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Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter arrives in Guyana

May 9, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter arrived in Guyana yesterday in advance of the May 11 General and Regional elections. Carter is co-leading the Carter Center’s 100th election observation mission, which features

a team of more than 50 observers and is co-led by Dames Audrey Glover of the United Kingdom and Billie Miller of Barbados.

President Carter, Haroon Shafiq [shaking hands with Carter) and American Embassy ChargÃĐ d’ Affaires Bryan Hunt

President Carter, Haroon Shafiq

(shaking hands with Carter)

and American Embassy ChargÃĐ d’ Affaires Bryan Hunt



Representatives of the Carter Center have been in Guyana since April. They have conducted observations in all 10 of Guyana’s electoral districts and held meetings with a wide range of stakeholders, including political parties, the elections commission, civil society organisations and the judiciary. The Carter Center had said that “In most parts of the country, electoral preparations appear to be on course and in some areas, preparations are ahead of schedule. In some more remote areas, there are concerns about the status of logistical preparations.” The mission said that its observers heard many allegations of electoral offences being committed by supporters of both of the main political parties, the ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic and the coalition grouping of A Partnership for National Unity and the Alliance for Change. “These were principally about the destruction of flags, banners and billboards. However, the team encountered very few formal complaints submitted to police and to the elections commission.” But the Carter Center said it is “deeply concerned about the provocative rhetoric in the campaign and condemns any attempt to sow fear and distrust among Guyana’s ethnic groups or to undermine confidence in its electoral process and institutions”. “As Election Day approaches, the Carter Center encourages all Guyanese to make their strongest efforts to promote a peaceful and transparent electoral process. These elections are an important opportunity for Guyanese to strengthen their commitment to one another and further consolidate their democracy,” said a statement from the elections observer mission. This is the Carter Center’s fourth election observation mission in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

This is not political, but a personal choice. Are you a crack head?

I am sure as long as the PPP is in office the US government will not book rooms or do business with the Marriot.


Like you forget that they have restricted all their staff and contractors from also staying at the Duke lodge due to the fact that it is now owned by thief man and Roger Khan's co-pilot Gerry Gouveia?


I am sure the US government is quite aware that some of their citizens are violently opposed to that shit hole called the Marriot GY.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Look AFC mudheads,

The U.S. Embassy has a long standing policy of booking its VIPs at Pegasus because it's the only approved hotel by the Regional Security Officer. Pegasus being booked has zero significance. It's either Pegasus or he stays at the house of the U.S. Ambassador.

the RSO is an embassy staffer


please tell us why the (5? Star) Marriott didn't make the cut


now, isn't that the whole freakin point Captain Obvious?

Last edited by Former Member

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