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Education Minister defends decision to place daughter in private school system

December 12, 2014 1:46 pm Category:  


By Tracey Khan – Drakes


Education Minister, Priya Manickchand. [iNews' Photo]

Education Minister, Priya Manickchand. [iNews’ Photo]


[]Education Minister Priya Manickchand has justified her decision to have her daughter attend a private nursery institution, even as she continues to boast of the many gains and growth of the public arm of the education sector.


At her end of the year press conference today, Friday December 12, Manickchand stated that the Constitution has given her the right to choose what is in the best interest of her children, as she admitted that as the woman in charge of the country’s education sector and promoting its growth, she is being looked at differently.


In response to the question posed at the news conference, Manickchand explained, “When she turned three years…she wasn’t allowed into the public school because she was a month younger than she needed to be and she couldn’t get into a public school; if she did you would ask me now why I broke the rules to allow my child into a school that I wasn’t allowing other people’s children into.”


She further explained, “there was a private school that said they would take her and they did…I would ask you to remember that she has another parent who also makes decision for her and that other parent felt it was in her best interest given the place she was at to have her start school at the time that she did.”


The Education Minister noted that if her daughter is to now be placed in the public school system, she would be demoted because of her age.


“If I were to put her back into a public school now because she is now of age, I would have to demote her a year so she would have to go down a year, she is now in upper nursery and she would have to go into lower nursery and I know of no parent who would do that to their child,” Manickchand told Reporters.


After realizing that thousands of children were unable to start nursery school in 2013 – the same year Minister Manickchand’s daughter started school – she took a decision to have the age of attendance changed in 2014 which saw over 3,000 children starting school.

The question was then posed whether the Minister would have her younger son attend the public school system since it now allows for children at the age of 3 years to start.


She responded with some amount of uncertainty.

“He’s only two, I think schooling for him arises in 2016…I didn’t even go that far as yet…but again whatever decision, I don’t know, I don’t know what will be happening in 2016 September. I can’t say now whatever decision I make for my children will be what I believe what their father believes.”


Minister Manickchand has been heavily criticized for her decision; however, she maintains it is in the best interest of her child.

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Originally Posted by Cobra:

Minister Manickchand has been heavily criticized for her decision; however, she maintains it is in the best interest of her child.



Never knew she has a child. I wonder how she feels seeing the impoverished children in Guyana. Does the thought ever crossed he mind, that impoverished child could have been mine. She should endeavor to do much more for the poor -WE CARE.


Lay off the girl. Any of you would have made that decision. And don't claim to know what someone feels inside looking at other children. This is on a human level now-forget the political points you're trying to score. You can be in charge of making the world a better place...still trying to get there....and still feel for those who are yet to get there.



Originally Posted by Kari:

Lay off the girl. Any of you would have made that decision. And don't claim to know what someone feels inside looking at other children. This is on a human level now-forget the political points you're trying to score. You can be in charge of making the world a better place...still trying to get there....and still feel for those who are yet to get there.



Don't talk rubbish. My kids didn't go to private school.You are taking it upon yourself to make judgement on how each of us would have acted. But not all of us are hypocrites or/and incapable of doing our job properly. Priya get handed a job that is even bigger than her waste line.

Priya ain't even a girl. More of a fat cow.


I have been reading of the many children from Public Schools in Guyana who now score 13+ A's at the CSEC Exams.  Back in my time 9 A's was a big deal.  Given what she has to work with I think she is doing much more than a lot of the other 'slacker ministers'.


Whatever school she chooses for her kids is a 'personal' thing.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Minister Manickchand has been heavily criticized for her decision; however, she maintains it is in the best interest of her child.



Never knew she has a child. I wonder how she feels seeing the impoverished children in Guyana. Does the thought ever crossed he mind, that impoverished child could have been mine. She should endeavor to do much more for the poor -WE CARE.

Do ordinary Guyanese have the choices she has?  NO!  So they have to do to the intellectually broken public school system that he LORDs over and continues to destroy.


The gods are coming for her and all her corruption.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
[]Education Minister Priya Manickchand has justified her decision to have her daughter attend a private nursery institution, even as she continues to boast of the many gains and growth of the public arm of the education sector.


At her end of the year press conference today, Friday December 12, Manickchand stated that the Constitution has given her the right to choose what is in the best interest of her children, as she admitted that as the woman in charge of the country’s education sector and promoting its growth, she is being looked at differently.


Education Minister, Priya Manickchand. [iNews' Photo]

Education Minister,

Priya Manickchand.

[iNews’ Photo]


Education Minister defends decision to place daughter in private school system, December 12, 2014 1:46 pm Category:,  By Tracey Khan – Drakes

Regardless of positions in government or elsewhere a person has the right, similar to each individual, to make the choices for their child(ren).


One of the numerous examples, President Barack Obama's children attends a private school.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Lay off the girl. Any of you would have made that decision. And don't claim to know what someone feels inside looking at other children. This is on a human level now-forget the political points you're trying to score. You can be in charge of making the world a better place...still trying to get there....and still feel for those who are yet to get there.



