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Former Member

by Jacob G. Hornberger
October 19, 2016
Remember “hope and change”? That was the slogan that President Obama used to get elected president. Today, eight years later, the slogan only serves as a sad reminder that Americans ended up with no hope or change but instead with nothing more than a failed presidency.

On the domestic level, liberals hoped that Obama would finally make the welfare state work — that he would successfully manage the economy by balancing the budget, restoring jobs, growing the economy, and even expanding Social Security, Medicare, education grants, and other welfare-state programs.

Alas, those hopes were dashed. Federal spending and debt continue to soar through the roof. Unemployment remains at 30-40 percent for black teenagers. The Federal Reserve is inflating a new financial bubble. Social Security and Medicare remain in perpetual crisis.

Obama’s welfare-state legacy will always be defined by Obamacare, the socialist healthcare reform program that was supposed to finally fix America’s healthcare crisis. Not surprisingly (at least not to libertarians), it has only made things worse.

Of course, we libertarians never had any hope that any aspect of the welfare state would be eradicated under Obama. As a liberal, he’s a died-in-the-wool welfare statist — a person who believes that it is the role of government to take care of people with doles and who believes that government should force people to take care of others. There was never any chance that Obama would abandon his welfare-state philosophy. Our only hope, as libertarians, was that he wouldn’t make the situation worse. That hope was obviously dashed with Obamacare.

It was in the domain of foreign policy and civil liberties that people had hope that things might change under an Obama presidency. The hope was that Obama would usher in a new era for the United States — one in which America’s perpetual, ongoing wars would be brought to an end and civil liberties would be restored to the American people.

Imagine the sea change in American life if eight years ago, Obama had ordered all U.S. troops to exit Afghanistan, the Middle East, Korea, Europe, Africa, and Latin America and return home. Imagine if he had dissolved the federal government’s ongoing permanent authority to seize people, put them into concentration camps or military dungeon, incarcerate them, torture them, and execute them, all without due process and trial by jury. Imagine if he had ordered an end to America’s assassination program. Imagine if he had ordered an end to the NSA’s secret surveillance of American citizens.

Indeed, imagine if Obama had merely closed Gitmo.

If he had done those things, while Americans would still be grappling with the crises that the welfare state produces, they would be living a life of peace, harmony, and security. No more threat of anti-American terrorism. No more war on terrorism. And no more out-of-control warfare-state spending and borrowing.

If Obama had shifted America’s direction with respect to the welfare state, today people would be celebrating his presidency. Instead, everyone acknowledges that he has changed nothing and that, in fact, his presidency has been nothing more than another eight years of George W. Bush.

What better proof of that phenomenon than the fact that today U.S. troops are back in Mosul, 13 years after more than 200 U.S. soldiers were killed in that city as part of George W. Bush’s invasion of Iraq — an invasion that Obama, ironically, opposed. Moreover, U.S. troops are still killing and dying in Afghanistan despite the fact that they have been doing that for 14 years. In fact, the death and destruction under Obama has actually expanded. Today, it includes Syria, Yemen, Libya, and Somalia.

Was Obama being false and disingenuous when he campaigned on “hope and change”? Did he intend to continue Bush’s legacy the whole time he was campaigning to become president? Did he really intend to continue and expand America’s many ongoing wars and conflicts? Did he really intend to keep Gitmo’s torture-prison camp open?

I don’t think so. What happened was that once he assumed the presidency, Obama encountered an immovable force that every new president encounters, one whose power far outweighs the power of a president. That force is the national-security establishment, namely the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA. That’s the reason that President Obama was unable to change America’s warfare-state direction. That’s why the wars have expanded. That’s why Obama wasn’t even able to close Guantanamo Bay.

From the first grade on up, Americans are taught that they live under a government that has three branches — executive, legislative, and judicial. They’re taught that the military, the CIA, and the NSA fall under the control of the executive branch.

