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yuji22 posted:

These attacks on Bibi are totally unacceptable. Shame on those who are attacking Bibi.

Question for them, Is this the way you talk you wives and daughters ?

Amral, please intervene.

If my wife were as pretentious as this biddy I would surely get me another...even if it means mail order. It is said in the holy book that it is better to live in the corner of the rooftop than in a wide house with a big mouthed triffling woman. It will heed that advice.  The bold part of the text is my substitution.

Last edited by Former Member

Yuji, no one is attacking anyone so rest your hyperbolic behind.

D-G, so you were speaking in general terms and thanks for not believing the fake charges by Bibishka. Anyhow the fact that you choose to say anything about who should be respecting whom lent some credibility to an incredulous fakery. 

Stormie and Chief, thanks for pointing out the truth in response to Bibibshka's fake outrage. She's learning well from Trump.

Bibi has been called out so many times for untruths, deliberate misleading inaccuracies that she resorted to this outrageous fakery. I know she has a decent mind, she's smart - really, and dare I say easy on the eyes, but how did she come to stoop to Trumpian uncouthness and bare-faced fakery I don't know. Politics can really turn people upside down. She'll be alright though.

cain posted:

WTF going on here now? Where the frik did anyone stalk here? Look lady  ( see what ah just said?) if a person can't accept criticism without trying to win their argument with lies then whether they are woman,man,others, they should jus stay dah fk away.

De only thing stalking them is Crab Louse.

All ah dem got de itch.

Chief posted:

D2 has always been a pillar for honesty and plain talk.

In other words Bibi, sit down and  shut up!

You must be joking. He has the reputation of being the buffoon of GnI.  Remember the days when he called a sakiwinki a bird? Remember how he used to use big words like Mike Tyson to try to impress others? Now he following the PNC along with you to turn Guyana into another Somalia. 

Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Nice to see PPP women scare the hell out of all of you!!!!

Nice try...if PPP women are as trifling as you are you one would be wise to take heed of their means of travel...most likely a broom~

Janet Jagan did not pick up a broom, and neither would I.  The pen is mightier than the broom.  A good and sound education is mightier than a broom.  Character and decency is mightier than a broom.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Nice to see PPP women scare the hell out of all of you!!!!

Nice try...if PPP women are as trifling as you are you one would be wise to take heed of their means of travel...most likely a broom~

Janet Jagan did not pick up a broom, and neither would I.  The pen is mightier than the broom.  A good and sound education is mightier than a broom.  Character and decency is mightier than a broom.

I am sure that woman had a broom somewhere and a pointy tipped hat. My pen is firm, my mind sound and character impeccable. You are just slumming as a sycophant and getting hammered for it.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

This is not a masjid where you can dump the women in a corner,  call them names, refer to them as Gallows bait.

Then you jump on the Hillary bandwagon and want a woman President.  You nasty hypocrite!

To be quite honest you contribute to every stereotype of the uneducated woman. Your posts usually reflect querulous hysteria with no attempt at analysis. 

You don't counter points that you disagree with by offering an alternative perspective.  It is clear that Jagdeo's racism is allowing the APNU AFC to box him into a trap of being the archaic racist.  

Even if there is discrimination against Indians now it is very obvious that Africans suffered similarly under the PPP, and evidence of this is being offered.  In fact Jagdeo was even worse than Jagan who was bad enough.

So your defense of him could have been more nuanced, but you lack the intellectual depth.  NOT because you are a woman either.

So don't hide behind gender issues. 

Drugb posted:
Chief posted:

D2 has always been a pillar for honesty and plain talk.

In other words Bibi, sit down and  shut up!

You must be joking. He has the reputation of being the buffoon of GnI.  Remember the days when he called a sakiwinki a bird? Remember how he used to use big words like Mike Tyson to try to impress others? Now he following the PNC along with you to turn Guyana into another Somalia. 

I am sure you remember your own contrivance. It is like my dollar store. In your head.

If you find a tyson-like  contrived word usage, please remind me. Being a semi dunce you need these idle concoctions to facilitate your standing among the congregation of clowns here.

Guyana is doing fine. The PNC will not fail. They will succeed just to thumb the nose at you folks. And I am not a PNCite. I treat them no less than I treat the PPP.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted;
.  A good and sound education is mightier than a broom.  Character and decency is mightier than a broom.

Except that you show none of this.

Hey hey hey, I am not the one here with a factory job in Brooklyn.  Watch it deh!!!!

