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Why millions of people are getting hit with a surprise tax bill this year

An effort to make the tax bill look better ended up making it look worse.

By[729x344:891x506):format(webp)/ Ryan in 2016, then the House speaker and an architect of the tax bill.Darren Hauck/Getty Images

Americans who are accustomed to receiving an income tax refund tend to file their taxes early — often in late January or early February when all the paperwork becomes available — but this year many early filers are finding to their surprise that they actually owe money to the IRS.

A tweet rounding up other tweets from displeased early filers went viral because the user, @smarxist, deliberately singled out people who are mad at President Donald Trump for raising their taxes.

Direct Action Bronson @smarxist_
inject this shit directly into my ***king veins 

The truth is somewhat more complicated.

The new tax law does result in some people paying higher taxes (especially over the long term), but the specific issue here is tax refunds rather than total taxes paid. Whether you get a refund or owe extra to the IRS at filing time is a function not just of your total taxes owed, but also of how much tax is withheld from your paycheck by your employer on paydays. And the big story here is that as a result of the new tax law, the Treasury Department tweaked things so that on average taxpayers’ withholdings fell by more than their actual taxes owed.

This was all explained in a Government Accountability Office report last summer, but it turns out that many people are not regular readers of GAO reports and did not take the GAO’s official advice to check their withholding status. The result? Surprise tax bills!

Tax withholding, explained

Income and payroll taxes are, in a theoretical sense, collected once a year in mid-April.

In practice, however, the government has employers calculate how much tax their workers are likely to owe at the end of the year. Then each pay period, companies simply forward an appropriate amount of money directly to the IRS and pay you what’s left over. When you file your taxes at the beginning of the year, you compare the amount of taxes you owe to the amount of taxes you’ve already paid and get either a refund or a request to send more money. And historically, by design, most people — around 75 percent — get a refund.

That’s because it’s a lot easier for the government to pay out refunds to people who overwithheld than to run around trying to collect cash from people who underwithheld.

What’s more, when underwithholding does happen, it’s usually either because of an error or else a special situation like a person with a full-time job who also happened upon an unexpected bounty of freelance side-gigs. In fact the government hates underwithholding so much that if you primarily derive your income from freelance or self-employment work, they start charging you a financial penalty unless you pre-pay your taxes on a quarterly basis.

This system was, in a fun historical irony, devised in part by Milton Friedman, the famous libertarian economist, who at the time was trying to help win World War II but who wound up being an unsung hero of the post-war welfare state. And the whole thing had been chugging along pretty peacefully until then-House Speaker Paul Ryan, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, and Trump decided to shake things up.

How the tax law changed withholding

The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was largely focused on reducing taxes for rich business owners. People who are stand to inherit multi-million dollar estates got an enormous tax cut, as did people who own “small” businesses that generate millions of dollars in annual profits. And, of course, there was a big cut in the corporate income tax rate, with benefits largely flowing through to stock owners in a country where 80 percent of the value of the stock market is owned by the richest 10 percent of the population.

But there were changes for middle-class workers, too.

Most famously, TCJA either eliminated or curbed a whole bunch of popular tax deductions (including the home mortgage interest deduction and the state and local tax deduction) while also repealing a previously implemented phase-out of itemized deductions. Consequently, the value of most people’s tax deductions went down but some people got to deduct more. Then to compensate for these lost tax deductions, the Child Tax Credit got more generous and was also given to richer people and the standard deduction got much bigger. Individual tax rates, in turn, went down.

In the aggregate, this means higher taxes for a few people but lower taxes for the vast majority of Americans. It also means that virtually everyone’s tax situation is a little bit different from before, often in complicated ways related to the ins and outs of lost and gained deductions and credits. So everyone’s withholdings had to be calculated anew.

The bill was also extremely unpopular. But Republicans spent December 2017 assuring themselves that would change in February 2018 when the new withholdings began.

“On January 1, Americans are going to wake up with a new tax code,” Ryan said. “On February 1, they are going to see withholdings go down, so they are going to see bigger paychecks.”

Trump tweeted something similar.

Embedded video

FOX Business @FoxBusiness
 .@POTUS: If Congress sends me a bill before Christmas, Americans will see lower taxes beginning in February. Just two short months from now.

This immediately lead the eagle-eyed David Dayen at the Nation to wonder whether Trump was planning to have his acting IRS commissioner (a political person rather than a tax enforcement professional, in an unusual choice to run the agency) deliberately reduce the withholdings to exaggerate the impact of the tax cut on people’s pocketbooks in advance of the midterms.

Since his article 14 months ago, no clear evidence of political manipulation has emerged. But the July GAO report confirmed that this is indeed what happened — both taxes owed and withholdings went down, but withholdings went down too much.

