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Former Member

I realized it will be 50 years, half a century, or five decades since Guyana won its independence from Great Britain. But why this celebration is the talk of the century and soaking up so much of public funds in pre planning and preparation in a time when the country is broke and poverty and crime is out of focus from this government?  

Are we celebrating our freedom and democracy? Are we celebrating our freedom from poverty and crime? Are we celebrating the return of dictatorship rule? What are we celebrating? I believe we were better off under the white slave masters. 

Guyana may be free from the white masters, but in reality, Guyanese are still fighting for freedom and equal Justice from the masters we voted for. 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Lill piggy asked his mother: Mama, why yuh mouth suh laang?"

She replied: "Wait till yuh grow big, yuh goh know why."

Cobra, on your 50th birthday I have a feeling there will be motorcades and traffic jams in Richmond Hill. In keeping with your popularity, you will have to put up a big bachanal.

That's the magic of 50.


Cobra posted:

I realized it will be 50 years, half a century, or five decades since Guyana won its independence from Great Britain. But why this celebration is the talk of the century and soaking up so much of public funds in pre planning and preparation in a time when the country is broke and poverty and crime is out of focus from this government?  

Are we celebrating our freedom and democracy? Are we celebrating our freedom from poverty and crime? Are we celebrating the return of dictatorship rule? What are we celebrating? I believe we were better off under the white slave masters. 

Guyana may be free from the white masters, but in reality, Guyanese are still fighting for freedom and equal Justice from the masters we voted for. 

Some how, I have a feeling that life under the White masters was a heck of a lot better than under the Black goons.  I believe even Black people feel so, but they too shame to admit!

Gilbakka posted:

Lill piggy asked his mother: Mama, why yuh mouth suh laang?"

She replied: "Wait till yuh grow big, yuh goh know why."

Cobra, on your 50th birthday I have a feeling there will be motorcades and traffic jams in Richmond Hill. In keeping with your popularity, you will have to put up a big bachanal.

That's the magic of 50.


I believe after independence 2016, we will see a big bachanal in Guyana, my friend.  

Cobra posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Lill piggy asked his mother: Mama, why yuh mouth suh laang?"

She replied: "Wait till yuh grow big, yuh goh know why."

Cobra, on your 50th birthday I have a feeling there will be motorcades and traffic jams in Richmond Hill. In keeping with your popularity, you will have to put up a big bachanal.

That's the magic of 50.


I believe after independence 2016, we will see a big bachanal in Guyana, my friend.  

Nah, it will be Black people celebrating their dominance over "coolies".


Celebrating the kabaka achievement from Britain. If u look carefully, pictures of the President showing Forbes receiving the articles of independence from a member in the royal family.

I am reminded of Fiji, where the Indians celebrated its independence with pomp. They were inclusive then only later to be marginalized.

Same things happening in Guyana.

Gilbakka posted:

Lill piggy asked his mother: Mama, why yuh mouth suh laang?"

She replied: "Wait till yuh grow big, yuh goh know why."

Cobra, on your 50th birthday I have a feeling there will be motorcades and traffic jams in Richmond Hill. In keeping with your popularity, you will have to put up a big bachanal.

That's the magic of 50.


Gilly, do you know the name of the person who recommended to the British Goverment the date of May 26 to be Independence day for Guyana? Do you have any idea why that date was selected? Have you read the book "the Morning of Yesterday" - (the other eye) by Dr. Harrichand Itwaru - Lecturer & Program Director for the Caribbean Studies Program at New College, the University of Toronto? Do you think that the PPP should be ashamed of not making their supporters aware of why this date was selected? Do you think if East Indians are aware of why this date was selected, they would celebrate this "DAY OF SHAME"?

Certain things refuse burial no matter how hard you try. Certain things cannot be buried, must not be buried, must never be forgotten


Last edited by Former Member
baseman posted:

Some how, I have a feeling that life under the White masters was a heck of a lot better than under the Black goons.  I believe even Black people feel so, but they too shame to admit!

They prefer life under the black goons than the Indo ones though.  Haven't heard any cries for the return of the PPP from them.

If life for them is worse than it was under the white man, then surely the PPP, which governed for almost HALF of that period, is NOT blameless!

