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ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

For house to house registration, does someone only get registered if they are at home when the official shows up? What happens if someone isn’t home then?

Then they don’t get to vote.  They have to learn not to stray about too much.

If that is the case, then they better not risk not being home by going to work or school or any other pressing matters.

No, they have to show up evenings and weekends.  The rum shops will take a beating, but they will bounce back!

Does that mean that people in Guyana don’t work on evenings and weekends?

Man, why you have to be so difficult?

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

For house to house registration, does someone only get registered if they are at home when the official shows up? What happens if someone isn’t home then?

Then they don’t get to vote.  They have to learn not to stray about too much.

If that is the case, then they better not risk not being home by going to work or school or any other pressing matters.

No, they have to show up evenings and weekends.  The rum shops will take a beating, but they will bounce back!

Does that mean that people in Guyana don’t work on evenings and weekends?

Man, why you have to be so difficult?

It just proves how deep Guyana is in the shithouse. They still insist on relying on a grossly inadequate system when better ones are available.

ksazma posted:

Seeking legal opinion is discretionary. Doing so cannot ignore the constitutional demands of holding elections within 90 days of the NCV.

Sounds authoritarian, please revisit  the branches of government powers.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Seeking legal opinion is discretionary. Doing so cannot ignore the constitutional demands of holding elections within 90 days of the NCV.

Sounds authoritarian, please revisit  the branches of government powers.

The NCV was already ratified in the constitution. The judges didn’t opine on its legality. They inserted a word convenient to the Coalition and then argue about absolute majority when the only absolute in their argument was their shamelessness.

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Seeking legal opinion is discretionary. Doing so cannot ignore the constitutional demands of holding elections within 90 days of the NCV.

Sounds authoritarian, please revisit  the branches of government powers.

The NCV was already ratified in the constitution. The judges didn’t opine on its legality. They inserted a word convenient to the Coalition and then argue about absolute majority when the only absolute in their argument was their shamelessness.

That and the fuzzy math of .5 person!  They effectively overwrote the constitution!

ronan posted:
kp posted:
ronan posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

What is house to house registration and why is it necessary?

you seem quite ignorant about basic GECOM stuff and elections

but feel privileged enuf to bray loud and insistent with righteous emptiness on these matters in furtherance of jagdeo's dishonest political agenda

mussbe nice . . .

Shut your rass and play with yourself  , gay boy.

you stalking me banna?

Are you planning to give him some batty, that is why you asking him if he stalking you. Behave yourself, he may service your rear, if you get lucky.

Django posted:

Question for all who don't support House to House Registration.

Why was it necessary for the 1992 Elections and not for the upcoming elections ?

We know you slow but we still fond of you as you provide entertainment as butt of jokes.

But to humor you silly questions.

1st Banum and PNc had 27 years to "fudge" the list. 

2nd, PNC/AFC accept de list in 2015 and "won" (counting of votes were tampered with by pnc workers)

3rd If list was good for 2015, we should not allow PNC/AFC to tamper with this list as they have sinister motives.

4th  Elections will be delayed further if house to house is agreed on by opposition.


Schooling done fuh de day, now you can pass on the information to VishM who I see you are now attempting to school. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The PNC has no intention of surrendering through the ballot. They are going to fight on to stay in power until they're forcefully pushed out.

I agree!  All these steps are guise to delay exposing their true intentions!

kp posted:

That article was posted on 1st April,  it's for April FOOLS.

In fact this was reported in 2011 which is why in 2015 APNU and the AFC were ready for them when they tried the same stunts.   Hence Jagdeo beating up Ramotar and dumping him from leadership.

Baseman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The PNC has no intention of surrendering through the ballot. They are going to fight on to stay in power until they're forcefully pushed out.

I agree!  All these steps are guise to delay exposing their true intentions!

The PPP is already screaming rigging to cover up if they actually lose.  They already have master riggers like Nascimento and Lumumba who taught them the fine art of rigging that they learned at the feet of Forbes Burnham.