Treasury says the new system is more accurate

According to the GAO’s estimates, the number of people whose withholdings are exactly right will stay roughly the same under the new system.

The change is that fewer taxpayers should be overwithholding and more should be under withholding — in other words, fewer people will get a refund and more people will be asked to pay up.

Treasury’s viewpoint is that this is change for the better. Under the old system, 75 percent of taxpayers were getting refunds — meaning that the withholding system was poorly targeted on average. By switching to a new system in which fewer people get refunds and more people owe extra money, they will be achieving a more balanced result.

If this was intended to give Republicans a boost in the midterms it obviously didn’t work, in part because the once-a-year tax filing process is a lot more salient than the biweekly process of automatic withholding. In fact, they are now facing a backlash from an angry public that includes millions of people who were expecting tax refunds that they are now not going to get.

It’s actually the case that in the long run TCJA will raise many working- and middle-class people’s taxes. To conform to budget reconciliation rules, Republicans made it so the nonregressive tax cuts largely expire after 10 years while the revenue-raisers and the business tax cuts are permanent. But while this is an important (and telling) part of the tax policy debate, it doesn’t represent anything that’s happening this winter. People hit with a surprise request to pay extra to the IRS may feel like Trump surprisingly raised their taxes, but in most cases that’s not what’s happening.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Taxpayers who pay taxes to the government in a calendar year and receive a refund means they just lending the money to the govt on a quarterly basis. On the other hand, we file an annual tax return to determine if the govt owe us or we didn't pay 100% of our tax obligation to the govt. The common problem with people who used to get a big refund always expect more and more each year. It's about time they start taking note of their tax responsibility.  

Prince posted:

Taxpayers who pay taxes to the government in a calendar year and receive a refund means they just lending the money to the govt on a quarterly basis. On the other hand, we file an annual tax return to determine if the govt owe us or we didn't pay 100% of our tax obligation to the govt. The common problem with people who used to get a big refund always expect more and more each year. It's about time they start taking note of their tax responsibility.  

It is true that everyone expects to get back a truckload of money from their tax refund. Some of those who expect the most usually have very low earned income. Because of this, they become easy prey to unscrupulous tax returns preparers. I think taxes are due quarterly, not annually. While W4 earners have federal taxes withheld from their payroll each paycheck, the 941 return is still due quarterly.

ksazma posted:
Prince posted:

Taxpayers who pay taxes to the government in a calendar year and receive a refund means they just lending the money to the govt on a quarterly basis. On the other hand, we file an annual tax return to determine if the govt owe us or we didn't pay 100% of our tax obligation to the govt. The common problem with people who used to get a big refund always expect more and more each year. It's about time they start taking note of their tax responsibility.  

It is true that everyone expects to get back a truckload of money from their tax refund. Some of those who expect the most usually have very low earned income. Because of this, they become easy prey to unscrupulous tax returns preparers. I think taxes are due quarterly, not annually. While W4 earners have federal taxes withheld from their payroll each paycheck, the 941 return is still due quarterly.

W2's earner pays their taxes on a weekly/biweekly basis, etc., but taxes are accumulated and submitted to the govt on a quarterly basis. W4 form is used to adjust your withholdings (increase/decrease) to suit each individual. The majority of taxpayers file their tax returns annually.  

Prince posted:
ksazma posted:
Prince posted:

Taxpayers who pay taxes to the government in a calendar year and receive a refund means they just lending the money to the govt on a quarterly basis. On the other hand, we file an annual tax return to determine if the govt owe us or we didn't pay 100% of our tax obligation to the govt. The common problem with people who used to get a big refund always expect more and more each year. It's about time they start taking note of their tax responsibility.  

It is true that everyone expects to get back a truckload of money from their tax refund. Some of those who expect the most usually have very low earned income. Because of this, they become easy prey to unscrupulous tax returns preparers. I think taxes are due quarterly, not annually. While W4 earners have federal taxes withheld from their payroll each paycheck, the 941 return is still due quarterly.

W2's earner pays their taxes on a weekly/biweekly basis, etc., but taxes are accumulated and submitted to the govt on a quarterly basis. W4 form is used to adjust your withholdings (increase/decrease) to suit each individual. The majority of taxpayers file their tax returns annually.  

W4 and W2 is the same thing banna. Everyone as well as every entity file their tax returns annually. But tax estimates are due quarterly. There are no income taxes that are due only annually. Some local business/Excise/Franchise taxes as well as sales and personal property taxes may be due annually though.


1040 filers don't have the personal and dependent deductions anymore but the standard deduction is doubled. The child credit is also doubled. Credits are different from deductions so through this point one is basically at the same position as s/he was in previous years. The big change is if that person is taking the itemized deduction. 

