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Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

No U Turn. The PPP going to the Mountain Top.

Pandit I commiserate with your sense of foreboding. At least there is a sliver of realism in you as opposed to baseman and Rev. Just prevent the PPP from plunging off the mountain top - it's plenty gravelly up there.

I am CONFIDENT of a PPP Victory.  Guyana has more sensible people than those just pissing in the wind.

Pavi yuh like dat term, na?

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

No U Turn. The PPP going to the Mountain Top.

Pandit I commiserate with your sense of foreboding. At least there is a sliver of realism in you as opposed to baseman and Rev. Just prevent the PPP from plunging off the mountain top - it's plenty gravelly up there.

I am CONFIDENT of a PPP Victory.  Guyana has more sensible people than those just pissing in the wind.

Pavi yuh like dat term, na?

As far as I remember that phrase was coined here just for you.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Kari:

backing an undemocratic government and say this time: na lang time.


I agree they have insulted my intelligence as an East Indian with the race-baiting trash coming from Jagdeo, Rohee and Luncheon.

Are you the only person with a brain?  Why did you rush to high-tail it out of Guyana in 2011 when you feared a PNC victory.  Why did you ensure you wore and displayed "AFC" on your chest when entering PNC "neighborhoods".  PNC racism drive shivers down alyuh spine but you feel free to insult and attack Indian personalities at will.

This is a narrative from an old comic book that only 80-year olds would remember. You're such an anachronism.

Ask the banna, this was 2011, not 80 years ago.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Kari:

backing an undemocratic government and say this time: na lang time.


I agree they have insulted my intelligence as an East Indian with the race-baiting trash coming from Jagdeo, Rohee and Luncheon.

Are you the only person with a brain?  Why did you rush to high-tail it out of Guyana in 2011 when you feared a PNC victory.  Why did you ensure you wore and displayed "AFC" on your chest when entering PNC "neighborhoods".  PNC racism drive shivers down alyuh spine but you feel free to insult and attack Indian personalities at will.

This is a narrative from an old comic book that only 80-year olds would remember. You're such an anachronism.

Ask the banna, this was 2011, not 80 years ago.

I am not 80. but after 23 years in power here is the PPP/C record:


Poorest country in the hemisphere;


Most corrupt country in the region;


Increased racial divisiveness within the last 23 years - state sponsored;

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Any indian with any shred of self respect and common sense would not support the criminal PPP.


23 years is enough time for new government and in 10 years again another new govt. Having the same government in office for multiple decades is a terrible idea.

Sound like a sore loser to me.  Panic attack and Shittings began already.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Any indian with any shred of self respect and common sense would not support the criminal PPP.


23 years is enough time for new government and in 10 years again another new govt. Having the same government in office for multiple decades is a terrible idea.

Alyuh ruh goa kiss up da PNC nah?  It's a free country

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Any indian with any shred of self respect and common sense would not support the criminal PPP.


23 years is enough time for new government and in 10 years again another new govt. Having the same government in office for multiple decades is a terrible idea.

Alyuh ruh goa kiss up da PNC nah?  It's a free country

PNC today seems to have a more higher moral standing than Bheri Best and the other criminals in the PPP who want to pimp out young female reporters to their "uncles" from america.


Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Rev:

The Dirty Indians are whining and screaming that the PPP has insulted their intelligence and they are deeply ashamed to be Guyanese and therefore they are pleading for Granger and the evil PNC to lead Guyana.


* Listen folks! The DIRTY ONES can yammer and sound off and remonstrate from now until thy kingdom come, but when all is said and done the PPP will continue to rule Guyana, and their beloved PNC will remain a 40% party.



KARI: Rev, I see you're back in the elections prediction business.....okay Ii just recovered from a belly-full laff.


I'll give you a sanity check. Dirty Indians is so laang time. You really don't know that this election is not about the PNC and about Indians being intimidated.


You are so old time..... old and tired like the PPP. Time or a reality check. That Guyana you think of has left the station, like the TEA party America has sailed. I'm sure you still think Romney or McCain can beat Obama.




