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Former Member

Why are they bent on destroying Guyana?

August 21, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 


The recent revelations in Kaieteur News that Bai Shan Lin has and continues to destroy Guyana’s pristine forests have caused us to reflect on these questions: What are the nation’s shared values?  What is wrong with the PPP regime? Why are they bent on destroying Guyana?

Their actions are clear indications that they are putting their financial interests and those of their relatives and friends first, and not the country and people.

They are stripping Guyana of all its valuable assets and resources so that nothing but crumbs will be left for the people. They have become power drunk and want to remain in office at all cost with no plan to be humble, no plan to serve, no plan to toil, no plan to let the truth lead the way.  What we have in Guyana is a corrupt group of politicians in the regime who are arrogant and who want to get ahead politically by using race as a tool of division.

They abuse the words “unity and economic development.” They are of the opinion that if they cannot rule the country, then they will do everything in their power to destroy it, give away its forests, rape the treasury, bankrupt the country and turned the masses into paupers and beggars.

The sadness in the whole episode is that Guyana has sunk to the lowest level under this ruthless regime. The PNCR is not helpful either, in that it does not know how to capitalize on the weaknesses of the PPP.  The PNCR continues to frustrate its grass-roots supporters and should APNU lose the next elections they cannot blame anyone else but themselves.  Through their own doing, they have alienated the youths and the thousands of Guyanese who might not have wanted to support the PPP.  These youths are likely to stay away from the polls in the next election if the PNCR does not get its act together quickly. Except for Carl Greenidge, Joe Harmon, Basil Williams and Ronald Bulkan who have and continue to expose the wicked PPP regime, its other MPs are nowhere to be seen or heard. It seems as though they do not have a fighting spirit, and this is why the responsibility of the opposition has fallen on the AFC leadership who have to be credited with the “no confidence” motion which is needed to get rid of the ruling cabal.

The whole unfortunate truth in this matter is that APNU as the main opposition has not lived up to expectations. They have single handedly allowed the PPP to handcuff them by taking away their most potent weapon—peaceful protests and demonstrations. It leaves one to wonder if the PNCR has become a destructive force within itself, because all they do is to “put their foot into their mouths” Is this party a government in waiting?  It’s up to the people to decide on who should lead the coalition to defeat the PPP!

Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish Singh

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Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish Singh thinks that the PPP/C actions clearly indicates that they are putting their financial interests and those of their relatives and friends first, and not the country and people.

Last edited by Former Member

PPP’s management of the economy  has crossed the line


Philip Bynoe’s conduct at the recent press conference held at the Guyana Forestry Commission deserves public condemnation. It should be explained to him that his conduct is the type Guyana could do without as we strive to transform our political landscape into one dominated by dialogue and civilized conflict resolution.

A few readers of my last letter (SN, Aug 18) may be surprised at the manner in which I summarily dispensed with the Finance Minister’s half year economic report for 2014. My analyses of Guyana’s economic performance and its management have been captured in my letters to the press dating back to September of last year.

To summarize them all, the PPP’s management of Guyana’s economy has crossed the line where the rule of law is the guiding principle. Its decision-making is guided by the principle of the preservation of its authority. To say otherwise is to lend credibility to government’s activities, to mislead the public.

It is to say it is okay for the government to waste and misappropriate our money and natural resources through mismanaging the issuance of government contracts, lack of transparency in approving investments across economic sectors, and abusing its economic might to stifle the free press.

In fact, the highlighting of all aspects of corruption, mismanagement, and abuses of government authority is the soundest method of addressing deficiencies in economic management.

And in this, by my own biased estimate, I have been unfailing, and will continue to be so.

I wish to express my dissatisfaction with the actions of the Minister of Finance, Dr Ashni Singh and his ministry, which have facilitated the illegal expenditure of roughly $4.5 billion of our money. Guyanese have sacrificed a lot to pay our taxes, and through the opposition, we disapproved of this spending in the first place. I would like to go on record as saying that I want my money back. The Minister can be released from his duties if the consensus so rules, but I want my money back.