Drugb posted:
Django posted:

Question for all who don't support House to House Registration.

Why was it necessary for the 1992 Elections and not for the upcoming elections ?

We know you slow but we still fond of you as you provide entertainment as butt of jokes.

But to humor you silly questions.

1st Banum and PNc had 27 years to "fudge" the list. 

2nd, PNC/AFC accept de list in 2015 and "won" (counting of votes were tampered with by pnc workers)

3rd If list was good for 2015, we should not allow PNC/AFC to tamper with this list as they have sinister motives.

4th  Elections will be delayed further if house to house is agreed on by opposition.


Schooling done fuh de day, now you can pass on the information to VishM who I see you are now attempting to school. 

Simpleton at best, you are in agreement with skulduggery after 1992.  Who wrote the response, the guy in the wheelchair or the gal with red lips ?


House to house is waste of money. There is a valid list to the end of April. The reason no election within 90 days from the NCV is to purposely allow the list to expire so to give the PNC time to Put the Fix, all Guyanese of age knows what that means Rigging.

I am sure the CCJ will rule in favor of the PPP but then what, GECOM  will drag their old ass feet for 6 more months, the target is the Fix ,Fudge and Pad the voters list. Even the dumb ass PNC knows that, do they care they are racist can't accept a party predominantly  Indos.

ksazma posted:

Salaam and Jumah Mubarak Pointy. The only reason the PPP is objecting to any house to house registration is because they regard it as another delay straw clutching excuse from the Coalition. Notice I am refraining from using the term ‘government’ as irrespective of those two idiotic judges the Coalition is effectively squatting in the OP and it’s ancillaries. Claims of any other reasons is a diversion from that fact. When in an airplane emergency, one is advised to put on their oxygen mask first then put on the child’s. While the PPP is no saint, the more immediate issue facing Guyanese now is the PNC and their cohorts’ refusal to abide by the law. We who know how the PNC operates are not surprised by their current behavior though. That is why we warned some non-traditional PNC supporters not to fall prey to them. That milk is already spilt so no use crying over it. The time has come for people of honor to stop aiding the crooked PNC as they reintroduce their behavior of the past that made Guyana a strong competitor to Haiti to be the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. With the make up of Guyana’s voting population, Guyanese voters will get the opportunity to remove the PPP if they become the government again and behave in ways that are detrimental to the Guyanese population. But that will not be possible if the despotic PNC continue to squat illegally with their refusal to abide by the law.


MAny young voters feels disenfranchised because they were under 18 when te last registration was done and now they are being denied their chance to vote once again.

Pointblank posted:
ksazma posted:

Salaam and Jumah Mubarak Pointy. The only reason the PPP is objecting to any house to house registration is because they regard it as another delay straw clutching excuse from the Coalition. Notice I am refraining from using the term ‘government’ as irrespective of those two idiotic judges the Coalition is effectively squatting in the OP and it’s ancillaries. Claims of any other reasons is a diversion from that fact. When in an airplane emergency, one is advised to put on their oxygen mask first then put on the child’s. While the PPP is no saint, the more immediate issue facing Guyanese now is the PNC and their cohorts’ refusal to abide by the law. We who know how the PNC operates are not surprised by their current behavior though. That is why we warned some non-traditional PNC supporters not to fall prey to them. That milk is already spilt so no use crying over it. The time has come for people of honor to stop aiding the crooked PNC as they reintroduce their behavior of the past that made Guyana a strong competitor to Haiti to be the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. With the make up of Guyana’s voting population, Guyanese voters will get the opportunity to remove the PPP if they become the government again and behave in ways that are detrimental to the Guyanese population. But that will not be possible if the despotic PNC continue to squat illegally with their refusal to abide by the law.


MAny young voters feels disenfranchised because they were under 18 when te last registration was done and now they are being denied their chance to vote once again.

