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Former Member

Essequibians upset with Jagdeo’s attack on Govt

October 29, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

Supporters of the coalition government have registered their disgust at Bharrat Jadgeo, former President and currently Opposition Leader. They say that he has upset them with the manner in which he has been ridiculing the new Government. ‘He has no shame, why is he only coming now to poison the minds of his Essequibians”? Jagdeo is currently visiting Region Two and he since met with a section of rice farmers and also conducted some private bottom house meetings in the Region. According to IMC Councillor and rice farmer, Devika Persaud, the message Jadgeo has been preaching to residents of Region Two is utter “rubbish”. She argued that no intelligent person would judge a five month old Government against one that operated for the last 23 years. An angry Persaud said that Essequibo has supporters for the coalition government and it is important that she shed her support for her government by letting the country know what is happening. The rice farmer maintains that the issues regarding rice would see a lot of Essequibians playing “dumb and deaf” when there is a turnaround in the rice industry. Persaud lamented that the coalition government has brought a level of “positiveness” to this nation and people should emulate that positivity. “For 23 years Essequibo never looked like it look today”. Persaud is maintaining that Essequibians are not backward; they are motivated by persons who can bring and deliver worthwhile messages. Region Two Executive Officer, Rupert Hopkinson told rice farmers that he would do everything in his capacity to support their call for Government intervention. Hopkinson argued that the Region would be affected once people cannot spend, and likewise economic develop when people spend. (Yannason Duncan)

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Jagdeo has hit the nail right on it's head.  He is causing People to shiver.

His record speaks for itself.  Guyana is beautiful and Guyanese have Jagdeo to thank for the Development of a once bankrupt country.  This administration did nothing the past five months as compared to what the PPP did in 1992 when they took over from the inept Hoyte Government.  Jagdeo's Job is the oppose and expose the administration.  He is doing his job better than Granger and kakamootoo are doing there's.


Kwame Dreaming....

Want Essequibo Larkie



Bharat Celebrate

PPP Lose Election

Quote Rama :

Jagdeo has hit the nail right on it's head. 

Last edited by Former Member

In Just 5 Months......

Moses teach Jagdeo & Ramotar

how it is done....

Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo and Mexico’s Minister of Agriculture, Jose Calzada following their meeting

Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo and Mexico’s Minister of Agriculture, Jose Calzada following their meeting

Mexico keen on Guyana’s rice …PM secures commitment during hour-long meeting


Amid concerns by farmers over the loss of the Venezuelan rice market, the Guyana Government on Tuesday made some headway in securing commitments by the Mexican government to buy some of this country’s rice.


Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo who is attending the Open Governance Global Summit in Mexico City met with Mexico’s Agriculture Minister Jose Calzada during which the commitment was made, a statement from the Prime Minister’s Office has said.

Calzada advised PM Nagamootoo after representation was made that Mexico is keen on buying Guyana’s rice.

During the meeting late Tuesday tonight, Minister Caldaza assured that steps will be fast tracked to open market for Guyana’s rice in Mexico. Mexico imports some one million tons of rice annually.


Nagamootoo was accompanied by Governance Minister Raphael Trotman.


Since their arrival in Mexico Prime Minister Nagamootoo and Minister Trotman have been on a round the clock schedule of meetings with Mexican government officials. Prime Minister, Nagamootoo is expected to hold talks with President of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto.


Only on Sunday President David Granger assured Berbice rice farmers that their problems have not gone unnoticed and that his government has already started seeking viable solutions where reducing operational costs and creating new market opportunities are concerned. President Granger even raised the issue of finding new markets with colleague Heads of Government at both the regional and international levels, and has promised to discuss their plight with Agriculture Minister, Noel Holder.


The Government of Guyana, through the Ministry of Agriculture, continues to search for international markets for Guyana’s rice, in the wake of the closure of the Venezuelan market.


Agriculture Minister Noel Holder also recently advised that Guyana currently sells rice to 50 countries around the world, and too much of an issue is now being made out of the collapse of the Venezuelan market.(Under PPP)


“As a matter of fact, currently, the Portugal market is as big as the Venezuelan market, about 30 percent or so, I think too much of a big thing is being made out of the lapse in the Venezuelan market,” the Minister commented.


Currently, the Government is pursuing the Panama market, as “I have even had discussions with the Minister, during the Mexico meeting, so we are pursuing that; we are looking at new markets, it is an ongoing situation, we are even discussing with the Bahamas, they have an interest as well, and Haiti, we are looking at it as well.”


Minister Holder had also stated at a press conference he held to address the issue in early October that Guyana was successful in securing an increased market arrangement with Panama, for which shipment has begun.

The shipment has been increased from 4000 to 7,200 tonnes.


The Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) continues to work with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in securing additional international markets for Guyana’s rice.

Last edited by Former Member

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