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As the nation embarks on 2013 the question of the day why is there so much social hypocrisy in the Guyanese society.


The attitude of the society should change from one of that: - it is someone else's problem.

The crux of the matter is that we are all in this together and it our problem that a country so rich as Guyana is so poor.

We must all recognize the immoral level of greed in the Guyanese society especially as expressed by members of the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal and we must understand that this attitude will adversely affect all who loves Guyana.

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Those who plunder Guyana's society economically and socially continue to live so called honourable lives in Taj Mahal built from income from unclear economic transactions all pointing to a plundering of the Treasury and other taxpayer resources.

Their alleged crime remains an assault on the poor, un-employed and the working class. The Guyanese society continue to struggle at ostracizing these social criminals. This attitude of duplicity and social hypocrisy remain the vital stumbling blog for the nation.

It is easy to be attacked physically, personally, slanderously and even libelously, but it is a challenge observing law abiding, god faring members of the society submitting themselves to the immoral leadership in Guyana with little resistance.

This social hypocrisy remains an challenge at this time.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

The executive still remains with the PPP.  It is their duty to make policy and lead the nation.  But of course the POM POM Party full of dunces like Nehru Bhai.

If anyone is a DUNCE, that will be you.





Nothing can confound a wise man more than laughter from a dunce.
George Byron

Bray on Nehru Bhai

Braying is for a JACKASS like you.

Wisdom has taught me when you point a finger at a man, three fingers are pointing back at you.


I did not know you are a donkey cubed like the Dakta cubed in Pradoville 2.

Originally Posted by Mahen:

Well said SS.  I hope these cunumunu jackasses like Nehru and Baseman reading and self educating themselves.

Bai, how is the Real Estate business in NY these days?


Anyway, I know very well the economic disparity in Guyana and the short-comings of the PPP to address this.  I don't need any NYers to tell me.  The choice is between the PNC and the PPP.  The PNC made everyone poor while the PPP made some rich.  When everyone is poor, there is not much to talk about.  Today we can talk and challenge the PPP to being about better wealth distribution.  At least we have something to talk about, which is a better place to be.


Guyana is too small in population and lacks proper education... that's the real problem. Until the education problem is solved we won't be able to understand other problems and much less solve them.


Countries that no long ago were poor became prosperous by educating their people, good examples are South Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia. These guys really took eduction seriously and now you see the results.

Originally Posted by Lucas:

Guyana is too small in population and lacks proper education... that's the real problem. Until the education problem is solved we won't be able to understand other problems and much less solve them.


Countries that no long ago were poor became prosperous by educating their people, good examples are South Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia. These guys really took eduction seriously and now you see the results.

Absolutely correct and the reason why I cold not understand the PPP cane-cutter politics.  Guyana needs to educate its people and at the same time modernize the economy with more mechanization and improve the GDP per-capita output.


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