Then they should register with GECOM using some form of ID and GECOM should have a way to facilitate such an operation. No person eligible to vote should not be able to do so. When voting comes around, GECOM should have a system to identify those voting and institute penalties for anyone seeking to circumvent those controls. Maybe they should bring back the ink to minimize people voting in more than one place. Guyana has about half million potential voters and yet they cannot make it workable. Registering to vote should be an ongoing exercise so it doesn’t become a crisis everytime there is need for elections.

Pointblank posted:
ksazma posted:

Salaam and Jumah Mubarak Pointy. The only reason the PPP is objecting to any house to house registration is because they regard it as another delay straw clutching excuse from the Coalition. Notice I am refraining from using the term ‘government’ as irrespective of those two idiotic judges the Coalition is effectively squatting in the OP and it’s ancillaries. Claims of any other reasons is a diversion from that fact. When in an airplane emergency, one is advised to put on their oxygen mask first then put on the child’s. While the PPP is no saint, the more immediate issue facing Guyanese now is the PNC and their cohorts’ refusal to abide by the law. We who know how the PNC operates are not surprised by their current behavior though. That is why we warned some non-traditional PNC supporters not to fall prey to them. That milk is already spilt so no use crying over it. The time has come for people of honor to stop aiding the crooked PNC as they reintroduce their behavior of the past that made Guyana a strong competitor to Haiti to be the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. With the make up of Guyana’s voting population, Guyanese voters will get the opportunity to remove the PPP if they become the government again and behave in ways that are detrimental to the Guyanese population. But that will not be possible if the despotic PNC continue to squat illegally with their refusal to abide by the law.


MAny young voters feels disenfranchised because they were under 18 when te last registration was done and now they are being denied their chance to vote once again.

Wah salaami is this?
Did they use a different list for the LGE?  Did they do house to house for every election since 1992?   How were all new voters added every five years since 1992?   Why is this time so different?  Were the current voters between 41 and 22 disenfranchised in 2015?
Wah salaami is this?  Ayuh full ah salaami!
Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:
Pointblank posted:
ksazma posted:

Salaam and Jumah Mubarak Pointy. The only reason the PPP is objecting to any house to house registration is because they regard it as another delay straw clutching excuse from the Coalition. Notice I am refraining from using the term ‘government’ as irrespective of those two idiotic judges the Coalition is effectively squatting in the OP and it’s ancillaries. Claims of any other reasons is a diversion from that fact. When in an airplane emergency, one is advised to put on their oxygen mask first then put on the child’s. While the PPP is no saint, the more immediate issue facing Guyanese now is the PNC and their cohorts’ refusal to abide by the law. We who know how the PNC operates are not surprised by their current behavior though. That is why we warned some non-traditional PNC supporters not to fall prey to them. That milk is already spilt so no use crying over it. The time has come for people of honor to stop aiding the crooked PNC as they reintroduce their behavior of the past that made Guyana a strong competitor to Haiti to be the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. With the make up of Guyana’s voting population, Guyanese voters will get the opportunity to remove the PPP if they become the government again and behave in ways that are detrimental to the Guyanese population. But that will not be possible if the despotic PNC continue to squat illegally with their refusal to abide by the law.


MAny young voters feels disenfranchised because they were under 18 when te last registration was done and now they are being denied their chance to vote once again.

Then they should register with GECOM using some form of ID and GECOM should have a way to facilitate such an operation. No person eligible to vote should not be able to do so. When voting comes around, GECOM should have a system to identify those voting and institute penalties for anyone seeking to circumvent those controls. Maybe they should bring back the ink to minimize people voting in more than one place. Guyana has about half million potential voters and yet they cannot make it workable. Registering to vote should be an ongoing exercise so it doesn’t become a crisis everytime there is need for elections.

Pointblank shooting blanks!

