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Former Member
They may not lose this election, but they will not have a majority in parliament.

During the last election, fear was the dominant factor, and Indians felt that they had to put the PPP back in power because they fellt they needed protection. PPP played that all the way to winning...

This election is more about of life...corruption. On these, the PPP has not done well...people now have a 3rd's something Guyana has badly needed...thei will make a big difference.

PPP will only get 43% of the vote

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Originally posted by raymond:
They may not lose this election, but they will not have a majority in parliament.

During the last election, fear was the dominant factor, and Indians felt that they had to put the PPP back in power because they fellt they needed protection. PPP played that all the way to winning...

This election is more about of life...corruption. On these, the PPP has not done well...people now have a 3rd's something Guyana has badly needed...thei will make a big difference.

PPP will only get 43% of the vote

The fear from the violence plus an emasculated PNC with the newness of the AFC were factors in the PPP/C's favor in 2006.

Since then the AFC has ramped up its retail politics and its ground game, and recently it got a major coup in Moses Nagamootoo's defections and the efforts the PPP had to pay to counter the corruption charges. This brought corruption squarely in the electorate' mind. The violence is not such a big factor this time around. Add to this mix a resurgent PNC in the form of APNU. Corbin and his debilitating effect are no longer around also.

These should be good enough to shave about 6% - 8% off of the PPP/C advantage in 2006. I'm not sure what the other factors like a new voting block (those who were 15 - 20 year-olds in 2006) and emigration would play in eroding the PPP/C's advantage.

The PPP/C has sold the nation on economic advancement and a vision of past PNC regimes. How much the electorate has bought into these two will tell if more points can be shaved off. After 19 years the past visions of the PNC may be receding, and a poor economic condition can only be counter-balanced by race. That remains the "X" factor. Will that be key or someone's cup of tea? Can the palm lead to the key or will the cup be full?

One thing I know - from tomorrow politics in Guyana will definitely change. A three-party system is going to be more of Guyana's political staple.
Originally posted by Kari:
Originally posted by raymond:
They may not lose this election, but they will not have a majority in parliament.

During the last election, fear was the dominant factor, and Indians felt that they had to put the PPP back in power because they fellt they needed protection. PPP played that all the way to winning...

This election is more about of life...corruption. On these, the PPP has not done well...people now have a 3rd's something Guyana has badly needed...thei will make a big difference.

PPP will only get 43% of the vote

The fear from the violence plus an emasculated PNC with the newness of the AFC were factors in the PPP/C's favor in 2006.

Since then the AFC has ramped up its retail politics and its ground game, and recently it got a major coup in Moses Nagamootoo's defections and the efforts the PPP had to pay to counter the corruption charges. This brought corruption squarely in the electorate' mind. The violence is not such a big factor this time around. Add to this mix a resurgent PNC in the form of APNU. Corbin and his debilitating effect are no longer around also.

These should be good enough to shave about 6% - 8% off of the PPP/C advantage in 2006. I'm not sure what the other factors like a new voting block (those who were 15 - 20 year-olds in 2006) and emigration would play in eroding the PPP/C's advantage.

The PPP/C has sold the nation on economic advancement and a vision of past PNC regimes. How much the electorate has bought into these two will tell if more points can be shaved off. After 19 years the past visions of the PNC may be receding, and a poor economic condition can only be counter-balanced by race. That remains the "X" factor. Will that be key or someone's cup of tea? Can the palm lead to the key or will the cup be full?

One thing I know - from tomorrow politics in Guyana will definitely change. A three-party system is going to be more of Guyana's political staple.

That is what you are hoping for because others have said it. Those who are in the bed with the PNC and the AFC.

Moses did not take any signifacant supporters with him. More afros will be voting for the PPP than Indos voting for the AFC. The AFC has lost their afro support. Trotman is a no show among afro-Guyana this time.
Dear All,

A massive misinformation campaign is currently being carried out on the Corentyne by the desperate PPP. Indo Guyanese voters are being told that Khemraj Ramjattan has just resigned from the leadership of the AFC and handed it over to a BLACK MAN. A black man that has killed their people, David Granger. Racism in it's purest form.

Khemraj Ramjattan and Moses Nagamotoo are currently on... their way to the Corentyne. More to come......

Edmon H Braithwaite
Rama, these you will have a hard time with:

1) The PPP leadership spent a good few weeks counter-attacking Moses Nagamootoo the man. Was this a plus for them?