Ray posted:

Yes, taxpayers are not happy this season...people are also losing out on deductions

Those with capital gains will be happy while those with high home payments like mortgage interest and real estate taxes will be unhappy. I personally have never really been upset with paying my share of taxes. We came from a country where at the time, everything was gotten with severe hardships. Life here has been good and the least we can do is pay our share to show gratitude for the wonderful opportunities that we were given in this great Satan. 

Prince posted:

Taxpayers who pay taxes to the government in a calendar year and receive a refund means they just lending the money to the govt on a quarterly basis. On the other hand, we file an annual tax return to determine if the govt owe us or we didn't pay 100% of our tax obligation to the govt. The common problem with people who used to get a big refund always expect more and more each year. It's about time they start taking note of their tax responsibility.  

you talking like a tax clients don't see things that way, lots of them depend on that refund windfall (even though we know it should not be that way)

This tax cut was a major benefit to the rich and business owners

Ray posted:

Yes, taxpayers are not happy this season...people are also losing out on deductions

Inflated deductions have caused mass IRS audits some years ago. Most deductions for itemizers run into the floor percentage base tax that leaves them with zero deduction. In the end, standard deduction kicks in. We will have to wait and see how people react after the filing season is over.  

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:
Ray posted:

Yes, taxpayers are not happy this season...people are also losing out on deductions

Those with capital gains will be happy while those with high home payments like mortgage interest and real estate taxes will be unhappy. I personally have never really been upset with paying my share of taxes. We came from a country where at the time, everything was gotten with severe hardships. Life here has been good and the least we can do is pay our share to show gratitude for the wonderful opportunities that we were given in this great Satan. 

you settle too easily...back in the day you might have been happy with 5 lashes instead of 10 lashes

Ray posted:
Prince posted:

Taxpayers who pay taxes to the government in a calendar year and receive a refund means they just lending the money to the govt on a quarterly basis. On the other hand, we file an annual tax return to determine if the govt owe us or we didn't pay 100% of our tax obligation to the govt. The common problem with people who used to get a big refund always expect more and more each year. It's about time they start taking note of their tax responsibility.  

you talking like a tax clients don't see things that way, lots of them depend on that refund windfall (even though we know it should not be that way)

This tax cut was a major benefit to the rich and business owners

I don't disagree. I am not against any help that people with financial needs can get. No doubt those who benefited the most from the most recent tax bill are the rich as well as business owners (mostly corporations).

I always like to reflect on what the 500+ points Dow Jones drop in 1987 meant to the market back then. The Dow was a little over 2k points back then and there were stories of people jumping out of office windows. When the next crash came, the Dow was around 16k points and lost about half of it. Today, that Dow is somewhere around 25k points, some twelve times what is what just three decades ago. So I don't buy the very rich complains about paying taxes. I think folks just don't like doing so totally ignoring all the things they enjoy as a result of those taxes. The wastages by the government is a whole different story and is also a valid one.

Prince posted:
Ray posted:

Yes, taxpayers are not happy this season...people are also losing out on deductions

Inflated deductions have caused mass IRS audits some years ago. Most deductions for itemizers run into the floor percentage base tax that leaves them with zero deduction. In the end, standard deduction kicks in. We will have to wait and see how people react after the filing season is over.  

The floor has to be increased before any new deductions can be taken. If the floor stays the same or decreases, then the deduction is already taken in a prior year.

Ray posted:
ksazma posted:
Ray posted:

Yes, taxpayers are not happy this season...people are also losing out on deductions

Those with capital gains will be happy while those with high home payments like mortgage interest and real estate taxes will be unhappy. I personally have never really been upset with paying my share of taxes. We came from a country where at the time, everything was gotten with severe hardships. Life here has been good and the least we can do is pay our share to show gratitude for the wonderful opportunities that we were given in this great Satan. 

you settle too easily...back in the day you might have been happy with 5 lashes instead of 10 lashes

Bai, I old now so I tekkin it easy. 

Nehru posted:

Trump the Con man will deprive Rednecks of Budweiser. The only people getting a few dollars more than last year are those with children younger than 17.

You only hear about a refund and you rush in like a bat out of hell.  What happens to all your outside children? Don't you support them to claim them?   

Prince posted:
Nehru posted:

Trump the Con man will deprive Rednecks of Budweiser. The only people getting a few dollars more than last year are those with children younger than 17.

You only hear about a refund and you rush in like a bat out of hell.  What happens to all your outside children? Don't you support them to claim them?   

Dem Mudda tekkin the refund. That is why when I visit I does go with my empty hands

alena06 posted:

Usually wait till the last week to submit the returns as we usually have to pay back Uncle Sam. 😀

Lena, you can still file now and set up the direct debit for April 15th. Nowadays, taxes are due on April 16th since April 15th is a tax holiday. Funny that one. 


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