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Pointblank posted:
ksazma posted:

Salaam and Jumah Mubarak Pointy. The only reason the PPP is objecting to any house to house registration is because they regard it as another delay straw clutching excuse from the Coalition. Notice I am refraining from using the term ‘government’ as irrespective of those two idiotic judges the Coalition is effectively squatting in the OP and it’s ancillaries. Claims of any other reasons is a diversion from that fact. When in an airplane emergency, one is advised to put on their oxygen mask first then put on the child’s. While the PPP is no saint, the more immediate issue facing Guyanese now is the PNC and their cohorts’ refusal to abide by the law. We who know how the PNC operates are not surprised by their current behavior though. That is why we warned some non-traditional PNC supporters not to fall prey to them. That milk is already spilt so no use crying over it. The time has come for people of honor to stop aiding the crooked PNC as they reintroduce their behavior of the past that made Guyana a strong competitor to Haiti to be the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. With the make up of Guyana’s voting population, Guyanese voters will get the opportunity to remove the PPP if they become the government again and behave in ways that are detrimental to the Guyanese population. But that will not be possible if the despotic PNC continue to squat illegally with their refusal to abide by the law.


MAny young voters feels disenfranchised because they were under 18 when te last registration was done and now they are being denied their chance to vote once again.

Then they should register with GECOM using some form of ID and GECOM should have a way to facilitate such an operation. No person eligible to vote should not be able to do so. When voting comes around, GECOM should have a system to identify those voting and institute penalties for anyone seeking to circumvent those controls. Maybe they should bring back the ink to minimize people voting in more than one place. Guyana has about half million potential voters and yet they cannot make it workable. Registering to vote should be an ongoing exercise so it doesn’t become a crisis everytime there is need for elections.

Pointblank shooting blanks!

Bai, lef Pointy alone. He was very respectful in his response above. We don't accept GECOM sudden desire to have a pure voters list but Pointy doesn't deserve any ridicule for his very respectful response above. It is way better than that other fool always lamenting about penis and bt.


The PNC setting the stage for another reason for not holding elections should the CCJ ruling be unfavorable to them.  

Prior to the  NCV, we never heard any utterances of house to house for 2020.  Not a whisper.  Now it’s the big cry.  And the Sheep like Django, Pointblank etc just swallow the coolaid!

Baseman posted:

Prior to the  NCV, we never heard any utterances of house to house for 2020.  Not a whisper.

from all that's obvious, it's proving a hell of a task to restrain your IGNORANCE and your mendacity

sir, money was requested in mid-2018 for house-to-house

i documented this elsewhere on GNI

try to keep up

ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

Prior to the  NCV, we never heard any utterances of house to house for 2020.  Not a whisper.

from all that's obvious, it's proving a hell of a task to restrain your IGNORANCE and your mendacity

sir, money was requested in mid-2018 for house-to-house

i documented this elsewhere on GNI

try to keep up

Snowey, tell us why USA and CA don't have house to house registration and are still considered the leading democracies in the world. 

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

Pointblank shooting blanks!

Bai, lef Pointy alone. He was very respectful in his response above. We don't accept GECOM sudden desire to have a pure voters list but Pointy doesn't deserve any ridicule for his very respectful response above. It is way better than that other fool always lamenting about penis and bt.

Whatever happened to continuous registration and updating the voters' list? GECOM members got paid to sit on their hands doing nothing all these years? Was the hospice patient Patto lacking oxygen?

Drugb posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

Prior to the  NCV, we never heard any utterances of house to house for 2020.  Not a whisper.

from all that's obvious, it's proving a hell of a task to restrain your IGNORANCE and your mendacity

sir, money was requested in mid-2018 for house-to-house

i documented this elsewhere on GNI

try to keep up

Snowey, tell us why USA and CA don't have house to house registration and are still considered the leading democracies in the world. 

That fella in the wheelchair will never asked such question.

There are differences in the electoral systems of first world and third world, bottom of the ladder countries.Spend some time to sort out the differences, instead of being a joker on GNI.

Baseman posted:

The PNC setting the stage for another reason for not holding elections should the CCJ ruling be unfavorable to them.  

Prior to the  NCV, we never heard any utterances of house to house for 2020.  Not a whisper.  Now it’s the big cry.  And the Sheep like Django, Pointblank etc just swallow the coolaid!

Banna being sheeple, is not my trait.

