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Cobra posted:

Under Islamic marital jurisprudence, Muslim men are allowed to practice polygyny, that is, they can have more than one wife at the same time, up to a total of four. Polyandry, the practice of a woman having more than one husband, by contrast, is not permitted.

Charity begins at home. Start the practice in your own house and let us know how it turns out.


I did a research on polygamy and found the excerpts that I posted from Wikipedia. It stated that men are allowed to have more than one wives, but women are prohibited from doing the same. My heading end with a question mark. Some responses seems to question my personal life rather than answer the frigging question. I have always said in the past, if you don't know the answer, retrain from making yourself an ass. 

I have come to believe that the holy scriptures of Islam was written by men to suppress women. This cannot be the work of Allah. Muslims always find it difficult to answer questions from their own scriptures. 

Last edited by Former Member
Cobra posted:
Django posted:

One have to understand why Muslim men were allowed four wives in that era,currently it should be forbidden.

Kaz,may diasagree.

Currently forbidden? Do your research carefully and come back. My question still remain why women were prohibited from doing the same as men.


I said "should be"

Last edited by Django
Cobra posted:
Django posted:

On have to understand why Muslim men were allowed four wives in that era,currently it should be forbidden.

Kaz,may diasagree.

Currently forbidden? Do your research carefully and come back. My question still remain why women were prohibited from doing the same as men.


Perhaps,  demand and supply.   Today we have man to man tingy as if there is a shortage of women and likewise homan to homan tingy doing the scissors. Go figure.


In the ancient time, specific to Muslims, there were many women who lost their husbands because of the wars and battles.

Hence, one of the measures practiced is that men were having the single women as wives to provide them a home and a place to be comfortable.

However, as time progresses and indeed population increased, the practice is one man, one woman.

One of the examples that exist in the US-of_A, and has been transferred to Canada especially in British Columbia; is that a break-away group of Mormons sect in a few particular locations do have numerous wives.

However though slowly, the law and enforcement efforts are catching up with these situations.

Django posted:

One have to understand why Muslim men were allowed four wives in that era,currently it should be forbidden.

Kaz,may diasagree.

Actually, I don't disagree. In fact, the passage goes like this;

If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one

Given the condition levied in the passage above, men should stick to no more than one spouse because there is no way that they can be fair to each of them. Unfortunately, most of the cases that I have witnessed even in Guyana has their wives living in deplorable conditions.
Now Cobra is an ass to ask about polyandry where the same conditions did not exist then and still don't now. There are and has been for a very long time, more men than women in the population.
Demerara_Guy posted:
yuji22 posted:


We all know that. Cobra is trying to stir up trouble. He is Chul, Chul.

Only chul chul ? 

He lil Pagla too.

He his jumping all over GNI talking from both sides of his mouth. One never knows what he can say from either side of his mouth.

I think that one Bagian man for the AFC messed up his brain with one single conversation. 


Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
yuji22 posted:


We all know that. Cobra is trying to stir up trouble. He is Chul, Chul.

Only chul chul ? 

He lil Pagla too.

He his jumping all over GNI talking from both sides of his mouth. One never knows what he can say from either side of his mouth ?


He has a classic case of schizophrenia. 


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