Yours faithfully,

Craig Sylvester

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Sylvester is a bloody FOOL and a PNC Criminal!!!!

Like you supporting and defending Bynoe?

The half-year report means nothing to the man looking for a job


Dear Editor,

My previous letters on the government’s management of the affairs of Guyana have been less than flattering. Yet, based on the seemingly glowing half-year performance presented by Finance Minister Ashni Singh, everything seems to be running smoothly, all things considered. Well, all these fancy statistics, which is what they are to me, translate into nothing for the man in the street looking to improve his lot in this life. Talking to this government is like shaking a very big fruit tree out of season. The long and short of the economy’s performance is that it’s a patch job, with nothing organized or directed at addressing the biggest bone of contention in Guyana’s economic policy framework – job creation.

What does an increase in rice production mean to the man looking for a job? What does the fall in gold production mean for the man looking for a job? What do all the other increases and decreases in the report mean to the man in the street looking for a job? Nothing, nothing, nothing. All of government’s efforts over the last two decades have been a waste of time, with just enough to keep us nodding and looking forward for more. These efforts have been mirrored in the first six months of this year.

The fact is that government has done little, if anything, to generate the level of investment and job creation in the private sector necessary to lift Guyana out of its current financial and welfare slump. And it will not do so. Examining the case of Linden and Georgetown, it has proved itself to be racially biased and vindictive, looking after its supporters, as reflected in the allocation of resources across the regions, and Georgetown’s filthy and poorly managed environment. The rest of the country has to live on its propaganda.

The PPP is content to maintain the status quo of poor living standards, in addition to which there are the issues of its abuse of power, its manipulation of the courts, and the President’s refusal to assent to certain bills passed in Parliament as a consequence of the opposition majority.

Government has spent the first six months of this year playing politics and wasting and mismanaging our tax dollars, the latest victim apparently being the operations of the University of Guyana. The Finance Minister, instead of returning to Parliament with bills to release funds to maintain the smooth operation of the university, is being difficult over the projects specifically voted down by Parliament. The apparent objective is to blame the opposition, the people’s majority representation, for the financial chaos and dysfunctionality of this and other programmes.

Well, we the people can sit down and let them continue to scuttle our country for their divisive ends.


Yours faithfully, Craig Sylvester

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Mits, I am not defending anyone.  Everyone has their lives to live, I simply speak the TRUTH.

Look at whom the PPP/C chose to be their spoke person. How come they are giving this thug so much prominence? Their terrorist tactics will backfire.

PPP thug, Philip Bynoe’s conduct at the recent press conference held at the Guyana Forestry Commission deserves public condemnation. It should be explained to him that his conduct is the type Guyana could do without as we strive to transform our political landscape into one dominated by dialogue and civilized conflict resolution.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Mits, I am not defending anyone.  Everyone has their lives to live, I simply speak the TRUTH.

Look at whom the PPP/C chose to be their spoke person. How come they are giving this thug so much prominence? Their terrorist tactics will backfire.

PPP thug, Philip Bynoe’s conduct at the recent press conference held at the Guyana Forestry Commission deserves public condemnation. It should be explained to him that his conduct is the type Guyana could do without as we strive to transform our political landscape into one dominated by dialogue and civilized conflict resolution.


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Mits, I am not defending anyone.  Everyone has their lives to live, I simply speak the TRUTH.

Look at whom the PPP/C chose to be their spoke person. How come they are giving this thug so much prominence? Their terrorist tactics will backfire.

PPP thug, Philip Bynoe’s conduct at the recent press conference held at the Guyana Forestry Commission deserves public condemnation. It should be explained to him that his conduct is the type Guyana could do without as we strive to transform our political landscape into one dominated by dialogue and civilized conflict resolution.


Bynoe's behavior is the PPP in its death throes. It is no different than Plumpy Priya metaphorically lifting her skirt to reveal her soiled underpants before the american ambassador. The PPP are convulsing from the body blows of being revealed for the maggots they are.


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