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Jagdeo blasted the opposition for not having a vision for the future, and then the tongue-lashing began.
He linked Alliance for Change (AFC) Prime Ministerial Candidate, Raphael Trotman with visiting criminals in Buxton, saying “he was in the centre of things” and “he has never denied this because he was part of the PNC apparatus”.
Khemraj Ramjattan was blasted for understanding only “cock-eyed economics”, while the President stated—referring to AFC Executive Member, Dr Veerasammy Ramayya—that next year the government will pass a Medical Practioners’ Act “because we’ve had a lot of quacks who practice medicine and damage peoples’ health”. He added that the Ministry of Health “would ensure that they examine this man [Ramayya], and if he practices again, Ramjattan will have to visit him in prison, because we can’t allow quacks to run our country”.
Then it was Sasenarine Singh of the AFC. According to Jagdeo, Singh “…has been fired five times from five different places for stealing”. “He has done this over and over”.
Businessman Robert Badal was next in line. Jagdeo accused him of “trying to steal a company – Guyana Stockfeeds – from the government”. Rajendra Bisessar’s dressing down followed. He was described as a “total waste”. “He talks all the time. He prattles all the time. This is why I had to throw him out of the Office of the President… for laziness.”
Jagdeo then added that the newspapers published that Bisessar was the “adviser” but that he was really “collecting garbage in the OP”.
The AFC’s newest member, Moses Nagamootoo, was the next target. Jagdeo described him as having “a long track record of lying”.
“He lied on Cheddi Jagan; who else he wouldn’t lie on?”
Jagdeo rebuffed Nagamootoo’s claims that Dr. Jagan had nominated him in the Lethem as the next in line, several years ago. “Janet never remembered it and I never remembered it,” he said disdainfully.
He said Nagamootoo left the PPP because of “corruption” and told the crowd that “four months ago, he (Nagamootoo) was struggling to be the leader of this corrupt party. And because he didn’t succeed… he jumped ship. This man has an obsession! He is an egotist! He got an ego bigger than this whole Whim!
“He thinks he is special. He wants to be leader of this party and country. He can’t play a supportive member role, so he lost the elections in the party. The man has always been mediocre and useless. Dr. Jagan put him to run the Ministry of Information and he allowed Jagan to be massacred. Nagamootoo has a history of lying…of deceit.”
Responding to Nagamootoo’s comments at the Canje rally that the PPP has “screwed the sugar workers”, Jagdeo stated that every Caribbean country tried to get out of sugar but the PPP invested $4B into the industry. He stressed that Ramjattan opposed this in Parliament and “went on Dave’s TV (in Berbice) and said the government doesn’t do enough for sugar”.
“And he (Nagamootoo) talks about screwing sugar workers? He doesn’t have any respect for sugar workers,” Jagdeo shouted to cheering supporters.
Attorney-at-Law Nigel Hughes also did not escape his wrath. Jagdeo told the crowd that recently in a court matter, Hughes selected 44 Indian names of persons who head agencies in the Government.
“You have a racist in Nigel Hughes…[who said in the court matter] that any Indian who accesses a high position in this country does so only because of their race…a racist! Check the You Tube Videos of Nigel Hughes, you would vomit!” Jagdeo stated emphatically.
He then blasted the Kaieteur News and Stabroek News for “exaggerating the number of persons at the AFC and APNU rallies across the country”.
“Guess what they do, they come and take the camera close up and take a little patch and show ‘Massive Crowd’ the AFC and PNC have. That’s what the good cameramen do!” he said.
He noted that the two independent dailies “are on their [the opposition’s] side, that’s why every day they cuss us out and upset that I call them carrion crows, but they are carrion crows…they’re looking for dead meat, but as I have said, the dead meat is in the AFC.” He accused the Stabroek News of misrepresenting the number of persons at the PPP Lusignan rally.
Jagdeo then said that in Region Six “there are some news media and some television channels that are hostile to us (PPP/C), but we have to make sure that we understand what
Originally posted by Nehru:



The wheel of God turns slowly but justly!!!!
In time we will know who is the biggest thief!!
Originally posted by Nehru:



Ur slave master should make his words sweet sweet. He is going to eat back those bitter words. Reminds of two Ho fighting in Pitt Street.
Originally posted by BONUS:
Jagdeo on his last hurray

A man once robbed a bank. He had so much money and no one sold him any food. Eventually he starved to death. The towns people prevented him from leaving the town. U c he killed the towns Marshal-a much liked person. Jagdeo might have to back track to America. Dem fellas in the AFC IS GOING TO SEIZE HIS PASSPORT.