* The Rev is a man who always learns a lesson from his failures.


* In 2012 the Rev bet the house against incumbent Obama and was vanquished.


* What I learned is it is folly to bet against a well loved and respected incumbent. You will learn that lesson in a few days karimullah.


* In 2015 PPP's Donald Ramotar is the incumbent---he is well loved and respected in Guyana, and so come May 11th, 50+1% of the Guyana electorate will re-elect Ramotar and the PPP.



Last edited by Former Member

Welcome to the APNU+AFC platform, Kari.

Indians who think with their brain and not their straight hair know the PPP is toxic for all Guyanese.

The latest PPP manifesto is old mauby in a new bottle.

For Freedom House, May 11 isn't about national development but about preservation of questionable personal wealth.

Bharrat Jagdeo successfully dismantled Jagan's workers' party and rebuilt it to serve the interests of friends, families and favourites. No wonder the PPP couldn't find enough comrades for its List of Representatives and had to enlist spouses and children.

I am repeating today, there is no doubt in my mind the PPP will be removed from office on May 11.

Originally Posted by Kari:
  • Too much eye-pass -insulting the intelligence of Guyanese
  • Too much thieving without at least building something to distract from such thievery

Burnham insulted Guyanese intelligence and our response was migration. He died and the world changed when the Berlin Wall came down.

This PPP has insulted and shamed Guyanese for too long (since Cheddi died in 1997) and there is no Berlin Wall to come down and you can't depend on evil men to pass on as a cure.


Here's why the PPP will go.

  1. In the first elections in Guyana with an impact from social media you're seeing an outpouring of angst.
  2. You're seeing notable Guyanese joining the AFC and the AFC-APNU coalition - reminiscent of when Ted Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy came out in support of Obama and Evangelicals start putting Obama-Biden posters in the lawns of Alabama and Kentucky.
  3. There is a change atmosphere after 18 years of a Jagdeo-dominated PPP.


I  often wondered why Guyanese are inured to the killings that have not wrought arrests, let alone prosecution and convictions.

I often wondered why Guyanese see the Pradovilles and Mercedes of individuals who didn't own a donkey cart or a GCE or CXE qualifications and can't form a proper sentence, and bothered not to question this state of affairs.

I often wondered why with all the drug-related incidents and government thumbprints Guyanese are not outraged.

I often wondered why with all the corrupt procurement (new GPC); Internet bandwidth; and infrastructure projects with no rhyme and reason Guyanese bothered not to ask why.

I often wondered why Guyanese are not chagrined that lesser countries are advancing in many metrics of development and Guyana is stuck in a 20th century way of doing business and production.


I wonder no more as I see the energy, effervescence and fresh breath of multiracial coming together in a common front. Guyanese are demanding dignity - dignity in its social infrastructure, dignity in the conduct of government affairs. I see Guyanese looking at examples of past PNC brushing aside the UF in a coalition and theft of power, and of soldiers backing an undemocratic government and say this time: na lang time.

Thank you Kari


no bullshit . . . i can sense that this is coming from a very good place


what you have said here is massively important

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Any indian with any shred of self respect and common sense would not support the criminal PPP.


23 years is enough time for new government and in 10 years again another new govt. Having the same government in office for multiple decades is a terrible idea.

There will still be Indians who will buy the racial fear hook, line and sinker. Then there are those who collectively stole state assets - the greatest white-collar criminal enterprise in Guyana's history. However the majority has seen enough to make the racial fear (imagined, unreal or otherwise) a disappearing factor.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Welcome to the APNU+AFC platform, Kari.

Indians who think with their brain and not their straight hair know the PPP is toxic for all Guyanese.

The latest PPP manifesto is old mauby in a new bottle.

For Freedom House, May 11 isn't about national development but about preservation of questionable personal wealth.

Bharrat Jagdeo successfully dismantled Jagan's workers' party and rebuilt it to serve the interests of friends, families and favourites. No wonder the PPP couldn't find enough comrades for its List of Representatives and had to enlist spouses and children.

I am repeating today, there is no doubt in my mind the PPP will be removed from office on May 11.

