PPP, and who APNU/AFC has retained.


Obviously that list is very long because the PPP never engaged in ethnic cleansing so had loads of Africans in these top slots.




So get to work.  I expect at least 40% of the heads of these agencies were African.  I expect that NONE of them were laid off, as APNU/AFC went after the Indians.


Now if you cannot furnish this list I will submit to you that you really have no reason to complain.  When one thief robs another thief the one who was robbed cannot complain to the cops about the robbery.


If you cannot establish your case, please stop behaving like a lying bytch.

You are an idiot, a big one at that, if you think this is all about a list. And why does your history of Guyana always start with the PPP. You are probably a novice on thew scene so I am guessing that Burnham and the merry band of PNCites never engaged in ethnic cleansing. I am guessing too that Granger never swore loyalty to the PNC and Hoyte never referred to "kith and kin" or "slow fiya, more fiya". 


You are probably too obtuse to comprehend the point I am making in the above mentioned paragraph. I am also addressing the perception that comes with social cohesion in the middle of an environment in which the Indians are suspicious, and cynical, about such moves. It is not tat the PPP is creating this condition (they may have contributed to it) but Granger has not assuaged their fears by speaking to their concerns frontally. There is a perception that ethnic cleansing and witch-hunting is at play. And now suddenly we have an expert at this...Ramphal, a constitutionalists who helped create the legal environment through international support to keep the Burnam regime afloat. Such a hypocrite.     


  What is your Point

your idiocy runs so deep....your daddy should take the computer away from you

Originally Posted by caribny:

Of course VishMahabir, Rama, Cobra, Yuji, Zed, and VVP will all say that Africans are unqualified.  This why under the PPP almost all of the state corporations, commissions, and committees were held by Indians.

please do not assume you know what I Will say. My position has always been and I will continue to say that racism was institutionalused long before the granting of independence, and has been practised by all governments since independence. I also argue that two wrongs do not make a right. If you have a thing to indicate that I have argued otherwise, please post it.

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:


... to have people like Ramphall, a Burnhamite, who created the mess we are in today, call for "civic education" will bring us closer together?   

Shridath Ramphal was never a card-carrying PNC member. He was a technocrat in Burnham's Cabinet.

As a technocrat, Ramphal could not vote on bills and motions in the National Assembly.

As Attorney-General, Ramphal did play a role in changing the electoral laws that introduced overseas voting and counting of ballots in a central location instead of polling places. Ramphal was acting according to a Cabinet decision. If he were not the Attorney-General, another AG would have done the job.

Ramphal was not a Burnham yesman. He stood up to Burnham in a firm and principled way. For example, in drafting the 1966 Constitution of Guyana, Burnham wanted a republic right away on Independence Day with himself as Executive President. Ramphal persuaded Burnham to back down and wait for a later time. After the 1968 general elections Ramphal was appointed Foreign Minister and Mohammed Shahabuddin became Attorney-General.

I know that Cheddi and Janet Jagan made Ramphal a scapegoat for the PPP loss of elections in 1968 to 1985. I'm pretty sure that if an Afro-Guyanese Attorney General had amended the electoral law instead of Ramphal, the Jagans would not have been so hostile to that person. East Indians who are not PPP have historically been singled out for attacks, starting from Dr JB Singh and Daniel Debidin in the early 1950s.

Regardless, when the Canadian company CGX faced opposition from Suriname for operating off the Berbice coast, Bharrat Jagdeo as President appealed to Shridath Ramphal for help. This is what Stabroek news reported in 2008: "Ramphal spearheaded Guyana’s campaign after it initiated arbitration proceedings at the ITLOS for the delimitation of its maritime boundary with Suriname and it asked that Suriname’s use of threat and force against a CGX rig in June 2000 be declared a breach of international law. Both Guyana and Suriname are parties to the UN Convention for the Law of the Sea. The tribunal awarded a favourable ruling to Guyana last September."

Guyana has benefited immensely from Shridath Ramphal's contribution over the past 50 years.


When Jagdeo and the PPP were developing the country, the AFC and Apnu were destroying it.  What is this crap about social cohesion?  WE want jobs to be created not attending stupid meetings.  When you give the people jobs you give them a life and they will improve their social strata.  You monkeys don't understand anything at all.  Firing Indians and appoing blacks do not create jobs. 

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
frontally. There is a perception that ethnic cleansing and witch-hunting is at play. And now suddenly we have an expert at this...Ramphal, a constitutionalists who helped create the legal environment through international support to keep the Burnam regime afloat. Such a hypocrite.     



Vishmahabir your list will prove two things/


1.  That the PPP didn't engage in ethnic cleansing so they appointed a large number of Africans to head agencies, this proving that the PPP didn't engage in the ethnic cleansing that it now accuses the APNU/AFC of engaging.


2. The list will show a pattern of Africans, appointed by the PPP remaining in their slots, while Indians being dismissed.