I already had a dream. He came complaining how badly he is being treated. First, I thought the dream was referring to Ramotar doing him over. But his words have already condemned him.
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Yeah...the honorable Dr Jagdeo on the dem out like it is..a bunch of crooks teaming up with a BUBCH OF REJECTS=AFC cheers
bar--rat,trailer trash
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Yeah...the honorable Dr Jagdeo on the dem out like it is..a bunch of crooks teaming up with a BUBCH OF REJECTS=AFC cheers
bar--rat,trailer trash

PPP all the way to victory on the 29..yall KFC done fu good cheers
Originally posted by TI:
Hughes proud descendent of field slaves is probably racist. I don't know about the others.

Why is he a racist? Is it racist to provide proof that the PPP is a racist party?
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by TI:
Hughes proud descendent of field slaves is probably racist. I don't know about the others.

Why is he a racist? Is it racist to provide proof that the PPP is a racist party?

bla bal bla..Guyanese voters will vote dem back into all Guyanese are racist rite...wait till nov 29 naa cheers
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by TI:
Hughes proud descendent of field slaves is probably racist. I don't know about the others.

Why is he a racist? Is it racist to provide proof that the PPP is a racist party?

You a proud field slave too?
The man want the Ambassador job. Did AFC promise him that if they win?
Originally posted by TI:
Do you think Jagdeo is a fool?
The man is way smarter than Burnham. Burnham died a poor man.

Stealing people money and building mansions, use your position to setup million dollar retirement does not make you smart..just ask Madoff, Stanford and others who are now serving as Bubba bitches in the fed pen...
Originally posted by cain:
Originally posted by raymond:
Jagdeo is ah typical Lombard street Hoe

There is one slight difference Ray.

The hoes have something to offer that actually belong to them.
hey guys i use to party in lombard st,i think the girls their was a little more decent than bar--rat panman
Originally posted by Chief:
Only old men, 50 and above, know about Lombard street.
The younger generation know about Sherriff street.

And there are those who know about Pitt Street. Big Grin
do any of you really believe that any leader that goes into power next will try NOT to make himself rich. If you think that the AFC leaders or the APNU leader or the new PPP leader will run the country in an honest way then you are a bigger fool.

Come on wake up, every political leader gets what he can for himself also.
Originally posted by amral:
do any of you really believe that any leader that goes into power next will try NOT to make himself rich. If you think that the AFC leaders or the APNU leader or the new PPP leader will run the country in an honest way then you are a bigger fool.

Come on wake up, every political leader gets what he can for himself also.

That is not entirely true amral. The AFC has not been in office as yet,you cannot say that they will do this or that. When they do get into office then we'll see if they are of the same low caliber as the PPP and APNU(PNC). We then move then out, start ova.
Originally posted by amral:
do any of you really believe that any leader that goes into power next will try NOT to make himself rich. If you think that the AFC leaders or the APNU leader or the new PPP leader will run the country in an honest way then you are a bigger fool.

Come on wake up, every political leader gets what he can for himself also.
Then that is why a democracy has to afford voters not only voice but exit strategies. The opportunity to throw the bums out must exist.
When they do get into office then we'll see if they are of the same low caliber as the PPP and APNU(PNC). We then move then out, start ova.

Bai by then the country will be a few million dollars poorer and some will be richer. You think Guyana is like Cda, we are truly democratic, look we had 3 federal elections in less than 5 years, why? because the opposition party was not content with the way the Govt was running things, hence no confidence vote in the house. Now that is what you call a true Democracy.
Originally posted by amral:
do any of you really believe that any leader that goes into power next will try NOT to make himself rich. If you think that the AFC leaders or the APNU leader or the new PPP leader will run the country in an honest way then you are a bigger fool.

Come on wake up, every political leader gets what he can for himself also.

Finally someone on this board makes sense.
Originally posted by amral:
do any of you really believe that any leader that goes into power next will try NOT to make himself rich. If you think that the AFC leaders or the APNU leader or the new PPP leader will run the country in an honest way then you are a bigger fool.

Come on wake up, every political leader gets what he can for himself also.

THis is a serious indictment of the PPP cabal. BTW, what did Cheddi gets what he can for himself?
THis is a serious indictment of the PPP cabal. BTW, what did Cheddi gets what he can for himself?

we dont know, he did not live long enough, but he started the ball rolling on democracy which is all screwed up now.
Amral, You are absolutely correct. TK, Trotty, Ramjattan etal cant wait to get their hands on the "GOLD". They dont care Rat's ASS about Democracy, The Poor , Development and Progress. They care about the Almighty DOLLAR.

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