Dondadda posted: 

Gilly, do you know the name of the person who recommended to the British Goverment the date of May 26 to be Independence day for Guyana? Do you have any idea why that date was selected? Have you read the book "the Morning of Yesterday" - (the other eye) by Dr. Harrichand Itwaru - Lecturer & Program Director for the Caribbean Studies Program at New College, the University of Toronto? Do you think that the PPP should be ashamed of not making their supporters aware of why this date was selected? Do you think if East Indians are aware of why this date was selected, they would celebrate this "DAY OF SHAME"?

Certain things refuse burial no matter how hard you try. Certain things cannot be buried, must not be buried, must never be forgotten


I did not read that book. As far as I know, PPP founder-leader and independence fighter Cheddi Jagan joined Forbes Burnham at the National Park and embraced him on May 26, 1966, being justifiably happy that Guyana had secured political independence and achieved nationhood.

Thereafter, the PPP observed Independence anniversaries. After republican status in 1970, Burnham made February 23 a national holiday instead of May 26. After 1992, President Cheddi Jagan resumed celebrating May 26 as a national holiday and the practice was continued by Presidents Janet Jagan, Bharrat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar.

Some people, particularly Ravi Dev & Co, have linked Guyana's Independence Day to the 1964 Wismar tragedy but the PPP never officially endorsed that linkage. 

Last week, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo confirmed that the PPP will participate in official 50th Anniversary events but will boycott the cultural events which he said were too costly to taxpayers. Mr Jagdeo did not express concern over May 26 being the Independence date.

Last edited by Former Member

Oh my - the things we find - right here on GNI.


"We have to dig deep into our history to find out why the PNC scorns that day and up to the year 2004, refuses to give it the recognition it deserves". This is  hog shit from Janet Jagan. The PNC who adored their Kabakka Burnham picked that day to remind Indians how Blackman brutalized, raped, beat and killed Indian men, women and children at Wismar and Christianburg. Janet Jagan who was Home Affairs Minister did not provide written direction to the Commissioner of Police, she only gave him verbal direction which he refused. Had she followed up with a written direction he could not legally refuse. It was Janet Jagan that failed the Indians in Wismar. The blue eyed bhowjie dead and gone but she spirit can't fool anybody. She was a wicked witch.


"The PNC did everything it could to prevent Guyana from becoming independent in the mid-sixties. It demanded proportional representation in order to defeat us (now, they don’t like it and are demanding that PR encompasses the constituency system - again thinking it will defeat us!) and collaborated with the British to achieve it". Again, the PPP is not telling the truth. The British called Cheddi Jagan and asked him to go to Britain but "make sure you don't bring a lawyer with you". Burnham and his boys were there with there lawyer waiting for Jagan. The stupid ass went without a lawyer and signed away the documents they presented to him. 

So redux on this one I agree with criiminal #1. No love lost. The question remains, why is the PP making this ay 26th thing a big thing and calling for celebration everywhere. The Guyana Consulate in Toronto calling for a big Dinner and Dance to celebrate independence Day. They should be drinking coffee and biscuit to remember the souls that were killed at McKenzie/Wismar/Christianburg.



Bibi Haniffa
baseman posted:
Cobra posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Lill piggy asked his mother: Mama, why yuh mouth suh laang?"

She replied: "Wait till yuh grow big, yuh goh know why."

Cobra, on your 50th birthday I have a feeling there will be motorcades and traffic jams in Richmond Hill. In keeping with your popularity, you will have to put up a big bachanal.

That's the magic of 50.


I believe after independence 2016, we will see a big bachanal in Guyana, my friend.  

Nah, it will be Black people celebrating their dominance over "coolies".

Assuming that the piece above is correct, Baseman was right when he made this comment earlier in this thread. 

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Oh my - the things we find - right here on GNI.


"We have to dig deep into our history to find out why the PNC scorns that day and up to the year 2004, refuses to give it the recognition it deserves". This is  hog shit from Janet Jagan. The PNC who adored their Kabakka Burnham picked that day to remind Indians how Blackman brutalized, raped, beat and killed Indian men, women and children at Wismar and Christianburg. Janet Jagan who was Home Affairs Minister did not provide written direction to the Commissioner of Police, she only gave him verbal direction which he refused. Had she followed up with a written direction he could not legally refuse. It was Janet Jagan that failed the Indians in Wismar. The blue eyed bhowjie dead and gone but she spirit can't fool anybody. She was a wicked witch.