Given that you have evidence that its the PNC, and the PNC ONLY which has engaged in this behavior, then you ought to PROVIDE the list. Or, at a minimum, urge the PPP to do this.


 Now one racist regime (the PPP) accusing another of being racist is quite hilarious.  Given the PPPs sordid exclusion of Africans, they are ill prepared to accuse others of engaging in ethnic cleansing, unless they furnish proof/


The PPP HAS NOT FURNISHED PROOF, so clearly need your help.


Now I understand that you condoned the "ahbe pan tap, black man done" agenda of the PPP, and so see nothing wrong with the fact that Indians were way OVER represented in these leadership slots, which is why they are OVER represented among those now being dismissed.


I also understand that you don't care two hoots about how Africans perceived  the PPP, as Indians in your head are the MASTER RACE, and only their views matter.  This proving Danyael correct in his assessment of Indian racial attitudes.


Sorry that this attitude doesn't advance your case, as it merely induces APNU to furnish its own list of Africans who were dismissed by the PPP, and also another list showing that almost every head appointed by the PPP was Indian.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Of course VishMahabir, Rama, Cobra, Yuji, Zed, and VVP will all say that Africans are unqualified.  This why under the PPP almost all of the state corporations, commissions, and committees were held by Indians.

please do not assume you know what I Will say. My position has always been and I will continue to say that racism was institutionalused long before the granting of independence, and has been practised by all governments since independence. I also argue that two wrongs do not make a right. If you have a thing to indicate that I have argued otherwise, please post it.



I have no need to assume what you will say, as you have already said lots by what you HAVENT said. 


There has been blatant racism on GNI perpetrated by an Indo KKK set.  Did you condemn it?  No you only respond to those who discuss Indian racism, both at the bigoted level (Jagdeo and Guyana Times) and at the institutional level.


Danyael gave you an opportunity to discuss Indian racism, its root causes, and how it could be reduced.  Did you engage in this? NO!


So I don't need to assume what you will say, as what you DO NOT say speaks quite loudly.


The fact that the heads of the agencies, who have been dismissed, have been mainly Indian, is because they were the only people who could have been dismissed. NO ONE can discuss Africans appointed under the PPP, now receiving preferential treatment by APNU/AFC, because very few exist.


This suggests that the PPP was as guilty, if not MORE guilty, of ethnic cleansing as they accuse the PNC of being?


Suddenly ethnic cleansing becomes an issue of grave importance to you as it is no longer Africans who have been ethnically cleansed.



So I don't need to assume anything about you, as you have proven ample evidence of this.


I will leave you with this. 


The PPP ethnically cleansed Africans out of top leadership slots.  Do you now suggest that APNU/AFC does nothing to rectify this, resulting in the CONTINUED ethnic cleansing

of Africans?


You see why I do NOT have to assume what you will say, because if the exclusion of Africans by the PPP bothered you, it will be obvious to you that some measure of rectification would have had to be done!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

When Jagdeo and the PPP were developing the country, the AFC and Apnu were destroying it.  What is this crap about social cohesion?  WE want jobs to be created not attending stupid meetings.  When you give the people jobs you give them a life and they will improve their social strata.  You monkeys don't understand anything at all.  Firing Indians and appoing blacks do not create jobs. 

Rama Ji, you rass mad.


In your family when everyone have good jobs, but they come home everyday and try to kill each other by their hatred, what kind of family would you have ?

This what Guyana has been since independence.   If the people don't come together to work in unity as a family, they might all have good jobs, but we see what their social life is like, hatred and disharmony.

Is dis the kind of family[Guyana] you want ?


Heal your family first and they will work together to better themselves in unity.

Me know you rass na mad to understand dis.  

Last edited by Tola
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

When Jagdeo and the PPP were developing the country, the AFC and Apnu were destroying it.  What is this crap about social cohesion?  WE want jobs to be created not attending stupid meetings.  When you give the people jobs you give them a life and they will improve their social strata.  You monkeys don't understand anything at all.  Firing Indians and appoing blacks do not create jobs. 

Rama Ji, you rass mad.


In your family when everyone have good jobs, but they come home everyday and try to kill each other by their hatred, what kind of family would you have ?

This what Guyana has been since independence.   If the people don't come together to work in unity as a family, they might all have good jobs, but we see what their social life is like, hatred and disharmony.

Is dis the kind of family[Guyana] you want ?


Heal your family first and they will work together to better themselves in unity.

Me know you rass na mad to understand dis.  

he rass too drunk.


Social cohesion is defines as the willingness of members of a society to cooperate with each other in order to survive and prosper.

Did  the PNC cooperate with the PPP.  No!    Supposition is the mother of all Eff ups.  Even today as Granger is trying to force Indians to give up all they have to the Government, blacks are killing Indians, left right and centre.  They don't give a rat's ass about social cohesion and to have a ministry dedicated to this kind of hypocracy is pathetic.



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