Again you make commentary. You don't know me so don't know what I do, and if you do know me you know that clearly I am not doing that.  I don't even live nor do I work in Brooklyn, but your racial stereotypes have been noted.

Chief posted:
Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Very sick man!

Why do you think your old behind is "stalk-worthy? It is little, petty lies like these that leaves residual impressions of impropriety that lasts a long time.

The man did not stalk or make any sustained sexual or malicious pattern of posting to you or anyone.  He may have been a little off color to Alena and you in one post but where is there a pattern of untoward comments to or about women that cause you to jump to creating a thread on stalking?

You are clearly nuts and speaks to a temperament as our dear old Joan now appearing in another guise. You folks like to think you can be nasty in every way and still get to claim to be the victim.

LET ME BE CLEAR; NOT KARI OR ANY ONE HERE HAS EVER STALKED ANYONE....correction one old dude supposedly did that to a young woman here but she addressed it off the site to amral.

D2 has always been a pillar for honesty and plain talk.

In other words Bibi, sit down and  shut up!

Chief you mek me haan fall.

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Hey hey hey, I am not the one here with a factory job in Brooklyn.  Watch it deh!!!!

Miss Haniffa, please don't let my hand fall. A factory job is a working-class job. There is dignity in labor. Don't run down factory workers. 

You are missing the point.  Back track lil bit and see why I responded like that to him. 

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Hey hey hey, I am not the one here with a factory job in Brooklyn.  Watch it deh!!!!

Miss Haniffa, please don't let my hand fall. A factory job is a working-class job. There is dignity in labor. Don't run down factory workers. 

You are missing the point.  Back track lil bit and see why I responded like that to him. 

You respond as you always do by pulling up a canopy of class and status and all the sententious bullshit that you assume elevates you to the privileged and the elite.It is tiresome.

Well Caribj does not work in as a laborer, He is educated in an elite school and for what matters here he is not unafraid to develop arguments without these pretentious asides. You try to develop that habit. It is what ultimately makes the idea of a special person.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Nice to see PPP women scare the hell out of all of you!!!!

Nice try...if PPP women are as trifling as you are you one would be wise to take heed of their means of travel...most likely a broom~

Janet Jagan did not pick up a broom, and neither would I.  The pen is mightier than the broom.  A good and sound education is mightier than a broom.  Character and decency is mightier than a broom.

A good and sound education is mightier than a broom.  Character and decency is mightier than a broom.

Well please indulge us in those characteristics instead of cussing people like Hillary Clinton and making up fake stalking accusations in a title that will remain as is - that is, you telling the world that I am a sexual stalker of you.

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

This is not a masjid where you can dump the women in a corner,  call them names, refer to them as Gallows bait.

Then you jump on the Hillary bandwagon and want a woman President.  You nasty hypocrite!

To be quite honest you contribute to every stereotype of the uneducated woman. Your posts usually reflect querulous hysteria with no attempt at analysis. 

You don't counter points that you disagree with by offering an alternative perspective.  It is clear that Jagdeo's racism is allowing the APNU AFC to box him into a trap of being the archaic racist.  

Even if there is discrimination against Indians now it is very obvious that Africans suffered similarly under the PPP, and evidence of this is being offered.  In fact Jagdeo was even worse than Jagan who was bad enough.

So your defense of him could have been more nuanced, but you lack the intellectual depth.  NOT because you are a woman either.

So don't hide behind gender issues. 

To be quite honest you contribute to every stereotype of the uneducated woman. Your posts usually reflect querulous hysteria with no attempt at analysis. 

You don't counter points that you disagree with by offering an alternative perspective. 


The above defines Bibi, period.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted;
.  A good and sound education is mightier than a broom.  Character and decency is mightier than a broom.

Except that you show none of this.

Hey hey hey, I am not the one here with a factory job in Brooklyn.  Watch it deh!!!!

So CARIBNY is a Brooklyn factory worker!!!!

Typical slanderous, dog-whistle ethnic slur remark on a poster who has shown tremendous restraint to all the ad hominem attacks.

cain posted:
Chief posted:
Stormborn posted:
Chameli posted:
Leonora posted:

The most obnoxious and depraved poster is Mitwuh. That chap has no respect for women. The forum is so refreshing without him.  

OMG! I thought YOU were him

That is Joan your erstwhile  nemesis!

I am confused.

Who is Joan right now?


So who is Bibi, isn't she a reincarnation  as well?

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