"The PNC did everything it could to prevent Guyana from becoming independent in the mid-sixties. It demanded proportional representation in order to defeat us (now, they don’t like it and are demanding that PR encompasses the constituency system - again thinking it will defeat us!) and collaborated with the British to achieve it". Again,the PPP is not telling the truth. The British called Cheddi Jagan and asked him to go to Britain but "make sure you don't bring a lawyer with you". Burnham and his boys were there with there lawyer waiting for Jagan. The stupid ass went without a lawyer and signed away the documents they presented to him. 

So redux on this one I agree with criiminal #1. No love lost. The question remains, why is the PP making this ay 26th thing a big thing and calling for celebration everywhere. The Guyana Consulate in Toronto calling for a big Dinner and Dance to celebrate independence Day. They should be drinking coffee and biscuit to remember the souls that were killed at McKenzie/Wismar/Christianburg.



The above is a distortion of history and a slander of both Cheddi and Janet Jagan. I am sure that current PPP leader Clement Rohee and Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo will rubbish those unjust allegations against the PPP.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I never saw the defeat of the PNC in 1992 as a victory of the "blackman". I saw the defeat the PNC and all dirty Indian stooges who worked with regime in keeping that beautiful country down in the pits.

Hmmmm. All the screams of "ahbe pan tap, blackman time done", "blackman will never be president again in Guyana".  Please!

When Jagan came up just after he won, the racism which was evident in the room was so cutting that he had to abort his speech and tell the crowds that blacks suffered as much as did Indians, when Burnham destroyed the country.  

Of course Jagan promptly capitalized on this ethnic triumphalism, by babbling that "blacks are at the bottom". Also by peddling the lies that blacks were more likely to be illiterate, when functional illiteracy rates between Indians and blacks was almost identical.  Also with blacks having more post secondary education than Indians, this being especially true for black females.

So cut your crap!  You all saw October 1992 as "freedom day" just as most blacks saw May 2015 in the same light.

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Oh my - the things we find - right here on GNI.


"We have to dig deep into our history to find out why the PNC scorns that day and up to the year 2004, refuses to give it the recognition it deserves". This is  hog shit from Janet Jagan. The PNC who adored their Kabakka Burnham picked that day to remind Indians how Blackman brutalized, raped, beat and killed Indian men, women and children at Wismar and Christianburg. Janet Jagan who was Home Affairs Minister did not provide written direction to the Commissioner of Police, she only gave him verbal direction which he refused. Had she followed up with a written direction he could not legally refuse. It was Janet Jagan that failed the Indians in Wismar. The blue eyed bhowjie dead and gone but she spirit can't fool anybody. She was a wicked witch.


"The PNC did everything it could to prevent Guyana from becoming independent in the mid-sixties. It demanded proportional representation in order to defeat us (now, they don’t like it and are demanding that PR encompasses the constituency system - again thinking it will defeat us!) and collaborated with the British to achieve it". Again,the PPP is not telling the truth. The British called Cheddi Jagan and asked him to go to Britain but "make sure you don't bring a lawyer with you". Burnham and his boys were there with there lawyer waiting for Jagan. The stupid ass went without a lawyer and signed away the documents they presented to him. 

So redux on this one I agree with criiminal #1. No love lost. The question remains, why is the PP making this ay 26th thing a big thing and calling for celebration everywhere. The Guyana Consulate in Toronto calling for a big Dinner and Dance to celebrate independence Day. They should be drinking coffee and biscuit to remember the souls that were killed at McKenzie/Wismar/Christianburg.



The above is a distortion of history and a slander of both Cheddi and Janet Jagan. I am sure that current PPP leader Clement Rohee and Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo will rubbish those unjust allegations against the PPP.

I don't want to cut and paste that whole thread here as to remind readers of our famous cut and paster who is in the slammer.  But there is a thread dated 4/14/12 which has some interesting information.  I don't know what is right and what is not right as this is the first time I am giving this issue any thought.  But there are others in that thread who agreed with what Dondadda said and provided additional information.  That being said, I will go to a certain source and ask him to write an article on this - soon to be published!  If he listens to me.