If you had followed, the happenings in the homeland, you would have found out that money in the 2019 budget was passed by parliament, to conduct house to house registration.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

Prior to the  NCV, we never heard any utterances of house to house for 2020.  Not a whisper.

from all that's obvious, it's proving a hell of a task to restrain your IGNORANCE and your mendacity

sir, money was requested in mid-2018 for house-to-house

i documented this elsewhere on GNI

try to keep up

Snowey, tell us why USA and CA don't have house to house registration and are still considered the leading democracies in the world. 

That fella in the wheelchair will never asked such question.

There are differences in the electoral systems of first world and third world, bottom of the ladder countries.Spend some time to sort out the differences, instead of being a joker on GNI.

Tell us the day to day function of GECOM  or are they part timers In between elections they are to maintain  and  and update the voters list

kp posted:

Tell us the day to day function of GECOM  or are they part timers In between elections they are to maintain  and  and update the voters list

Your inquiry doesn't correlate with my response to Drugb post. Send an inquiry to the three PPP commissioners of GECOM, you will get the answer.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
kp posted:

Tell us the day to day function of GECOM  or are they part timers In between elections they are to maintain  and  and update the voters list

Send an inquiry to the three PPP commissioners of GECOM, you will get the answer.

I am asking you the PNC rep.

kp posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

Tell us the day to day function of GECOM  or are they part timers In between elections they are to maintain  and  and update the voters list

Send an inquiry to the three PPP commissioners of GECOM, you will get the answer.

I am asking you the PNC rep.

Wrong person, no affiliation.

Django posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

Tell us the day to day function of GECOM  or are they part timers In between elections they are to maintain  and  and update the voters list

Send an inquiry to the three PPP commissioners of GECOM, you will get the answer.

I am asking you the PNC rep.

Wrong person, no affiliation.

Saturday morning Funnies!!

skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

Pointblank shooting blanks!

Bai, lef Pointy alone. He was very respectful in his response above. We don't accept GECOM sudden desire to have a pure voters list but Pointy doesn't deserve any ridicule for his very respectful response above. It is way better than that other fool always lamenting about penis and bt.

Whatever happened to continuous registration and updating the voters' list? GECOM members got paid to sit on their hands doing nothing all these years? Was the hospice patient Patto lacking oxygen?

It is no more than another desperate straw clutching attempt of the despotic PNC. I have lost count of all the different straws they have clutched onto since December 21, 2018. I am also fully confident that they will still come up with more excuses as they see necessary to continue to squat illegally in office. They are not fooling anyone. They are not even fooling those who chose to support their shenanigans as those who choose to support the Coalition's shenanigans are willfully choosing to do so irrespective of the stupid excuses that only the despotic PNC can think of.

Django posted:
kp posted:

Tell us the day to day function of GECOM  or are they part timers In between elections they are to maintain  and  and update the voters list

Your inquiry doesn't correlate with my response to Drugb post. Send an inquiry to the three PPP commissioners of GECOM, you will get the answer.

It does in general.   Elections happen every 5 or so years.  What does GECOM do in the interim? 

ksazma posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

Pointblank shooting blanks!

Bai, lef Pointy alone. He was very respectful in his response above. We don't accept GECOM sudden desire to have a pure voters list but Pointy doesn't deserve any ridicule for his very respectful response above. It is way better than that other fool always lamenting about penis and bt.

Whatever happened to continuous registration and updating the voters' list? GECOM members got paid to sit on their hands doing nothing all these years? Was the hospice patient Patto lacking oxygen?

It is no more than another desperate straw clutching attempt of the despotic PNC. I have lost count of all the different straws they have clutched onto since December 21, 2018. I am also fully confident that they will still come up with more excuses as they see necessary to continue to squat illegally in office. They are not fooling anyone. They are not even fooling those who chose to support their shenanigans as those who choose to support the Coalition's shenanigans are willfully choosing to do so irrespective of the stupid excuses that only the despotic PNC can think of.