Gilly bai, Do you know some people who tell lies all the time do start ot believe their own lies? I believe the same is true of some people who keep repeating the same imaginary mantra will start to believe their wishful thinking.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Welcome to the APNU+AFC platform, Kari.

Indians who think with their brain and not their straight hair know the PPP is toxic for all Guyanese.

The latest PPP manifesto is old mauby in a new bottle.

For Freedom House, May 11 isn't about national development but about preservation of questionable personal wealth.

Bharrat Jagdeo successfully dismantled Jagan's workers' party and rebuilt it to serve the interests of friends, families and favourites. No wonder the PPP couldn't find enough comrades for its List of Representatives and had to enlist spouses and children.

I am repeating today, there is no doubt in my mind the PPP will be removed from office on May 11.

Gilly bai, Do you know some people who tell lies all the time do start ot believe their own lies? I believe the same is true of some people who keep repeating the same imaginary mantra will start to believe their wishful thinking.

Shelly why yuh turning on Dr. Luncheon like dis?

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Any indian with any shred of self respect and common sense would not support the criminal PPP.


23 years is enough time for new government and in 10 years again another new govt. Having the same government in office for multiple decades is a terrible idea.

There will still be Indians who will buy the racial fear hook, line and sinker. Then there are those who collectively stole state assets - the greatest white-collar criminal enterprise in Guyana's history. However the majority has seen enough to make the racial fear (imagined, unreal or otherwise) a disappearing factor.

CAN YOU TELL US WHAT THEY SEE, KNOW OR HEARD about the PNC that will assure them that their lives will be better, that it will not be like the 28 YEARS of HORROR, that ALL they have achieved and accunulated over the past 23 years will not go up in SMOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Welcome to the APNU+AFC platform, Kari.

Indians who think with their brain and not their straight hair know the PPP is toxic for all Guyanese.

The latest PPP manifesto is old mauby in a new bottle.

For Freedom House, May 11 isn't about national development but about preservation of questionable personal wealth.

Bharrat Jagdeo successfully dismantled Jagan's workers' party and rebuilt it to serve the interests of friends, families and favourites. No wonder the PPP couldn't find enough comrades for its List of Representatives and had to enlist spouses and children.

I am repeating today, there is no doubt in my mind the PPP will be removed from office on May 11.

Gilly bai, Do you know some people who tell lies all the time do start ot believe their own lies? I believe the same is true of some people who keep repeating the same imaginary mantra will start to believe their wishful thinking.

Shelly why yuh turning on Dr. Luncheon like dis?

Haas_lar, dis gat nuttin to do wid de Lunchman.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Welcome to the APNU+AFC platform, Kari.

Indians who think with their brain and not their straight hair know the PPP is toxic for all Guyanese.

The latest PPP manifesto is old mauby in a new bottle.

For Freedom House, May 11 isn't about national development but about preservation of questionable personal wealth.

Bharrat Jagdeo successfully dismantled Jagan's workers' party and rebuilt it to serve the interests of friends, families and favourites. No wonder the PPP couldn't find enough comrades for its List of Representatives and had to enlist spouses and children.

I am repeating today, there is no doubt in my mind the PPP will be removed from office on May 11.

Gilly bai, Do you know some people who tell lies all the time do start ot believe their own lies? I believe the same is true of some people who keep repeating the same imaginary mantra will start to believe their wishful thinking.

Shelly why yuh turning on Dr. Luncheon like dis?

Haas_lar, dis gat nuttin to do wid de Lunchman.

Lunchman de chief liar for the PPP repeat suh much lie even you starting to believe him......

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Any indian with any shred of self respect and common sense would not support the criminal PPP.


23 years is enough time for new government and in 10 years again another new govt. Having the same government in office for multiple decades is a terrible idea.

There will still be Indians who will buy the racial fear hook, line and sinker. Then there are those who collectively stole state assets - the greatest white-collar criminal enterprise in Guyana's history. However the majority has seen enough to make the racial fear (imagined, unreal or otherwise) a disappearing factor.

