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The voters said sayonara to the TEA Party, and returned the Republican party to its normal role.


The nation never got to know what Romney stood for and were leary of the low-tax-for-the-rich and small-government repetitive mantra.


Hurricane disaster relief showed that single-payer Emergency cannot be privatized.


The voters empathized with Obama for the hand he was dealt with and the obstinacy of the Congressional Republicans.


The swing voters preferred the steady hand of state shown by Obama as opposed to the wily-nilly pandering of Romney

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

What is his formula? He hasn't put it out as yet. Maybe he will do do after Nov 6th.

You chose not to listen to what he saying.

I've been listening and all he's been saying is " I want to be President, please, please,please pick me. I'll say anything if you pick me."

The other things he keeps saying is "I may not have a plan but look at Obama, he's black, He's the welfare president and I am a businessman with rich friends who they needto keep their money so if I become president I will not tax them and they can ship all the jobs to China."

Originally Posted by Bruddaman:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

What is his formula? He hasn't put it out as yet. Maybe he will do do after Nov 6th.

You chose not to listen to what he saying.

I've been listening and all he's been saying is " I want to be President, please, please,please pick me. I'll say anything if you pick me."

The other things he keeps saying is "I may not have a plan but look at Obama, he's black, He's the welfare president and I am a businessman with rich friends who they needto keep their money so if I become president I will not tax them and they can ship all the jobs to China."

Your slant on events.

Originally Posted by Bruddaman:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

What is his formula? He hasn't put it out as yet. Maybe he will do do after Nov 6th.

You chose not to listen to what he saying.

I've been listening and all he's been saying is " I want to be President, please, please,please pick me. I'll say anything if you pick me."

The other things he keeps saying is "I may not have a plan but look at Obama, he's black, He's the welfare president and I am a businessman with rich friends who they needto keep their money so if I become president I will not tax them and they can ship all the jobs to China."

That nicely sums up the republican mantra.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:


It's impossible! Totally impossible for Mitt Romney to lose to the angry blackman who wants REVENGE.




After tomorrow evening you will sit down and evaluate all your anti Obama rantings on this board. You will come to realise that republicans are only for RICH WHITE MEN.

Unless you are a rich white man, you should come over and join the democrats. Before you vote tomorrow, remember who is watching your back; not Sheldon Adelson. Vote Obama/Biden ticket.

Originally Posted by Kari:

The voters said sayonara to the TEA Party, and returned the Republican party to its normal role.


The nation never got to know what Romney stood for and were leary of the low-tax-for-the-rich and small-government repetitive mantra.


Hurricane disaster relief showed that single-payer Emergency cannot be privatized.


The voters empathized with Obama for the hand he was dealt with and the obstinacy of the Congressional Republicans.


The swing voters preferred the steady hand of state shown by Obama as opposed to the wily-nilly pandering of Romney

Kari if Obama loses what are you going to say?  The election is a dead heat and the victory will go to the one more successful in turning out voters.


Given reports of irregularities in OH and FL, which are alreacy emerging, this might be as messy an election as 2000 was.


It is now obvious to me that you have a side line job as one of Obama's spin machine.  You are just like Rev Al, minus his racism of course.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Romney has a pragmatic and practical formula.  If you are involved in the economy, it's very obvious.  Obama is a technocrat and ideologue.

We have already spoken about it and you didnt know.  You offer some nancy story about deregulation and tax cuts. Well George W Bush did that and we saw where that ended.


The notion that Romney will reduce budget deficits is laughable.  If he tries to squash entitlements the Democrats will comke back in 2014 and ensure that he is a one term.  He cannot increase the ytax burden on high earners either as Ryan will eat him for lunch in 2016.  Romney, a coward, will not dare do this.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:


It's impossible! Totally impossible for Mitt Romney to lose to the angry blackman who wants REVENGE.



Well we know one thing for sure.  Either you or Kari will be on suicide watch on Wednesday 7, assuming of course that FL and/or OH do not screw up the election, as some predict.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

The voters said sayonara to the TEA Party, and returned the Republican party to its normal role.


