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Former Member

Ok folks,

Nadira spoke in code words about corruption and Moses used that speech to launch his "humble" lifestyle mantra.

Moses ended up shoving a stick in the backs of those people who were conned. He know lives an extravagant lifestyle at the backs of the poor and does so with no shame whatsoever.

Joey attempted to destroyed  Jagan's and Janet's PPP by sleeping with the enemy.

Presidents Janet and Jagan must be turning in their graves as a result of their children's grave mistakes. Like good parents, I am sure that they will forgive them.

Now folks, the wholesale corruption and fraud and extravagant lifestyles that Nadira and Joey spoke about under the PPP have been exceeded by the AFC/PNC in just one year.

It is only right for at least Nadira to stand up and speak out. I consider Joey a loose cannon and quite a messed up individual and do not expect a response from him. 

Nadira appears to be intelligent and balanced. Paging on Nadira to stand up and be counted and to do some justice for her parents who have been betrayed by Moses and Ramjattan.

Can Nadira stand up please ? Time to defend your parents values once again. 

And Yes Nadira, the PPP and mostly Indos from the PPP were kicked out at the anniversary celebrations. They were not accommodated. And please Nadira, time to speak out about Free and Fair Elections.

I remember standing in the cold in Ottawa in front of the Parliament where Janet was there there wearing a red winter coat, braving the Canadian cold to fight for free and fair election. The last one was rigged. I hope that Janet's fight does not go in vain.

Please do not forget to remind Joey about Janet's struggle.

Yuji22 awaits on Nadira to respond in the media. It is the honourable thing to do.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:

Maybe because we have yet to see big time tycoons emerge out of PNC corruption.  Can you name any millionaires?

Why wait. We see LEAR GORING.

If he is rich from drug dealing it must have been under Jagdeo.

Bai this dude is head of GWI under the PNC; not under Jagdeo. The man is a deportee and should have never been assigned a civil service job. You are condoning nepotism here. A criminal is being appointed to a high visibility job. Who battie you think he kissed and whose pockets you think he was filling with all the drugs money? Don't give this "petty drug dealer". How do you know he was a petty drug dealer? Did you know him in NA?


Joey was one of the people responsible for the PNC getting into government.  Let him dare speak out against his brothers now and he won't be the first Jagan to feel the wrath of the PNC.  He has since ridden off into the sunset empty-handed as the job he was promised was given to someone else.  Fortunately, as time goes on, the Jagan name will fade into oblivion.  That name will not re-surface in Guyanese politics again.

Like Nagamootoo and Ramjattan, he has been silenced.  Once and for all.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Joey was one of the people responsible for the PNC getting into government.  Let him dare speak out against his brothers now and he won't be the first Jagan to feel the wrath of the PNC.  He has since ridden off into the sunset empty-handed as the job he was promised was given to someone else.  Fortunately, as time goes on, the Jagan name will fade into oblivion.  That name will not re-surface in Guyanese politics again.

Like Nagamootoo and Ramjattan, he has been silenced.  Once and for all.


You are right on the money.

Moses already abandoned Jagan's name after the election. He dare not mention Jagan's name among Afros at Congress Place. Jagan's name has been deleted from his vocabulary since he joined the PNC.

Granger on the other hand, does not hesitate to glorify Dictator Burnham right infront of Moses.

Nadira and Joey will go down in the History Books as destroying their parents name, handing it to the PNC to do the final rites.

Jackass Joey has been silenced by the PNC and he cannot do shyte about it.

Nadira still has some time to repent, I doubt that Nadira and Joey care about their departed parents who sacrificed their lives to Guyana. Their sacrifices have been sent to the trash bin by their children and given to the PNC for final rites while Granger glorifies Burnham.

That is life.

Gilbakka posted:

Budday yuji, yuh tink Nadira got time to read yuh posts here? She has other priorities, more meaningful and constructive ones. Leave the good woman alone. As for Joey, I won't be surprised if he threatens to slap you for calling him a loose cannon.


Joey does not have the caliber to stand up near the Yuji. 

As for Nadira, it is a lame excuse that she has more meaningful things to do, she owes Indo Guyanese a lot by speaking out against AFC/PNC theft and corruption since Granger refuses to fire his corrupt and thieving ministers because they are Afros.

She needs to do the honourable thing.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:

Maybe because we have yet to see big time tycoons emerge out of PNC corruption.  Can you name any millionaires?

Why wait. We see LEAR GORING.

If he is rich from drug dealing it must have been under Jagdeo.

Bai this dude is head of GWI under the PNC; not under Jagdeo. The man is a deportee and should have never been assigned a civil service job. You are condoning nepotism here. A criminal is being appointed to a high visibility job. Who battie you think he kissed and whose pockets you think he was filling with all the drugs money? Don't give this "petty drug dealer". How do you know he was a petty drug dealer? Did you know him in NA?

Carib's motto: Afros can steal all day long, they can do no wrong and he refuses to condemn PNC racism and corruption.

All he talks about is the destruction of Indos. He will not rest until Indos are destroyed.

That is the extent of his hate and racism towards Indos. Read every single of his posts and you will see.

Nehru posted:

YUgi, Joey is just a loud mouth FOOL. He suddenly got blind and deaf, bloody Hypocrite!!!!!!!!!!

Just like Moses, he has been silenced by the PNC.

Someone rumoured on GNI that they are step brothers. Two of a Kind Neemakharam.

They sold out their brothers and sisters and gave the Names of Jagan and Janet to the PNC for final rites at Congress Place.

Granger then paid a glowing Tribute to His Hero Burnham while Moses paid rapt attention.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:


According to Carib, you are not Guyanese unless you are black. Moses is Afro Guyanese.

Moses said that he is Guyanese.  Now you think that the only Guyanese are black, so if some one says that they are Guyanese they then must be black.

You consider yourself to be an Indian born in Guyana, so you don't see how you can describe yourself as Guyanese.  Your only identity is that of an Indian.

Now you were told that I never claimed that only blacks can be Guyanese, and still you persist in peddling that lie.  What sort of mental condition do you have to continue doing this?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:
Joey does not have the caliber to stand up near the Yuji. 

As for Nadira, it is a lame excuse that she has more meaningful things to do, she owes Indo Guyanese a lot.... 


Nadira is not Indian, yuji22.

Jalil?  Is that you??  Drawing pichas??

As you know, Miss Haniffa, my brother Jalil is not in top form these days, so I am taking up some of the slack. I am my brother's keeper. And, he ain't heavy.


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