CAN YOU TELL US WHAT THEY SEE, KNOW OR HEARD about the PNC that will assure them that their lives will be better, that it will not be like the 28 YEARS of HORROR, that ALL they have achieved and accunulated over the past 23 years will not go up in SMOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????

PNC gone flat, dem bai scampering like cockroaches.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Welcome to the APNU+AFC platform, Kari.

Indians who think with their brain and not their straight hair know the PPP is toxic for all Guyanese.

The latest PPP manifesto is old mauby in a new bottle.

For Freedom House, May 11 isn't about national development but about preservation of questionable personal wealth.

Bharrat Jagdeo successfully dismantled Jagan's workers' party and rebuilt it to serve the interests of friends, families and favourites. No wonder the PPP couldn't find enough comrades for its List of Representatives and had to enlist spouses and children.

I am repeating today, there is no doubt in my mind the PPP will be removed from office on May 11.

Gilly, I never left any platform. I've always tried to post trends as I interpret them, but only if suitably informed and having taken the time to be discerning. You know that I have a high regard and respect for Moses Nagamootoo whom I consider a close friend. I admire Ramjattan's passion for justice and his willingness to change since he asked for Marxism-Lenninism to be struck from the PPP's official documents. I am not familiar with Granger and I was one who screamed for a re-branding of the PNC. there are decent people in that party, though its internal political structures, like the PPP's politburo style, must go.


I am not smitten by any perceived rising of Guyana's economic fortunes on the ascendancy of a coalition government, but the message of transparency in governance and ridding Guyana of a culture of corruption is powerful. I also can feel a mood of change like America went through in 2006- 2008.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Any indian with any shred of self respect and common sense would not support the criminal PPP.


23 years is enough time for new government and in 10 years again another new govt. Having the same government in office for multiple decades is a terrible idea.

There will still be Indians who will buy the racial fear hook, line and sinker. Then there are those who collectively stole state assets - the greatest white-collar criminal enterprise in Guyana's history. However the majority has seen enough to make the racial fear (imagined, unreal or otherwise) a disappearing factor.

CAN YOU TELL US WHAT THEY SEE, KNOW OR HEARD about the PNC that will assure them that their lives will be better, that it will not be like the 28 YEARS of HORROR, that ALL they have achieved and accunulated over the past 23 years will not go up in SMOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????

That's your lacuna (it means blind spot) Nehru. You still cling to the PPP's greatest election asset - fear of some mythical PNC.


Give it up....that boat has left the harbor. Guyanese have been liberated by the PPP - liberated from the fear of a marauding black government and police and army - by it's orgy of corruption and dismantling of the State that Dr. Jagan started to build with overseas investment in his brief tenure late 1992 to the spring of 1997.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Welcome to the APNU+AFC platform, Kari.

Indians who think with their brain and not their straight hair know the PPP is toxic for all Guyanese.

The latest PPP manifesto is old mauby in a new bottle.

For Freedom House, May 11 isn't about national development but about preservation of questionable personal wealth.

Bharrat Jagdeo successfully dismantled Jagan's workers' party and rebuilt it to serve the interests of friends, families and favourites. No wonder the PPP couldn't find enough comrades for its List of Representatives and had to enlist spouses and children.

I am repeating today, there is no doubt in my mind the PPP will be removed from office on May 11.

Gilly, I never left any platform. I've always tried to post trends as I interpret them, but only if suitably informed and having taken the time to be discerning. You know that I have a high regard and respect for Moses Nagamootoo whom I consider a close friend. I admire Ramjattan's passion for justice and his willingness to change since he asked for Marxism-Lenninism to be struck from the PPP's official documents. I am not familiar with Granger and I was one who screamed for a re-branding of the PNC. there are decent people in that party, though its internal political structures, like the PPP's politburo style, must go.


I am not smitten by any perceived rising of Guyana's economic fortunes on the ascendancy of a coalition government, but the message of transparency in governance and ridding Guyana of a culture of corruption is powerful. I also can feel a mood of change like America went through in 2006- 2008.

Talk about Sunday morning vomit!  You hit that bottle lil too hard last night bai.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Any indian with any shred of self respect and common sense would not support the criminal PPP.