2) The PNC in APNU is a much better prepared party than under Corbin. Are you aware of this?

3) Ramjattan is now 5 years wiser in electoral terms? Makes sense?

4) The fear of violence is not in the forefront as in 2006. Do you still not believe this?

5) The average Guyanese income does not buy him a basket of goods and services greater than 2006. Have you asked a relative in Guyana recently?

6) The major infrastructural projects - Skeldon estate, the Providence stadium, etc - do not impact the average voter directly. Would these have made a difference if you were living there?

7) The only mainstay in a voter's mind-set has been race. How many voters put this up there as in the past?
Originally posted by Kari:
Rama, these you will have a hard time with:

1) The PPP leadership spent a good few weeks counter-attacking Moses Nagamootoo the man. Was this a plus for them?

2) The PNC in APNU is a much better prepared party than under Corbin. Are you aware of this?

3) Ramjattan is now 5 years wiser in electoral terms? Makes sense?

4) The fear of violence is not in the forefront as in 2006. Do you still not believe this?

5) The average Guyanese income does not buy him a basket of goods and services greater than 2006. Have you asked a relative in Guyana recently?

6) The major infrastructural projects - Skeldon estate, the Providence stadium, etc - do not impact the average voter directly. Would these have made a difference if you were living there?

7) The only mainstay in a voter's mind-set has been race. How many voters put this up there as in the past?

Wht makes you think that the indians will destroy themselves by voting AFC and allowing the ANPU to come up the middle. If that happens then there would be an exodus of the Indians AND A FAR GREATER cry than when Moses lead his people out of Egypt.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Kari:
Rama, these you will have a hard time with:

1) The PPP leadership spent a good few weeks counter-attacking Moses Nagamootoo the man. Was this a plus for them?

2) The PNC in APNU is a much better prepared party than under Corbin. Are you aware of this?

3) Ramjattan is now 5 years wiser in electoral terms? Makes sense?

4) The fear of violence is not in the forefront as in 2006. Do you still not believe this?

5) The average Guyanese income does not buy him a basket of goods and services greater than 2006. Have you asked a relative in Guyana recently?

6) The major infrastructural projects - Skeldon estate, the Providence stadium, etc - do not impact the average voter directly. Would these have made a difference if you were living there?

7) The only mainstay in a voter's mind-set has been race. How many voters put this up there as in the past?

Wht makes you think that the indians will destroy themselves by voting AFC and allowing the ANPU to come up the middle. If that happens then there would be an exodus of the Indians AND A FAR GREATER cry than when Moses lead his people out of Egypt.
you still playing the race game,this is the 21 century,people is concern about the way they live,than the color of a man is a old man ,that refuse to look into the future
Originally posted by warrior:
7) The only mainstay in a voter's mind-set has been race. How many voters put this up there as in the past?

Wht makes you think that the indians will destroy themselves by voting AFC and allowing the ANPU to come up the middle. If that happens then there would be an exodus of the Indians AND A FAR GREATER cry than when Moses lead his people out of Egypt.[/QUOTE]you still playing the race game,this is the 21 century,people is concern about the way they live,than the color of a man is a old man ,that refuse to look into the future[/QUOTE]

Just being real kiddo.........nothing in my posts suggest that I wish this to be the case. I, more so than you wish that race would not play a role in elections in Guyana. You know both of look into the future - the difference is that someone older than you would look at it with the benefit of more collective wisdom. So war man let's put this thing about me and race and how we look at the future to rest. Right bannaz?
Originally posted by komeer:
look the ppp will win the election as long its fair guyana is little it or not
Guyana is 60 percent non Indian so why is it to be termed little India? Who the hell wants to be India? What is in Guyana that we call Indian culture is a newly minted creed that took from the best in India leaving out the worse.
Originally posted by TI:
The only way to get rid of the PPP is by a coalition of the opposition. Moses may not want this but Trots will push for it.

The party with the most votes wins the presidency, thus it must be part of any post-election coalition. The PPP is highly favoured to win, though under 50%. This debunks your conspiracy insinuation.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by raymond:

WHy PPP will lose power

They may not lose this election, but they will not have a majority in parliament.

PPP/C will win the 2011 elections with a majority.
the ppp lose a long time now,it maybe start when bar--rat start thiefing,when they selected instead of elected the duck,when moses come off the mountain ,who knows but one thing for sure they is not winning this election.they had 20 yrs and all they do is steal the tax payers money.good by ppp crime family see you in jail

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