Don't talk rubbish. My kids didn't go to private school.You are taking it upon yourself to make judgement on how each of us would have acted. But not all of us are hypocrites or/and incapable of doing our job properly. Priya get handed a job that is even bigger than her waste line.

Priya ain't even a girl. More of a fat cow.

How does calling her names advance your argument? It only makes you look angry, emotional and like you have nothing intelligent to contrbute. So tek a break.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Lay off the girl. Any of you would have made that decision. And don't claim to know what someone feels inside looking at other children. This is on a human level now-forget the political points you're trying to score. You can be in charge of making the world a better place...still trying to get there....and still feel for those who are yet to get there.



I disagree with you completely here. What this does is it demonstrates a lack of confidence in the very system that the Minister is responsible for. It shows a lack of faith or confidence in the very teachers and the education system she is responsible for, this is an indictment of her own work at MOE.


She should resign. But of course this is Guyana where we must accept mediocrity.


I will add this is exactly why the PPP fly their leadership out of the country for healthcare and anything else that is of critical importance.


This is hypocrisy of the highest order.


Those corrupted fat cows in the PPP do not care for the country, they are there to suck it for all they can get. They when they feel the need to, fly off to other parts of the world on their own "grounded due to some sleazy work" jet to spend their "hard earned" cash.


It is her decision to do what is in the best interest of her child.


I however, disappointed with her and lack of professionalism.


I attempted several times to meet with her but did not even get a courtesy return call.



Vish M

According to the Plaisance Council, the elites that lives at Prdoville has never paid Rates and Tariff since they occupied the land.


Perhaps, by withholding LGE, they continue to destroy communities.

They further keep the impoverished in a state of poor education. 


Are we creating India in Guyana-a subservient class.



Originally Posted by Kari:

Lay off the girl. Any of you would have made that decision. And don't claim to know what someone feels inside looking at other children. This is on a human level now-forget the political points you're trying to score. You can be in charge of making the world a better place...still trying to get there....and still feel for those who are yet to get there.



Suffering is inescapable, but all efforts MUST be made for it to be manageable. Education has been the way of rising out of poverty. Manickcahnd, Sheik Baksh, Jeffery and Bisnauth has not done much in that effort. Sure yuh gonna tell me, it is better than under the PNC. Conscience should dictate otherwise. 

Originally Posted by cain:

Those corrupted fat cows in the PPP do not care for the country, they are there to suck it for all they can get. They when they feel the need to, fly off to other parts of the world on their own "grounded due to some sleazy work" jet to spend their "hard earned" cash.

I think those kids are anchor babies and possibly Canadians.


I have never read so much BULLCRAP in my life.  Some people really  need an ABC Education. Anyone knows where Obama children attending School, Where David Cameron children attending School.  WHEN YUH STUPID YUH DONE STUPID!!!


[]Shadow Education Minister and A Partnership for National Unity’s (APNU) Parliamentarian, Amna Ally says Education Minister, Priya Manickchand has the choice to send her daughter to a private or public school.   

Originally Posted by Cobra:

[]Shadow Education Minister and A Partnership for National Unity’s (APNU) Parliamentarian, Amna Ally says Education Minister, Priya Manickchand has the choice to send her daughter to a private or public school.   

Barnum and Bailey actors on GNI Bhai.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

[]Shadow Education Minister and A Partnership for National Unity’s (APNU) Parliamentarian, Amna Ally says Education Minister, Priya Manickchand has the choice to send her daughter to a private or public school.   

Barnum and Bailey actors on GNI Bhai.

The PPP chatter box like Nehru cannot comprehend Ms Amna Ally statement and did not tell you about this part of her statement.


he Shadow Education Minister also highlighted the plight of some children enrolled in the public education system, as she blasts the government for not caring about the ordinary man.

Education Minister, Priya Manickchand.

Education Minister, Priya Manickchand.

“They don’t care whether my child or your child gets a good education; they don’t care about providing opportunities for other people’s children. They have the money, they send their children to get the best of it at the private schools and that is the end of the matter for them.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Lay off the girl. Any of you would have made that decision. And don't claim to know what someone feels inside looking at other children. This is on a human level now-forget the political points you're trying to score. You can be in charge of making the world a better place...still trying to get there....and still feel for those who are yet to get there.



nonsense, minister of ed choosing to send her child private smacks hypocricy.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Minister Manickchand has been heavily criticized for her decision; however, she maintains it is in the best interest of her child.



u mean the public school that she is responsible for is not good enough for her child

Originally Posted by Vish M:

It is her decision to do what is in the best interest of her child.


I however, disappointed with her and lack of professionalism.


I attempted several times to meet with her but did not even get a courtesy return call.



no shit

Former Member posted:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Lay off the girl. Any of you would have made that decision. And don't claim to know what someone feels inside looking at other children. This is on a human level now-forget the political points you're trying to score. You can be in charge of making the world a better place...still trying to get there....and still feel for those who are yet to get there.

nonsense, minister of ed choosing to send her child private smacks hypocricy.

Is how dem chirren doing in private school?

@Ramakant-P posted:

There are other people who sent their children to Private school and nobody said anything.

Before I migrated to Canada my kids went to a private school in Georgetown.

Kid is the young of a goat.


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