The PPP is claiming opposition parties involvement in racial unrest. But not racial attacks or killings have yet been reported even after weeks of unrest. The only murders so far have been perpetrated by armed militias sent by the PPP out with life round and orders to execute a couple of black men.
So why did the militia gun down black men? Was it an attempt to fabricate a racial unrest and get blacks to vent their anger out on indians? Obviously so. But the well planned attack by the PPP has only resulted in making Lindeners even more angry.
Unlike the racial unrest in 1963, today's rioters have burned down premises seen as part of the corrupt PPP circle of friends. There were no row of residential dwellings that were up in flames. PPP, PNC, and AFC voters have been standing shoulder to shoulder in their battle against this evil regime. But still the PPP continues to deny that traditional PPP voters living in Linden have been voicing their displeasure at the cause of these uprising against the regime. Why? What as yet unknown evil plan has the PPP got in store for the region?