I can guarantee you that IF the CCJ rules against them, they will ignore it and come up with some ginkak bring ramgoat story about the constitution that only Maha Dunce Basil Williams can explain.

skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Whatever happened to continuous registration and updating the voters' list? GECOM members got paid to sit on their hands doing nothing all these years? Was the hospice patient Patto lacking oxygen?

It is no more than another desperate straw clutching attempt of the despotic PNC. I have lost count of all the different straws they have clutched onto since December 21, 2018. I am also fully confident that they will still come up with more excuses as they see necessary to continue to squat illegally in office. They are not fooling anyone. They are not even fooling those who chose to support their shenanigans as those who choose to support the Coalition's shenanigans are willfully choosing to do so irrespective of the stupid excuses that only the despotic PNC can think of.

I can guarantee you that IF the CCJ rules against them, they will ignore it and come up with some ginkak bring ramgoat story about the constitution that only Maha Dunce Basil Williams can explain.

None of these shenanigans from the PNC are surprising to us. We have seen similar shenanigans from them the last time around also. That is why I warned voters back in 2015 to not foolishly help them get the keys to the government. They have not evolved to the point where they would willingly and peacefully surrender those keys when asked to.

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

Tell us the day to day function of GECOM  or are they part timers In between elections they are to maintain  and  and update the voters list

Your inquiry doesn't correlate with my response to Drugb post. Send an inquiry to the three PPP commissioners of GECOM, you will get the answer.

It does in general.   Elections happen every 5 or so years.  What does GECOM do in the interim?

Please revisit my post to Drugb.

Any way here is what the Law says.

NATIONAL REGISTRATION Article 42 of the Constitution provides entitlement for citizens of Guyana to be so registered. Section 6(4)(b) of the National Registration Act, Chapter 19:08 clearly denotes that it is the responsibility of eligible persons to apply for registration. The seriousness of this responsibility is underscored by the imposition of penalties for non-compliance.

HOUSE-TO-HOUSE REGISTRATION House-to-House Registration essentially entails the registration of persons by house-to-house visits. The methodology for House-to-House Registration entails Registration Teams of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) visiting persons at their places of residence throughout Guyana to fill out Application for Registration Forms and to take their respective fingerprints and photographs, in the presence of Divisional Scrutineers, providing the potential registrant meets the eligibility criteria for Registration. This being done, all of the information will be forwarded to the GECOM Secretariat via the respective Registration Area Offices for processing. The imperative to conduct the 2008 House-to-House Registration exercise was born out of the need for the creation of an indisputable National Register of Registrants (NRR) which could be used as the basis for the preparation of Electoral Lists that would be commonly acceptable by all stakeholders as being unblemished. With this in mind, the Government of Guyana, Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) and the Parliamentary Political Parties agreed on June 14, 2007, to the preparation of a new NRR by House-to-House Registration. It is the expectation of GECOM therefore, that the primary outcome of the exercise will be the creation of a pure national Register of Registrants Database (NRRDB) which would lead to the establishment of future Electoral Lists that would be commonly acceptable by and among all Political Parties and other stakeholders.

For more click on link

Last edited by Django
ksazma posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Whatever happened to continuous registration and updating the voters' list? GECOM members got paid to sit on their hands doing nothing all these years? Was the hospice patient Patto lacking oxygen?

It is no more than another desperate straw clutching attempt of the despotic PNC. I have lost count of all the different straws they have clutched onto since December 21, 2018. I am also fully confident that they will still come up with more excuses as they see necessary to continue to squat illegally in office. They are not fooling anyone. They are not even fooling those who chose to support their shenanigans as those who choose to support the Coalition's shenanigans are willfully choosing to do so irrespective of the stupid excuses that only the despotic PNC can think of.

I can guarantee you that IF the CCJ rules against them, they will ignore it and come up with some ginkak bring ramgoat story about the constitution that only Maha Dunce Basil Williams can explain.

None of these shenanigans from the PNC are surprising to us. We have seen similar shenanigans from them the last time around also. That is why I warned voters back in 2015 to not foolishly help them get the keys to the government. They have not evolved to the point where they would willingly and peacefully surrender those keys when asked to.