As Michael J. Glennon documents in his book National Security and Double Government, that’s the myth. The reality is that it is the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA that are in charge of running the federal government. That’s because they are the most powerful sector within the government. That’s why the federal judiciary, the members of Congress, and even the president inevitably defer to whatever they want to do. That’s why nothing ever happens to Pentagon, CIA, or NSA officials who destroy evidence, kidnap people, foment coups, torture, lie, or assassinate.

As Glennon points out, the national-security sector of the federal government continues to play the game by letting the other three branches appear as they are depicted in high-school civics textbooks. What matters to them is not which branch is perceived to be in charge but rather that they are the branch that is actually in charge.

The fact is that Obama never had a chance of moving America in a different direction, no matter how much he might have wanted to do so. He never had a chance of ending America’s ongoing wars. He never had a chance of closing Guantanamo. That’s because the national security establishment wanted the wars to continue, and it wanted Gitmo to remain open.

Ongoing wars, conflicts, and crises enable the Cold War-era national security establishment to justify its existence to the American people. That’s how it gets its ever-growing budgets from Congress. That’s how it gets its overwhelming influence, especially within Congress. That’s how it maintains the entire military-industrial complex in high cotton.

Does that then mean that Americans have no hope for change at all? No, it simply means that if Americans want to see fundamental change with respect to the warfare state, they must first recognize the nature of the problem and then focus on how to resolve it.

Replies sorted oldest to newest


"If Obama had shifted America’s direction with respect to the welfare state, today people would be celebrating his presidency. Instead, everyone acknowledges that he has changed nothing and that, in fact, his presidency has been nothing more than another eight years of George W. Bush."


Quote from President Trump:

"President Obama has almost doubled our national debt to more than $19 trillion, and growing," Trump said. "Yet what do we have to show for it? Our roads and bridges are falling apart, our airports are in third-world condition, and 43 million Americans are on food stamps."

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Obama's best legacy - softening the economic embargo on Cuba.  His worst - Obamacare.  Trump will repeal Obamacare and use it to run for his re-election in 2020.

Thanks to President Trump, America has been taken back from the community organizer Obama,  the architect of a welfare state and 45,000,000 on foodstamps.

Thank God Americans took back their country from a community organizer.

Obamacare is a disaster, even Bill Clinton had the Ball* to call it a disaster.

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:

D2/Storm is part of that 43 million on foodstamps, an Obama disease.

LIBEL & SLANDER. Actionable in a court of law. Cease and desist.

Let them bring it on !

D2/Storm is a fictitious name cannot file shyte against Yuji. I have a future lawyer in my home.

No one dare to intimidate the honourable Yuji.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:

D2/Storm is part of that 43 million on foodstamps, an Obama disease.

LIBEL & SLANDER. Actionable in a court of law. Cease and desist.

Let them bring it on !

Boy, tek me advice. I don't want you to sell your Benz to pay compensation and costs. Furthermore, it wasn't necessary for you to fabricate an untruth about Stormy. Make your points straight and sharp and your views will speak for themselves.

Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:
Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:

D2/Storm is part of that 43 million on foodstamps, an Obama disease.

LIBEL & SLANDER. Actionable in a court of law. Cease and desist.

Let them bring it on !

Boy, tek me advice. I don't want you to sell your Benz to pay compensation and costs. Furthermore, it wasn't necessary for you to fabricate an untruth about Stormy. Make your points straight and sharp and your views will speak for themselves.


I say it again, welfare recipients like D2 must now work for their paycheques like the rest of Americans.

These are the people who stand in the way of economic progress. They are a burden to mother earth.

yuji22 posted:

by Jacob G. Hornberger
October 19, 2016
Remember “hope and change”?

Total right wing nonsense.  Since January 2009 10 MILLION jobs have been created.  Let us compare this with the end of the Bush term, when 700k jibs PER MONTH were being lost.  In fact due to Bush TWENTY PER CENT of black home owners lost their homes.

Now I know that the GOP wish to pretend that the years 2001 to 2008 didn't exist, but to the detriment of the country it did.