The nation never got to know what Romney stood for and were leary of the low-tax-for-the-rich and small-government repetitive mantra.


Hurricane disaster relief showed that single-payer Emergency cannot be privatized.


The voters empathized with Obama for the hand he was dealt with and the obstinacy of the Congressional Republicans.


The swing voters preferred the steady hand of state shown by Obama as opposed to the wily-nilly pandering of Romney

Kari if Obama loses what are you going to say?  The election is a dead heat and the victory will go to the one more successful in turning out voters.


Given reports of irregularities in OH and FL, which are alreacy emerging, this might be as messy an election as 2000 was.


It is now obvious to me that you have a side line job as one of Obama's spin machine.  You are just like Rev Al, minus his racism of course.

All the polls ( standard as well as internal)  have to be wrong for the Pres to lose. I heard the internals in Florida and Ohio and they are good. Florida will not go Romney's way easily and it will be a miracle ( and they do happen once in a life time) for Romney to win there.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:


All the polls ( standard as well as internal)  have to be wrong for the Pres to lose.




Obama's defeat tomorrow will be a traumatic experience for you and all the Obambi's.hahahaha





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:


All the polls ( standard as well as internal)  have to be wrong for the Pres to lose.




Obama's defeat tomorrow will be a traumatic experience for you and all the Obambi's.hahahaha





 Quite your stupid racist bullshit. That you exist in our community is a demerit. Even Romney and all his flip flopping did not embrace publicly the lunatic racist fringe like you. Eat crow tomorrow. If the president wins he will win overwhelmingly with white votes and that should shut your silly mouth about white folks handing "back" their country to Romney. The country belongs to all equally; black and brown and white and yellow. They will make their choice in the morning and hopefully your kind will matter little in the decision either way.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

All the polls ( standard as well as internal)  have to be wrong for the Pres to lose. I heard the internals in Florida and Ohio and they are good. Florida will not go Romney's way easily and it will be a miracle ( and they do happen once in a life time) for Romney to win there.

You are sophistaicted enough to know that most of these polls show the difference is within the statistical margin ofd error.  So:


We do not know how accurate the sampling is, given the very narrow margins. We do not know if those polled were telling the truth (there is evidence that some whites lie when the candidate is black).  We also do not know who will vote, especially when we take into account hocus pocus on OH and FL, which has led to long lines.  Less affluent people, who cantget off from work, might not be inclined to vote, if they see long lines.


Fortunately for Obama none of the swing states have been impacted by Sandy so even if the poorer voters in those impacted states cant vote in their usual numbers, his lead should be strong enough to offset this.


But we have two wild cards.  The youth vote and the Latin vote.  Not excited this year. 


And will the black vote be what it was in 2004, or in 2008.  And what will suburban white females do?  With a significant decline in the white vote, especially white males, Obama will be even more dependent on the college youth, and blacks and latins, than he was in 2008.  This is why Romney is sniffing around PA, knowing that it is an older and whiter state than many.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

What is his formula? He hasn't put it out as yet. Maybe he will do do after Nov 6th.

You chose not to listen to what he saying.

Baseman, Mitt has no formula, plan, nor strategy, and this is what baffles many voters. The Die Hard Republicans will vote Republican not Mitt. I see a lot of Jerseyans going Democrat this election.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

All the polls ( standard as well as internal)  have to be wrong for the Pres to lose. I heard the internals in Florida and Ohio and they are good. Florida will not go Romney's way easily and it will be a miracle ( and they do happen once in a life time) for Romney to win there.

You are sophistaicted enough to know that most of these polls show the difference is within the statistical margin ofd error.  So:


We do not know how accurate the sampling is, given the very narrow margins. We do not know if those polled were telling the truth (there is evidence that some whites lie when the candidate is black).  We also do not know who will vote, especially when we take into account hocus pocus on OH and FL, which has led to long lines.  Less affluent people, who cantget off from work, might not be inclined to vote, if they see long lines.