23 years is enough time for new government and in 10 years again another new govt. Having the same government in office for multiple decades is a terrible idea.

There will still be Indians who will buy the racial fear hook, line and sinker. Then there are those who collectively stole state assets - the greatest white-collar criminal enterprise in Guyana's history. However the majority has seen enough to make the racial fear (imagined, unreal or otherwise) a disappearing factor.

CAN YOU TELL US WHAT THEY SEE, KNOW OR HEARD about the PNC that will assure them that their lives will be better, that it will not be like the 28 YEARS of HORROR, that ALL they have achieved and accunulated over the past 23 years will not go up in SMOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????

PNC gone flat, dem bai scampering like cockroaches.

Baseman, I support free speech, so I have no problems with people making ridiculous statements. This I do know:  The Guyanese people aint stupid, they will NEVER jump from the Frying Pan directly into the FIRE. They can see, feel and experience the DIFFERENCE. When they compare the two Parties, unless they are brainless, they will understand what is at stake and how things can change for the WORST, should they make the wrong choice.

Last edited by Nehru
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Any indian with any shred of self respect and common sense would not support the criminal PPP.


23 years is enough time for new government and in 10 years again another new govt. Having the same government in office for multiple decades is a terrible idea.

There will still be Indians who will buy the racial fear hook, line and sinker. Then there are those who collectively stole state assets - the greatest white-collar criminal enterprise in Guyana's history. However the majority has seen enough to make the racial fear (imagined, unreal or otherwise) a disappearing factor.

CAN YOU TELL US WHAT THEY SEE, KNOW OR HEARD about the PNC that will assure them that their lives will be better, that it will not be like the 28 YEARS of HORROR, that ALL they have achieved and accunulated over the past 23 years will not go up in SMOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????

That's your lacuna (it means blind spot) Nehru. You still cling to the PPP's greatest election asset - fear of some mythical PNC.


Give it up....that boat has left the harbor. Guyanese have been liberated by the PPP - liberated from the fear of a marauding black government and police and army - by it's orgy of corruption and dismantling of the State that Dr. Jagan started to build with overseas investment in his brief tenure late 1992 to the spring of 1997.

So you have no answer for the Guyanese people BUT want them to RISK it all.  Are you a King or just playing one. Come May 11, THE GUYANESE People will decide what is BEST for them.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Talk about Sunday morning vomit!  You hit that bottle lil too hard last night bai.

baseman I was in the company of enlightened Guyanese last night, who came from all over, including Guyana - the Queen's College reunion Ball in New York - Terrace in the Park in Queens.


Of course I was on my best behavior. I'm readying for the Brunch in Brooklyn. I'll even ask the Pandit to pray for you in the invocation that kick off the Brunch - another gathering of enlightened Guyanese QC folks - not the chat-3 bunch that runs the country (int othe ground).

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Any indian with any shred of self respect and common sense would not support the criminal PPP.


23 years is enough time for new government and in 10 years again another new govt. Having the same government in office for multiple decades is a terrible idea.

There will still be Indians who will buy the racial fear hook, line and sinker. Then there are those who collectively stole state assets - the greatest white-collar criminal enterprise in Guyana's history. However the majority has seen enough to make the racial fear (imagined, unreal or otherwise) a disappearing factor.

CAN YOU TELL US WHAT THEY SEE, KNOW OR HEARD about the PNC that will assure them that their lives will be better, that it will not be like the 28 YEARS of HORROR, that ALL they have achieved and accunulated over the past 23 years will not go up in SMOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????

That's your lacuna (it means blind spot) Nehru. You still cling to the PPP's greatest election asset - fear of some mythical PNC.


Give it up....that boat has left the harbor. Guyanese have been liberated by the PPP - liberated from the fear of a marauding black government and police and army - by it's orgy of corruption and dismantling of the State that Dr. Jagan started to build with overseas investment in his brief tenure late 1992 to the spring of 1997.

Guyanese have been liberated by the PPP - liberated from the fear of a marauding blackstarve the people government and police and army who swore to keep them in power.


Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Talk about Sunday morning vomit!  You hit that bottle lil too hard last night bai.

baseman I was in the company of "enlightened" Guyanese last night, who came from all over, including Guyana - the Queen's College reunion Ball in New York - Terrace in the Park in Queens.



As I thought, a lil rum session, Sunday morn aftermath.


Hey hey, wasn't LFSB your alumni?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Talk about Sunday morning vomit!  You hit that bottle lil too hard last night bai.

baseman I was in the company of "enlightened" Guyanese last night, who came from all over, including Guyana - the Queen's College reunion Ball in New York - Terrace in the Park in Queens.



As I thought, a lil rum session, Sunday morn aftermath.


Hey hey, wasn't LFSB your alumni?

HEHEHEHE  Rum Till I die was playing???

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Talk about Sunday morning vomit!  You hit that bottle lil too hard last night bai.

baseman I was in the company of "enlightened" Guyanese last night, who came from all over, including Guyana - the Queen's College reunion Ball in New York - Terrace in the Park in Queens.



As I thought, a lil rum session, Sunday morn aftermath.


Hey hey, wasn't LFSB your alumni?

Of course....and Dr. Jagan too.



QC Ball 2015


Images (1)
  • QC Ball 2015
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Talk about Sunday morning vomit!  You hit that bottle lil too hard last night bai.

baseman I was in the company of "enlightened" Guyanese last night, who came from all over, including Guyana - the Queen's College reunion Ball in New York - Terrace in the Park in Queens.



As I thought, a lil rum session, Sunday morn aftermath.


Hey hey, wasn't LFSB your alumni?

HEHEHEHE  Rum Till I die was playing???

No Pavi......demeaning what-passes-for-music is what decent people keep away from. We will try and educate the likes of you that you can still have that beat and rythm and have fun lyrics.

  1. You're seeing notable Guyanese joining the AFC and the AFC-APNU coalition - reminiscent of when Ted Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy came out in support of Obama and Evangelicals start putting Obama-Biden posters in the lawns of Alabama and Kentucky.

Others would say that folks are running from the AFC/APNU.  If AFC gets 2% they are lucky.


How was the QC gathering (was at a wedding next door), stopped by for 5 minutes to see Bulby the great headmaster. Spotted Vish as well. 

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Welcome to the APNU+AFC platform, Kari.

Indians who think with their brain and not their straight hair know the PPP is toxic for all Guyanese.

The latest PPP manifesto is old mauby in a new bottle.

For Freedom House, May 11 isn't about national development but about preservation of questionable personal wealth.

Bharrat Jagdeo successfully dismantled Jagan's workers' party and rebuilt it to serve the interests of friends, families and favourites. No wonder the PPP couldn't find enough comrades for its List of Representatives and had to enlist spouses and children.

I am repeating today, there is no doubt in my mind the PPP will be removed from office on May 11.

Gilly, I never left any platform. I've always tried to post trends as I interpret them, but only if suitably informed and having taken the time to be discerning. You know that I have a high regard and respect for Moses Nagamootoo whom I consider a close friend. I admire Ramjattan's passion for justice and his willingness to change since he asked for Marxism-Lenninism to be struck from the PPP's official documents. I am not familiar with Granger and I was one who screamed for a re-branding of the PNC. there are decent people in that party, though its internal political structures, like the PPP's politburo style, must go.


I am not smitten by any perceived rising of Guyana's economic fortunes on the ascendancy of a coalition government, but the message of transparency in governance and ridding Guyana of a culture of corruption is powerful. I also can feel a mood of change like America went through in 2006- 2008.

I hear you, sir. Appreciated.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Talk about Sunday morning vomit!  You hit that bottle lil too hard last night bai.

baseman I was in the company of "enlightened" Guyanese last night, who came from all over, including Guyana - the Queen's College reunion Ball in New York - Terrace in the Park in Queens.



As I thought, a lil rum session, Sunday morn aftermath.


Hey hey, wasn't LFSB your alumni?

Hey, base, Cheddi and Rodney and Anil were his alumni too.


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