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Why Mr. Obama?


One would be forgiven for thinking that President Obama was actually the president of Israel and not the United States. Listening to him go on and on about the importance of “having your back” in reference to the Israelis and the importance of preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons to protect the Israelis. The maintenance of the sovereignty of Israel. This is the same banter that is spoken by many American presidents prior to an election, although I don’t remember a president doing it with such enthusiasm before. We understand that would-be American presidents must pay homage to Jewish lobbies, however the sudden change of tone that Obama has displayed was nothing short of breathtaking.


The only time I can remember such a sudden 180-degree change in direction is when I was watching a demonstration of the new Ferrari Italia. What happened to the Obama who was pressuring the Israelis to accept a Palestinian state not that long ago! I recall the excitement amongst many Arabs when he spoke in Egypt. We all rejoiced in thinking that here was an American president who is fair and just or at least on the fence when it came to the Palestinian issue. How naive were we!


Obama spent a good time in his recent speech talking about Iran and terrorism in the region. The president also made references to Syria on a few occasions. Let me be clear, I have no love lost for either of these regimes. However, it’s the lack of mention of the Israeli regime that was exasperating. Why was there no mention of the atrocities the Israeli army is involved in and has been involved in against the Palestinian children since the 1950s? Terrorism and acts of inhumanity should be highlighted and stopped by the international community. However let’s not broadcast homemade videos of acts of violence from Syria and completely ignore the ones happening a few kilometers away on Palestinian soil.


President Obama highlighted the fact that Israel and the United States shared many interests including economic ones. Actually, Mr President, the economic interests that the United States share with all the Muslim countries in the Middle East are much more substantial. The economic interests shared by us in the Middle East and Europe are also far more valuable for the Europeans than their relationship with the Israelis.


Times are changing Mr President. The economic situation worldwide has left many countries and families struggling to make ends meet. The Arabs and the Europeans are more interested in trying to move forward politically, socially and more importantly economically. We don’t want to be dragged into a war that is in no one’s interest except Israel’s. The Arabs, the Europeans and most of all the American people do not want to be forced into a military conflict for the sake of Israeli peace of mind. If President Obama pulls his nose away from Israel’s backside long enough to see the rest of the world, he will realize that too.


Let me set the record straight. I absolutely resent dictators. I believe the death penalty is too soft a punishment on those that commit acts of terror. I believe the international community should not hesitate to bring terrorists to justice and those that support them. I believe that the majority of Americans are good hardworking citizens that do not share the president’s love for Israel and its international interests. I also strongly believe that Iran is not stupid enough to support acts of terrorism on American soil. Those who benefit from making us believe that are those who want an excuse for a preemptive strike on Iran. At the end of the day, this is just a small article written by someone who enjoys a good conspiracy theory…!


By Zakaria K

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I's easy to agree with the sentiments of Zakaria K (not to be confused with Fareed Zakaria), but I have to think that all this "got your back" stuff is political theatrics.


The Obama Administration is still working on a Palestinian/Israeli peace in the places where it matters most - in private. It matters not who the US President is when you are faced with 2 facts on the ground - (1) The Palestinians do not have a united front on the terms of peace; and (2) Netanyahu is even more intransigent on Israel's position because of two factors - the Arab Awakening and the instability it represents and the potential for Iran to acquire a nuclear bomb.


On the Iranian question, the US has a position that different than Israel in degrees only. While the US and Israel do not want a policy of "containment" (meaning Iran must not have the bomb so as to have the US and Israel "contain" the impact of this), the US thinks that Iran is a "rational actor" (the US military term) and thus would not go the "bomb" route but stay on the "power" route - meaning have nuclear as a source of power generation but do not enrich uranium to weaponize it. The Israelis believe Iran is there already and more so it is an "existential" threat - it wants to wipe Israel off the map. The recent Parliamentary elections in Iran show that Ayatollah Khamenei's people got a huge majority and he wants to minimize Ahmadinejad's role - even replacing the Presidency with a Prime Minister-ship. You have to understand also that there is a fatwah declared against nuclear weapons.


So it's easy to talk of pulling Obama's head out of Israel's backside and doing a Ferari spin 180 degrees. But you have to look at the direction stuff is happening. The Israeli public does not want to have rockets rain on them for attacking Iran's nuclear facility, and Obama does not want an energy crisis and a $5 - $6 a gal gas which means a President Romney. This is why Obama is doing the sensible thing and making it sound like he's brown-nosing Israel.


Thanks, man.


You have to also factor in a Republican Primary season that has Romney, Santorum and Gingrich saying that Obama is weak on Israel, and that if elected, Iran will have nuclear weapons. Like their attitude on the economy these cats a re dangerous to the US on foreign relations.


That Fatwah by the Ayatollah Grand Council is an "out" for Iran on this mess.

And don't forget that the Israeli leadership - the Likud in the Knesset, does not have the Israeli people or the opposition parties in Israel, or for that matter, surprise, surprise, most Israeli-Americans outside of AIPAC (who unfortunately gets all the press, when it comes to bombing Iran's nuclear facility. And also the Republican fools.


Obama is playing it smart in an election year and who can blame him?   The Iranians are pursuing nuclear weapons and could jeopardize the entire world by their actions should they start firing nukes at Israel and a full scale nuclear war breaks out.  Obama is trying diplomacy and sanctions to get Iran to comply with UN inspections and steer them away from nuclear ambitions. Remember the Iranian leader is a fanatic and have made many remarks about annihilating both Israel and the US.  


About 30% of Iran's crude goes to India where it is refined. China buys most of its gas from Iran. Both these countries will be strongly opposed to any military action against Iran. I think the Saudis are pushing this fearing a shia domination.


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