Fortunately for Obama none of the swing states have been impacted by Sandy so even if the poorer voters in those impacted states cant vote in their usual numbers, his lead should be strong enough to offset this.


But we have two wild cards.  The youth vote and the Latin vote.  Not excited this year. 


And will the black vote be what it was in 2004, or in 2008.  And what will suburban white females do?  With a significant decline in the white vote, especially white males, Obama will be even more dependent on the college youth, and blacks and latins, than he was in 2008.  This is why Romney is sniffing around PA, knowing that it is an older and whiter state than many.

Sniffing is one thing, finding a real scent is another. Many older whites in the PA area have already rejected Mitt in fact, he scared many of them with his plan to undo all Obama has put in place and is air marked to be put in place. The younger americans can be fooled but the older ones are all about dollars and sense and they dont care the color of man in the whitehouse .

Originally Posted by caribny:

But we have two wild cards.  The youth vote and the Latin vote.  Not excited this year. 


And will the black vote be what it was in 2004, or in 2008.  And what will suburban white females do?  With a significant decline in the white vote, especially white males, Obama will be even more dependent on the college youth, and blacks and latins, than he was in 2008.  This is why Romney is sniffing around PA, knowing that it is an older and whiter state than many.

CaribJ, all this black and hispanic voting enthusiasm factor and all them nonsense are a a waste of time. Axelrod and Plouffe are good at getting out the votes where it counts.

Originally Posted by kidmost:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

What is his formula? He hasn't put it out as yet. Maybe he will do do after Nov 6th.

You chose not to listen to what he saying.

Baseman, Mitt has no formula, plan, nor strategy, and this is what baffles many voters. The Die Hard Republicans will vote Republican not Mitt. I see a lot of Jerseyans going Democrat this election.

To the contrary.  Mitt does have  a formula.  It is called putting a finger in the air to measure what the polls say.  Then recrafting a position totally in contradiction with that mentioned a mere seconds before.


I am very curious about why baseman thinks he has a policy when they policy is a 180 degree turn from what it was two seconds before.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by caribny:

But we have two wild cards.  The youth vote and the Latin vote.  Not excited this year. 


And will the black vote be what it was in 2004, or in 2008.  And what will suburban white females do?  With a significant decline in the white vote, especially white males, Obama will be even more dependent on the college youth, and blacks and latins, than he was in 2008.  This is why Romney is sniffing around PA, knowing that it is an older and whiter state than many.

CaribJ, all this black and hispanic voting enthusiasm factor and all them nonsense are a a waste of time. Axelrod and Plouffe are good at getting out the votes where it counts.

Kari by tonight you will know.  Axelrod and Pfouffe are two white men who know little about African Americans and nothing about Hispanics.  Like you they have a few black friends and so think that this makes them experts on this bloc.  Like when you claim that blacks are "proud" of Obama when I cant tell you the last day I saw any sign of his image in black neighborhoods in NYC, and I go into mnay of them.


Now name me ONE significant African American who is spear heading Obama's campaign.  Who is Obama's Donna Brazile, who played a major role when WHITE Democrats were the candidate...Clinton and Gore?


I mean 50% of the votes which Obama got in 2008 came from much higher voter turn outs in key states like NC (almost 50% of his supporters) VA (almost 40%) and in OH, and other places.


Yet there is NO mention of this crucial bloc.


Had they been more knowledgeable they would have put this away long ago, rather than now worrying about  turnout and whether GOP shenanigans in FL, OH and PA might lead some to walk away w/o voting.


What might work in Obama's favor is the fact that the GOP are playing games trying to squash voter turnout and this has enraged many blacks in the swing states.


I will also tell you one other thing.  This stupid notion that so mnay blacks have that they must vote almost 100% for the Democrats has led to that partyy taking our votes for granted.  They run behind the Hispanic, gay, female andignore blacks.  I only hope that if/when Romney loses the GOP come to their senses and pick a moderate like Huntsman who will split that black vote, and force the Democrats to stop treating us like their loyal slaves.


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