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The GOP arent voting for Romney.  They are voting AGAINST Obama who they hate even more.


Plus this youtube was obviously done during the primaries.  There is no way that at this stage so many GOP and FOX News would make such statements.  They will not dare to be so bold.


If you feel so strongly about this you better go into the urban areas of OH and find black males, many of whom dont plan to vote because they dont see how his being president has helped them.


Better believe that rural white OH is coming out to vote against that "black, muslim foreigner".  Obama needs a healthy urban vote to offset this.  Just look at the break down of where he got his votes from last time if you dont believe.

Last edited by Former Member

With all this talk about ethnicity and religious segments of the American population about voting, is no wonder America is faltering. America has lost the fire that molded previous generations of Americans.


A line from the movie, "The Good Shepherd." Americans are white Anglos, everybody else is a VISITOR.


The new Americans certainly behave in that manner.


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