Bibi Haniffa

Bibi your notions are fantastic. The PPP DE EMPHASIZED the celebration of the Republic, because this was a Burnham invention, that they felt that 23rd Feb, the day of that the Berbice Revolution began, was too close to Fat Boy's 26th Feb birthday.

There is no way that they would willing commemorate the Wismar ethnic cleansing by focusing on May 26th.


caribny posted:

Bibi your notions are fantastic. The PPP DE EMPHASIZED the celebration of the Republic, because this was a Burnham invention, that they felt that 23rd Feb, the day of that the Berbice Revolution began, was too close to Fat Boy's 26th Feb birthday.


CORRECTION: Papa Burnham's birthday is February 20.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Oh my - the things we find - right here on GNI.


I don't want to cut and paste that whole thread here as to remind readers of our famous cut and paster who is in the slammer.  But there is a thread dated 4/14/12 which has some interesting information.  I don't know what is right and what is not right as this is the first time I am giving this issue any thought.  But there are others in that thread who agreed with what Dondadda said and provided additional information.  That being said, I will go to a certain source and ask him to write an article on this - soon to be published!  If he listens to me.

No cut and paste,thread bumped up.

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Oh my - the things we find - right here on GNI.


"We have to dig deep into our history to find out why the PNC scorns that day and up to the year 2004, refuses to give it the recognition it deserves". This is  hog shit from Janet Jagan. The PNC who adored their Kabakka Burnham picked that day to remind Indians how Blackman brutalized, raped, beat and killed Indian men, women and children at Wismar and Christianburg. Janet Jagan who was Home Affairs Minister did not provide written direction to the Commissioner of Police, she only gave him verbal direction which he refused. Had she followed up with a written direction he could not legally refuse. It was Janet Jagan that failed the Indians in Wismar. The blue eyed bhowjie dead and gone but she spirit can't fool anybody. She was a wicked witch.


"The PNC did everything it could to prevent Guyana from becoming independent in the mid-sixties. It demanded proportional representation in order to defeat us (now, they don’t like it and are demanding that PR encompasses the constituency system - again thinking it will defeat us!) and collaborated with the British to achieve it". Again,the PPP is not telling the truth. The British called Cheddi Jagan and asked him to go to Britain but "make sure you don't bring a lawyer with you". Burnham and his boys were there with there lawyer waiting for Jagan. The stupid ass went without a lawyer and signed away the documents they presented to him. 

So redux on this one I agree with criiminal #1. No love lost. The question remains, why is the PP making this ay 26th thing a big thing and calling for celebration everywhere. The Guyana Consulate in Toronto calling for a big Dinner and Dance to celebrate independence Day. They should be drinking coffee and biscuit to remember the souls that were killed at McKenzie/Wismar/Christianburg.



The above is a distortion of history and a slander of both Cheddi and Janet Jagan. I am sure that current PPP leader Clement Rohee and Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo will rubbish those unjust allegations against the PPP.

Gilly, have you ever heard of "Satyameva Jayati" - the truth alone triumphs. I am not distorting history. I have nothing to gain by lying or distoring history. It is true that the PPP under Cheddi Jagan & the blue eyed witch, embraced the May 26th day picked by the Kabakka - this did not surprise me because Dr. Jagan & Janet was so fixated on Independence, that he/she totally ignored what happened the morning of yesterday. BJ and Rohee will disagree with what I write, but in their hearts and soul they know it is the truth "Praan Jaye par Bachan na Jaye".

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Oh my - the things we find - right here on GNI.


"We have to dig deep into our history to find out why the PNC scorns that day and up to the year 2004, refuses to give it the recognition it deserves". This is  hog shit from Janet Jagan. The PNC who adored their Kabakka Burnham picked that day to remind Indians how Blackman brutalized, raped, beat and killed Indian men, women and children at Wismar and Christianburg. Janet Jagan who was Home Affairs Minister did not provide written direction to the Commissioner of Police, she only gave him verbal direction which he refused. Had she followed up with a written direction he could not legally refuse. It was Janet Jagan that failed the Indians in Wismar. The blue eyed bhowjie dead and gone but she spirit can't fool anybody. She was a wicked witch.