Yes the "change" didn't work, thanks largely to Obama appeasing the GOP instead of using the mandate that he obtained in a landslide victory in 2008. The GOP had already lost the House, and also lost the Senate.

Instead of telling the GOP what the American people wanted him to do, he went cap in hand begging the GOP to like him

The GOP told him that they wouldn't work with him, even as they had lost the presidency, the House and the Senate, and were reviled by the majority of the American public. Bush was a nasty word, even in GOP households. Obama was Jesus and could have gotten what ever he wanted, elected with the spirit of euphoria.

Instead of Obama telling them that the bus is leaving town and if they didn't want to be on that journey to restore the USA from the damage done by the GOP then he was OK with that.  The man went about dusting off every GOP idea, and then going to them, and the GOP said "NO".

Lest we forget Obamacare is a GOP plan. In fact it was Romneycare!

As a result the GOP blocked the Infrastructure Bank.  Now I bet that this was another GOP idea, allowing the market to fund infrastructure spending. Bonds originated and distributed by PRIVATE investment banks, and bought to PRIVATE investors. A perfect public/private scheme.

Shot down! 

1. This would have funded the massive repairs and expansion of our road, bridges, mass transit, water and sewerage systems, etc.  This would have created jobs for many who were rendered unemployed by the construction slump.

2. This would have allowed the creation of apprenticeships to allow the unskilled to learn new trades, and to enter the middle class. This being especially needed in the inner cities, decaying industrial towns, and in the dying coal mining areas.

3. This would have given consumers more confidence, and their spending would have jump started the economy.

4.  The demand for US made industrial products would have stimulated that stagnant sector and helped the Midwest especially.

5. Instead of printing money and keeping interest rates low, the only beneficiaries of this being those who own financial assets.  Worsening already scandalous levels of income inequality. This expanded money supply (the Feds would have bought Infrastructure Bank bonds) providing a DIRECT economic stimulus.

But the GOP barked "no Infrastucture Bank" and Obama quaked, and caved.  Harry Reid ran and hid, tired that some ageing Southern senator, with a weak bladder would filibuster.

And then some right wing nut chats nonsense.

Why doesn't this man tell us why this great nirvana didn't occur under George Bush. In fact all the last two GOP presidencies brought was war and recession.

The problem with Obama in his first 2 years was that he was more interested in playing nice to the GOP than to get Americans back at work again!

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

43,000,000 Forty Three Million Americans on foodstamps is one of legacy.

Tell you all GOP don't want to pay WORKING adults $15/hour and then you wonder what $8/hour they cannot afford to pay rent, and buy nutritious food for their kids.

As is food stamps isn't enough to feed a family.  Try living on the $16k ANNUALLY which is what the minimum wage is.

yuji22 posted:

I say it again, welfare recipients like D2 must now work for their paycheques like the rest of Americans.

These are the people who stand in the way of economic progress. They are a burden to mother earth.

Clinton got rid of welfare by putting in a LIFETIME limit of 5 years.

Food stamps is like Earned Income Credit. Most who use it are WORKING people in low paid jobs.

Now if you don't want to pay a living age then you have to SUPPLIMENT their income, unless you want to see the extreme malnutrition which existed in many parts of the USA prior to LBJs reforms.  In fact FDR went on tours in states like WV, KY, and TN. WHITE kids looking just as starved as those in India.  That ended with this social support programs.


Obama's presidency is a colossol failure.  Why do you think, with all the campaigning, she could not pull it off for Hillary?  All the non-Black places he won twice, Trump won this time.  No one wanted O3!

yuji22 posted:
Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:

D2/Storm is part of that 43 million on foodstamps, an Obama disease.

LIBEL & SLANDER. Actionable in a court of law. Cease and desist.

Let them bring it on !

D2/Storm is a fictitious name cannot file shyte against Yuji. I have a future lawyer in my home.

No one dare to intimidate the honourable Yuji.

