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Former Member

The AFC/APNU Govt had selectively omitted the 50% pay hike from the country's 2015 budget. They offered 5% to public servants and told them the country treasury was in shambles. Credit to the sharp eyes of the non aligned govt journalists, that exposed the 50% increase sneak into the official gazette. No Parliament debate on the issue, no consultations with the public. The govt soupies  may say with the PPP did in the past to justify their actions. Seriously?

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The PNC can do anything in Guyana and get away with it just Bullies.

The AFC/APNU Govt had selectively omitted the 50% pay hike from the country's 2015 budget. They offered 5% to public servants and told them the country treasury was in shambles. Credit to the sharp eyes of the non aligned govt journalists, that exposed the 50% increase sneak into the official gazette. No Parliament debate on the issue, no consultations with the public. The govt soupies  may say with the PPP did in the past to justify their actions. Seriously?


Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC/APNU Govt had selectively omitted the 50% pay hike from the country's 2015 budget. They offered 5% to public servants and told them the country treasury was in shambles. Credit to the sharp eyes of the non aligned govt journalists, that exposed the 50% increase sneak into the official gazette. No Parliament debate on the issue, no consultations with the public. The govt soupies  may say with the PPP did in the past to justify their actions. Seriously?

Because they will cover it via the voodoo economic model like they did prior to 1992.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC/APNU Govt had selectively omitted the 50% pay hike from the country's 2015 budget. They offered 5% to public servants and told them the country treasury was in shambles. Credit to the sharp eyes of the non aligned govt journalists, that exposed the 50% increase sneak into the official gazette. No Parliament debate on the issue, no consultations with the public. The govt soupies  may say with the PPP did in the past to justify their actions. Seriously?

Because they will cover it via the voodoo economic model like they did prior to 1992.

Counce & Councie.......Pleses show us which Budget Bharat Mansion & Pension was listed.


Also show us which Budget cover Anil .....Super Salary, Pension & Sperm.


And which Budget Cover the Millions PPP give to Kwame to Publish the Newspaper in New York.


And Which Budget cover the Cost for Elizabeth Harper to come to New York with Jagdeo & Ramotar and tell Hindus at the Mandir the must Vote for PPP.


Please do not tell us NICIL.



I agree AFC-APNU has some explaining to do about the 10-50% Salary Increase.....and maybe put it on hold until next year.


Charge & Jail those who were stealing first....recover some of the money...let the nation see how much the Previous Government was thiefing.


But Councie & Counce are not in a position to Question anyone.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The festive season of Christmas is just around the corner, while the "Fat Cats" will be jolly, the hard working public servant has no retroactive pay to receive. 

Some AFC FAT PIGS are getting fatter by the day and it it showing. All of this at the expense of the poor and ordinary workers wile the AFC cool aid drinkers are acting blind t0 this injustice by the AFC FAT PIGS.

Last edited by Former Member

PPP/C supporters

must also condemn Jagdeo,

former ministers over Pradoville 2 land


Dear Editor,

The society, while examining the increased salary of ministers and parliamentarians has a responsibility to equally examine, and where possible, condemn the assigning of State property to the former president, ministers and others who benefitted from using their office to abuse the nation’s resources. None must be exempted in the new wave of citizens’ activism to hold public officials accountable.


The argument that Bharrat Jagdeo, in conveying to himself State property for personal use, cannot be prosecuted because he has immunity should be far from anyone’s imagination. Immunity is when you are discharging the functions of the State consistent with the laws, on behalf of the citizens.


To even entertain the thought that the President has immunity is to subscribe to the idea that the office holder can take money out of the Consolidated Fund to do as s/he pleases or take away your personal property.


The mangled interpretation of Article 182 in the Guyana Constitution came out of political opportunism and one-upmanship of the 1980s. Dragging this type of politicking into today’s reality does the society more harm than good, because in addition to it being misplaced, it offers coverage to the office holder to abuse the State’s resources and run roughshod over the citizens.


Laws are not made in abstract. Laws are made for the society and on some occasions they are made to rein in the excesses of people who are placed in privileged positions.Nowhere in perusing the Guyana Constitution is there any clause that says the President has the power, authority or right to arrogate to him or herself the resources of the State, violate the laws or transgress the rights of citizens in the execution of official duties.

It is basic: one cannot swear to uphold a constitution and laws and at the same time have immunity to violate them.


The PPP/C in responding to the revelation of the abuse of State property at Pradoville 2 for members in the upper echelons opted to treat an egregious matter of this nature flippantly by saying it is a diversionary tactic of the government to deflect attention from the increased salary for ministers and parliamentarians, which its members too stand to benefit from.


