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Haven't they learnt from their recent slander against Rickford Burke?

Today, I took a peek at Chronicle's Letter Section. I was very dissapointed and vexed by what are clearly personal attacks and attempts to malign anyone who is perceived as a critic or opponent of the PPP. The perpetrators appear to bear either fictious names or are hired to carry out their offensives. The Chronicle is owned by the government, which is supposed to serve and protect all its citizens; not to wilfully defame and destroy any one of them. This practice is most disgusting and unfair. Wonder why so many people hate this cabal?

Here is a recent example:


Is the good β€˜Doctor’ himself a fraud?



Written by KEEN OBSERVER   

SUNDAY CHRONICLE, 10 February 2013 21:58

I HAVE been following with interest the self-serving and self-promoting public noises being made by Alliance For Change(AFC) apologist Anand Goolsarran.

First of all, "Doctor" Goolsarran is committing a fraud on the Guyanese people when he claims to be politically neutral. By his own admission, he is a long-standing, personal friend of AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan, and his son Michael Goolsarran was an AFC candidate in the 2006 elections. For "Doctor" Goolsarran to claim to be politically independent is utter nonsense, when he had a vested interest in promoting the AFC politically in order for his best friend and his son and their acolytes to receive the benefits of election to political office. By posing as an independent commentator "Doctor Goolsarran" is committing a fraud on the Guyanese people.
Secondly, "Doctor" Goolsarran claims to have a doctorate from a Robert Kennedy College in Switzerland. One only has to google Robert Kennedy College to see that, that institution is itself under a shroud of doubt as to whether it is actually a university. The institution appears to have no degree-granting authority; no proper international accreditation of its own; and it hardly appears to be a real, full fledged University -- at least, judging from the amount of online speculation about the credibility of this institution.
Is the good "Doctor" posing as a doctor with a "doctorate" purchased from an online diploma mill? It seems that just like "Doctor" Goolsarran, his "doctoral" school is lacking in credibility.

Thirdly, "Doctor" Goolsarran claims that he has published a book. If one examines the "book", it was published by a company called Outskirts Press Inc. On the front page of this company's website, it says "write anything" and we will publish it. In fact, its website advertises the services of this self-publishing company to individuals whose publications have been rejected by traditional publishers. The website suggests that persons who have written books that have been rejected by established publishing houses can come to this Outskirts company and pay to get their book published, irrespective of the merits of the book. Fantastic! But this gets even better. Given that his book was self-published, it benefited from none of the editorial and peer reviews that a real publisher would have required. Instead, it could very well be the case that, after being rejected by many traditional publishers, "Doctor" Goolsarran had to seek refuge in a pay-as-you-go self-publisher. So, "Doctor" Goolsarran paid a hefty sum in order to pass himself off on the Guyanese public as a "published" author.  Yet another fraudulent act!

So, it seems as though "Doctor" Goolsarran, who claims to have a "doctorate" from an institution of uncertain credibility, wrote a book of uncertain quality and which could not withstand the scrutiny of a traditional publisher; so, wanting to pass himself off fraudulently as a published author, the good "doctor" paid an online self-publisher to "publish" his "book".

So, "Doctor" Goolsarran, holder of a questionable online degree, author of an "online self-published" book, self-confessed best friend of Khemraj Ramjattan, and father of an AFC election candidate, wants to lecture the Guyanese public about integrity and credibility? What a joke!

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Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by TK:

Notice they will never give Anand that opportunity to respond.

Let's be fair and take a peek in KN before we go down this road. TK, you  may explain the unfair elections and semi-democracy, please.

Everyone has access to KN. There is a PPP Peeping Tom and an opposition Peeper. The letter pages are open to PPP supporters - Misir, Gill, etc. Tell me when last the opposition had access to Chronicle, which is owned by all tax payers. 


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