Nehru is a fictitious name, and I was banned for one month for calling him a drunk.

Different rules apply to PPP supporters.


The uneducated White Man and even some women are not prepared to have an experienced, educated WOMAN as their President. No different than many of the Middle East Muslim countries, they cannot accept a woman LEADER.

kp posted:

The uneducated White Man and even some women are not prepared to have an experienced, educated WOMAN as their President. No different than many of the Middle East Muslim countries, they cannot accept a woman LEADER.

tell you what.

In 2012 Obama got 95% of the black vote and 75% of the Latino vote.

Despite a LOWER turn out of the black vote, Hillary only got 88%. Trump got 13% of the black male vote.

More Latinos voted but their votes for the GOP INCREASED from 25% to 30%.

So let us not blame uneducated and angry white men. Despite being a bigot Trump snatched black and Hispanic votes from Hillary too!

If you pass 8 black men ONE of them voted for Trump. Sad, sad, sad, testimony for the Dems!

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

43,000,000 Forty Three Million Americans on foodstamps is one of legacy.

Tell you all GOP don't want to pay WORKING adults $15/hour and then you wonder what $8/hour they cannot afford to pay rent, and buy nutritious food for their kids.

As is food stamps isn't enough to feed a family.  Try living on the $16k ANNUALLY which is what the minimum wage is.

Minimum wage is not a wage people should plan to stay on.  This is for high school and college students.  People need to acquire skills and add more value.  You people push for a high min-wage, you will get automation and less employment.

kp posted:

The uneducated White Man and even some women are not prepared to have an experienced, educated WOMAN as their President. No different than many of the Middle East Muslim countries, they cannot accept a woman LEADER.

She was tainted from a long time ago and to close to Obama,  No one wanted O3, much less from someone who is corrupt!

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:
Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:

D2/Storm is part of that 43 million on foodstamps, an Obama disease.

LIBEL & SLANDER. Actionable in a court of law. Cease and desist.

Let them bring it on !

D2/Storm is a fictitious name cannot file shyte against Yuji. I have a future lawyer in my home.

No one dare to intimidate the honourable Yuji.

Nehru is a fictitious name, and I was banned for one month for calling him a drunk.

Different rules apply to PPP supporters.

Did I remember to call you a CRACK HEAD, FILTH HEAD????


When Obama took over the Presidency, America was on the verge of bankruptcy. It took the democrats only 3 years to recover from disaster.

The country is better today than 8 years ago.  How can anyone say that Obama is a failed presidency. Donald Trump won because there was a whitelash against a black President.

God  help America.



yugiee I hope that you are just as enthusiastic about Canadian elections and its leaders.

Are you sure you are Canadian?

Why you all up in US business suh? 

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Obama's best legacy - softening the economic embargo on Cuba.  His worst - Obamacare.  Trump will repeal Obamacare and use it to run for his re-election in 2020.

You have to provide some context here Bibi. Firstly, even you knew that in 2009 the cost curve for premiums and for services delivery was not acceptable, especially with medical benefits spending approaching 20% of the Federal budget.

So a brave soul made it his business to START it - not to provide a FINISHED product..

Secondly, the Republicans wanted the status quo to continue, so they left the building, and Obama had to go it solo with the Democratic majorities in the Congress and Senate.

Thirdly, you know that with billion dollar interests - pharmaceutical companies, for-profit hospitals, medical suppliers, etc. - that this would not be easy.

This is what you got as plusses: 20 million people who would not have been insured got insurance so that the money taxpayers would spend on these people in Emergency Rooms now help subsidize their premium. It also provided increased demand so the supply side would benefit too. Then you got the pat for service rather than pay for fee, which made medical services delivery more efficient and less fraudulent (10 visits instead of 3 and over prescription). Children up to 26 years (especially after the 2008 Great Recession) could stay on their parents plans. Pre-existing conditions are no longer prohibitive for coverage.

