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Former Member

Old people say your children will bear the sins of your parents, or you Papa sins go fall pun you picknie shoulder. Yall hear this old talk before? Anyway, I can't see the right and wrong in this, but Sharma said he resigned because he don't want ANPU to lose votes. Lose votes??? Guyana is sick and tires with pedophiles targeting their young daughters, and this could just be a great campaign strategy for the PPP to say, Sharma resigned because he is guilty of his father's sin, and APNU knowingly gave this dishonorable man a job in the honorable house of parliament. That alone will cost APNU to lose 10 seats.


Heckling is a norm for parliamentarians, so Sharma can't say that he has resigned because of Ms. Manickchand comments to him. APNU have some work to do, one is in the hospital and Sharma resigned. Since last year, APNU has been replacing its MP's illegally and brutally, especially when it comes to voting on important matters.

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Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Suppose the man is not prepared to deal with the public embarrassment that is associated with CN.

He's a parliamentarian and reserves a vote in the nation business and that's public enough for me. If he can't deal with the public, he shouldn't be in parliament in the first place.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Suppose the man is not prepared to deal with the public embarrassment that is associated with CN.

He's a parliamentarian and reserves a vote in the nation business and that's public enough for me. If he can't deal with the public, he shouldn't be in parliament in the first place.

I agree, he should have stood up and fight for himself and not worry about his daddy.


Pireya I an easy target to rebut, the house transaction and all and how she accumulated all that wealth in such a sort time make her an easy prey.


Or was it saving also in her case??

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:

That's what my thread was meant to ask, why Jaipaul Sharma resigned if he knows he's not guilty of his father's sins? I guess this may damage the family credibility forever.

Some of you all have zero maturity.


A man has a right to choose what he likes.


If after observing the Budget for 3 years, it dawned on Jaipaul this is not what he wants for his life.  what is wrong with that?


So guess what - the straw that broke his camel's back was Preya outburst.


Let the man go in peace.


Crucify CN if you want but leave the innocent alone.


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