"The PNC did everything it could to prevent Guyana from becoming independent in the mid-sixties. It demanded proportional representation in order to defeat us (now, they don’t like it and are demanding that PR encompasses the constituency system - again thinking it will defeat us!) and collaborated with the British to achieve it". Again,the PPP is not telling the truth. The British called Cheddi Jagan and asked him to go to Britain but "make sure you don't bring a lawyer with you". Burnham and his boys were there with there lawyer waiting for Jagan. The stupid ass went without a lawyer and signed away the documents they presented to him. 

So redux on this one I agree with criiminal #1. No love lost. The question remains, why is the PP making this ay 26th thing a big thing and calling for celebration everywhere. The Guyana Consulate in Toronto calling for a big Dinner and Dance to celebrate independence Day. They should be drinking coffee and biscuit to remember the souls that were killed at McKenzie/Wismar/Christianburg.



The above is a distortion of history and a slander of both Cheddi and Janet Jagan. I am sure that current PPP leader Clement Rohee and Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo will rubbish those unjust allegations against the PPP.

Gilly, have you ever heard of "Satyameva Jayati" - the truth alone triumphs. I am not distorting history. I have nothing to gain by lying or distoring history. It is true that the PPP under Cheddi Jagan & the blue eyed witch, embraced the May 26th day picked by the Kabakka - this did not surprise me because Dr. Jagan & Janet was so fixated on Independence, that he/she totally ignored what happened the morning of yesterday. BJ and Rohee will disagree with what I write, but in their hearts and soul they know it is the truth "Praan Jaye par Bachan na Jaye".

Dondadda posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Oh my - the things we find - right here on GNI.


"We have to dig deep into our history to find out why the PNC scorns that day and up to the year 2004, refuses to give it the recognition it deserves". This is  hog shit from Janet Jagan. The PNC who adored their Kabakka Burnham picked that day to remind Indians how Blackman brutalized, raped, beat and killed Indian men, women and children at Wismar and Christianburg. Janet Jagan who was Home Affairs Minister did not provide written direction to the Commissioner of Police, she only gave him verbal direction which he refused. Had she followed up with a written direction he could not legally refuse. It was Janet Jagan that failed the Indians in Wismar. The blue eyed bhowjie dead and gone but she spirit can't fool anybody. She was a wicked witch.


"The PNC did everything it could to prevent Guyana from becoming independent in the mid-sixties. It demanded proportional representation in order to defeat us (now, they don’t like it and are demanding that PR encompasses the constituency system - again thinking it will defeat us!) and collaborated with the British to achieve it". Again,the PPP is not telling the truth. The British called Cheddi Jagan and asked him to go to Britain but "make sure you don't bring a lawyer with you". Burnham and his boys were there with there lawyer waiting for Jagan. The stupid ass went without a lawyer and signed away the documents they presented to him. 

So redux on this one I agree with criiminal #1. No love lost. The question remains, why is the PP making this ay 26th thing a big thing and calling for celebration everywhere. The Guyana Consulate in Toronto calling for a big Dinner and Dance to celebrate independence Day. They should be drinking coffee and biscuit to remember the souls that were killed at McKenzie/Wismar/Christianburg.



The above is a distortion of history and a slander of both Cheddi and Janet Jagan. I am sure that current PPP leader Clement Rohee and Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo will rubbish those unjust allegations against the PPP.

Gilly, have you ever heard of "Satyameva Jayati" - the truth alone triumphs. I am not distorting history. I have nothing to gain by lying or distoring history. It is true that the PPP under Cheddi Jagan & the blue eyed witch, embraced the May 26th day picked by the Kabakka - this did not surprise me because Dr. Jagan & Janet was so fixated on Independence, that he/she totally ignored what happened the morning of yesterday. BJ and Rohee will disagree with what I write, but in their hearts and soul they know it is the truth "Praan Jaye par Bachan na Jaye".

Reepu daughter mentioned that quote in parliament.

Dondadda posted:

Gilly, have you ever heard of "Satyameva Jayati" - the truth alone triumphs. I am not distorting history. I have nothing to gain by lying or distoring history. It is true that the PPP under Cheddi Jagan & the blue eyed witch, embraced the May 26th day picked by the Kabakka - this did not surprise me because Dr. Jagan & Janet was so fixated on Independence, that he/she totally ignored what happened the morning of yesterday. BJ and Rohee will disagree with what I write, but in their hearts and soul they know it is the truth "Praan Jaye par Bachan na Jaye".


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