On the negative side, it's clear that the market forces were bastardized by Republican Governors and Legislatures that declined the Exchanges and a Republican Congress refused to fund the make-up to providers of such Exchanges.

That's why you say Obamacare is the worst. It's like a kid who kept quiet after a tantrum and he gets rewarded for 2 minutes of peace.

You gotta stop being ideological when it comes to matter of grave importance to humanity. Medical coverage is one of those. Stop kicking it like a political football. Give the guy credit for starting something tat Presidents over 50 years failed at.

yuji22 posted:

D2/Storm is part of that 43 million on foodstamps, an Obama disease.

I previously noted you do not feel at ease unless you are being a fool. I guess that is because you were brain damaged at birth. Either your mom was t he local drunk floozie or she gapped her legs for with the local drunk and that deformed y chromosome came from him to you. There cannot be a rational explanation why a man who said he was a trench water aficionado suddenly assumes patrician airs.

A story that may change your stupid attempt at pretending you are living in the Waldorf Astoria. There is a Guyanese fellow who made a mint facilitating Guyanese on to the welfare rolls in RH. That was his full-time job and he drove a fancy car and lived well so his clients had to be substantial. Do not knock welfare because a lot of our own are on it. Ask your resident tax preparer paul what is the average income of his working class client.  You pretend that the uneducated masses from tain or whim or albion front suddenly came to the US and are immediately transformed to middle class. Think again. You are just making an ass of yourself

And a warning...I am not angry yet. When I will know.

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:
.  People need to acquire skills and add more value. 

Acquiring skills takes $$$. So how can people struggling to pay their rent afford to go to trade schools.  The GOP have done NOTHING to help them. Hillary did plan to make community colleges affordable.

What has Trump done. Yes. He defrauded poor people at his Trump University.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:
.  People need to acquire skills and add more value. 

Acquiring skills takes $$$. So how can people struggling to pay their rent afford to go to trade schools.  The GOP have done NOTHING to help them. Hillary did plan to make community colleges affordable.

What has Trump done. Yes. He defrauded poor people at his Trump University.

Yet after those voters saw Trump in action, they voted for him..... they deserve him. Unfortunately the higher percentage of the voters (Dems) are also gonna pay for it.

Kari posted:

On the negative side, it's clear that the market forces were bastardized by Republican Governors and Legislatures that declined the Exchanges and a Republican Congress refused to fund the make-up to providers of such Exchanges.


Please then explain why premiums on the NY Exchange are up 18%. 

The only affordable plans are the Medicaid monstrosities with their lousy networks and atrocious administration.  You should hear people screaming about the financial rut that these "cheap" plans land them in when they discover that they cannot find providers in these narrow networks, so must pay out of pocket.

Healthcare was a mess before Obamacare and it remains so because the root causes haven't been addressed. Check with Big Pharma, the hospitals and Medical IT, etc., and how their lobbyists ensured that their interests were protected under the ACA.  So costs continue to soar, regardless of state.

cain posted:

Yet after those voters saw Trump in action, they voted for him..... they deserve him. Unfortunately the higher percentage of the voters (Dems) are also gonna pay for it.

Well blame Hillary for that. She didn't understand her audience.  Trump understood his so he won.

caribny posted:
cain posted:

Yet after those voters saw Trump in action, they voted for him..... they deserve him. Unfortunately the higher percentage of the voters (Dems) are also gonna pay for it.

Well blame Hillary for that. She didn't understand her audience.  Trump understood his so he won.

You do not seem to get one could know why people hold contrary opinions and vote against their interest. There is no poll that can capture the fact ugli or a baseman are racist twats and if you ask they will deny. One polls women and speak the their interest and expect a rational response and seek to address that and if in spite of all that the 53 percent move to a man who would sexually manhandle them as habit then you are in a completely arena. Those 3 or four percent of women who jumped party to vote and give him the majority cannot be captured by present models. Why blame Hillary for their irrational decision. You would not blame granger for a Ugly or a Basedrum.


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