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Former Member
Written by T. KING   
Sunday, 23 June 2013 19:42

OF all the people in the streets you interviewed on the proposed tariff hike in electricity, this one caught my eye most.
Keisha Primo, self-employed: "Those in Parliament need to see what they can do to see this light-bill extra money decrease, because we can’t afford to pay it. They, the Opposition, should reconsider and restore the GPL’s budget. It’s already hard on me as a single-parent. What they want? Make it harder? Look after the interest of the people! Hear our voices!" Primo said "Hear our voices."
As I said before and will say again, that most Indians vote PPP/C and most Blacks vote PNC no matter what these politicians do to them.
Most of the people in the streets you interviewed are blacks and those are the ones who have given their voices already at the polls.
They will not hesitate in giving their voices at the polls again and even if elections were to be held today, they would still vote PNC.
The Opposition thinks that every time they cry PPP corrupt they are gaining political miles.
The Opposition will never, I would go as far and say dare not talk about corruption at City Hall.
Opposition men such as Moses Nagamootoo,  Khemraj Ramjattan and Chris Ram dare not utter the word "corruption" when it comes to Hammy Green’s City Hall. These men know why. They know fully well that they will get their mouths busted in and not by the bigger opposition.
Did anybody see Freddie Kissoon with his little cardboard display picketing the Georgetown stench caused by those at City Hall?
Let me name a few of what the so- called chomps of the block caused.
Freddie Kissoon-Tarron Khemraj-Mike Persaud-Sasenarine Singh-Anand Persaud SN -Glenn Lall KN- Khemraj Ramjattan-Moses Nagamootoo and Roopnaraine who came on board lately..
Every one of them beat up on the PPP government about the black people’s cause, but not a single one of them is with the black people in the streets on the issue of electricity cuts and electricity hikes and the stench of Georgetown caused by those who run City Hall and the Georgetown Mayor.
These Indians I point out know they can’t say a word about those up in Linden who pay five dollars for electricity usage while they and their families must endure the high cost for it.
Should they come out with their little cardboard saying "Lindeners must not ride free anymore", they know what will be in store for them, but yet all these Indians I mentioned are champions against the PPP Government on the black cause..
They know it’s wrong but are afraid of the bigger opposition.

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