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Yesu Persaud once again promoting himself in the media

Yesu Persaud once again promoting himself in the media


YESU Persaud has once again used his fading public profile to promote himself in the media. Some have said that the ailments associated with old age may be creeping up on him and therefore he may not be conscious of what he is saying. 

I have often wondered about the honourary doctorate he received from Warwick University. How and why he was chosen? Notwithstanding the thoughtful intellectualism of Dr. David Dabydeen, who nominated Persaud, I have always believed that there is more to the awarding of the Honourary title to Persaud than what has been shared with the public. It’s a well-known fact that money influences all sorts of decisions, including the decision to award an honourary degree. Presumably this must have been the case with Persaud and Warwick University.
I recall a letter in the media a few years ago which asked the following question:
1. Has DDL or Demerara Bank ever made donations or any form of financial contributions to Warwick University and if so, how much in total, and over what period?
2. Were shareholders ever consulted, or informed of these donations?
3. Have these donations been treated as a tax deductible expense in the accounts of those companies?
If donations of any sort were made then the award should have been given to the source of the funds: the company which donated the money or the shareholders of those companies as it is their money that contributed to the University.
Moreso, if donations were made from the companies (or more precisely from shareholder funds of these companies), why was the Yesu Persaud Centre not named after the respective companies? After all it would help to promote Guyana on the international stage.
And if donations from either DDL or Demerara Bank were made to Warwick University, the obvious question is, why not donate the money at home to the University of Guyana?
Persaud has made many public presentations, and has contributed significantly towards his own self-promotion but it seems his patriotism and sense of accountability are lacking.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Who is Pat Hanuman?
What is his background?
How dare he trying to trash an ICON for generation?
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Yesu Persaud once again promoting himself in the media

Yesu Persaud once again promoting himself in the media


YESU Persaud has once again used his fading public profile to promote himself in the media. Some have said that the ailments associated with old age may be creeping up on him and therefore he may not be conscious of what he is saying. 

I have often wondered about the honourary doctorate he received from Warwick University. How and why he was chosen? Notwithstanding the thoughtful intellectualism of Dr. David Dabydeen, who nominated Persaud, I have always believed that there is more to the awarding of the Honourary title to Persaud than what has been shared with the public. It’s a well-known fact that money influences all sorts of decisions, including the decision to award an honourary degree. Presumably this must have been the case with Persaud and Warwick University.
I recall a letter in the media a few years ago which asked the following question:
1. Has DDL or Demerara Bank ever made donations or any form of financial contributions to Warwick University and if so, how much in total, and over what period?
2. Were shareholders ever consulted, or informed of these donations?
3. Have these donations been treated as a tax deductible expense in the accounts of those companies?
If donations of any sort were made then the award should have been given to the source of the funds: the company which donated the money or the shareholders of those companies as it is their money that contributed to the University.
Moreso, if donations were made from the companies (or more precisely from shareholder funds of these companies), why was the Yesu Persaud Centre not named after the respective companies? After all it would help to promote Guyana on the international stage.
And if donations from either DDL or Demerara Bank were made to Warwick University, the obvious question is, why not donate the money at home to the University of Guyana?
Persaud has made many public presentations, and has contributed significantly towards his own self-promotion but it seems his patriotism and sense of accountability are lacking.



Vish M

This Pat Hanuman is a PPP monkey of the lowest breed. He/she is jumping on Yesu Persaud's back just because the gentleman spoke out recently against PPP corruption and thievery.

In India there are bands of monkeys who brazenly steal poor people's fruits and food. Pat Hanuman is of that ilk, implicitly defending PPP thievery by attacking Yesu Persaud, a gentleman in all respects.

At his venerable age and with his distinguished record, Yesu Persaud doesn't have need to promote himself. Hanuman is the one promoting himself/herself, seeking attention by grabbing on to Yesu's pants sleeve just as a stray dog does to a peaceful passer-by.

Hanuman is implying that Yesu Persaud bribed Warwick University for his honorary doctorate. That is a laughable idea, more ridiculous when one considers that Hanuman didn't jump on the so-called champion of the earth who accepted multiple doctorates in exchange for God knows what.

Hanuman is the latest PPP antiman in the hood.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Pat Hanuman has every right to speak his mind.


Yesu Persaud has become a scum and rotten old bag.

PPP supporter continue berate prominent people

the electorate taking notes.

The Electorate on GNI?? News to me.

The PPP is getting better known for their persecution of indians more than any other organized group in GY.


The Victimization of Arjoon and the vilification and personal attacks on Yesu Persaud are clear examples of such.


The slaughter of Sat Sawh and his siblings is another PPP act that is note worthy in this regard.



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