Bai no one cared.  They threw caution to the wind and supported a PNC dominated outfit.  The young voters had no idea of the PNC era in Guyana.  They will see as the pressure mounts.  

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Whatever happened to continuous registration and updating the voters' list? GECOM members got paid to sit on their hands doing nothing all these years? Was the hospice patient Patto lacking oxygen?

It is no more than another desperate straw clutching attempt of the despotic PNC. I have lost count of all the different straws they have clutched onto since December 21, 2018. I am also fully confident that they will still come up with more excuses as they see necessary to continue to squat illegally in office. They are not fooling anyone. They are not even fooling those who chose to support their shenanigans as those who choose to support the Coalition's shenanigans are willfully choosing to do so irrespective of the stupid excuses that only the despotic PNC can think of.

I can guarantee you that IF the CCJ rules against them, they will ignore it and come up with some ginkak bring ramgoat story about the constitution that only Maha Dunce Basil Williams can explain.

None of these shenanigans from the PNC are surprising to us. We have seen similar shenanigans from them the last time around also. That is why I warned voters back in 2015 to not foolishly help them get the keys to the government. They have not evolved to the point where they would willingly and peacefully surrender those keys when asked to.

Bai no one cared.  They threw caution to the wind and supported a PNC dominated outfit.  The young voters had no idea of the PNC era in Guyana.  They will see as the pressure mounts.  

Most of the die-hard "sheeple" PNC supporters will vote PNC regardless of the PNC's deceitfulness, bulling and power hungry. They would not even care if the PNC uses the army again to seize the ballot boxes. Who knows, they might even ban foreign observers during election time. Desperate times ahead for the PNC.

Django posted:

Any way here is what the Law says.

NATIONAL REGISTRATION Article 42 of the Constitution provides entitlement for citizens of Guyana to be so registered. Section 6(4)(b) of the National Registration Act, Chapter 19:08 clearly denotes that it is the responsibility of eligible persons to apply for registration. The seriousness of this responsibility is underscored by the imposition of penalties for non-compliance.

HOUSE-TO-HOUSE REGISTRATION House-to-House Registration essentially entails the registration of persons by house-to-house visits. The methodology for House-to-House Registration entails Registration Teams of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) visiting persons at their places of residence throughout Guyana to fill out Application for Registration Forms and to take their respective fingerprints and photographs, in the presence of Divisional Scrutineers, providing the potential registrant meets the eligibility criteria for Registration. This being done, all of the information will be forwarded to the GECOM Secretariat via the respective Registration Area Offices for processing. The imperative to conduct the 2008 House-to-House Registration exercise was born out of the need for the creation of an indisputable National Register of Registrants (NRR) which could be used as the basis for the preparation of Electoral Lists that would be commonly acceptable by all stakeholders as being unblemished. With this in mind, the Government of Guyana, Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) and the Parliamentary Political Parties agreed on June 14, 2007, to the preparation of a new NRR by House-to-House Registration. It is the expectation of GECOM therefore, that the primary outcome of the exercise will be the creation of a pure national Register of Registrants Database (NRRDB) which would lead to the establishment of future Electoral Lists that would be commonly acceptable by and among all Political Parties and other stakeholders.

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That necessity was for 2008 and it was expected to result in the creation of an ongoing list as stated above;

"It is the expectation of GECOM therefore, that the primary outcome of the exercise will be the creation of a pure national Register of Registrants Database (NRRDB) which would lead to the establishment of future Electoral Lists that would be commonly acceptable by and among all Political Parties and other stakeholders."

Therefore, house to house registration is archaic, costly and as I pointed out yesterday, unreliable, as there is no guarantees that people will be at their homes when these GECOM Registration Teams show up. Then you still have the problem of numbers if these Team members are as good at mathematics as those two idiotic judges. Eleven years after that goal was set, GECOM still argues that they need to hit the pavement to ensure who live where.

I still maintain that this House to House nonsense is no more than another straw clutching attempt of the PNC.


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