Let it be known, this new wave of activism in society allows the citizens the opportunity to hold public officials, be it the government or opposition, accountable at the same time.


As we move forward the supporters of the PPP/C must take the opportunity, that while they may condemn what this government may have done, equally they must condemn and hold Jagdeo, Donald Ramotar and the entire party leadership accountable for taking our national patrimony and abusing it. To do so is an act in reviving our democracy, making all public officials accountable to the people for their conduct in managing the affairs of State and insisting that you be treated with dignity and respect.


This society needs to take note that while all parliamentarians stand to benefit from the increase in salary, the PPP has not come out definitively and said it will not accept the increase or will return it to the Consolidated Fund. Unlike what the PPP is seeking to make out,this issue is not about the APNU+AFC; it is about conduct of public officials, including the PPP, who blow hot and cold at the same time, in their thrust to divide the nation for partisan political benefits.


The issue before us is about the management of State property, the people’s resources.

Jennifer Westford was placed before the court for the transfer of State vehicles.

Jagdeo and others must be placed before the court also.

Who are responsible must be held accountable. There must be equal treatment before the law and in the pursuit of justice for the citizens.

None is above the law and none must be exempted.


Yours faithfully,


Lincoln Lewis

yuji22 posted:

Mitwah and DJ ran out of Snake oil so they are digging the grave for old articles.

There are lots of articles i can post,i am holding back giving you guys the option to post.

Alyuh can dig in the rags Guyana Times and Citizens Report some juicy articles there that suits your palate,alyuh can post some here.

Saw you post one about AFC corruption,i didn't know you have to be wan top notch contractor to weed grass on roadway embankments.

During PNC days there was a tractor fitted with the mechanism to weed road embankments.The highways embankments in Region 3 were spick and span.

PPP came in to office bush take over,trenches clogged,kokers blocked...etc,all you seeing concrete houses [toasters] with poor  landscaping in the surroundings.

Last edited by Django
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

PNC Ministers were given 50% increase so that they wouldn’t thief.  And they still end up thieving.

How much them thief ? give the figure so we can nail them.

Let’s start with the $US 18 million from Exxon that disappeared into thin air.

That's false. Is why yuh lying so early this Sunday morning?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

PNC Ministers were given 50% increase so that they wouldn’t thief.  And they still end up thieving.

How much them thief ? give the figure so we can nail them.

Let’s start with the $US 18 million from Exxon that disappeared into thin air.

Accounted for after some digging up,

come again.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

PNC Ministers were given 50% increase so that they wouldn’t thief.  And they still end up thieving.

How much them thief ? give the figure so we can nail them.

Bai, according to your beliefs, PNC does not steal; they are all former altar boys. They take. You are very charitable with your criticisms to your PNC bwoys.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

PNC Ministers were given 50% increase so that they wouldn’t thief.  And they still end up thieving.

How much them thief ? give the figure so we can nail them.

Bai, according to your beliefs, PNC does not steal; they are all former altar boys. They take. You are very charitable with your criticisms to your PNC bwoys.

Did i say so ? the question asked how much was stolen,so we can expose them.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

PNC Ministers were given 50% increase so that they wouldn’t thief.  And they still end up thieving.

How much them thief ? give the figure so we can nail them.

Bai, according to your beliefs, PNC does not steal; they are all former altar boys. They take. You are very charitable with your criticisms to your PNC bwoys.

Did i say so ? the question asked how much was stolen,so we can expose them.

In a dictatorship, facts are figures are the sole property of the dictator.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

PNC Ministers were given 50% increase so that they wouldn’t thief.  And they still end up thieving.

How much them thief ? give the figure so we can nail them.

Bai, according to your beliefs, PNC does not steal; they are all former altar boys. They take. You are very charitable with your criticisms to your PNC bwoys.

Did i say so ? the question asked how much was stolen,so we can expose them.

In adictatorship, facts are figures are the sole property of the dictator.

Where currently in Guyana,there is such ?

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

PNC Ministers were given 50% increase so that they wouldn’t thief.  And they still end up thieving.

How much them thief ? give the figure so we can nail them.

Bai, according to your beliefs, PNC does not steal; they are all former altar boys. They take. You are very charitable with your criticisms to your PNC bwoys.

Did i say so ? the question asked how much was stolen,so we can expose them.

In adictatorship, facts are figures are the sole property of the dictator.

Where currently in Guyana,there is such ?

Hypocrisy always shows its true colors when its the other party. Two names: Granger and Harmon. That's all you need to know.


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